Where to get a working specialty and profession? Second higher education How to get an additional profession.

Date of publication: 06/27/2016

Nowadays, part-time work is of interest not only to students. And let’s even say more, a second profession is not always acquired due to lack of money (although this is still an incentive!), Many people simply want to learn something new. And this is commendable!

Today, training courses are attended by young professionals who want to retrain, experienced workers who are interested in related and completely new areas of business, mothers on maternity leave, and even active retirees who do not want to write themselves off early and deal only with their grandchildren and their dacha.

In what areas should I look for part-time work?

Which direction to move depends on your goals, but roughly four ways can be distinguished:

  • earn money in your specialty, but outside the workplace - tutoring, paid consultations, accounting, construction “scavengers”, private transportation and similar activities carried out in your free time from your main job can bring a good income;
  • earn extra money in global network- there are a lot of options in this direction: from making a little money by clicking letters to mastering a full-fledged profession, we are talking about web design, copywriting, trading, working with stock images and other areas available on the Internet;
  • make money from your own hobby - many are fond of knitting, sewing, beading, making handmade crafts, jewelry, decorative elements and designer furniture. All this can be turned into work. In addition, those interested in music, yoga, and choreography can give private lessons;
  • master a completely new direction of activity - this means obtaining a second full-fledged profession.

Opportunities for a second profession

It happens that there comes a time in life when you realize that you are not in the right place, and it becomes simply necessary to change something. If work is not pleasing, and the feeling of dissatisfaction is growing, thinking about getting a second profession is not just desirable, but vital. Professional burnout dangerous for a person: it leaves an imprint not only on work, but also on health and personal life.

Think about what you would like to do?

Perhaps your hobby is traveling? Then, after completing courses for guides and tour guides, you will be able to do what you love all the time.

If you have long wanted to learn how to do a massage, become a makeup artist or cosmetologist, learn the art of nail service or hairdressing, magical beauty courses will be a great start to a new life.

Today, employees who speak foreign languages ​​are highly valued, especially narrow specialists who are capable of making technical, medical and other specialized translations. Foreign language courses will help you make language your profession. They open up broad horizons: from tutoring to the opportunity to take a position in a large transnational corporation - the main desire!

Training classes will allow you to plunge into an unknown world and discover the possibilities of modeling and sewing clothes, embroidery, knitting, wool felting, learn the intricacies of painting and drawing, get acquainted with the art of floristry and landscape design, master photography, interior design, carving. Design courses will help you unleash your creativity and turn your favorite hobby into a profession.

For those who cannot imagine themselves without a computer, the best option would be to connect their work with information technology. Computer courses provide an opportunity to master programming, the process of creating websites, design, 3D modeling, animation, video editing and other areas.

Purposeful people with business acumen will benefit from management courses, where aspiring entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, tour operators, accountants, financiers, marketers and logisticians will be able to obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical recommendations in the chosen direction, which will allow you to confidently step into a new life.

The opportunities for those wishing to acquire a second profession are unlimited, the main thing is desire, diligence and hard work!

Second higher education receive almost 40% of university graduates. The reasons that motivate you to return to the student bench are different for everyone. Some were disappointed in the acquired specialty that their parents chose for them, based on fashion trends and their own ideas about prestige. Others seek to increase their competitiveness in the labor market by mastering current professions, the training of which 10 years ago might not have been included in university programs.

Whim or necessity?

Usually, those who, having accumulated life experience, by the age of thirty finally realized that the choice made at the age of 17 (no matter whether independently or with parental guidance) did not live up to expectations, go back to universities, institutes and academies for a second higher education. Another category of double students are accomplished specialists whose careers have stagnated due to the lack of additional knowledge or a higher education diploma in the desired field.

The second higher education can give both of them:

  • general erudition;
  • knowledge and skills of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary specialist;
  • greater opportunity to choose where to work;
  • increasing demand and competitiveness in the labor market;
  • complete retraining;
  • the satisfaction of finally finding a true calling.

