Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation. Discipline "Specifics of social work in institutions of the penitentiary system (CPS)"

The level of development of the social organism is determined by the role that social work plays in it and the status that the social worker has. In developed social systems, political and administrative figures turn to a social worker for help whenever a problem they face cannot be effectively resolved by political or administrative methods, but can be subject to the influence of social work technologies. Based on this criterion, we can say that social work in Russian penitentiary institutions today is still only in the initial stage of development.

Currently, Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of prisoners per capita: per 100 thousand Russian citizens there are 750 people held in prison.

The specificity of social work in correctional institutions is that:

  • it is carried out within social organisms with a high degree of closedness and isolation;
  • its object is persons with a high index of social disadvantage and increased stress;
  • social work is carried out in an atmosphere of confrontation between two irreconcilable ethical and legal concepts (let’s call them the mentality of “prison staff” and the mentality of the “prison world”, while their representatives do not consider social work as an integral and necessary element of prison life, its meaning and role are often not understood);
  • it is inextricably linked with the execution of criminal punishment, having, in essence, the same ultimate goals as this socio-legal institution;
  • social work in the penitentiary system should not stop with the end of the sentence, since the former prisoner needs re-socialization and adaptation to the outside world, its rules and norms; unlike other employees of the penitentiary staff, the social worker is objectively forced to occupy a special place; he is a mediator not only between the authorities and the citizen, but also between the philosophy of punishment and the philosophy of the criminal world that is hostile to it, forcing adherents of these philosophies to look for socially acceptable points of contact.

Social work occupies a special place among other types of influence on prisoners. The Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (PEC RF) lists six main areas of correction and re-education of prisoners:

  • 1) mode of serving the sentence, i.e. a system of legal restrictions and additional responsibilities assigned to the convicted person and aimed at achieving the goals of punishment;
  • 2) socially useful work as the duty of a convicted person and the right of a person in custody;
  • 3) educational work (cultural-educational, spiritual-educational work, as well as self-education);
  • 4) general education training;
  • 5) vocational training;
  • 6) social impact.

Each of these areas contains components of social work. However, social work must be considered as an independent activity, which is not a means of correction and re-education of prisoners, but ensures the successful development of these processes.

In Art. Article 61 of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners specifies the functions of a social worker in a correctional institution:

  • support and strengthening of socially useful ties with family;
  • support and strengthening of socially useful ties with social (public) organizations;
  • protection of civil interests of convicted persons;
  • protection of the rights of convicted persons to social security and other social benefits.

Thus, social work in penitentiary institutions should not be considered as part of any other work, but as an independent type of activity that provides for the protection of the interests and rights of the person punished by all means permitted by law. However, when carrying out social work, it is necessary to take into account the interests of other types of activity and correlate it with a certain regime, educational, educational or other load.

Punishment in the form of imprisonment is carried out by a colony-settlement, educational colony, medical correctional institution, correctional colony of general, strict or special regime or prison, and in relation to the persons specified in Art. 77 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, pre-trial detention center. The punishment of arrest is carried out by the arrest house.

Correctional institutions are correctional colonies, educational colonies, prisons, medical correctional institutions.

Detention centers perform the functions of correctional institutions in relation to convicts left to perform household maintenance work, as well as in relation to convicts sentenced for a period of not more than six months, left in pre-trial detention centers with their consent.

Correctional colonies are intended for convicts who have reached the age of majority to serve imprisonment. They are divided into colony-settlements, general-regime correctional colonies, high-security correctional colonies, and special-regime correctional colonies. In one correctional colony, isolated areas with different types of regime can be created. The procedure for creating these areas is determined by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of execution of criminal penalties.

In settlement colonies, those sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed through negligence, intentional crimes of minor and medium gravity, as well as convicts transferred from general and strict regime correctional colonies on the basis and in the manner established by paragraphs “c” and “d” serve their sentences. "Parts of the second art. 78 Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

In general regime correctional colonies, convicted men, except those listed in parts five, six and seven of this article, as well as convicted women, serve their sentences.

Men sentenced to imprisonment for the first time for committing especially serious crimes serve their sentences in maximum security correctional colonies; in case of relapse of crimes and dangerous relapse of crimes, if the convicted person has previously served imprisonment.

In special regime correctional colonies, convicted men with particularly dangerous recidivism of crimes, sentenced to life imprisonment, as well as convicts for whom the death penalty by way of pardon has been replaced by imprisonment for a certain term or life imprisonment serve their sentences.

