Information systems in logistics. Examples of logistics information systems Enterprise logistics information system as an example

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    The multiplicity and heterogeneity of the links in the logistics chain forces us to look for optimal ways of their communications or information interaction.

    Information is the function that powers the logistics system. It is information that keeps the material flow system open and capable of adapting to new conditions. To provide a flexible, customer-oriented logistics system, it is necessary that the physical system operates in parallel with the information system.

    A significant element of any logical system is a subsystem that ensures the passage and processing of information, which, upon closer examination, itself unfolds into a complex information system consisting of various subsystems.

    Just like any other system, an information system must consist of orderly interconnected elements and have a certain set of integrative qualities. The decomposition of information systems into their constituent elements can be carried out in different ways. Most often, information systems are divided into two subsystems: functional and supporting.

    A functional subsystem consists of a set of tasks to be solved, grouped based on their common purpose.

    The supporting subsystem, in turn, includes the following elements:

    A) technical support, i.e. a set of technical means that ensure the processing and transmission of information flows;

    b) information support, which includes various directories, classifiers, codifiers, and means of formalized description of data;

    c) mathematical software, i.e. a set of methods for solving functional problems. Logical information systems, as a rule, are automated information systems for managing logistics processes. Therefore, software in logistics information systems is a set of programs and a set of programming tools that provide solutions to problems of managing material flows, processing texts, obtaining reference data and functioning of technical means.

    The organization of connections between elements in logistics information systems can differ significantly from the organization of traditional information systems. This is due to the fact that logistics information systems must ensure comprehensive integration of all material flow management elements, their prompt and reliable interaction. Information and technical support of logistics systems differs not in the nature of the information and the set of technical means used for processing, but in the methods and principles used for their construction.

    The conclusion is based, the definition of an information system can be formulated as follows: an information system is a certain organized set of interconnected computer equipment, various reference books and the necessary programming tools, providing the solution of certain functional tasks (in logistics - the task of managing material flows).

    Information systems in logistics have the ability to be created for the purpose of managing material flows at the level separate enterprise, and can contribute to the organization logistics processes on the territory of a region, country and even a group of countries (Figure 4).

    Figure 4. - Types of information systems used in logistics

    At the level of an individual enterprise, information systems, in turn, are divided into three groups:

    1. planned;

    2. dispositive (or dispatch);

    3. executive (or operational).

    Logistics information systems included in the category groups differ in functional and supporting subsystems. Functional subsystems differ in the composition of the tasks they solve. Supporting subsystems may differ in all their elements, i.e. technical, information and mathematical support. Let us dwell in more detail on the specifics of individual information systems.

    Planned information systems are created at the administrative level of management and serve to make long-term decisions of a strategic nature. The following tasks can be solved:

    · creation and optimization of supply chain links;

    · management of conditionally constants, i.e. little changing data;

    · production planning;

    · general management stocks;

    · reserve management

    · and other tasks.

    Dispositive information is created at the warehouse or workshop management level and serves to ensure the smooth operation of logical systems. In this case, the following tasks must be solved:

    · detailed inventory management (storage locations);

    · disposal of intra-warehouse (or intra-factory) transport;

    · selection of goods according to orders and their completion;

    · accounting of shipped goods

    · and other tasks.

    Executive information systems are created at the administrative or operational management level. Information is processed in these systems at a pace determined by the speed at which it enters the computer. This is the so-called real-time operating mode, which allows you to obtain the necessary information about the movement of goods at the current moment in time and timely issue the appropriate administrative and control impacts on the control object. These systems solve problems related to:

    control of material flows,

    · operational management of production maintenance,

    · premises management, etc.

    The creation of multi-level automated material flow management systems is associated with significant costs, mainly in the field of software development, which, on the one hand, should ensure the multifunctionality of the system, and on the other, a high degree of its integration. Therefore, when creating automated control systems in the field of logistics, the possibility of using a relatively inexpensive standard software with its adaptation to local conditions.

