Functional responsibilities of officials of an industrial enterprise to ensure the functioning of the facility in emergency situations. Functional responsibilities of PVR officials Performing functional responsibilities of officials of the organization


Head of Department

Reports to the Chairman of the Bank's Management Board and his Deputy for Security. He is the head of all employees of the Department and is responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Department in accordance with the Regulations on the Department in full.

He is obliged:

plan and organize the work of the departments of the Department, monitor the timely implementation of the activities provided for in the plans;

organize the development of target plans for the Directorate in the field of security and other regulatory documents in the areas of activity of the Directorate;

analyze and summarize all aspects of the activities of the departments of the Department and structural divisions bank on issues within the competence of the Department - take urgent measures, make proposals and recommendations to the bank’s management to eliminate existing shortcomings, organize and monitor their implementation;

organize the targeted collection, accumulation and processing of information related to the field of security, providing information to the bank’s management in the interests of economic security;

organize and control the entire range of security measures aimed at identifying and blocking possible channels of leakage of information constituting official, financial and commercial secrets;

carry out the necessary interaction with law enforcement agencies, ministries, departments, organizations and institutions in the areas of activity of the Department;

organize and control measures to ensure reliable security of the management of the bank, its branches, premises, equipping them technical means security and special equipment. Implement measures to ensure the established access and intra-facility regime;

organize and control issues related to the operation of TCO, ATV, special technical equipment, maintaining the necessary accounting and reporting documentation in the interests of ensuring the security of the bank;

know the business and moral qualities of subordinates, the level of professional training of employees and, on their basis, carry out personnel placement and conduct individual educational work.

Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Regime Department

Reports to the Head of the Department and is the immediate superior

for department employees. Responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department in accordance with the Regulations on Management. In the absence of the Head of the Department, performs his duties.

He is obliged:

have the necessary knowledge and practical skills in organizing routine work, know the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of documents regulating official activities for the position held. Timely and fully plan and organize measures for the protection and security of the bank’s financial and commercial activities and the functioning of its structural divisions;

organize work to identify and block possible channels of leakage of information constituting official, financial and commercial secrets. For these purposes, interaction is organized with other structural divisions of the bank, and, if necessary, with law enforcement agencies, organizations, institutions, firms, etc.;

organize the collection, accumulation and processing of information in the department’s areas of activity, analysis of the practice of protecting information flows to bank divisions, development of proposals, measures to improve the regime, their implementation and implementation;

together with the operational and technical department, organize and implement measures to comply with security requirements during the construction, operation and modernization of bank facilities, protection from special technical means of collecting information in the buildings and premises of the bank and its branches;

organize work to study candidates for admission to the staff of the bank, the Security Department, as well as the necessary materials related to the licensing of employees of the Personal Security Department and the Collection Department.

If necessary, analyze information characterizing the degree of reliability of partners.

Senior Inspector of the Regime Department

collection and analysis of information;

work with personnel.

He is obliged:

have a firm knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, documents regulating activities in its area, and be guided by them in practical work;

know and implement a system of measures to ensure the regime, collect, analyze and protect information, study personnel, the range of organizations with which it is necessary to interact, the environment, identify channels of possible leakage of information constituting official, financial and commercial secrets;

Monitor compliance with security requirements in bank divisions, keep records of violations of record keeping, disclosure of information constituting official, financial and commercial secrets;

analyze, summarize and accumulate information in the interests of the bank’s economic security, and maintain the necessary accounting documentation for this purpose. Together with the HR department, systematize accounting for the selection, study and placement of personnel in the interests of the Management and the bank;

carry out preventative work in the structural divisions of the bank, instruct newly hired bank employees to comply with regime requirements.

Head of Operations and Technical Department

Subordinates to the head of the Department, his deputy and is the immediate superior for department employees. Responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department in accordance with the Regulations on the Management.

He is obliged:

have the necessary knowledge and practical skills in organizing work on the security and access control of the bank, its branches, the operational use and operation of TCO, ATV, special protective equipment, know the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of documents regulating official activities for the position held;

timely and fully plan and implement measures to ensure reliable security of the bank and its branches, organization of access control and operation of the Pass Office. Establish close cooperation with the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that guard bank buildings, promptly and clearly respond to changes in the operational situation in the environment of protected objects;

organize the development of the necessary regulatory documentation, instructions, time sheets, etc., provide the department with the necessary forms, stamps, seals, journals, consumables etc. for the work of the Pass Office and department specialists;

organize work on the correct operation of TCO, ATV, special technical equipment, their timely replacement and repair, safety of weapons, ammunition, their issuance and accounting in accordance with the requirements;

organize training and professional development of Department employees at special courses, together with the Personal Security Department and the Collection Department, carry out activities for licensing employees and preparing the necessary documents.