IN prisons those sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than five years for committing especially serious crimes, in case of a particularly dangerous recidivism of crimes, as well as those convicted who are malicious violators of the established procedure for serving their sentences and transferred from correctional colonies are serving their sentences.

IN medical correctional and treatment and preventive institutions convicts specified in part two of Art. serve their sentences. 101 Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Treatment and preventive institutions perform the functions of correctional institutions in relation to the convicts in them. In medical correctional and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, isolated areas can be created that function as colony-settlements. The procedure for creating these areas is determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of execution of criminal penalties.

IN educational colonies Minors sentenced to imprisonment, as well as convicts left in educational colonies until they reach the age of 19, are serving their sentences. In educational colonies, isolated areas may be created that function as general regime correctional colonies for the detention of convicts who have reached the age of 18 while serving their sentence. The procedure for creating these areas is determined by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of execution of criminal penalties.

In the majority Western countries The penitentiary system consists of closed, semi-closed and open prisons. Moreover, what we call the type of regime is provided within the framework of one institution; moreover, men and women serve their sentences in isolated sectors of one institution. This organization of serving a sentence allows you to save on transportation and not remove the convicted person too far from his family and permanent place residence.

The main tasks of social work in institutions of the Russian correctional system are:

  • development and strengthening of socially useful ties between prisoners and the outside world;
  • increasing and developing the social status of a prisoner at the place of pre-trial detention or serving a sentence, assistance in establishing socially positive horizontal connections with other persons, assistance in changing social status;
  • assistance in building this type of horizontal and vertical relationships that, on the one hand, would correspond to the goals of pre-trial detention or execution of a criminal sentence, and on the other, would entail the least physiological, psychological, ethical and social costs for the person being punished;
  • assistance in ensuring acceptable social and living conditions of pre-trial detention and serving sentences;
  • assistance in the social development of the prisoner, including improving his social culture, development of social needs, changes in normative value orientation, increasing the level of social self-control;
  • assistance to prisoners in obtaining help from specialists, in particular in the field of psychology, psychiatry, etc.;
  • organization and provision social protection those categories of prisoners who need it (pensioners, disabled people, etc.);
  • assistance to prisoners in finding a socially acceptable environment for them, a point of social interest (work, family, religion, art, etc.);
  • help with resolution conflict situations;
  • social development and forecast for the development of the institution;
  • promoting social and legal protection of personnel.

This list indicates that some tasks are unique to social work, others are borderline between social work and operational activities, educational and educational work, psychology and psychiatry.


Faculty of Pedagogy

Specialty – Social work

Semester – 8

Group 340

Department of Pedagogy



Number of hours

Characteristics of the modern Russian penitentiary system

Rationale for the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sector

Principles of activity of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere

Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation.

Specific functions of social work in relation to certain categories of convicts.

Legal aspect of social work in penitentiary institutions

Psychological aspects social work in penitentiary institutions.

Main directions of psychological penitentiary social work.

Basic methods and techniques for the activities of a social worker within the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation.

Ethical provisions for the activities of a social worker in institutions of the penitentiary system.

Characteristics of modernRussian penitentiary system

The formation of the penitentiary system: origins, carceral system, correctional system.

Types of correctional institutions [Art. 74 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation]: correctional and educational colonies, prisons, medical correctional institutions and pre-trial detention centers performing the functions of correctional institutions in relation to some convicts. Correctional institutions are state bodies included in the penitentiary system, which are entrusted with the execution of imprisonment for a certain period and life imprisonment in order to correct convicts and prevent new crimes on their part, as well as ensuring law and order and legality in their activities, the safety of convicts and personnel, officials, attracting convicts to work, organizing their general and vocational education, ensuring the health of convicts.

Correctional colonies are intended for convicts who have reached the age of majority to serve imprisonment. They are divided into general regime colonies, where those convicted for the first time for non-serious crimes are kept, strict regime colonies, where those convicted of especially dangerous crimes are kept, and special regime colonies, where especially dangerous repeat offenders are kept, and for which the death penalty is replaced by life imprisonment. In colony settlements, those sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed through negligence, as well as convicts transferred from general and strict regime correctional colonies, serve their sentences. Those sentenced to a term of more than five years for committing especially serious crimes, with especially dangerous recidivism of crimes, as well as convicts who are malicious violators of the established procedure for serving their sentences and transferred from the penal colony are serving their sentences in prisons.

