Information about the cancellation of paper work books. Voiceover What is a work book and why is it needed?

Recent proposals to abolish work books have caused much controversy and concern. How to now take into account length of service, display career highs and much, much more. We asked labor law specialist Elena Gerasimova to dispel the most common fears and doubts.

Hello, Elena.


Perhaps next year work books will be abolished, but for now this is an initiative. Let's first talk about what this is connected with and what are the main pros and cons?

In fact, not even next year, but after a longer period of time. That is, it is assumed that there will be some kind of transition period when work books will not necessarily be kept, and in the future, somewhere in 12-15 years, the final abolition will take place, by approximately 2025 work records. And in the interim period, books will be kept at the request of the employee. At the moment there are many technical issues, for example, in which the work book interferes, or at least it is very inconvenient to conduct labor relations with it. For example, sometimes there is a situation that an employer, knowing that a work book is required, threatens the employee, manipulates the employee, demanding something from him, threatens that, and I will make a bad entry in your work book about dismissal under the article, like this we are called, that is, dismissal for cause. With the disappearance of the work book, for example, this opportunity will disappear.

What will happen instead of a work book?

As the Ministry of Health says, for several years work has been carried out to develop a unified electronic system that would allow combining data from the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, and data, as far as I understand, from the State Tax Inspectorate, which contains information about the amount of wages. And this integration into a single database will allow us to solve those issues for which a work book was needed.

Let's assume this is the situation. The employer, as often happens, has sunk into oblivion, and the person who worked for him cannot prove this fact. What should he do?

If the question of how to prove the employment relationship arises after the cancellation of the work book, in fact nothing will change for the person, because in the same way the obligation remains and will remain forever and, I hope, in the Labor Code, the obligation to conclude an employment contract with the employee in two copies, one of which must be given to the employee, and draw up other documents about the work: an order for hiring, all orders that record changes in the employee’s status, an order for dismissal.

Without work records, how will they pay for sick leave, calculate pensions, calculate all kinds of bonuses, and so on?

If it seems that at the moment it is possible to calculate the size of pensions with pensions, even with the current system, the electronic system, with the currently operating system of personalized pension accounting, then with benefits today the situation is more complicated. For now, these benefits are paid by the employer. Now, if a transition is made to this unified electronic system, into which information from all state funds who keep records and receive reports from employers, if this information is accumulated in one place, then the Social Insurance Fund will be able to move on to calculating these benefits independently.

The work book also contains information about awards and titles, for example “Veteran of Labor”. What will happen to this information?

You will just have to confirm this with primary documents, as they say, yes. That is, if this is, say, some kind of bonus or announcement of gratitude, then an order on the announcement of gratitude at the place of work, on the assignment of various titles, also with appropriate documents. Another thing is that you will have to spend your whole life collecting these orders quite carefully, employment contracts, orders about everything. About everything, about everything, it seems like quite a difficult task. And the main recommendation is to always keep your work book, even after they are cancelled, they will become optional for quite some time in the most unforeseen situations, it seems to me that the work book may still come in handy.

Russian legislation is constantly changing, and this happens due to the fact that the country's authorities and officials come up with new laws again and again, which then, after that, come into force and begin to operate throughout the country. Today, December 8, 2019, it became known that on Russian territory they decided to abolish work books in their usual form. Now this document, according to the Russian government, has already outlived its usefulness. In theory, it is intended for employers to make entries in such a book that certain people work for them, but in practice this does not always happen. A few hours ago it became known that the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the final third reading adopted new law, according to which all records of the work experience of citizens of the population will be stored in electronic form on special government servers, for which Rostelecom is, of course, responsible.

According to the new law, which has already been adopted, from January 1, 2020, electronic labor books will appear on Russian territory, and by June 30, 2020, all Russian companies and individual entrepreneurs will have to warn their employees that they are switching to a digital format of such. However, employees have the right to independently decide which book to use - an electronic or traditional paper one. However, with the last option everything is not so simple, because as of January 1, 2021, employers will no longer be responsible for storing such books, and therefore, from that very day, such books will begin to be stored exclusively with their owners. Moreover, from this very moment all employees will be able to receive only electronic books, while paper books, including in case of loss, will no longer be possible to obtain in any way.

