The main thing is in the gua. Associative reading of the hexagram


When something we've been waiting for a long time finally arrives, it comes as a surprise.
Mark Twain


Water corresponds to the North, Sky to the northwest. (We spoke in detail about Water and Sky in previous guas.)


Anticipation. Expectation. Having to wait.

Composition Explanation

The path of drinking and temptation, then excitement. The Lord works like KAN, fights like QIAN. Earth and Sky set the position. Inverted Sky. Waiting.

Structure explanation

Waiting comes from necessity, but being cautious and tense, you won’t be ambushed, so waiting means having trust. The joy of eating during the feast. Temptations of the flesh with drink and food.

Structure of both gua



Long absence of troubles. Boredom in the suburbs. Constancy of long-suffering.


Minor news that accidentally reaches your ears will help resolve the problem happily. Don’t resist the news, let it pass through you.


The birth of negatives in oneself. Inadequacy of actions due to forced inaction (Onegin, who started a quarrel with Lensky at the Larins’ ball).



Persistence, perseverance as a character trait. Obedience, getting out of the vicious circle of existence to solve problems.


Pleasure in a fun pastime, enjoying wine and food, some relaxation, cheerfulness, stress relief.


The arrival of guests who will help in many ways, accepting them is a duty and a blessing. Although Yin's place is below and not above, the arrival of unexpected guests is possible, which will then turn out for good.

The main thing in gua

At an early stage in the development of any event, reinforcement with action, waiting and anticipation is necessary. Anticipation is the path of food and drink, the path of contacts with people and news. This path leads to litigation, but is necessary to continue.

Main thesis

It is necessary to calmly perceive external events without predicting misfortunes and negative events.

Divinatory aspect

Trust in the situation is necessary.
Patience and endurance will be very useful, they will save you from troubles.
Don’t shy away from news, even a word accidentally dropped by someone can help solve problems. There are no small things in life.
Expect happy changes in the near future.
Don’t perform “exploits” out of boredom, remain yourself and think about the consequences.
Be respectful and scrupulous, hospitable with unexpected guests - they are sent to your home for a reason, but with benefit.
Know how to relax sometimes by eating delicious food and drink. Be welcoming and generous. Maintain a golden mean in everything. Greet three guests especially respectfully. Your number is three.
Trust yourself and fate. The image of your trust is the yang fifth feature of the XYU sign, meaning the acquisition of what was expected.
Do not open completely, for the steam has just risen into the sky, wait for the harmonious fusion of Yang and Yin, soon the rain will fall, and you will stand under its life-giving streams.

Correspondence with Tarot

Here there is, first of all, a correspondence with the two Arcana of the Tarot: Slowing down, Waiting - Nine of Wands and Arcana XIV, Temperance, which is considered one of the four (according to Aristotle) ​​virtues. Also here all four aces of the Tarot can be taken into account, which mean: TM - Intentions, TJ - Accomplishments, TK - Feeling, TP - Retribution.

The gua in question predicts purely everyday aspects, including the aspect of “rest from righteous labors,” therefore, 4 M, the meaning of which is the Lord of rest from the Struggle, or the Sleeping Knight, also influences the field of the situation. In addition, the harmonization of the situation takes place under a low “module” - under the influence of the Two of Swords. The shedding of blood and tears can occur through the Five of Cups, which in the reversed position means family ties.

Restraint follows Arcanum XV, the Devil, but I think that here we can get by with Arcanum XIV in the negative, which means a violation of rationality in the use of drink and food. Moreover, here, both in life and in theoretical understanding of the situation, the vibrations of the Eight of Wands, the meaning of which is the Lord of Speed, come into force.

IN present moment endurance will serve you well. Don't neglect trifles. Talk about insignificant things, you will learn what you need.

Favorable time for relationships with people and neighbors. Receive a guest, or three guests, with bread and salt. Be respectful and decent. Maintain a balance in food and drink. Temperance is a gift. Don't do anything stupid out of boredom.

Anticipation is the path of temptation, on which litigation necessarily occurs, so we move on to the sixth sign, SUN, TRIAL.