Convicted minors, as well as convicts left in educational colonies until they reach the age of 21, serve their sentences in educational labor colonies. According to Part 6 of Art. 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, male minors sentenced to imprisonment, as well as female minors, serve their sentences in general regime educational colonies, male minors previously serving imprisonment - in reinforced regime colonies.

Rationale for the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sector

Models of theoretical substantiation of the practice of social work in society: psychologically-oriented, sociologically-oriented, complex-oriented. Systems of relationships between society and offenders, philosophy of assistance in relation to this category of the population. A comprehensive model of assistance to persons in the penitentiary system. The purpose of the social worker's activity. Features of the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary system. Prospects for the development of social work in the penitentiary sector in our country.

Principles of activity of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere

Principles of social work as elements of scientific theory and fundamental rules of empirical activity. Classification of principles: general philosophical, general scientific (organizational and activity-based, socio-political, psychological and pedagogical, etc.) and specific principles of social work. Specific principles of social work: the principle of universality, the principle of protection social rights, the principle of prevention, the principle of social response, the principle of client-centrism, the principle of self-reliance, the principle of maximizing social resources, the principle of confidentiality and tolerance. Specific principles of social work in the penitentiary system: humanism, legality and justice.

Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation

Functions of social workers: legal assistance and support for convicts; psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the personality of the convicted person; development, together with the administration of correctional institutions, of programs for socio-psychological and professional rehabilitation of convicts; adaptation of convicts to the environment of correctional institutions. Responsibilities of a social worker in an institution of the penitentiary system: together with convicts and administrative staff, draw up a plan for training and work during the period of imprisonment; to help convicts overcome the psychological crisis due to their being under arrest; assist in their adaptation to the ITU environment; help organize free time and continue studying; protect and ensure that the rights of convicted persons are not violated; provide advice to the prisoner’s relatives in solving problems related to his deprivation of liberty; assist the prisoner in regulating financial issues; prepare the prisoner for release, including, if possible, finding him housing and work; regulate the relationship between convicts and staff, because often correctional institution employees treat convicts as hopelessly incorrigible, which serves as fertile ground for arbitrary government.

Specific functions and their implementation in relation to convicted disabled people, minors, the elderly, young mothers and pregnant women, women who gave birth in prison.

Legal aspect of social work in penitentiary institutions.

Federal Law “On institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment”, “On introducing amendments and additions to the Correctional Labor Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR”, etc.).

Legal support and provision for convicted persons.

Realization of the rights of convicts: material and living support for those sentenced to imprisonment; communication with family, assistance in preparing for release from places of deprivation of liberty, employment, cooperation with religious organizations, compliance with the working conditions of convicts and obtaining primary education for convicts who do not have any specialty vocational education or vocational training; the right to paid leave, temporary disability benefits, benefits provided to women and youth, including those related to training, etc. etc., state social insurance; medical support for convicts.

Psychological aspects of social work in penitentiary institutions.

Characteristics of psychological problems of persons serving sentences: a feeling of psychological discomfort, a sense of injustice committed, one’s own inferiority, suspiciousness, anxiety, suspicion, fear of the unknown, persistent and pronounced mental stress, mental disorders, irreversible changes in the human psyche. Psychological methods activities of a social worker in an institution of the penitentiary system. Directions psychological work social workers: adaptation of the individual in prison, formation of the maximum possible active life position, clarification of rights and responsibilities, preparation of convicts for release, and those who are imprisoned for life or for a long term to stimulate an active, “normal”, adequate view of life world; drawing up a program of psychological auto-training. Basic approaches and principles of psychological work with convicts: individualization, complexity or systematicity. The main directions of psychological penitentiary social work: studying the personality of the convict and the formation of his “criminal career”; development of individual programs of influence and assistance to convicts; socio-psychological assistance in adaptation to the environment of correctional labor institutions; socio-psychological and professional assistance in preparing to leave prison.

Basic methods and techniques of social work within the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation

Crime surveillance methods (). An interview as a research tool is a systematic activity with scientific goals in the course of which the interviewee is encouraged, through a series of scientific questions, to report verbal information.” Comparative method. Foreign methods of social work with convicts: a model or method of justice, a method of educational influence, including various models: community and group therapy, transactional analysis, exposure to the reality of the surrounding world, behavior modification.