Senior Inspector of the Operations and Technical Department

Reports directly to the head of the department and is responsible for the timely and accurate implementation of his job responsibilities by area of ​​activity:

operation of TSO, special technical means;

operation of ATV.

He is obliged:

have a firm grasp of the documents regulating activities in this area and be guided by them in your work;

know and implement a system of measures for reliable security and ensuring proper access control in the bank and its branches, the procedure for the operational use of TSO and special technical means. Clearly know and work to improve interaction with the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that provide security for the bank and its branches;

develop necessary documents(instructions, regulations, report cards, etc.) regulating the procedure for security, admission of persons to zones, premises that meet the access and intra-facility regime and monitor their implementation;

control the quality of service by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs units for the protection of buildings, premises, implementation of access and intra-facility regimes, operational use of TSO and other technical means;

timely submit applications for the purchase of newly introduced TSOs and special technical equipment, ATV and ammunition, supply of necessary materials, spare parts, equipment and consumables for existing TSOs;

interact with organizations and institutions on the design, installation, commissioning, operation and modernization of TSO in bank buildings and its branches, monitor compliance with the necessary regime requirements when working with TSO and special technical means;

strictly comply with the requirements of regulatory documents on the organization of storage, accounting and use of weapons and ammunition in operation in the Security and Collection Department, constantly take measures to prevent and prevent violations in the operation of ATV, excluding the loss or theft of weapons and ammunition.

Head of the Pass Bureau (inspector)

Reports directly to the head of the department and is responsible for the timely and correct registration and issuance of passes in accordance with the Regulations (instructions) on passes and access regime, for the correct accounting, storage and destruction of reporting documents, pass forms, safety of seals, stamps and other property.

He is obliged:

firmly know and strictly comply with the requirements of documents regulating admission and access control;

ensure the smooth operation of the Pass Bureau, issue and issue permanent, temporary, one-time passes in accordance with the established procedure;

keep records of forms, permanent, temporary, one-time and material passes, destroy used series of passes in the prescribed manner, promptly report to the head of the department about the need to replace series of passes, draw up requests for the production of pass forms, seals, stamps, and the necessary accounting documentation;

take into account and promptly report the names of persons who have lost passes, their numbers, damage to passes, their replacement, facts of violations in the use of passes;

ensure order in the premises assigned to the Pass Office, maintain office equipment in good condition, and comply with safety requirements when working with it. Do not allow unauthorized persons to be in the Pass Office and carry out the necessary interaction with the Ministry of Internal Affairs post.

Head of the Personal Security Department

Reports to the Chairman of the Board of the Bank, his Deputy for Security, and the Head of the Department. He is the immediate supervisor of the employees of the Personal Security Department of the bank management and is responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department in accordance with the Regulations on the Management.

He is obliged:

have the necessary knowledge and practical skills in organizing the personal security of the first person. Timely and fully plan and organize measures to ensure the safety of the Chairman of the Bank’s Management Board at places of stay and on travel routes;

monitor and verify the readiness of the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allocated to solve problems of ensuring the security of the Chairman of the Board of the bank, under any conditions of the operational situation, to maintain the necessary interaction with officials and employees of these departments;

by order of the Chairman of the Board of the bank, organize the security and personal safety of other bank employees. In conditions of changes in the operational situation, strengthen security or remove it only on the direct instructions of the first person;

develop schedules for the protection of bank management by department employees, taking into account staffing levels. Monitor the readiness of employees to perform their direct duties in their positions;

carry out the necessary measures for the selection, study and placement of personnel to fill vacant positions in the department. Plan and organize vocational training employees on special courses and in daily activities, licensing of subordinates, maintaining the necessary accounting and reporting documentation; immediately inform the bank management and the Department about changes in the operational situation that could affect the reliability of the security of the protected person, violations of the established security procedure committed by subordinates or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs assigned to protect the first person, and take the necessary measures to eliminate them;

develop and timely adjust functional responsibilities and job descriptions in accordance with the tasks assigned to the department.

Functional responsibilities Department employees are determined by job descriptions for their positions. 0-75 Basics banking(Banking) / Ed. Tagirbekova K.R. - M.: Publishing House "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir", 2003. - 720 p. - (Higher education).

18 V N 5-16-000728-8 (“INFRA-M”)

KVIC 5-7777-0128-0 (“The Whole World”)

IN textbook the main aspects of the functioning of banks and the banking system as a whole are examined in detail: credit and investment activities, bank management and marketing, ensuring economic and financial security. The operations that Russian banks began to carry out relatively recently, as well as new types and forms of banking products and services are analyzed.