Resume. Interpretation for fortune telling

1. Social status, politics.

Trust, patience, endurance are necessary criteria for success. Communication with people and negotiations will be for the good. In the near future, success in work and politics is possible.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

In business there is a temporary drop in profits, but in the future there will be growth. The main thing is communication with partners, love for Taurus as such and love for the business you are doing. Be demanding, but in moderation.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Bohemian relationships, craving for intellectual communication more than sex. Theaters, presentations, guests, restaurants, night vigils alone with Bacchus are not uncommon. But don't cross the borders.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Excellent interpersonal relationships. The person who received this gua is the soul of any company. It makes sense to try your hand at diplomacy. The role of the world "peacemaker".

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Occupational diseases and metabolic disorders due to poor lifestyle.

6. Trend.

A true, wise position, everything will be decided by moderation and time.


The number fourteen signifies change and transformation, since there are fourteen days from new moon to full moon and vice versa. The map expresses the highest continuation of the world. The essence of the Arcana is this: if attention is directed to the subconscious, then the subconscious reveals its contents, enriching the consciousness, like a stream of living water. But if the two halves of your mental life are separated, the conscious and subconscious minds are sterile.

The Minor Arcana, Aces of all stripes, and other Arcana can also be put in correspondence. The main thing is the golden mean, compliance with all traditions, including the commandments. Everything will come in due time, but you have to try hard.

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"

The need to wait

To the owner of truth - the original accomplishment. Fortitude is fortunate. It is favorable to cross the great river.


1. Starting nine.

Waiting on the outskirts. Constancy is beneficial. There will be no blasphemy.

2. Nine second.

Waiting on the coastal sand. There are minor conversations to be had. In the end - happiness.

3. Nine three.

Waiting in the mud. The arrival of the robbers is approaching.

4. Six fourth.

Waiting for blood. Get out of the cave!

5. Nine fifth.

Waiting for wine and food. Resilience to happiness.

6. Top nine.

You enter the cave, and three leisurely guests will arrive. Treat them with respect and in the end there will be happiness!


1. Starting nine.

Now is not the time to be in the thick of events or affairs; step aside, “to the outskirts,” but be true to your work, goals, and principles. No one will judge you for this.

2. Nine second.

Bid your time. Someone next to you is impatient and may argue, dragging you into conflict. Now you are able to cope with troublemakers, balance will be restored.

3. Nine three.

It is necessary to use cunning: show your weakness, helplessness to reveal the plans of your enemies and rivals. Continue to sit idle and wait for the right moment.

4. Six fourth.

The enemy has revealed himself, those around him have shown their true colors and plans towards you, it’s time to go into open battle. Show your strength too. The encounter will be bloody, so test your limits. Are you ready?

5. Nine fifth.

Greet everyone who comes into your life with kindness, hospitality and spiritual generosity. Good luck awaits you, but this is not the time to act.

6. Top nine.

You will be communicating with a small group of people. They know what they want, they are confident that they are right, so they need to be careful; pay attention to their suggestions, respect their opinions and authority, and success awaits you.


No matter how much theoretical knowledge and life experience has accumulated in the hexagram?4, the time to act has not come. You need to learn to wait, gradually approaching the goal. You are not yet ready to take responsibility, leadership in a big business, you are not ready to openly show your competitors and colleagues your ideas, or set out on a big voyage.

First of all, find out what those around you “breathe”, show yourself ignorant, inexperienced, even stupid. You know why you need it, and it will give you strength. Not seeing you as a serious opponent, the strong and experienced will lose interest and vigilance in you, and at this time you will become a force capable of winning.

Victory does not mean cruel methods at all; be peaceful and kind, forgiving, seek dialogue, “consensus.” The hexagram clearly indicates communication with three people and a successful resolution of your issue. This can be help in personal, romantic and work matters. You are predicted to have good luck on a long journey, serious life changes, but be patient and persistent, do not rush, respect the opinions of others. Learn to care for others in ordinary earthly matters, serve and be receptive to what is happening.

You will periodically find yourself either alone, detached, or in the thick of communication. But in any case, you are given time to think, to harmonize your inner, spiritual space.

There's a pause in your romantic relationship; don't rush to look for your other half. If a choice has been made and a “thorn” has been found in your heart, take a closer look, pay attention to your rivals, come for help to the “three knowledgeable people". Perhaps through them it will be easier for you to approach and get to know the object of your desire. There is a prospect in the relationship, but you should remember the tactics listed above. You will have parties in a pleasant company. Continue to remain tactful, do not frighten her or him with the onslaught of emotions, do not boast of talents, great intelligence and other outstanding abilities.