The method of “expanding positive social connections and relations of the subject” (V. N Kudryavtsev). The expansion of positive connections is carried out through: introducing the convicted person to fiction, music, art, sports, and amateur performances; familiarizing him with the positive traditions of other people’s activities; providing him with the opportunity to master the relevant specialty; involving the convicted person in social activities.

The method of progressive execution of punishment consists of a set of legal, organizational and educational means that ensure a gradual mitigation of the sentence of the convicted person as the degree of his correction increases.

Correction is the formation of a stable individual’s readiness to lead a law-abiding lifestyle.

Method of psychological correction of the personality of a convicted person. Psychocorrection sees its main goal as a sustainable change in certain psychological properties of the individual that determine the meaningful aspects of the social behavior of the convicted person.

Directions of penitentiary psychological activity of a social worker: provision of psychological assistance in the traditional sense (diagnostic counseling and preventive measures); improving the psychological state of convicts for the purpose of destructive conflicts and negative perception of correctional influences; carrying out corrective psychological correction of the convicted person.

Psychological methodology “Psychological correction in correctional labor institutions”, developed by the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Educational and methodological support of the course:


1. Kravchenko's work. – M.: Prospekt, 2008. – 413 p.

3. Pavlenok, history and methodology of social work: Tutorial/ . – 9th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2010. – 568 p.

4. Firsov of social work / . – M.: Academic Project, 2007. – 432 p.


1. Alferov sociology and re-education of convicts /. Domodedovo: RIKK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1994.– 205 p.

2. and others. Toolkit of a penitentiary psychologist /. Ufa, 1997. – 168 p.

3. Belyaev for juvenile offenders in Russia /. Belgorod: “Higher School”. 1998. – 135 p.

4. Hawk Moth right /. - M.: Norma, 1994. – 176 p.

5. Eremeeva social work with various population groups /. – Blagoveshchensk, 2002. – 27 s.

6. Zainysheva of social work: Textbook. aid for students Higher educational institutions/ Ed. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS Center, 2002 – 240 p.

7. Zubarev and the practice of monitoring the activities of personnel of the penitentiary system/, Moscow, 2006. – 51

8. Instructions on the organization of educational work with convicts in educational colonies of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 77

9. Instructions on the organization and implementation by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of departmental control over the observance of human rights in institutions and territorial bodies of the penal system dated 01.01.01 N 16. – 5 p.

10. Kataeva’s work in a microdistrict with teenagers prone to delinquency /, Kirov: “Vyat-slovo”, 1997. – 166 p.

11. Concept of the target program “Development of the penal system (2007 – 2016)” dated June 7, 2006 N 839-r

12. Mokretsov conflict situations among convicts. Methodical manual/. – M.: FSIN of Russia, FGU Scientific Research Institute of the FSIN of Russia, 2006. – 75 p.

13. Moral, legal and labor education of convicts held in educational colonies: Educational and methodological material /, S..A. Semenova, G.V. Stroeva; edited by Doctor of Law. – M.: Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2005 – 32 p.

14. Human saber: Textbook /. – Orenburg: OSU, 200 p.

15. Social work: Textbook / edited by. ed. prof. . – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003. – 480 p.

16. Filipov penitentiary system: materials of the international conference /. Minsk, 1998. – 108 s.

17. , Studenova of social work: Textbook for universities. Ed. 2nd add. and corr. M.: Academic project, 2007. – 512 p.

18. Idle work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance/. – M.: INFRA – M, 2004. – 427 p.

19. Shchepkina - organizational foundations for the education of convicts /. Blagoveshchensk: Amur State. University, 2006. – 190 s.

In Russia, the experience of social work with prisoners is still in its infancy. The newly adopted Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on January 1, 1996, specifies three purposes of punishment:

Restoring social justice;

Correction of the convicted person;

Prevention of new crimes. In 1995, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, new rules were approved internal regulations in pre-trial detention centers (SIZO). In accordance with this document, the rights of prisoners were significantly expanded, for example, all restrictions on correspondence were abolished. Those in the pre-trial detention center also received permission to dispose of property, participate in civil transactions (will, donate, transfer property by proxy, etc.) and enter into marriages in the pre-trial detention center; paid services for prisoners in order to improve their living conditions.