It turns out that from 2021 there will no longer be any work records on Russian territory, and all data on work experience will be stored electronically, where Russian companies will be required to enter information. The Pension Fund of Russia will monitor the correctness of entering all data into such books, that is, employees of any companies or organizations will not have to make any efforts at all, because this process will take place without their participation. All you need is a formal employment contract. If the employer fills out some data incorrectly, either accidentally or intentionally, he will be forced, under threat of sanctions, to correct everything, doing so in a short time. It is noted that the new law affects at least the interests of 60 million Russians, as well as 8.4 million companies and individual entrepreneurs(IP).

The new law applies to all of Russia without any exceptions, so even in small localities there will be no physical paper employment books in which you can see your work history. This new bill was created taking into account the interests of business, which for many years has asked the country's authorities to abandon traditional means of storing this kind of data, because they are ineffective by modern standards. Time will tell how Russians will react to such an innovation, but, probably, everyone will only benefit from it, because it will no longer be necessary to have a work book, and the fewer documents, the easier it is to live.

Based on the data in the work book (hereinafter also referred to as Tkn), the right to a pension and its amount are confirmed. This document can also influence employment with a new employer, the assignment of benefits, etc. It is carefully stored throughout your working life. It is difficult to imagine how otherwise it is possible to systematize and manage the information that is entered into the work book. However, the recent bill to abolish work records destroys years of established traditions and raises the question: how will professional activities be recorded?

What is a work book and why is it needed?

This is perhaps the most important document about a citizen’s work and experience. It is made in the form of a brochure with details, empty fields and fields for filling in ink.

Tkn is carried out by organizations and entrepreneurs (employers) for their main work. Data about the employee is entered if he works for more than 5 days.

The 2019 work book contains the following information:

  • Full name, date of birth, education of the worker;
  • positions held;
  • dates of hiring and dismissal of the employee;
  • grounds for termination of the contract;
  • encouragement.

Information in the document is entered according to a strict pattern by personnel officers or the employer’s manager.

During the period of employment, Tkn is in the custody of the employer. After retirement, as well as during periods of temporary unemployment, the document is kept by its owner - the worker.

What changes in legislation

On July 8, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation introduced project No. 748684-7 into the legislative body. It is this standard it is planned to abolish paper work books.

The essence of the bill is to introduce amendments to the Labor Code in articles 65, 165, 234, 394, 395, as well as the introduction of a new article 66.1.

The law comes into force on 01/01/2020. However, until 01/01/2021, technical and organizational measures are expected, including the preparation of by-laws, agreements and collective agreements, a pension fund information base, etc.

The project has already passed preliminary review and there is a firm belief that it will soon pass all official procedures.

Therefore, there are prerequisites that soon paper books will become a thing of the past.

What will happen instead of a work book?

The new document will be called “Information about labor activity" It will be maintained personally for each citizen in electronic form. The pension fund will deal with the issues of maintaining, updating, verifying the accuracy and ensuring the safety of this information. At the same time, employers will be required to provide information about their employees to the OPFR. Formats, frequency and methods of transmitting information will still be clarified.

As a result, this will lead to the cancellation of entries in work books. After dismissal (on the day of termination of the employment contract), the person will be given an extract about his professional employment at this enterprise (date of hire and dismissal, position, transfers (if any), grounds for dismissal, etc.).

If on the day of termination labor relations it will not be possible to issue an extract, for example, the employee did not show up for work, refused to take it, etc., then this information will be sent in certified form to the dismissed person at his postal address.

But canceling dismissal in the work book does not eliminate the maintenance of other documentation, for example, an employee’s statement, an order for the enterprise to terminate a contract, etc.

To see what will change in the work of HR and accounting department employees, watch the video:

How to obtain information about work activity

There should be no fear that data on workdays will be lost or maliciously not included in the “experience information.” The employee will have the right to control the accuracy of this data. To do this, any citizen will be able to request the information they are interested in at any time. Just contact:

  • HR department of the enterprise(if there is none, then to the accounting department or to the authorities). Within 3 days, the employer must issue an extract on paper or electronically (if the company has digital signature and the employee chose this option). The extract will contain information only about work in this organization (IE);
  • pension fund. Information will be about all work. They are presented in any form of the applicant’s choice;
  • MFC. Only a paper document is issued;
  • through State Services portal. Information is sent only to email citizen.

If there are errors or inaccuracies in the information provided, the citizen can contact the pension fund with an application for adjustment.