The Xu hexagram confronts a person with the task of accumulating resources that he could use for more effective promotion forward. But at the same time, everything that he accumulates should not be just “storage,” but reasonable planning of further actions that can lead him to happiness.

The Xu hexagram comes at a time when a person is on the verge of energy exhaustion, and he himself may not notice it, but, in fact, his strength is running out, which can ultimately lead to a nervous breakdown or illness. Therefore, now you should stop and learn to wait. After all, the first sign that an individual is deprived of vitality is precisely the lack of the ability to wait.

Hexagram Xu says: you need to learn to wait, because this is now the most optimal way to accumulate the necessary resources in order to become a winner over time, and not continue to work half-heartedly.

Correct expectation is the ability not to rush anywhere, the courage to stop and breathe. This is the only way you can start a new step - do not rush to waste your energy.

Waiting in this case must be combined with planning, with the ability to redistribute one’s forces. To do this, you need to figure out what is most important in your life, what exactly you want to implement in the near future and start saving energy for this, and not for distracting whims.

Planning is the ability to cut off the unnecessary, leaving only what will truly make you a happy person.

Now, under no circumstances should you rush, even if it seems to you that you have already prepared enough and have everything planned out, it is still worth waiting some more time, since the situation symbolized by the Xu hexagram is precisely deceptive with such conceit and reluctance to reconsider everything carefully. You need to understand that now you will either rush forward powerfully and effectively, or roll back again. The energy that you have accumulated cannot be returned back, therefore, if you “open the floodgates”, you must clearly and clearly understand where the flow of vitality will flow, so as not to regret your haste later.

Also in terms of prediction, the Xu hexagram may indicate the possibility of meeting an older person who can charm you. But you shouldn’t rush to establish a relationship with him. It is likely that this is just a tempting of fate. You should first take a closer look at him and make sure of the purity of his thoughts. Otherwise, such a relationship may drain you of energy that should have been spent on other plans. So be careful and cautious.

The Xu hexagram in the I-Ching love spread indicates that events will now develop slowly, since you simply do not have the strength to make a new round in your life. Even if it seems to you that you are now overwhelmed with love, your feelings are more intense than ever, but in reality this is not the case. Moreover, the Xu hexagram warns that if you feel something like this, then this is already a signal that you have overestimated yourself. Hexagram Xu advises you to stop and pause in your love relationships, otherwise, against the backdrop of internal devastation, you can make many mistakes, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct.

The appearance of the Xu hexagram in the I Ching love chart symbolizes the moment when you have reached a certain spiritual milestone, beyond which lies the territory of the unknown. Your love partner now does not notice what is happening to you, and you have begun to react too sharply to everything. It is clear that such a situation will very quickly lead to conflict. Therefore, the Xu hexagram says - hide, maybe it even makes sense to stop close communication for a while and take a break from each other for a day or two.

In addition, the Xu hexagram suggests that, oddly enough, your love relationships need planning. Depending on the context of I-Ching love fortune-telling, this may mean specific planning for a wedding or the nuances of living together, or during the period of a nascent relationship, it may mean that you should rethink the way you treat each other, it is likely that you have long been abandoned - you’re not happy with it and it’s time to change it. Just understand, the Xu hexagram says that now you need to plan how you will change this, and not actually go ahead in the relationship. This will only make things worse.

In some love fortune telling, the I Ching hexagram Xu means that you just need to wait, no matter how much you want the object of your heartfelt feelings to reciprocate your feelings, but so far, alas, not everything is so simple, so be patient and wait.

In addition, the Xu hexagram now recommends understanding yourself, namely, deciding exactly what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of happiness in love, and what you are not. Moreover, we are talking not only about external aspects, but also internal ones. That is, the Xu hexagram advises you to reconsider your life principles and decide which of them you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of your loved one and love in general. As a matter of fact, this is the most important thing that needs to be done in this period, for this reason there has been a lull in your destiny. The Xu Hexagram reminds us that love is not only feelings, but also a choice.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

To the owner of truth - the original accomplishment. Fortitude is fortunate. The ford across the great river is favorable.