Two or more “towers” ​​increase the status of a portfolio, especially if the second profession organically complements the first. For example, a specialist who is well versed in both law and economics has undeniable advantages over a “mono-accountant” in the eyes of an employer, and a psychologist with a degree in marketing can easily beat out competitors with a modest bachelor’s degree from a management professional applying for the position of head of a department in a large company.

And of course, a significant bonus for the holder of two university diplomas will be increased self-esteem.

Training Opportunities

In Russia

Nowadays, obtaining a second higher education in Russia is possible in almost all universities in the country; in Moscow alone, more than seven dozen higher education institutions have developed corresponding programs.

Training in an additional specialty at universities in the Russian Federation has its own characteristics:

  1. With rare exceptions, it is paid. Only those who graduated from military universities can receive a second diploma of higher education free of charge (in accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”). Those whose studies are paid for by an interested employer or a generous grant founder also have a chance not to shell out their hard-earned money for the wisdom of science.
  2. Its duration is shorter than the primary one: on average about 2.5-3.5 years.
  3. As a rule, there are no entrance exams.


Obtaining a second higher education in Europe, America, and more recently in Asia, gives:

  • free choice of subjects studied and specialization itself;
  • world standard quality of knowledge;
  • possession of a document recognized throughout the world;
  • expansion of horizons and great life experience.

The cost of studying at most foreign universities is comparable to the cost of studying at higher educational institutions in the Russian Federation.

Many foreign universities provide students with a loan to pay for their studies.

Obtaining a second diploma in the Russian Federation

Forms of training

  1. Daytime full-time. It involves creating separate groups or attaching a student to existing ones in the stream, in which the rest are studying primarily. In the second case, you may need to pass some disciplines in order to catch up with the main course.
  2. Evening face-to-face. Attendance only in the afternoon several times a week.
  3. Weekend training. Organized for working students who can attend classes 1-2 times a week.
  4. Correspondence. Independent study of educational material during the semester with the completion of a package of tasks. Lectures are provided in two cycles per course and precede the tests and examinations of the session.
  5. Distance learning. It became possible with the development of modern Internet technologies.
  6. Periodic. Includes studying only some subjects with passing exams in each of them to obtain a certificate - a diploma is issued only if you have the necessary set of certificates.
  7. Externship. Passing exams in a specific set of disciplines that the student has studied independently.

The duration of training depends on how different the direction of training is from the previous one. Obtaining a second education based on a higher education in a related specialty will take a minimum of time, and you can study in two directions in parallel.


Tuition can be paid by the student or the organization that sent him. The cost depends on several factors, the main ones:

Admission rules

For admission to universities in order to obtain a second vocational education You need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  1. Statement established educational institution forms. The document is written addressed to the rector.
  2. A diploma (necessarily with an insert) of the first higher education, if it is not of a state standard, then a copy of the university license is attached.
  3. For students with incomplete higher education - an academic certificate.
  4. Passport, documents confirming a change of surname.
  5. Photos, usually 8 pieces measuring 3 by 4.
  6. Letter of guarantee if any organization intends to pay for the second higher education.

The original diploma must only be presented; a copy is submitted to the admissions committee.

The list must be clarified at the selected institution, since the university may also require a certificate from the place of work or a copy certified by the enterprise work book, TIN, etc.

It is difficult to radically change your field of activity without significant changes in your life. In most cases, a second higher education will be paid, study will have to be combined with work, and finding a new place without experience will be much more difficult than moving along the beaten path. career trajectory. Four Muscovites told The Village how they spent many years, many millions of rubles and many hours talking with their families to get a second profession and a new life.

Evgeny Butler, 36 years old


By first education I am a lawyer. Specialization - civil law. I graduated from university in 2003, worked for some time in the system arbitration courts, now - in a leasing company. 11 years ago I defended my PhD in jurisprudence, wrote articles, and taught civil law at universities. I was interested in this specialty. It brought and continues to bring some income. But at some point I realized: everything can be changed either now or never. I started preparing to enter medical university. I can’t say why the turning point came: probably the stars just aligned.