In addition, new rules allow prisoners to participate in religious rites in specially equipped premises. In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church, representatives of other faiths are also active in Russian penitentiary institutions. Religious activity in penitentiary institutions is presented in three forms: in the form of religious activities, spiritual and educational work, as well as in the form of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional activities.

In accordance with correctional labor legislation, correctional labor colonies provide universal secondary education for youth convicts. Recently, study groups of higher educational institutions (correspondence and evening forms) have also opened in many ITKs. The opportunity to receive an education has an undoubted social significance for prisoners:

Their social status increases;

Prevents the intellectual and cultural degradation to which most prisoners are subject;

Opens up opportunities to realize the internal potentials of prisoners, promotes the development of skills in predicting their own behavior;

Helps to develop adequate self-esteem, etc. In the regulatory documents regulating the activities of institutions of the penitentiary system, there is no mention of social work as an independent type of activity, and in staffing table There is no provision for the position of a social worker. However, social work as such is carried out by all employees of these institutions and is distinguished by specific features 6:

It is carried out in closed and isolated social institutions;

Its objects are persons with a high index of social disadvantage and increased stress;

It is carried out in an atmosphere of antagonism between opposing ethical and legal concepts, determined by the mentality of the “prison staff” and the mentality of the “prison world”;

It is inextricably linked with the execution of criminal punishment;

It does not stop with the end of the execution of the sentence, since the former prisoner needs resocialization and adaptation to the outside world;

Social worker(or an employee carrying out social work within a penitentiary institution) objectively occupies a special place, being not only a mediator between the authorities and the citizen, but also carrying out the mission of mediation between the philosophy of punishment and the philosophy of the criminal world that is hostile to it. It promotes the search for socially acceptable points of contact between both parties in these antagonistic relationships.

In accordance with the requirements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, social workers are called upon to oppose cruel or degrading treatment of prisoners, to strive to improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of their living, to take measures to protect their health, etc.

The main tasks of social workers when working with prisoners are: receiving and studying new arrivals, determining the causes of the offense and classifying the convicted person, monitoring, developing corrective measures, developing and strengthening socially useful connections between prisoners and the outside world, assisting in self-correction and preparing them for release and resocialization. The responsibility of the social worker is also to work with the families of prisoners, providing psychological assistance in preparing for a meeting with a family member who has served his prison term.

A social worker in a penitentiary institution is also called upon to promote the social and legal protection of staff. His responsibilities include planning, modeling and forecasting social development institutions as a whole.

Social work as a type of activity has specific features that are of great importance for work in the penitentiary system. Among them are the ability to consider the client as part of the social system; emphasizing contacts with the client’s environment, with everyone who can help in identifying the problem and finding its solution; organizing an integrated approach and coordinating the efforts of various specialists and services when working with a client; knowledge of society's capabilities in solving client problems. Of particular value is the method of working with clients, etc.

The goals of social work in the penitentiary system are primarily to provide assistance to prisoners:

In realizing the need to change your destiny. For this purpose, establishing fruitful and meaningful relationships with clients, conducting diagnostic training;

In the analysis of one’s illegal actions and needs;

In behavior correction, especially in connection with the problems of prison life;

In instilling behavioral skills in others life situations, for example, the ability to make responsible decisions;

In solving administrative and financial issues. Social work occupies a special place among other types of influence on prisoners. Article 6 of the Correctional Labor Code identifies five main areas of correction and re-education of prisoners 7:

The mode of serving a sentence is a system of legal restrictions and additional responsibilities assigned to the convicted person, which is aimed at achieving the goals of punishment;

Socially useful work - acts as a duty of a convicted person and a right of a person in custody;

Educational work: this includes cultural-educational, spiritual-educational work, as well as self-education;

General education training;

Vocational training;

Operational activities- aimed at solving committed and preventing impending crimes.

Each of these areas includes social work components. However, social work must also be considered as an independent area of ​​activity, which is not a means of correction and re-education of prisoners, but ensures the successful development of these processes. Table 20 presents the main criteria for each of these areas.

Social therapy opens up the opportunity to change the work situation in prisons in order to bring job offers as close as possible to the interests of prisoners and make them more diverse. At the same time, work should not be considered as part of “employment therapy”, as a pastime or as a source of income for the institution, but as a learning situation for clients, aimed at preparing them for life outside the walls of the institution.