    In accordance with the principles of the systems approach, any system must first be studied in relation to external environment, and only then inside its structure. This principle of consistent progression through the stages of system creation must also be observed when designing logistics information systems.

    From the perspective of a systems approach, three levels are distinguished in logistics processes.

    Figure 5. - Levels in logistics processes from the perspective of a systems approach

    First level - workplace, on which a logistics operation with material flow is carried out, i.e. moves, unloads, packs, etc. cargo unit, part or any other element of the material flow.

    The second level is a site, workshop, warehouse where cargo transportation processes take place and workplaces are located.

    The third level is the transportation and movement system as a whole, covering a chain of events, the beginning of which can be taken as the moment of shipment of raw materials by the supplier. This chain ends when finished products enter final consumption.

    In planned information systems, problems are solved that connect the logistics system with the total material flow. At the same time, end-to-end planning is carried out in the “sales - production - supply” chain, which makes it possible to create an effective production organization system built on market requirements, with the issuance of the necessary requirements to the logistics system of the enterprise. In this way, planned systems seem to “link” the logistics system into the external environment, into the total material flow.

    Dispositive and executive systems detail planned plans and ensure their implementation at individual production sites, warehouses, and at specific workplaces.

    In accordance with the concept of logistics, information systems belonging to various groups are integrated into a single information system. There are:

    1. vertical

    2. horizontal integration.

    Vertical integration is considered to be the connection between the planned, dispositive and executive systems through vertical information flows.

    Horizontal integration is considered to be the connection between individual sets of tasks in the dispositive and executive systems through horizontal information flows.

    In general, the advantages of integrated information systems are as follows:

    · the speed of information exchange increases;

    · the number of errors in accounting is reduced;

    · the volume of unproductive, “paper” work is reduced;

    · disparate information blocks are combined

    When building computer-based logistics information systems, certain principles must be observed.

    The principle of using hardware and software modules. A hardware module is understood as a unified functional unit radio-electronic equipment, made as an independent product. A software module can be considered a unified, to a certain extent independent, software element that performs specific function in general software. Strict adherence to the principle of using software and hardware modules will allow:

    · ensure compatibility of computer technology and software at different levels of management;

    · increase the efficiency of the functioning of logistics information systems;

    · reduce their cost;

    · speed up their construction.

    Possibility principle phased creation systems. Logistics information systems built on a computer basis, like others automated systems control systems are constantly evolving systems. This means that when designing them, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of constantly increasing the number of automation objects, the possibility of expanding the composition of functions implemented by the information system and the number of tasks to be solved. It should be borne in mind that the determination of the stages of creating a system, and this is the choice of priority tasks, has a great influence on the subsequent development of the logistics information system and on the efficiency of its functioning.

    The principle of clearly establishing junction points. “At the junction, the material and information flow crosses the boundaries of authority and responsibility of individual divisions of the enterprise or across the boundaries of independent organizations. Ensuring smooth crossing of junctions is one of the important tasks of logistics.”

    The principle of system flexibility in terms of the specific requirements of a particular application.

    The principle of acceptability of the system for the user of the “man - machine” dialogue.

    Processing information circulating in logistics systems lies at the heart of the material flow management process

    Information flow is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary for the management and control of logistics operations. Its existence is possible in the form of paper and electronic documents.

    Classification sign

    Figure 6. Types of information flows in logistics

    Types of information flows:

    1. depending on the type of systems connected by the flow: horizontal and vertical;

    2. depending on the location of passage: external and internal;

    3. depending on the direction in relation to the logistics system: input and output.

    The information flow can be ahead of the material flow, follow simultaneously with it or after it. In this case, the information flow can be directed either in the same direction as the material one, or in the opposite direction:

    · the forward information flow in the opposite direction contains, as a rule, information about the order;

    · advanced information flow in the forward direction - these are preliminary messages about the upcoming arrival of cargo;

    · simultaneously with the material flow, information flows in the forward direction about the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the material flow;

    · following the material flow in the opposite direction, information can pass on the results of cargo acceptance in terms of quantity and quality, various claims, confirmations.