My family and loved ones said, “Go for it.” Some acquaintances said, well, Evgeniy will indulge a little and quit his medical studies. There were many looks from the outside, not exactly disapproving, but incomprehensible. How so? Excellent career: academic degree, university teaching, internship...

There were many looks from the outside, not exactly disapproving, but incomprehensible. How so? And an academic degree, and teaching, and a career, and practice


Becoming a dentist was my childhood dream. But after school I was unable to enter medical school. Previously, for some reason, it was believed that it was simply impossible to enter there, so at the age of 16 I lost faith and decided to go into the humanitarian field.

Thoughts about dentistry would not let me go. I have always been in awe of people who practice medicine. Back in school years I was looking at books on medicine in the library. And when I started preparing for the entrance exams to a medical school, I bought textbooks and studied chemistry, biology, Russian and computer science for three months. I ended up passing the exams and getting into three medical schools. I chose the dental faculty of the Sechenov First Medical University, there was an evening department, and for me this was important. I started my studies on September 1, 2011.

It was difficult to combine with work, because studying at a medical university cannot be compared with a liberal arts education. Each object seems to cling to another: it is impossible to study histology without knowing anatomy. It was hard to study, but since I didn’t even have the thought of turning in the other direction, everything worked out. I tried to fit into the schedule at the university. I must pay tribute to my supervisors: they understood my dream and did everything to make me feel comfortable both studying and working.

I found reasonable prices for training. Education cost me about 150 thousand rubles a year. In addition, it was necessary to buy quite expensive textbooks. But there’s no escape: if you want to gnaw on the granite of science, invest. In the West this is considered absolutely normal.

I have been studying for six years, now the second year of residency has begun. I still work as a legal consultant. In addition, I work as a general dentist in a private clinic and am undergoing training at a state clinic as a resident doctor in the department of surgical dentistry. Of course, I understand that you can’t sit on two chairs for a long time, and no one needs that. In the future I see myself as a dentist. But I would also like to develop in jurisprudence: doctors and patients are already turning to me with legal questions in medicine. I think this is an interesting direction. Now all the talk about the frivolity of my plans is long in the past.

Communicating with patients is very different from advising clients on legal issues. A new profession has a completely different level of problems. Sometimes it's difficult for me emotionally. Recently, a girl about six years old came to me; she needed a baby tooth removed. I say: “Nastya, please tell me what you would ask the tooth fairy as a reward for your tooth?” She replied that she wanted her mother to get better quickly.

I would like to advise those people who find themselves in my situation (I think there are many of them) not to give up on their dreams. Because if the dream is real, then you can make every effort, not look for excuses and reasons why you can’t do it, but just do it.

Dmitry Vshivkov, 39 years old


I have a higher technical education, but I have tried myself in many places. Started as a sales manager, then became commercial director and hired general director. And so on in several areas of business.

When I realized that my interest in aviation had outgrown some theoretical knowledge, I wanted to find out in practice what it was. But the process of deciding on a new profession was long. To study, it was necessary to change place of residence. Not the easiest solution.

My wife once asked, “Why do you think it’s not worth it?” I answered: “Family, daughter, we need to take care of you...” She said: “What if we weren’t there?” I replied that then I would definitely go. She says, “Then go.” This pushed me into action.

“Why do you think it’s not worth it?” I answered: “Family, daughter, we need to take care of you...” She said: “ What if we weren’t there?” I replied that then I would definitely go


I dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood. But then, as usually happens, I grew up, goals and times changed, and I forgot about aviation. Only later, when I began to fly frequently on business trips, interest arose again: how does a plane fly, how do pilots find a route? I began to find information, read books on aerodynamics, meteorology and other disciplines. Afterwards I went to a flying club near Moscow. And after the first flight I realized that this was mine. I decided to try to enter the Krasnodar Flight School, because there were budget places there. In principle, no one, not even myself, believed that I would go on a budget. But I succeeded.

I won't say what happens after family life it was easy to get used to the hostel atmosphere, full of young guys. I went home infrequently, about once every six months. I communicated with my family by phone and via instant messengers. Looking ahead, I will say that the family broke up, but I don’t think that my decision to become a pilot is to blame.