The appendices contain instructions and provisions that have been tested in the real conditions of the bank and illustrate its activities.

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the program of the course “Banking”, which is studied in economic universities and business schools, and will be useful for students and teachers. The book is also of practical interest to financial market specialists.

UDC 33 BBK 65.262.1 "Bulletin of Banking Statistics No. 5 (72), 1999.

1 See Finance, 1998, No. 1.

1 See Banking, 1997, No. 1.

1 Forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation/Banking Analytical Journal No. 8 (63), August 2000.

1 Russian statistical yearbook: Stat. Sat. Goskomstat of Russia, section Investment activities. -M., 1998, pp. 406-416.

his bank payment orders in the following quantities:

3 - if the payer and recipient cash are serviced by the same bank;

4 - if the payer and recipient of funds are serviced by different banks;

5 - when making intercity transfers.

1. The payer has obligations to the recipient to pay a certain amount of money (purchase and sale of goods or other valuables, provision of services, other reasons).

2. The payer provides the bank servicing him with four copies of the payment order to transfer funds to the recipient.

3. The payer’s bank debits the payment amount from his bank account, puts a mark on execution on the payment order and transfers its fourth copy to the payer.

4. The payer’s bank transfers the payment amount to the recipient’s bank and gives it the second and third copies of the payment order. The first copy with the signatures and seal of the payer and with a mark of execution remains in the payer’s bank and is filed in the documents of the day.

5. The recipient's bank credits the received funds to the recipient's account, puts a mark of execution on the received copies of the payment order and transfers one of them to the recipient, and files the other in the documents of the day.

1. The payer and the recipient of funds enter into an agreement between themselves (purchase and sale or provision of services), settlements for which are provided in the form of a letter of credit.

2. The payer submits to his servicing bank (issuing bank) an application for opening a letter of credit, on the basis of which the issuing bank debits the funds constituting the amount of the letter of credit from the payer’s account.

3. The issuing bank provides the executing bank with a copy of the application for opening a letter of credit and transfers the amount of the letter of credit to it.

4. The executing bank notifies the recipient of funds about the opening of a letter of credit in his favor.

1. The issuing bank enters into an agreement with a representative of the payment system, on the basis of which it acquires the right to issue plastic cards serviced by this payment system.

2. The card owner opens a special bank account with the issuing bank and enters into a service agreement with it; The issuing bank issues a bank card to the cardholder.

3. The cardholder, wanting to receive a product, service or cash, provides a bank card to the POS or inserts into an ATM and enters his PIN code.

5. If the authorization procedure is successfully completed, the RSCH-tsrmipal or ATM debits the transaction amount from the bank card and issues the cardholder a slip (which he, as a rule, must sign); the cardholder receives goods, services or cash; The bank card is returned to the card owner.

6. At the end of each working day, the POS transfers slips to the acquiring bank, which serve as a documentary basis for settlements.

1 Previously, before the entry into force of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 23.07.98 “On the procedure for applying federal laws regulating the procedure for registering credit institutions and licensing banking activities”, depending on the availability of the right to establish correspondent relations with non-resident banks, there were three types of this license :

2) with the right to establish correspondent relations with a limited number of foreign banks (extended currency license);

Official refers to a person performing the functions of a representative of management (authority), holding positions temporarily or permanently in state, public institutions, organizations and enterprises related to the performance of organizational, administrative or administrative functions, or a person performing these functions under special authority. A position is a place in the power structure of an organization that occupies certain employee, combined with established tasks, duties, rights and responsibilities. The classification of civil service positions is given in Federal law“On the state civil service of the Russian Federation.”

The responsibilities of officials can be divided into standard job responsibilities (compliance with labor discipline, labor protection requirements, etc.) and job responsibilities for performing the functions of the organization.

Job responsibilities define the scope and limits practical implementation functions assigned to the employee according to his position and tasks assigned to him.

In practice, it is sometimes difficult to understand whether there is or not " non-performance"(or even " criminal default) of his official duties by the responsible official.

Let us recall that “failure to perform” is the failure to perform certain actions that the employee must take to complete the task assigned to him, i.e., in fact inaction. In addition, “non-compliance” can also be an active action, the commission of which is prohibited. In any case, “failure to comply” may result in an offense. Offense is an action that is contrary to the law, violating the rules of law. The law provides for legal liability for violations. Offenses are divided into administrative, disciplinary and civil crimes.

Is the official guilty of “failure to perform” or an offense? The answer to this question can be found by comparing the actual activities of an official with his job description. To do this, it is necessary to establish in the job description the differences between “failure to fulfill” official duties and improper performance of such duties, as well as indicate possible offenses.