    The path along which the information flow moves may not coincide with the route of the material flow.

    It is possible to control the information flow:

    · changing the direction of flow;

    Limiting the transmission speed to the corresponding reception speed;

    · limiting the volume of flow to the capacity of an individual node or section of the path.

    Information flow is measured by the amount of information processed or transmitted per unit of time. The unit of information quantity is taken to be a binary unit - a bit. When using a computer, information is measured in bytes.

    In practice, information about economic activity, as a rule, is also measured:

    · the number of documents processed or transmitted;

    · the total number of document lines, processed or transmitted documents.

    In addition to logistics operations, valuable operations are also carried out in economic systems, accompanied by the emergence and transmission of information flows. However, it is logistics information flows that make up the most significant part of the total information flow.

    Conclusion to Chapter 1

    Logistics comes from the Greek word “logistike”, which means the art of calculating, reasoning.

    The history of the emergence and development of logistics goes far into the past. This chapter discusses many interpretations of logistics. I would like to add that logistics is a form of optimizing market relations, harmonizing the interests of all participants in the product distribution process. It represents the improvement of the management of material and related information and financial flows on the way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer finished products based on a systematic approach and the application of economic compromises in order to obtain a synergistic effect.

    There are several levels of logistics development at enterprises. This chapter examines in detail all four levels of logistics development and the factors influencing both them and the development of logistics in general. An analysis of the levels of development of the science being studied clearly showed that companies where an integrated approach to logistics management has been established improve their performance indicators.

    The chapter gives the very concept of a logistics system and examines its main features. Any logistics system consists of a set of subsystems, links and elements, between which certain functional connections and relationships are established. Based on this, a logistics chain is built. It follows from this that the formation of a logistics system is the most important task strategic planning company business.

    The activities of any enterprise or organization largely depend on the development of information links with the internal and external environment. Consequently, one of the elements of logistics management is information process management, which has its own specific characteristics:

    · firstly, information orientation and speed of decision-making;

    · secondly, taking into account the ongoing direct and reverse information processes when making management decisions;

    · thirdly, the organization of information support in the context of the existing data exchange system at the enterprise and its organizational structure.

    The figure shows the drug product of an industrial company that has production facilities in Moscow, purchasing components and materials in the USA and Europe.

    The company's drug structure includes MR suppliers in the USA and Europe; logistics intermediaries: carriers, a forwarder consolidating supplies of goods from the USA at its terminal, a forwarder consolidating goods from Europe at a terminal in Finland; structural divisions: production No. 1 in Moscow, production No. 2 in St. Petersburg, own transport divisions and a GP warehouse in Moscow; consumers. The above links make up the company’s logistics network, united by a single management with the help of the logistics department. In general, the network structure and the superstructure - the logistics department - form the LAN of an industrial company.

    As an example of the Logistics System of a trading company, the following figure shows the LS of a distributor of pharmaceutical products, conventionally called “PHARM”.

    By analogy with an industrial company, the pharmaceutical company of a trading company consists of suppliers (manufacturers and large distributors of pharmaceuticals), logistics intermediaries (transport and forwarding companies), its own structural divisions (purchasing department, sales and distribution department, wholesale and retail warehouse, network of own pharmacies) , consumers (pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region), united by a logistics service.

    Logistics system of the enterprise JSC "Pharmacevt"

    Let's consider the logistics system using a specific example.

    The Pharmacist group of companies has existed on the Russian market for a long time. "Pharmacevt" is one of the largest distributors of pharmaceutical products in Russia.