Therefore, it would be rational to carry out such reconciliations each time when changing jobs in order to control the length of service and records of dismissal.

The further fate of paper books

It's over, for short term It will not be possible to bring everything to one denominator. Two types of work books will coexist for a long time.

The legislator gives the citizen the right to choose which document will be in circulation (for him personally). The decision is made based on what is most convenient for him.

In any case, during 2020, all employers must issue orders to cancel work books and introduce electronic records of length of service. And upon signature, explain to the employee about these changes in legislation. And also about the right to keep the old-style book.

Otherwise (by default), the length of service is transferred to electronic format, and the books will be handed out.

And for those who begin their professional journey in 2021, only electronic documents on experience will be available.

What are the advantages

As a public survey showed, 52% of the population want to introduce a new format while maintaining the old one, 21% want to keep only paper ones, 18% want to limit themselves to only electronic ones.

"HR service and personnel management of the enterprise", 2011, N 11

Labor legislation regulates relations arising with a huge number of persons for whom the only source of income is wages. The length of service under an employment contract and the possibility of confirming it are of great importance in different situations, including when assigning a pension and determining its size. One of the main documents today that allows you to confirm the work experience earned throughout your life is the work book. That is why the information provided by the media about the possible refusal to use work books received wide resonance among the population. Abolishing work books would seem to be a simple matter. At the same time, it requires a balanced, reasonable approach to resolving issues relating to the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a wide range of people.


The issue of abolishing work records was raised back in 2006, when the State Duma Russian Federation voiced this idea. Thus, Andrei Isaev, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy, made a proposal to stop issuing work books. Without insisting on the immediate abolition of work records, he emphasized the need to carry out work in this direction. According to A. Isaev, “work books were introduced in the era of military communism. Then the size of the food ration that a person received depended on this document. And today... they play virtually no role in a person’s life, except for the fiscal one. Work book of an employee dismissed at the initiative of the employer, often becomes a “wolf ticket” for the owner. And in other situations, the book is successfully replaced by other documents: a certificate of pension insurance and recommendations from former employers.”<1>. This position was supported by Alexander Pochinok, who headed the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development at that time. He also believed it was possible to abolish work books, which have lost their significance at the present stage. These top-level statements raised questions at the time. Representatives of employers asked questions about what to do after the cancellation of work records. However, after it was explained, incl. In the media that it is planned to abolish work books in 2009, the excitement has died down somewhat. Today it flared up with renewed vigor, after Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Alexander Safonov expressed his opinion on the admissibility of abolishing work records. At the same time, he clarified that the decision to cancel has not yet been made and whether it will be made is unknown. Despite this, all media outlets have spoken in one way or another about the possible prospect of abolishing work records.

<1> Russian newspaper, 2006. Capital issue N 42000.

It was the publications in the media that served as the reason for a new round of discussion of, frankly speaking, a difficult problem. It is hardly possible to answer the question unambiguously: should work books be abolished or not, taking into account the specifics of the formation and development of labor relations in Russia?

Labor law of the Soviet period was formed under the conditions of an administrative-command system, when imperative methods of regulating labor relations prevailed over contractual ones. In other words, the use of hired labor of workers was determined centrally, at the level of government bodies. The possibility of establishing conditions by contract was minimized, therefore, the independence of the employer of that period was significantly limited.

The transition to a market radically changed the relationship between centralized and contractual regulation of labor relations. With the adoption of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the state reserved for itself the establishment of exclusively minimum guarantees, which is confirmed in the requirements provided for in Art. 6 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Document fragment. Article 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The jurisdiction of federal government bodies in the field of labor relations and other relations directly related to them includes the adoption of federal laws and other normative legal acts that are mandatory for application throughout the Russian Federation, establishing, for example, the fundamentals legal regulation labor relations and other relations directly related to them (including the definition of rules, procedures, criteria and standards aimed at preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work); the state-provided level of labor rights, freedoms and guarantees for employees (including additional guarantees for certain categories of workers); the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating employment contracts; the basics of social partnership, the procedure for conducting collective negotiations, concluding and amending collective agreements and agreements; procedure for resolving individual and collective labor disputes; principles and procedure for state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, as well as the system and powers of federal government bodies exercising said supervision and control; procedure for investigating industrial accidents and occupational diseases; system and procedure for certification of workplaces according to working conditions, state examination of working conditions, confirmation of compliance of the organization of work on labor protection with state regulatory requirements labor protection; order and conditions financial liability parties to the employment contract, including the procedure for compensation for harm to the life and health of an employee caused to him in connection with the performance of his job duties; species disciplinary sanctions and the procedure for their application; system of state statistical reporting on labor and labor protection issues; features of legal regulation of labor of certain categories of workers.