Waiting on the outskirts. The use of consistency is beneficial. There will be no blasphemy.
Waiting on the (coastal) sand. - There are minor conversations ahead. In the end - happiness.
Waiting in the mud. - The arrival of the robbers is approaching.
Waiting is in the blood. - Leave the cave.
Waiting for wine and food. - Resilience to happiness.
You enter the cave, and three leisurely guests will arrive. - Treat them with respect, and in the end there will be happiness.


Xu (Need to wait): to care for, look after, serve; provide what is necessary; wait, hesitate, doubt; have patience and focus; wait out the rain. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign indicating both a stop and a source. This implies the need to wait.

Figurative series

This is a time to wait and study the situation. Find out what is required in a given situation. Wait for the right moment to act. Communication with the spirits (original accomplishment) will ensure success. The path is open (happiness). Soon the time will come to step into the river of life with your purpose, start a project or start an enterprise. Take the time to evaluate events and carefully carry out all current tasks. Sharing food and drink with others is in harmony with the spirit of the times. This is not the time to step forward, stand up for principles, or conquer mountain peaks. The situation is full of beneficial relaxation, peace of mind, contentment and harmony. Have patience. Waiting can lead to fame and great achievements.

Outer and Inner worlds

Water and Sky

Internal focus counters external danger through watchful waiting.

Waiting contains a hidden possibility of resolving internal conflicts.


The immature needs nourishment and support. Realizing this implies the need to wait.


Waiting means no performance.


sky overcast with clouds.


The clouds are gathering, but it is not raining.

Clouds cover the sky. Expectation.

A noble man eats and drinks for rest and joy.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Waiting on the outskirts.
Constancy of activity is favorable.
There will be no blasphemy.

Waiting precedes the start of action. This is the threshold of knowledge, when consistency in mastering what has been learned is necessary. No one can blame you for being slow.

Nine second

Waiting on the coastal sand.
There are minor conversations to be had.
In the end - happiness.

Waiting on the shore reflects inner doubts and the struggle between old and new. You are surrounded by insignificant people and insignificant conversations. Adapt to this. Wait out the situation and the path will be open (happiness).

Nine three

Waiting in the mud.
The arrival of the robbers is approaching.

You have taken a step forward and are now in danger. Vulnerability allows inertia and darkness (robbers) to gain an advantage over you. You still have time to consider this warning.

Six fourth

Waiting is in the blood.
Exit from the cave.

Tension increases to such an extent that it can only be expressed in the image of a bloody battle. Getting out of a situation can be compared to leaving a cave; from darkness - to the light of awareness.

Nine fifth

Waiting for wine and food.
Fortitude is fortunate.

Overcoming the crisis gives way to a period of rest. By feasting with others, you reduce your waiting time. Calmness comes with experience. The path is open (happiness). The worthy is separated from the unworthy.

There's a six at the top

You will enter the cave.
There will be the arrival of three leisurely guests.
If you honor them, there will be happiness in the end.

The waiting time is over. Having passed through the darkness into the light, you were able to return without harm to deep reflection. The stages of waiting come to life in memory as leisurely guests. They can take on the appearance of real people, and by paying respect to them, you will receive answers to your questions.

Associative interpretation

  1. The full moon signifies the prospect of a very successful career.
  2. The gate means that heaven always leaves the door open.
  3. A person holding onto the dragon's tail means "trying to achieve success by holding on to the coattails of a great master."
  4. A monk registrar means that you will be guided by a distinguished person.
  5. The grave means that twelve is a lucky number.

Expectation. If you are sincere, great success will come. Fortitude is fortunate. A favorable time to cross the great river.

  1. This is the hexagram of August. It is good for spring and winter.
  2. Water (upper trigram) evaporates and becomes clouds in the sky. The peasant waits for the clouds to become rain. But this takes time.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong.

First Yao.

Starting nine. Waiting in the meadow. It's good to continue with what you have at the moment. This is the right approach.

  1. Wait a little, because the right time has not yet come.
  2. Put aside your newly conceived plan.
  3. Your partner is in trouble and he or she can't give you what you ask for.

Second Yao.
Nine second. Waiting on the sand by the river. An unpleasant gossip was started. In the end there will be luck.