    In order to increase the range of services offered, it was created Pharmacy chain LLC "Pharmatsevt Plus" in Rostov-on-Don and the region. The network includes more than 30 pharmacies and 3 pharmacy points in Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Taganrog, Volgodonsk, Belaya Kalitva, Semikarakorsk, Gukovo and Salsk.

    Since 2001, the company has been producing medicines.

    The enterprise is an integrated part of the logistics chain for the circulation of medicines. At the same time, the enterprise itself is a manufacturer of medicines and represents a complex logistics chain with many functional links.

    The logistics system of a given enterprise can be represented in the form of a diagram that reflects the main links associated with the implementation of material (commodity) flows and accompanying information flows.


    On the territory of the enterprise, goods (materials) from suppliers arrive at the warehouse for incoming raw materials.

    To eliminate the possibility of materials and preparations that do not meet the established criteria entering the warehouse and being sent to consumers, the company has developed and successfully operates a multilateral quality management system.

      Quality control organization (QC)) is directly related to material flows through sampling and regulating the direction of these flows, as well as through the creation of multilateral information flows.

      Quality Assurance Department (QA) operates only with information flows accompanying material flows of a production nature. The functions of the OOC, which is above the production structure, include the implementation and control over the implementation of the support system enterprise quality, including in the warehouse area.

    Therefore, the products first enter the quality control organization, where control is carried out.

    Upon approval, products (materials) are sent to production. Production consumes these material flows, transforming them into finished products, which also enter the finished goods warehouse in the form of material flows. From where, if the OKC makes a positive decision about the possibility of its implementation, it goes to the consumer. It is mandatory to monitor the compliance of the assembled batch with the invoice and the correct organization of delivery depending on the temperature conditions.

    The geography of supplies of CJSC Pharmacist is very extensive. In addition to Rostov-on-Don, the Rostov region, the subjects of the Southern Federal District, it includes St. Petersburg and Moscow, the regions of the Central and Northwestern federal districts, Saratov, Volgograd, Ufa, Kazan, it’s impossible to list them all.

    Depending on the distance and volume of cargo, the appropriate types of vehicles are used.

      For Rostov and surrounding areas this is “small aviation”, or, simply put, passenger cars.

      For large shipments and distant deliveries - one and a half and four ton trucks. Including special transport for the delivery of hypoglycemic and immunobiological drugs.

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    Manufacturing enterprise LLC "KIT"

    KIT distinguishes three functional areas of logistics: purchasing, production, distribution.

    1. Purchasing logistics KIT

    In the field of purchasing logistics there are material flows that provide the enterprise with material resources. Material flow management at this stage has certain specifics, which explains the need to separate purchasing logistics into a separate activity. The logistics department is a specially designated division of the KIT enterprise for solving these problems.

    The activities of this service are carried out at three levels, since the supply service simultaneously solves three types of problems:

    • · Tasks for the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment;
    • · Tasks that ensure the goals of the enterprise as a whole;
    • · Tasks assigned to this unit.

    First of all, this division is responsible for solving the following tasks:

    • · what to buy;
    • · how much to purchase;
    • · from whom to purchase;
    • · under what conditions to purchase.

    After solving the listed tasks, the department performs support level tasks, which include:

    • · conclusion of an agreement;
    • · control of contract execution;
    • · organizing the delivery of material resources;
    • · organization of storage of material resources;
    • · organization of storage of material resources.

    Below is a description of approaches to solving procurement logistics problems adopted at the KIT enterprise.

    How are components and assemblies stored?

    The task of storing components and assemblies is carried out using a logistics warehouse, which is subordinate to the specified department. In the case when production requires materials and components, a document is drawn up to obtain the necessary resource from the reserves of its own warehouse. At the warehouse, the necessary materials are selected and transferred to production.