The training lasted two years and 10 months. And during all this time I never once thought about stopping everything. I understood that I was where I should be. And now I understand that this is what I would like to do in my life.

I also had no problems with employment. I don’t see any problems in life at all: there are just obstacles that need to be overcome. It’s easier to get a job with a state education, but it all depends on your knowledge. The hiring process took almost eight months. Now I have been working as a pilot for a large airline for six months. I have no desire to change my current lifestyle. On the contrary, there is a desire to learn more, absorb knowledge and fly.

Before making this important decision, I came across people who pushed me towards it in one way or another. I learned, for example, about a guy who dreamed all his life of becoming a train driver: he graduated, started driving, and a year later returned to work. old job- I realized that it was not his. It's better to try than to regret later. But I know for sure: for me this is a dream that has become reality.

Irina Purtova, 31 years old


My parents work as lawyers, my brother is also a lawyer. And it always seemed to me that it was very interesting activity, so enrolling in the HSE Faculty of Law was my conscious decision.

I studied well and received a diploma with honors. At the same time, I began to have the feeling that I was out of place. But at that moment I couldn’t formulate for myself what exactly I wanted. Therefore, I finished my studies and went to work for an international law firm. She worked there for five years. The practice was interesting, the colleagues were good. Of course, I had to work a lot and sometimes it was hard. I understood that if you want to achieve something, you will have to work a lot, but I wanted the process itself to be more enjoyable.

I was planning to go to the UK to get a law degree there. Everything went according to plan, I entered, my parents helped with money, but a wise person from the outside said: “Are you going there to spend a year of your life and a lot of money to get a profession that you don’t want?” Then I decided that I would take risks.

My friend and I, who came to Britanka after medical treatment, joked: maybe we can now go to ballet school?

Graphic designer

Around the same time, I learned about the British Higher School of Design and their evening preparatory courses. It was scary to change anything suddenly. Therefore, I continued to work, and at the same time studied courses. I decided for myself: if I understand what I can do there, then I will move seriously in this direction. It was hard: both physically and creatively. At first it seemed that some of the mechanisms responsible for creativity in me had become rusty. The first tasks were given with pain. But the more I did, the better it turned out. By the end of the year I saw results.

I decided to enroll in the first basic year at Britanka, came to work and said: “That’s it, guys.” But it is impossible to convey how difficult this decision was for me. I left when everything was good in my legal career: practice, team, and salary.

The parents were, frankly, shocked. They didn’t fully understand my impulse, but they still supported me. I explained that I was leaving stability and clarity to come to something better for myself. They said: go, it’s your life and your choice.

In the first year, the emphasis was on developing creative skills and creating a portfolio. We tried different design directions to decide where we wanted to go: illustration, graphics or product design. Without experience, in the first year all this was quite difficult for me. But during my studies, I never once had the thought that I had made the wrong choice.

After the basic course, I completed three years of undergraduate studies. This education is very different from my first classical one, where I had to go to lectures, read books, and solve tests. There was maximum practice here: they give you the basic things, but if you need to bring your idea to life, then you have to do it yourself. I spent the money that was intended to pay for my studies in the UK to study at Britanka. It was not easy when the ruble fell and the school raised the price greatly. At this moment, my parents supported me again; without them, nothing would have happened.

This September is the first in many years when I am not going anywhere to study. My friend and I, who came to Britanka after medical school, joked: maybe we should go to ballet school now? After the intense final project, I took some time off, and now I’ve put together a portfolio and am sending it to design studios in the hope that someone will hire me. I am ready for the salary to be much lower than in law firm. Now the right work experience and a good team are important to me.

Georgy Danelia, 31 years old


I started DJing in school, I had a passion for music. Although in early childhood I dreamed of aviation. My childhood room was a small airport with its own runway and planes.