The contractual method of establishing working conditions, which has become widely used at the present stage, is still very limited in comparison with the possibilities of determining the conditions for performing work under a civil contract. At the same time, the ratio of centralized and contractual methods has changed significantly. It should be noted that currently the employer’s ability to independently establish working conditions at the level of local regulation has been greatly expanded, incl. by concluding a collective agreement or an employment contract. Attaching importance to the employment contract, the legislator nevertheless retained imperative methods of regulating labor relations, which should include norms defining the employer’s obligations to hire an employee, issue local regulations, ensure maintenance and storage of work books, etc.

Without focusing on the significant increase in personnel document flow, which the employer is obliged to maintain as a result of the transition to market relations, I would like to note that the unilateral abolition of work records does not solve the main problem - determining the issue of formation personnel policy, registration of labor relations.

It seems necessary to solve this problem comprehensively, in conjunction, by establishing not only a new rule, for example, in the form of abolishing work records, but also providing a mechanism for its implementation. Otherwise, this will serve as the basis for the emergence of new problems that will need to be solved not only by the employer and employees, but also by the legislative authorities. However, in the absence of a proper definition of the rules for registering labor relations with the simultaneous withdrawal of work books from circulation, the employer will once again be faced with a dilemma: what should he do in order to act lawfully, comply with the new norms and at the same time not violate the labor legislation adopted before the reforms.

Unfortunately, modern reality is such that the imposition by the legislator of a certain obligation on individual subjects of social relations (in our case, the employer) is often associated with the lack of appropriate legal means to ensure the very possibility of them fulfilling their legal obligation. And vice versa: the establishment of a new right that is not secured by appropriate legal means does not allow it to be fully implemented (in the situation under consideration we are talking about ensuring the subjective right of the employee).

Analysis of the proposal to abolish work records

The abolition of work records cannot be clearly classified as a positive or negative phenomenon. A superficial perception of this problem allows us to highlight several pros and cons of this proposal. They are shown schematically in the table.