  1. Your friend may be in trouble; don't get involved in this.
  2. When genuine dedication is visible, the whole world will step aside to let you pass.
  3. Calm down. Don't get into litigation.

Third Yao.
Nine three. Waiting in the mud, the enemy is approaching.

  1. You encounter general opposition due to your carelessness.
  2. If you don't take care of yourself, you'll end up in poverty and your girlfriend will find new love.

Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. Waiting is in the blood. Try to get out of the hole.

  1. Don't try to resort to violence.
  2. The situation is very dangerous. We must stand still and let fate choose its course.
  3. The patient needs surgery.

Fifth Yao.
Nine five. Waiting for food and drink. The persistent will get good luck.

  1. Calmly wait for good news.
  2. Good food is not a luxury for you now.
  3. You will recover from your illness.

Sixth Yao.
Top six. Falling into a hole. Three unexpected guests appear. Entertain them, and in the end there will be luck.

  1. The wait is over. To move forward in this situation, you need to take precautions.
  2. If the three of us go, at least one of the other two is qualified to become my teacher in some field.
  3. Three years of hard work will be crowned with success.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with particular force that the need for planning and endurance emerges, i.e. "the need to wait." And regarding self-education - one of the types of education in general - Myn-tzu gives the following parable: “It is necessary (all the time) to work (on oneself), but not (to count on) immediate success. Let consciousness not forget about this matter and not “help growth.” You don’t have to be like one person from the Song inheritance, who was depressed that his seedlings were not growing, and began to pull them out. Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: “How tired I am today! I helped the seedlings grow.” His son ran to look at the seedlings, but they had already dried up. There are few people in the world who don’t “help” grow like that.” However, what is meant here is not a passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is “creativity,” which is still concentrated inside and has not yet manifested itself outside, because it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is the outer world - water). If every event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare for their correct implementation. By creating the truth now, its implementation can be left to the future, when it manifests itself. Therefore, at this stage, “possession” is essential, and then its “brilliance,” its obviousness, will develop by itself. With such a distribution of activity, the “need to wait” itself takes on a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, the opportunity to undertake a large and serious undertaking - to cross the great river - across the entire stream of human life, in order to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection . This image finds support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the internal forces of creativity, courage and clarity in the face of the dangerous watery abyss of the environment - and decisively move into it. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: The need to wait. Own the truth. Then its brilliance will develop, and its endurance will be fortunate. The ford across the great river is favorable.

Every person has the ability for new acts of cognition. But so far, while they exist only completely latently, the process of new knowledge has not yet begun, and here it is still inappropriate to talk about any need to wait. There's nothing to wait for yet. But as soon as the process of cognition is put into action, it is immediately necessary to take into account the regularity of the rhythm in which it proceeds, for the success and effectiveness of its development. The first stages in the process of new knowledge consist of a thorough assimilation of what was already known to predecessors. Therefore, here we are not talking about personal knowledge, but about the study of what can be gleaned from books or from the teaching tradition. Of course, this should in no way replace a genuine independent act of cognition, for this is only the threshold, the suburb of cognition. However, this is an absolutely necessary step. Not only can it not be avoided, but even haste and impatience at this stage can only have a detrimental effect on the entire process. On the contrary, in this Necessity to wait - constancy in the activity of assimilating what is already known brings the best fruits. And at this stage one cannot in any way blame a person for slowness, for it follows from constancy, from the very need to wait. It goes without saying that personal struggle against erroneous and false views is unthinkable here. In the text this is expressed in the following words: In the beginning there is a strong line. Waiting in the suburbs. Favors consistency of activity. There will be no blasphemy.

At the next, second stage, something more is required than simple intellectual assimilation of what is already known. Here a person must himself go out to the immediate given world and come into contact with it both passively - in contemplation, and actively - in moral activity arising from knowledge. Doubts here should already be overcome. But precisely because of this volitional effort towards new knowledge, everything inert and inert in a person is indignant and resists this impulse. Therefore, here only, on the shore, for knowledge, the need to wait is characterized by the fact that “small rumors” will arise, some dispute between the impulse for new knowledge and the inertia of accumulated experience. But the true ability to wait and wait it out here ultimately leads to happiness. The text says this: The strong trait is in second place. Waiting on the (coastal) sand. There will be some confusion. In the end - happiness.