After the army I wanted to realize myself in music. I started playing in clubs and a few years later I entered the top 100 DJs in Russia. I traveled very often: these flights refreshed my childhood dreams. I could continue DJing and fly just for myself. Moreover there is good example- John Travolta. Since childhood, he dreamed of aviation, but then became an actor. Now he has several planes and an airstrip adjacent to his house. I even wrote him a letter once, and in response he sent a photograph with his signature.

In Russia, you can also get a private pilot’s license and fly a small airplane for your own pleasure, but every boy’s dream is to put on a uniform.

Even now, when I’m driving in a car and see a plane, I’ll definitely turn around to look. Some people even tease me: “Look, look, there’s a plane!”


Once I was flying to Turkey, and a girl was sitting next to me. We met, started talking - I found out that she works as a flight attendant. Soon she became my wife. Now we have a son, Daniel, and a common dream: my wife pushed me to become a pilot.

At first I wanted to study in the USA or Europe. It seemed much faster and easier. I had already applied to several schools, but at that moment there was a sharp jump in the euro, and the initial cost of training became simply fantastic. Then I entered the Krasnokutsk Flight School, where I have been studying for a year. In Domodedovo, when I was preparing for admission and went for a run every morning, I saw a plane taking off. It gave me strength. I immediately imagined where and what I was going to do. My wife, my one-year-old son and I began to live in an apartment next to the school. At first, the school itself was unusual: Soviet remnants are still in effect there. For example, you have to walk in formation to the cafeteria, AWOL is prohibited, and the course has tutors. Moreover, not only boys study there after school, but also adult men, there are even quite famous people.

I have a year and a half left to study, and I already have several invitations from airlines. I don’t want to make any guesses, because in our country everything is changing quickly. You still have to get a special permit, improve your English, and pass an interview.

I believe that everything has worked out harmoniously in my life. And even now, when I’m driving in a car and see a plane, I’ll definitely turn around to look. Some people even tease me: “Look, look, there’s a plane!”

If a person is an adult and makes good money, then he can forget about his dream, and the changes will seem like a change in foundations. But I receive two or three messages a day from older guys who ask questions about how to become a pilot. If a person wants to fly, he will fly anyway.

Any person at some point in his life feels the desire to change his profession. Many have good reasons that make them think about changing their occupation and getting a second profession. For other people, their profession becomes uninteresting over time, seems less promising and unprofitable. Typically, a “midlife crisis” is the very time when a person often thinks about changing his professional activity. Modern ones distinguish three stages of maturity, differing in certain developmental features and professional preferences: intimacy, productivity and wholeness.

At the first stage adult life, corresponding to the age range from 21 to 35 years, all the energies of a young adult are directed towards his career and starting a family. At the second stage, a person begins to think about the fate of other people and future generations that do not belong to his family, and thinks about the structure of the future world. Often, a decade and a half after receiving a diploma, a person becomes bored with his job. He begins to look for new options for his professional satisfaction, looking for new people to communicate with who can help him choose the right new profession. This may serve as a turning point in his current work, and he may return to it with greater enthusiasm. Also during this period, some people think about learning a new profession. As a rule, these are people with higher education who want to improve their skills or take up new activities. Learning a profession during this period is noticeably more difficult than at a young age, but it is possible. The third stage of maturity begins around age 55. At this age, a person takes stock of his life, comes to terms with it and rethinks it.

To choose the right second profession, according to psychologists, it is necessary to take into account your ego-ideal. This is our ideal image of ourselves, which determines our goals and vision of our place in the world around us. Throughout their lives, people strive to live up to this ideal, but they never achieve it. The more you achieve, the more you want later. An important part of this comprehension is the stage of finding your activity, which most often corresponds to your character, manner of working, communicating with colleagues and behavioral characteristics. It is important to understand whether your temperament is suitable for the chosen type of activity.

Often a new profession for many turns out to be a continuation of the previous one. This is how some people organize their own business in a certain well-known field of activity. In this case, only additional preparation and calculation of the necessary cash to start a new business. At the same time, you must always remember that no one is immune from the possibility of error. Unforeseen circumstances can end your new career badly. You should definitely get good support at your previous job, and you will always have a chance to return to your previous job.