    If the required material is not in stock, the logistics department places an order to the supplier of the appropriate materials, with whom the KIT enterprise has a long-term contract. Based on the order and in accordance with the terms of the long-term contract, the supplier ensures the shipment of the required goods. Purchased goods are usually shipped by road, air or rail. Ordered goods are accepted at the MTO warehouse as they arrive. Here they check the quality of materials, their compliance with the application in terms of quantity and nomenclature. After completing the relevant receipt documents, the goods are stored in the logistics warehouse.

    How is a supplier selected?

    Currently, the company works with regular suppliers, making every effort to maintain its connections. At first, in an effort to obtain components at minimal prices, KIT tried to work directly with component manufacturers. Today KIT operates on a different system. This system has proven itself well in many enterprises. Its essence lies in a long-term agreement with an intermediary company. Its structure has a smaller number of links, and the passage of requests and the material flows caused by them is significantly simplified. The system connects the supplier and consumer of products with much shorter connections than those described above. The company's purchasing bodies and warehouses are relieved of routine work. The functions of selection and delivery of goods are transferred to the supplier, who is not a manufacturer of raw materials and components, but a wholesale trading company that performs distribution functions, has its own trading warehouses and is an intermediary between industrial enterprises. The structure and flow of information and material flows are shown in the figure “Supplier-enterprise document flow diagram (based on the general agreement).”

    The supply schedule is drawn up by the KIT enterprise in agreement with the supplier in the form of a purchase order. The generated order is both an order and a document registering the delivery and receipt of goods.

    Contractual documentation with such a supplier includes:

    • · Agreement (including agreements on organizing the process of submitting applications (orders) and making deliveries)
    • · Instructions for monitoring and recording the fulfillment of contractual conditions.


    How are purchases planned?

    Planning of purchases and monitoring their implementation are also entrusted to the logistics department. During planning, the following tasks are solved to coordinate the actions of all departments and officials enterprises:

    • · analysis and determination of needs, calculation of the quantity of ordered materials;
    • · determination of the procurement method;
    • · agreeing on prices and concluding agreements with suppliers;
    • · establishing monitoring of the quantity, quality and timing of deliveries;
    • · organizing the placement of goods in the warehouse.

    In the process of determining the need, it is necessary to establish:

    • What materials are required
    • · the amount of materials required for production;
    • · time when they will be needed
    • · possibilities of suppliers from whom goods can be purchased
    • · required areas of your storage facilities
    • · procurement costs
    • · the possibility of organizing the production of certain parts at your own enterprise.

    The KIT enterprise has adopted a special technology for procurement planning and control. In accordance with the accepted technology of the task what to buy and how much to buy are decided by the head of the logistics department together with the heads of the production and sales departments when developing a production program. Tasks from whom and on what terms to purchase are decided by the head of the logistics department together with the director of the enterprise.

    The logistics department carries out all necessary work for supply, that is, contracts are concluded, their execution is monitored, delivery of purchased materials and components and their storage are organized.

    In general, there are many methods for determining how much materials need to be purchased to produce a product and how often they should be received from suppliers.

    At the KIT enterprise, the need for materials is calculated based on the production program for the final product. Those. The requirement for materials is based on the planned volume of manufactured products, which is determined by predictable or known demand. Nomenclature final products fixed in production program. Based on the time of delivery of the final product to the consumer and the time by which the delivered materials and components must be in stock, the gross requirement for the supplied materials is determined.

    Gross demand is then converted into net demand, taking into account:

    • · cash stock
    • materials already ordered (or already planned own production)
    • · an order intended for a previous series of products.

    Given the known time of supply of materials and the time of their launch into production, the time for submitting the order is determined.

    The advantage of using materials requirements planning methodology is that purchasing and production are planned based on the needs of the final product.

    2. Production logistics KIT

    The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics.

    The tasks of production logistics concern the management of material flows within enterprises. Participants in the logistics process within the framework of production logistics are connected by intra-production relations (in contrast to participants in the purchasing and distribution logistics processes, linked by commodity-money relations).

    What are the principles of construction production process at the KIT enterprise?