The criterion for improper performance, according to general rule, is the performance of duties not in full, in violation of the deadlines allotted for this, as a result of which the result does not correspond to the original purpose of performance. Late performance of official duties does not always imply lateness or delay. Improper performance of official duties may also include exceeding the allotted deadlines, for example, sending documents before agreeing on actions, etc.

A distinction between the concepts of “failure to perform” and “improper execution” is necessary in order to correctly use the tools of influence on a given official provided for by law.

Note that in practice it would be useful to indicate in local regulations types of liability for “failure to fulfill” official (official) duties. Moreover, the design of the section establishing types of responsibility may itself be a strong factor affecting certain categories of workers.

Used in job descriptions statements like: “responsible for organizing work, etc.”; “acts on his own responsibility”; “is responsible to the leader... for...” most often sets people with a heightened sense of duty to moral, ethical or social, but not legal responsibility.

In formulations such as: “he is held liable for...”, “is responsible for...” or “for non-compliance, non-fulfillment, violation is held accountable for...” the employee is warned about the possible adverse consequences of his unlawful behavior. This quite often has a strong disciplinary effect on employees.

Organize informing the affected population about the situation;

Promptly submit reports on the progress of reception and placement of the population in the Committee for Emergency Situations and Occupational Safety and Health;

Organize preparations for the affected population to be sent to long-term accommodation centers.

6.5. The deputy head of the temporary detention center is responsible for the development of documentation, provision of temporary temporary accommodation with the necessary equipment and property, preparation of the administration and practical implementation of the reception of the affected population; for the deployment of temporary temporary accommodation and the work of the public order group, the mother and child room and the medical center. He reports to the head of the TAP and is the direct commander of the entire TAP administration. In the absence of the head of the temporary detention center, he performs his duties.

6.6. During day-to-day activities, the Deputy Head of the TAP is obliged to:

Study the procedure for deploying TAP;

Organize the development of PVR documentation;

Organize training of personnel;

Organize the preparation of the necessary equipment and property;

Prepare premises, equipment and means of communication in advance;

Conduct practical training on issues of notification, collection and functioning of the TAP administration;

6.7. In the event of an emergency, the deputy head of the temporary temporary detention center is obliged to:

Organize notification and gathering of TAP members with the beginning of measures to accommodate the affected population;

In a timely manner, prepare the personnel, premises, communications and equipment of the temporary temporary detention center to receive and accommodate the affected population;

Carry out the full deployment of temporary temporary accommodation facilities and preparations for the reception and accommodation of the population;

Maintain contact with organizations providing transport for temporary temporary accommodation;

Manage the work of the public order group, the mother and child room and the medical center;

Organize the provision of water and medical care to the affected population;

Provide information on the progress of receiving the affected population.

6.8. The head of the meeting, reception, registration and accommodation group is responsible for maintaining personal records, registration and accommodation of the evacuated population, for summarizing, analyzing and presenting information on the arrival and accommodation of the evacuated population, for submitting reports to the Committee for Emergency Situations and Safety. He reports to the chief and deputy chief of the PVR and is the direct superior of the group’s personnel.

6.9. The head of the meeting, reception, registration and accommodation group during daily activities is obliged to:

Know the guidelines for organizing the reception and accommodation of the affected population;

Develop the necessary documentation for the group to register and accommodate the arriving affected population;

Study the procedure for the arrival of the affected population at the TAP and the procedure for its placement;

Participate in exercises, training and inspections conducted by civil defense and emergency response authorities.

6.10. The head of the meeting, reception, registration and accommodation group in the event of an emergency is obliged to:

Prepare the group’s workplaces and report on the group’s readiness to receive the population being withdrawn from areas of possible emergency situations;

Distribute responsibilities among group members;

Organize registration, registration and accommodation of the affected population;

Providing timely information about all changes in the situation to the affected population;

Report to the head of the temporary detention center on the progress of reception and accommodation of the arriving affected population;

Submit to the information desk lists of the population housed in the TAP, as well as lists of the population who have left the TAP with the direction of departure;

Compile lists of the affected population to the heads and senior officers of the columns when sending them to long-term accommodation centers.

6.11. The head of the acquisition, dispatch and escort group is responsible for maintaining records of transport and its distribution for the removal of the affected population to places of permanent accommodation, the organized dispatch of columns accompanied by guides to populated areas of the region. He reports to the chief and deputy chief of the PVR and is the direct superior of the group’s personnel.