Analysis of the decision to cancel work records

1 2 3 4
1 Employee's absence
in the hands of labor
books on one thing or another
reasons hinders
to the employee:
- get a job at
another job;
- confirm:
work experience, incl. in
harmful conditions
implementation by him
labor activity
from another
experience in
specialties (however
at the same time temporary
transfer to another
work (including
specialties for
higher position)
not in the work book
is entered);
attitude to work
Availability of work records
associated with additional
expenses for:
- staff maintenance,
who is engaged
registration of labor
- creation of conditions for
ensuring its storage in
provided for by labor
2 Invalid entry in
incl. wrong
included in the labor
book entry or
termination of employment
agreement with the employee
for committing
misdemeanor, including
the one who
the employee did not commit
likewise loss
work book, in
incl. employer,
Maintaining work records
associated with legal
employer in connection with
mistakenly entered into it
entries, untimely
handing it over
to the employee, with her loss
3 Lack of labor
books prevent
confirm to the employee
possibility of execution
them labor functions in
harmful conditions
labor, because it
will have to
confirm that, in
first, at the moment
conclusion of labor
contract doesn't work
and secondly, what is not
works according to labor
agreement with another
employer in
hazardous working conditions
Lack of labor
books create difficulties
when determining
last day of work
previous employer.
There are problems with
hiring in
harmful, dangerous conditions
part-time labor
4 Labor records
book deposited with
hinder the employee
exercise the right to
pension for the period
time, issued in
work book with
The need for extradition
her work book
the owner is associated with
individual difficulties.
If an employee for some reason
reasons I didn't receive it in
dismissal day is
will lead to additional
costs associated with:
- notifying the employee about
need or
take it or give it
consent to shipment
her by mail;
- payment for the order
- storage of documents
5 Availability of a duplicate
work book for
practice causes her
owner in a row
cases of difficulty with
his employment
If a dismissed employee
for some reason
no work book needed
then the employer bears
additional costs,
associated with its storage.
At the federal level
authorities are not
behavior defined
employer regarding
work books,
remaining in his
as a result of dismissal
employees (termination
employee in
labor relations without
proper registration)
6 Loss, destruction
work book
employee are associated with
enormous difficulties
work experience,
necessary for
social benefits,
pension assignment
Employee's absence
work book:
- complicates compliance
rules established for
hiring persons in
cases of execution by them in
past responsibilities
- who this work is for
prohibited for a number of reasons:
- medical
- due to the fact that
they are prohibited from such work
for other reasons (together
however, her absence does not
is the basis for
refusal to conclude
employment contract in
cases when
the employer is obliged
give the employee a new one
work book
- application
responsibility in the form
dismissal of an employee
renders ineffective
1 Has the opportunity
Verify experience
work, implementation
im labor
activities during
conclusion of labor
agreement with another
employer. But not
carried out according to
higher position
in case of temporary
Rate business qualities
employee according to records in
work book. However, in
illegal in some cases
entry made into it about
dismissal of an employee for
labor violation
deprives of discipline
specialist, taking into account
certain risks,
related to
exercise of the right to
process control
Cancellation of work record
requires the introduction of another
documentation. Will there be
this is due to
document flow, with
difficulties for
employee, for
Introduction of the system
letters that have
place in separate
Western countries?
Is it liberating
employee from
depending on
2 The employee can
confirm your
attitude towards work,
promotion records
are included in the labor
Has information about
employee, about attitude
him to work
3 The employee has
confirm your experience
work, including
harmful conditions,
dangerous, etc.,
necessary for
appointment of a pension,
determining its size
admitted in it
mistakes are created
obstacles for
realization of the right to
Informed about experience
previous work, in
including special
Makes it much easier
taking into account the experience required
to provide a pension
on preferential terms
Cancellation of work record
associated with
personnel documentation,
increasing volume
document flow
4 There are no questions with the definition of the latter
days of work with the previous employer.
There are no problems with hiring in
harmful, dangerous working conditions for part-time workers,
Labor exception
personnel books
document flow,
more likely:
- will increase the number
workers who are
today is like that
or otherwise restrains
lack of presence
work book,
which confirms
required experience
work, which is negative
will affect
employer's right to
process control
- will require payment
significant changes
in labor
existing order
termination of employment
agreement (in addition to
employer act
will require
documents, for example
attachment to agreement,
other document)

Employee position

Thus, employees, on the one hand, are interested in a work record book, which today, when concluding an employment contract with another employer, allows them to confirm not only work experience, but also the fact of termination of employment with another employer. The work record book confirms that the employee has the work experience necessary to grant him a pension, special work experience, for example, work in harmful, dangerous conditions, which gives the right to a pension on preferential terms.

Yes, we can say that their performance of higher-paid work (performance of duties in a higher position), when the work was temporary, is not confirmed by the contents of the work book. However, these are shortcomings that can be eliminated by a written agreement to the employment contract concluded by the parties, or by an order from the employer to temporarily transfer the employee to another job. At the same time, basic information, including the employee’s attitude to work, is contained in the work book. In particular, it includes information about employee benefits that positively affect his ability to exercise his right to work in the conditions in which he is interested.

On the other hand, the employee is seriously affected by the behavior unscrupulous employer with whom he has an employment relationship. In particular, the employer, not wanting to lose a good employee, has the opportunity to “spoil” his work record in order to create for him further problems with employment. For example, the employer can make an entry in the employee’s work book about dismissal for violation of labor discipline, which he did not commit. An employer may use illegal means by not issuing a work book on the last day of work, understanding that by such behavior he is depriving the employee of the opportunity to find a job in a prestigious company, which does not allow work in the absence of a work book and, for these reasons, does not conclude an employment contract with the applicant. Thus, the employer creates certain conditions for the employee to maintain an employment relationship with him.

When an employer is interested in terminating an employment relationship with an employee, he also has the opportunity, through illegal behavior, to influence the employee’s choice of decision: to refuse the guarantees provided by law and agree to the employer’s offer to resign of his own free will. An employer often intimidates an employee by applying disciplinary measures against him if he refuses to carry out actions proposed by the employer. This vicious practice has become quite widespread recently and represents a direct and obvious threat from the employer. The lack of adequate means of protecting the employee’s violated rights influences his choice: he, as a rule, refuses the guarantees provided by law and leaves “on good terms.” In many ways, as we see, the employer uses the existing system of legal means that provide the employer with a solution to his problems, among which not the least place is occupied by work books provided for by labor legislation.