For the final assimilation of new knowledge, it is necessary to wait until the acquired knowledge becomes as natural and involuntary as, for example, sensory perception. If the previous stage can be likened to waiting on the shore, then here another step is taken, even closer to the river (which is symbolized by the upper trigram “water” - “river”). Here is waiting in the mud. Here everything is negative, all the forces of inertia and darkness appear in all their power. It is here that they must be overcome, but to do this we must first warn about their onset. We find such a warning in the text: The strong trait is in third place. Waiting in the mud. The arrival of robbers is imminent.

With a favorable outcome of the crisis expressed in the previous position, further movement is expressed in a very special form of the need to wait. This is not a passive expectation, but a creative, active expectation, filled with internal strength acquired at the previous stages. Here, in order to carry acquired knowledge into the future, it is necessary to protect it and win it from all opposing forces. In the apparent calm of waiting, in reality such intense activity takes place that it can only be expressed in the image of a bloody battle. It is no longer on the coastal sand, not in the mud that one has to wait here in the wings: here is the expectation of blood. But only it makes it possible to leave the dark cave of ignorance into an open and clearly perceived world. The text puts this into the following images: The weak point is in fourth place. Waiting is in the blood. Exit from the cave.

Having won the battle of the previous stage, a person comes to that stage of expectation at which the boundaries of positive and negative are erased. Everything has already been conquered, everything has already been achieved. Both previously acquired knowledge and the content of the new act of cognition are generalized. There comes a moment of calm, that moment when there is no need for activity, when a calm feast is possible, after which the time of waiting passes. All that is needed here is calm determination. Thanks to her alone, happiness is guaranteed. This is possible only thanks to what was positively acquired at the previous stages. The text says the following about this: The strong trait is in fifth place. Waiting for wine and food. Fortitude is fortunate.

Complete new knowledge has been achieved. Moreover: it has been completely mastered. This makes it possible not only to know, but also to be able. What was once personal limitation can no longer limit. What once seemed like a dark cave from which you need to break out into the light no longer darkens. The man lived the time of waiting correctly. He gained access to the heights of knowledge of the world, and thus he acquired the opportunity to descend into the dark depths of the world without harm to himself. And it is in them that the creative forces accumulated in the first three preparatory stages of expectation return to him. Their action reflects the nature of all this waiting time. They arrive like three leisurely guests. It is necessary to treat them with full respect, because ultimate success depends on them. These are the forces of youth that are given the opportunity to re-emerge in old age to create the completion of the unity of a person's biography. The text expresses these thoughts in the imagery that is normal for our monument: There is a weak line at the top. You will enter the cave. There will be the arrival of three leisurely guests. Honor them, and in the end there will be happiness.