6.12. The head of the group of acquisition, dispatch and support during daily activities is obliged to:

Know the guidelines for organizing the reception and accommodation of the affected population;

Organize training of group personnel;

Know what kind of transport, from which organizations, is allocated to temporary temporary accommodation for the removal of the affected population, the procedure for establishing communication with the heads of these organizations;

Know the number of arriving affected population, routes and places of temporary accommodation of the affected population;

Develop the necessary group documentation;

Study the procedure for the arrival of the affected population at the TAP and the procedure for its recruitment, dispatch and escort;

Participate in exercises, training and inspections conducted by civil defense and emergency response authorities.

6.13. The head of the recruitment, dispatch and support group in the event of an emergency is obliged to:

When an order is received to receive the population, prepare workplaces, group documentation and report on the group’s readiness to receive the population being withdrawn from emergency zones;

Keep records of allocated transport and its distribution for transporting the affected population to temporary accommodation sites;

Carry out organized dispatch of columns, accompanied by guides, to populated areas of the region.

6.14. The head of the public order protection group is responsible for maintaining public order on the territory of the temporary detention center, organizing the exit of victims to board transport or to the starting points of walking evacuation routes. He reports to the deputy head of the PVR and is the direct superior of the group’s personnel.

6.15. The head of the public order protection group during daily activities is obliged to:

Organize training of group personnel;

Participate in exercises, training and inspections conducted by civil defense and emergency response authorities.

6.16. The head of the public order protection group in the event of an emergency is obliged to:

Participate in the development of a diet and preparation of food layouts;

Carry out systematic medical monitoring of the quality of food of personnel and the quality of water;

Monitor the quality of food at the food storage facility of the temporary temporary residence facility and at the food intake point, as well as the quality of prepared food.

6.19. The senior (senior) of the information desk is responsible for the timely provision of information on all issues of the TAP work to victims who apply for information. He (she) reports to the deputy head of the temporary detention center and is the direct supervisor of the information desk employees.

6.20. The senior (senior) of the information desk in the mode of daily activities is obliged to:

Have the addresses and telephone numbers of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Fire Protection, the nearest temporary temporary detention centers; organizations that provide transport; know the procedure for establishing contact with the heads of these organizations;

Prepare reference documents.

6.21. The senior (senior) of the information desk in an emergency situation is obliged (obliged) to give information to the affected population about the location of food points, medical organizations, post offices and savings banks, on the operating procedure of household institutions and their location and on all issues related to the placement of the population at this temporary temporary residence.

6.22. The psychologist is responsible for psychological support emergency victims;

6.23. In an emergency situation, a psychologist is obliged to:

Provide emergency psychological assistance to victims of emergencies:

Carry out measures for the rehabilitation of emergency victims.

6.24. The staff of the mother and child room are responsible for providing assistance to women evacuated with young children, organizing the reception, registration and dispatch of pregnant women and women with young children by special transport after they receive a placement order.

Addendum 3.3.3

OKNS rights

OKNS has the right:

take part in the investigation of issues related to the occurrence of emergency situations at meetings of the facility at all levels and make decisions in accordance with the assigned tasks; control the activities of the structural divisions of the facility on NS issues; send to the heads of structural divisions in order to implement all decisions of the commission on issues in accordance with its competence:

hear at its meetings reports from the heads of the facility’s structural divisions on the implementation of decisions made by the commission and the state of affairs on issues of preventing and responding to accidents;

involve departmental and territorial supervision bodies (by agreement) of leading specialists of the relevant functional subsystem of the Unified Labor Service to carry out inspections and examinations of potentially hazardous production areas (process lines), ensuring the safety of personnel and the population, and the environment.

Organization of work of OKNS

A. During daily activities:

Organizes its work in accordance with the annual plan approved by the head of the facility;

Once a month (quarter) and, if necessary, holds a meeting at which activities on issues within the competence of the commission are reviewed and approved. During the period between meetings of the JSC, decisions are made by the chairman of the commission or his deputy. The chairman distributes responsibilities among his deputies and organizes the work of members in the OKNS.

B. In case of threat and occurrence of emergency situations:

Provides direct management of the entire range of activities on emergency situations, protection of personnel and the population, and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations;

Makes the transition to continuous operation mode. The place of work of the OKNS is the office of the head of the OKNS or the control center.

1. Functional responsibilities of the Chairman of the commission

The chairman of the commission is responsible for organizing the work of the commission, its readiness to carry out assigned tasks, the implementation of decisions made by the commission on issues of preventing and responding to emergencies, as well as constant monitoring of the implementation of measures to protect personnel, carrying out rescue and other urgent work.