    The concept of organizing production logistics at the KIT enterprise was based on the following basic principles:

    • · rejection of excess stocks;
    • · mandatory elimination of defects;
    • · manufacturing products in as large batches as possible;
    • · transforming suppliers from opposing sides into benevolent partners.

    In formulating the conceptual provisions, KIT sought to ensure the efficiency of its activities in the face of changing market demand.

    When market demand exceeds supply and one can confidently assume that a batch of products manufactured taking into account market conditions will be sold, the goal of maximum equipment utilization takes priority. Moreover, the larger the batch produced, the lower the unit cost of the product will be. The task of implementation is not in the foreground.

    The situation changes if supply exceeds demand. The task of selling the manufactured product in a competitive environment comes first. The volatility and unpredictability of market demand makes it impractical to create and maintain large inventories. At the same time, KIT no longer has the right to miss a single order. Hence the need for flexible production facilities that can quickly respond with production to emerging demand.

    How does production adapt to changing demand?

    Production in market conditions can survive only if it is able to quickly change the range and quantity of products produced. Until the 70s, the whole world solved this problem by having stocks of finished products in warehouses. Today, like many other enterprises, KIT offers to adapt to changes in demand due to a reserve of production capacity.

    A reserve of production capacity arises when there is qualitative and quantitative flexibility in production systems.

    What does the production process diagram of the KIT enterprise look like?

    The figure shows the production and technological system of the KIT enterprise. The entire production process is divided into 5 main operations. In addition, an additional operation is provided, which is performed as necessary to eliminate defects. Materials and components necessary for the production of products are taken from the logistics warehouse in accordance with requests. Requests are generated in accordance with the needs of the production process for each working day. Finished products are delivered to the GP warehouse.


    How are production areas organized?

    In order to effectively supply the production process with labor resources, operations are divided into production areas. The production site specializes in performing individual transactions and is responsible for fulfilling its production tasks and organizing the work of personnel within the site. The figure shows a diagram of the division of the production process into sections.


    3. Distribution logistics KIT

    Distribution logistics covers the entire range of tasks for managing material flow along the path from the manufacturer to the consumer, starting from the moment the sales task is set and ending with the moment the delivered product leaves the supplier’s sphere of attention. The composition of the tasks of distribution logistics is divided into two levels - internal distribution logistics and external distribution logistics.

    What are the tasks of distribution logistics at the KIT enterprise?

    In KIT at the enterprise level, logistics solves the following problems:

    • · organization of order receipt and processing;
    • · planning the implementation process;
    • · choosing the type of packaging, deciding on packaging, as well as organizing other operations immediately preceding shipment;
    • · organization of product shipment;
    • · organization of delivery and control of transportation;
    • · organization of after-sales service.

    The tasks of distribution logistics at the external level in KIT include:

    • · choice of distribution channel architecture;
    • · organizing work with distribution channel participants (resellers);
    • · choice of strategy in the distribution of finished products;
    • · pricing strategy;
    • · organizing events to promote the company’s products on the market
    • · monitoring the state of the market for KIT enterprise products and analyzing the position of KIT products in target segments;
    • · work with clients and organize after-sales service.

    The solution to all distribution logistics problems in the KIT enterprise is entrusted to the finished product sales department (FSD).

    What is the distribution channel architecture of the KIT enterprise?

    The distribution channel through which goods reach final consumption can have a very different structure. In the KIT enterprise, a distribution channel was not formed from the very beginning. The production plan was based on contracts concluded with customers at the beginning of the planning period and all sales were carried out directly “KIT enterprise - client”. And even when it became clear that the existing unused capacity of the enterprise could be used to produce products above the contract, direct sales remained the main method of selling products. To sell products above the contract, orders were accepted from everyone who wanted to buy a small batch (of one or more) computers at list prices. The task of selling individual orders was assigned to the SGP department.

    Rice. Document flow diagram “enterprise-client” (one-time order)