Employer's position

The problem of maintaining work records by employers is also ambiguous. Thus, for an employer, a work book allows one to determine the employee’s business qualities, his attitude to work, and to avoid offenses during hiring, for example, on a part-time basis in harmful, dangerous working conditions. The work record in some way influences the discipline of the employee who is in an employment relationship with him. Refusal to maintain work records and the use of disciplinary measures in the form of dismissal for violation of labor discipline will most likely lead to the fact that this type of punishment will not have the impact on the employee’s behavior that it has today. This, in turn, will create certain preconditions for an increase in cases of irresponsible behavior of employees, as was observed, for example, during the introduction of a new rule obliging the employer to create a new work book for any employee who, when concluding an employment contract, declared its loss, destruction, etc. the reason for her absence.

At the same time, maintaining work records significantly increases personnel document flow. All this is associated with increased staff costs, which negatively affects the interests of the employer. Maintaining and storing work books involves the employer's responsibility for their loss or untimely delivery to the employee, which can also be considered among the shortcomings of modern regulation of labor relations.


Despite this, refusal to maintain work books requires the additional establishment of rules of behavior that make up for the possibility of confirming the information contained in the work book, which involves an analysis of the legislation, the effectiveness of the mechanism for its application and the prospect of forming the necessary legal means to ensure the implementation of the right (exercise of subjective rights, execution legal responsibilities, compliance with labor laws, law enforcement).

Only in this way is it possible to reform labor legislation related to the refusal to maintain work records.

Taking into account the above, it seems necessary to analyze the legal norms available at the present stage, which in one way or another regulate the procedure for formalizing labor relations (formation of personnel documentation). Before submitting a proposal to reform labor legislation to the legislative body, it is necessary to assess the availability of legal means for implementing the right, both existing and proposed.


Department of Labor Law

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova

When we were told in 2017 that work books would soon be abolished, it seemed like a joke. But now it looks very likely that this will happen in the very near future. Gray and green books with handwritten notes can be kept as souvenirs. The Russian Pension Fund reported that it is completely ready for this - it has digitized all the records of Russians. And the Ministry of Labor, as it became known, will introduce a bill on electronic work books for consideration by the State Duma in the spring session.

Will they protect you from burglars?

The fundamental decision to record data on the labor activities of citizens in electronic form was made by government decree of 2017, which approved the program “ Digital economy RF". And this accounting began to be carried out without waiting for the adoption of a federal law.

Now it becomes clear that the program will not be shelved: during 2020, it is planned to launch a test mode for the operation of electronic work books and invite employers to transfer information about employees to a special information system Pension Fund. And from 2021, such a norm will become mandatory for all Russian employers.

It’s clear why the Pension Fund manages work books. Based on these documents, people are added points to the social part of their pension.

The innovation raises questions. For example, will digital data be protected from hackers? The question of a potential hack is relevant at least in light of the latest incident with an electronic housing database, when scammers via the Internet re-registered the apartment of a Moscow resident.

The Pension Fund answered this question from “KP” as follows: “The passport data of Russians is in the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, data on income and taxes is contained in the databases of the fiscal department. As a rule, no one kidnaps them, because they are reliably protected by security means. Data about employment contracts citizens."

28 kopecks instead of a ruble

State Duma Deputy Evgeny Fedorov- one of the curators state program"Digital Economy". Here's what he told KP about the transition to electronic work books:

Technology is developing, and what was previously written by hand and stored in safes is moving to electronic media.

How can one technically digitize work experience if it began in the last century, in the era before the Internet and compulsory pension insurance cards?

Your employer sends your book to the tax office to confirm payments and length of service. There it is digitized. Then the data goes to the Pension Fund. Unless your employer is cheating, all of this will be done. And if errors occur during digitization, they can always be corrected.

As the deputy said, cash funds were allocated for the digitalization of labor relations two years ago and they were spent effectively. It has already been calculated that one ruble of costs for office work, which is required for paper books, will turn into 28 kopecks with electronic accounting.


Can't be faked and lost

Advantages of electronic work books:

They cannot be lost or counterfeited;

Employees will not be required to provide paper copies of their work records to confirm information about their work experience when applying for government services;

HR department employees instantly receive information about the applicant’s work history when applying for a job;

Employers reduce the costs of maintaining and storing paper books.