He is obliged:

Ensure timely development and approval of the annual work plan of the commission:

Manage the daily activities of the commission, conduct scheduled and unscheduled meetings of the commission in a timely manner;

Organize the activities of relevant services (divisions, departments) to predict possible accidents in potentially hazardous areas

production and assessment of their consequences;

Plan measures to reduce the risk of emergency situations at the site and monitor their implementation;

Organize training of personnel of structural units and services, workers and employees to act in emergency situations;

Carrying out general management;

Development of typical plans for the elimination of possible NS and their

increasing the reliability and consistency of the operation of the facility in emergency conditions:

In the event of a threat of emergency, the chairman of the commission

Upon receipt of information about the NS (order, signal, etc.), give an order to notify and gather members of the commission (if this is not included in the functions of the duty dispatch service) and arrive at the place of work:

Assess and understand the circumstances that have developed at the facility (possible circumstances), the scale and nature of the danger to production, personnel and the population of the sanitary protected zone;

Make a precautionary decision to counteract the emergency (urgent measures to protect personnel and the population, localize the source of danger, organize reconnaissance, bring the forces and means of response to readiness);

Put into operation the relevant sections of the HC elimination plan at the site;

Personally and through members of the commission to monitor the implementation decisions made;

Maintain constant communication and information exchange with constantly current commission according to TEB and NS of the corresponding functional subsystem of the UDS as well as the local and territorial level;

Inform the head of the facility about the situation that has developed, the measures taken to counter the NS, the need to attract additional forces (functional and territorial);

Provide the facility manager with proposals from the commission regarding operating modes of production sites and the facility as a whole in the conditions of liquidation of emergency situations and its consequences.

2. Functional responsibilities of the deputy chairman of the commission, a full-time employee of the central control (CO) of the facility.

A full-time employee of the central control center (CO) of the facility is responsible for planning activities regarding NS issues, timely bringing the forces and assets of the facility to readiness for the purpose of carrying out rescue and other urgent work, ensuring reliable and constant management in the NS.

He is obliged:

Develop an annual work plan for the OKNS;

Maintain the facility's control center in readiness, periodically conduct training regarding notification and collection of the commission (in accordance with the work plan or orders of the chairman of the commission);

Plan and monitor the training of the facility’s management staff, response forces, personnel training on issues of civil protection and liquidation of emergency situations;

Carry out work regarding the recruitment, equipment and accounting of emergency rescue (search and rescue) units, ensure their constant readiness for action.

In the event of a threat and occurrence of an emergency, the deputy chairman of the commission - a full-time employee of the central control (CO) of the facility is obliged to:

Upon receiving information about the National Assembly, arrive at your workplace, organize control over the arrival of commission members and report to the chairman about their gathering;

Organize the work of the commission’s expert group regarding operational forecasting of the possible development of the National Assembly;

Organize constant duty of commission members at their place of work;

Organize reconnaissance, observation and control over changing circumstances;

Selection and processing of information;

Bring to readiness the necessary forces and means of the facility;

Provide the chairman of the facility commission with proposals worked out by the expert group regarding the protection of personnel and the liquidation of the emergency situation, the organization of rescue and other urgent work;

Organize the rescue of residents and property;

Personally lead the work on a more relevant area;

Ensure management of response forces and means at all stages of emergency localization, rescue and other emergency operations, and liquidation of emergency consequences;

Timely inform the chairman of the commission about the measures taken and the implementation of the commission’s decisions.

3. Functional responsibilities of the deputy chairman of the commission - deputy head

The deputy chairman of the commission - the deputy head of the facility from production is responsible for the timely implementation of measures to improve reliability and accident-free operation production cycle and the constant functioning of the object in the event of a threat and the occurrence of emergency situations. He is obliged:

Assess the safety of operating and tested technological processes, as well as the possible occurrence of technological lines emergency situations;

To develop, in collaboration with other facility specialists, a set of measures regarding the prevention and prevention of possible accidents at the facility and reducing losses from them;

Monitor the implementation by structural units of the facility of measures to reduce the risk of accidents and losses from them;

Take part in the work of the expert group on issues within its competence. In the event of a threat and occurrence of an emergency, the deputy chairman of the commission of the production facility is obliged to:

Upon receipt of information about the NS, arrive at the site of the working commission;

Assess the circumstances, the scale of the accident, the size of losses and other consequences of the accident;

Submit your proposals regarding countering NS to the operational expert group;

Monitor the readiness of emergency technical services and formations of structural units regarding the implementation of tasks in the National Assembly;

Take part in the organization of rescue and other urgent work and monitor their implementation, taking into account the circumstances that arise;

Provide assistance in the administrative and technical investigation of the causes of emergency situations at the facility;

"I affirm"
Director of JSC "name of organization"
______ Full name
"___" ________ 2011

Functional responsibilities for labor protection
engineering and technical workers and other specialists
(name of organization).

legal consultant.