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with particular force that the need for planning and endurance emerges, i.e. "the need to wait." And regarding self-education - one of the types of education in general - Myn-tzu gives the following parable: “It is necessary (all the time) to work (on oneself), but not (to count on) immediate success. Let consciousness not forget about this matter and not “help growth.” You don’t have to be like one person from the Song inheritance, who was depressed that his seedlings were not growing, and began to pull them out. Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: “How tired I am today! I helped the seedlings grow." His son ran to look at the seedlings, but they had already dried up. There are few people in the world who don’t “help” grow like that.” However, what is meant here is not a passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is “creativity,” which is still concentrated inside and has not yet manifested itself outside, because it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is the outer world - water). If every event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare for their correct implementation. By creating the truth now, its implementation can be left to the future, when it manifests itself. Therefore, at this stage, “possession” is essential, and then its “brilliance,” its obviousness, will develop by itself. With such a distribution of activity, the “need to wait” itself takes on a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, the opportunity to undertake a large and serious undertaking - to cross the great river - across the entire stream of human life, in order to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection . This image finds support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the internal forces of creativity, courage and clarity in the face of the dangerous watery abyss of the environment - and decisively move into it. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: The need to wait. Own the truth. Then its brilliance will develop, and its endurance will be fortunate. The ford across the great river is favorable. 1 Every person has the ability for new acts of cognition. But so far, while they exist only completely latently, the process of new knowledge has not yet begun, and here it is still inappropriate to talk about any need to wait. There's nothing to wait for yet. But as soon as the process of cognition is put into action, it is immediately necessary to take into account the regularity of the rhythm in which it proceeds, for the success and effectiveness of its development. The first stages in the process of new knowledge consist of a thorough assimilation of what was already known to predecessors. Therefore, here we are not talking about personal knowledge, but about the study of what can be gleaned from books or from the teaching tradition. Of course, this should in no way replace a genuine independent act of cognition, for this is only the threshold, the suburb of cognition. However, this is an absolutely necessary step. Not only cannot one avoid it, but even haste and impatience at this stage can only have a detrimental effect on the entire process. On the contrary, in this Necessity to wait - constancy in the activity of assimilating what is already known brings the best fruits. And at this stage one cannot in any way blame a person for slowness, for it follows from constancy, from the very need to wait. It goes without saying that personal struggle against erroneous and false views is unthinkable here. In the text this is expressed in the following words: In the beginning there is a strong line. Waiting in the suburbs. Favors consistency of activity. There will be no blasphemy. 2 At the next, second stage, something more is required than simple intellectual assimilation of what is already known. Here a person must himself go out to the immediate given world and come into contact with it both passively - in contemplation, and actively - in moral activity arising from knowledge. Doubts here should already be overcome. But precisely because of this volitional effort towards new knowledge, everything inert and inert in a person is indignant and resists this impulse. Therefore, here only, on the shore, for knowledge, the need to wait is characterized by the fact that “small rumors” will arise, some dispute between the impulse for new knowledge and the inertia of accumulated experience. But the true ability to wait and wait it out here ultimately leads to happiness. The text says this: The strong trait is in second place. Waiting on the (coastal) sand. There will be some confusion. In the end - happiness. 3 For the final assimilation of new knowledge, it is necessary to wait until the acquired knowledge becomes as natural and involuntary as, for example, sensory perception. If the previous stage can be likened to waiting on the shore, then here another step is taken, even closer to the river (which is symbolized by the upper trigram “water” - “river”). Here is waiting in the mud. Here everything is negative, all the forces of inertia and darkness appear in all their power. It is here that they must be overcome, but to do this we must first warn about their onset. We find such a warning in the text: The strong trait is in third place. Waiting in the mud. The arrival of robbers is imminent. 4 With a favorable outcome of the crisis expressed in the previous position, further movement is expressed in a very special form of the need to wait. This is not a passive expectation, but a creative, active expectation, filled with internal strength acquired at the previous stages. Here, in order to carry acquired knowledge into the future, it is necessary to protect it and win it from all opposing forces. In the apparent calm of expectation, in reality such intense activity takes place that it can only be expressed in the image of a bloody battle. It is no longer on the coastal sand, not in the mud that one has to wait here in the wings: here is the expectation of blood. But only it makes it possible to leave the dark cave of ignorance into an open and clearly perceived world. The text puts this into the following images: The weak point is in fourth place. Waiting is in the blood. Exit from the cave. 5 Having won the battle of the previous stage, a person comes to that stage of expectation at which the boundaries of positive and negative are erased. Everything has already been conquered, everything has already been achieved. Both previously acquired knowledge and the content of the new act of cognition are generalized. There comes a moment of calm, that moment when there is no need for activity, when a calm feast is possible, after which the time of waiting passes. All that is needed here is calm determination. Thanks to her alone, happiness is guaranteed. This is possible only thanks to what was positively acquired at the previous stages. The text says the following about this: The strong trait is in fifth place. Waiting for wine and food. Fortitude is fortunate. 6 Complete new knowledge has been achieved. Moreover: it has been completely mastered. This makes it possible not only to know, but also to be able. What was once personal limitation can no longer limit. What once seemed like a dark cave from which you need to break out into the light no longer darkens. The man lived the time of waiting correctly. He gained access to the heights of knowledge of the world, and thus he acquired the opportunity to descend into the dark depths of the world without harm to himself. And it is in them that the creative forces accumulated in the first three preparatory stages of expectation return to him. Their action reflects the nature of all this waiting time. They arrive like three leisurely guests. It is necessary to treat them with full respect, because ultimate success depends on them. These are the forces of youth that are given the opportunity to re-emerge in old age to create the completion of the unity of a person's biography. The text expresses these thoughts in the imagery that is normal for our monument: There is a weak line at the top. You will enter the cave. There will be the arrival of three leisurely guests. Honor them, and in the end there will be happiness.