1. Monitors compliance with labor legislation regarding working hours and rest periods, the use of women and adolescents, the correctness of the transfer and dismissal of service workers.
2. Leads necessary work on improvement legal regulation issues related to ensuring normal working conditions and safety.
3. Provides methodological guidance to legal work on labor protection, checks the status of this work in services, workshops and areas.
4. Monitors compliance with instructions, regulations and developments on labor protection current legislation.
5. Conducts work to develop the promotion of legal education of officials, employees and workers in terms of their compliance with the requirements of rules and regulations on labor protection.
6. Provides heads of services, including the labor safety and health service, with explanations on legal issues in the field of labor safety and health, provides them with information materials on current legislation and the practice of its application.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
head of the administrative and economic department.

1. At the request of the services, organizes the timely supply of materials, equipment, special clothing, safety footwear and devices for carrying out measures to improve working conditions and ensure work safety.
2. Provides control over the state of labor safety of subordinate workers; for the safe operation of automobile and other transport, lifting and transport vehicles, as well as the proper organization and safe performance of loading and unloading operations.
3. Ensures the sanitary and hygienic condition of the territory of production facilities, sanitary facilities at sites and in services in accordance with the rules and regulations on labor protection.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
HR specialist.
1. Organizes in the services and areas of the enterprise the implementation of labor organization plans, including measures to improve working conditions, as well as plans for training and advanced training of workers, training programs for workers taking into account labor protection requirements, ensures inclusion in training programs training of personnel in the “Occupational Safety and Health” section.
2. Controls in accordance with internal rules labor regulations compliance with working hours.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
head of the planning and economic group.

1. Provides financial planning of funds spent by the enterprise and services on the implementation of a comprehensive plan for improving conditions, labor protection and sanitary measures and control over their full implementation.
2. Study the working conditions of workers and prepare proposals on the amount of additional leave and a shortened working day for persons employed in work with hazardous working conditions.
3. Provides services with standards labor costs maintenance and repair of equipment at facilities in order to increase the efficiency of use of machines, mechanisms and equipment; mechanization and automation of labor-intensive and heavy work.
4. Participates in the development of activities for scientific organization labor, improving the organization of workplaces, facilitating working conditions and reducing heavy, labor-intensive and manual work.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
Head of the Public Procurement Group.

1. Ensures full satisfaction of the needs of services and areas for high-quality workwear, safety footwear, and personal protective equipment; equipment for dry cleaning, washing, repair of workwear; V necessary equipment and materials for the implementation of a comprehensive plan for improving conditions, labor protection and sanitary measures.
2. Organizes the correct reception, storage, issuance and use of workwear, safety shoes and safety equipment at the enterprise.
3. Provides safe conditions labor during loading and unloading operations, warehousing, storage and transportation of goods and materials at the enterprise.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
head of the production and technical group.

1. Implements the introduction of scientific labor organization, improvement of technology, repair, mechanization and automation production processes aimed at facilitating and improving working conditions.
2. Participates in the development of long-term production development plans, measures aimed at improving working conditions and increasing labor safety, improving the organization and technology of production, introducing advanced methods, more advanced automation schemes and other technological means that increase work safety and improve working conditions.
3. Monitors the safe operation and serviceability of equipment, structures, devices and the correct use of safety devices in services, taking into account labor protection requirements.
4. Carries out control and operational management of planned preventive, repair and emergency work at sites and workplaces of the enterprise, taking into account labor protection requirements.
5. Organizes the implementation of measures on new equipment, technology, rationalization, and best practices aimed at facilitating and improving working conditions.
6. Monitors the implementation of schedules repair work main and auxiliary technological equipment taking into account labor protection requirements.
7. Ensures control over compliance by service employees with labor protection rules, technological regulations, and the use of safe work practices.
8. Organizes the review of technical projects for construction in accordance with the rules and regulations on labor protection and prepares appropriate conclusions.
9. Organizes the review of projects for major repairs of buildings and structures, as well as plans for major repairs of equipment and production facilities at the enterprise in accordance with labor protection requirements.
10. Ensures strict adherence to the procedure for accepting objects into operation. Provides control over the timeliness of design, inclusion in title lists and construction of facilities provided for in a comprehensive plan for improving conditions, labor protection and sanitary measures.
11. Organizes and, together with the relevant services, monitors the launch of newly constructed and reconstructed facilities in terms of timely completion of labor protection work.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
head of service, section (VDGSiO, NG and GRP, MRU, ADS, SE and KZ, ATS, communications section).

1. Bears personal responsibility for creating safe and healthy working conditions and improving production culture in the workplace, implementing measures of a comprehensive plan for improving conditions, labor protection and sanitary measures.
2. Organizes correct management technological processes in accordance with labor protection requirements and “Safety Rules for the Operation of Main Gas Pipelines”, “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”, “Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels”, “Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Lifting Cranes”. Ensures the introduction of the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of improving technological equipment, mechanisms, devices in order to increase work safety, reduce occupational diseases, prevent environmental pollution and facilitate working conditions.
3. Ensures that equipment, mechanisms, devices, and tools are in good condition. Equips all workplaces with the necessary protective and fencing devices.
4. Provides workers with personal protective equipment, special clothing and special food.
5. Organizes a labor safety corner in the service and provides it with technical training tools.
6. Organizes timely training, briefings and knowledge tests on labor protection, assigns new workers for internship to highly qualified specialists, monitors the timeliness and quality of instruction and internship.
7. Develops instructions for the safe conduct of work and provides them with workers and employees who are not officials, and all service officials with rules and other regulatory documents on labor protection.
8. Provides workplaces with instructions regulating safe work practices, posters and warning notices, and service documentation (magazines). Checks their condition, replaces and corrects them.
9. Carries out, in a timely manner, the instructions, orders and requirements of the State Inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Mangistau Regional Department of Labor Protection, the State Fire Supervision and the SES, as well as the comments and suggestions of the public commissioners for labor protection and the labor protection engineer.
10. Conducts certification of workplaces in accordance with the “Regulations on the certification of production facilities of an organization for working conditions”, approved by order of the Minister of Labor and social protection population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 15, 1997 No. 2.
11. Draws up written permits, work permits and organizes the performance of high-risk work in accordance with the instructions for their implementation.
12. Organizes timely periodic medical examinations for employees.
13. Organizes the equipping of installations, areas and certain workplaces with primary fire extinguishing means, ensures that systems and devices for notification, alarm, as well as protection against accidents and fires are maintained in constant working order.
14. Participates in the investigation of accidents, accidents, occupational diseases and occupational poisoning that occurred in the service, analyzes their causes, determines measures to prevent such cases and ensures their implementation.
15. Conducts a meeting with employees once a quarter on labor protection, at which it reviews the state of labor protection at sites and workplaces, develops measures to improve the state of labor protection and informs the labor protection engineer about the results.
16. Makes proposals to the management of the enterprise to encourage employees who actively participate in activities aimed at improving the safety of production processes, improving working conditions and improving production culture, and bringing to justice persons who violate labor protection requirements.
17. Together with the public representative for labor protection, carries out control at the second stage.

Functional responsibilities for occupational safety and health
senior dispatcher, shift dispatcher of ADS.

1. Ensures the safe organization of work and operation of equipment, mechanisms, devices, tools, maintains normal sanitary and hygienic conditions on the site, and prevents clutter and clutter in passages and driveways.
2. Constantly checks the condition of equipment, mechanisms, devices and tools at all workplaces and eliminates all detected deficiencies.
3. Checks compliance with the inspection deadlines for pressure vessels; accessories for lifting mechanisms, dielectric protective equipment etc., as well as the availability of certificates for the right to conduct high-risk work.
4. Receives work permits and other special permits for work that require their execution, and does not allow these works to be performed without obtaining the required permits.
5. Directly manages complex, high-risk work and the prevention or elimination of accidents.
6. Ensures that workers comply with labor and production discipline and use safe labor practices in accordance with labor protection instructions.
7. Participates in the development and revision of instructions for the safe conduct of work.
8. Instructs workers on safe work practices, monitors internships, workers’ mastery of safe work practices and knowledge of instructions in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Health and Safety Regulations of the Civil Code and the Rules.
9. Carry out, in a timely manner, the planned measures to improve working conditions, increase its safety on the site and the instructions of state supervision and public control bodies.
10. Organizes the provision of first aid to the victim and his referral to medical institution, notifies the head of the service about the accident.
11. Ensures that the situation at the workplace in which the accident occurred is maintained, unless this threatens further complications. In the event of an emergency situation, takes the necessary preventive measures to ensure safety.
12. Monitors the wearing of issued special clothing and safety footwear by each worker, and their use of the required protective equipment, safety devices and guards.
13. Organizes an immediate call: to the fire department in the event of a fire; ambulance for severe burns, injuries, poisoning.
14. Informs the head of the service about the state of working conditions at the facilities. Makes proposals to the head of the service to encourage producers and workers for active participation in activities aimed at increasing the safety of production processes, improving working conditions, improving production culture, and bringing to justice persons who violated labor protection requirements.
15. Actively participates in the promotion of labor protection.
16. When accepting a shift (by the dispatcher), he draws the attention of workers to certain issues of safe work during the shift.
17. Does not allow persons in a state of intoxication to carry out work, reports this to a superior manager, and carries out educational work.
18. Organizes the work of administrative and public control at the first stage.