In the Russian penitentiary system, every convict is required to work. It can work like state enterprises, and in enterprises of any form, as well as engage in individual labor activities. Labor activity convicts is subordinated not to the goals of making profit, but to the goals of punishment<ст. 37 ИТК). Она регламентируется в соответствии с Законом «Об органах и учреждениях, исполняющих наказание...» (1993 г.).

In 1994, an agreement was concluded between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Employment Service of the Russian Federation, according to which the Federal Labor Service of the Russian Federation is obliged to provide labor market institutions with data on the needs of the labor market, send information about employment opportunities for those released, take measures to organize training centers and points in labor market institutions, and help in work on professional orientation of convicts.

Particular attention should also be paid to the organization of free time for prisoners; it is necessary to create opportunities for awakening their own initiative, acquainting them with the reality of spending free time outside the walls of the institution, followed by discussion.

A particularly important task remains the development of personal responsibility of prisoners, primarily the skills of self-service, establishing contacts, the habit of observing obligations, learning how to maintain accounts and money transactions. To do this, roles are distributed within established groups. In Denmark and Holland, the experience of self-service for prisoners united in groups of 10-12 people is common (maintaining a common cash register for making necessary purchases, cooking, washing, cleaning the premises, etc.). Self-care provides a strong foundation for developing personal responsibility.

The tasks of a social worker in penitentiary institutions also include helping to provide timely medical care to prisoners.

According to Western experts, “therapeuticization” of all activities of a penitentiary institution implies therapeutic penetration into all areas of the institution’s functioning in order to create natural forms of communication in situations as close as possible to ordinary life. Developing for this purpose the idea of ​​relative openness of the institution and the inclusion of the outside world in its improvement, some scientists provide the following measures:

- “import” of specialists and possible services: inviting specialists who do not work directly in the legal system, for example, for consultations on legal issues, social insurance issues, regulation of monetary issues, and for conducting special types of therapy. Such events have the advantage that prisoners meet not only representatives of the justice system, but also ordinary civilians and can interact with them as ordinary citizens. This model should also encourage the development of self-service, with nearby stores providing their goods, bank employees or librarians offering their services, etc.;

- “export” of the institution’s services to society: for example, the provision of consulting services by the institution’s specialists to citizens of a nearby part of the city, the provision of institution premises (sports grounds, halls, swimming pools, etc.) for their use;

Holding events of a public nature in the institution, which can be attended by both the public and prisoners;

Organizing for prisoners the experience of reality outside the institution (the possibility of free exit and return), for example, work outside the institution, going out shopping, etc.;

Involving in the process of improving clients’ health those persons who are important for its successful implementation;

Organizing meetings with the population, etc.

All these activities and forms of work involve, first of all, the establishment and development of socially useful connections between the prisoner and the outside world. All social connections that a prisoner maintains can be divided into socially beneficial, socially neutral and socially negative. When determining socially useful connections, the following criteria must be taken into account: the prisoner strives for their sustainability and stability, has certain hopes for their preservation and development in the future; these connections promote changes in the prisoner's personality and behavior that bring him closer to socially acceptable standards. Thus, socially useful connections have three features: the prisoner is their active subject; they are of great importance to the prisoner; they have a positive impact on the client himself. The object of socially useful connections can be family, relatives and friends, representatives of the former workforce, public organizations, authorities and self-government. The task of a social worker is to act as an active mediator and to contribute in every possible way to the development of socially useful connections of the prisoner.

All these forms of work are already represented in the activities of prison institutions abroad.

The most intensive development of social work in Russia began in the 90s. years of the 20th century At the present stage of development of social work in Russia, the development of its theoretical foundations is of great importance.

There are several models of theoretical justification for the practice of social work in society. All these models can be reduced to three main ones:

1) Psychologically oriented;

2) Sociologically oriented;

3) Complex-oriented.

The theoretical basis for various areas of social work in society has been developed to a greater or lesser extent. For example, a study of sources on the theory of social work showed that while social work with the disabled, children, the elderly, women, the unemployed and other categories of the population has a fairly well-developed theoretical basis, then the theory of social work in the penitentiary sphere is not actually considered in domestic science. Perhaps because for a long time it was believed that convicts cannot be clients of social work, since they are not full members of society and are serving a well-deserved sentence without the right to the help of social workers, i.e. in essence, the phenomenon of crime was considered from the standpoint of morality and emotion. Society views criminals as groups of alien elements standing outside society. “Criminals are seen only as “monsters.” By doing this, society treats criminals the same way they treat their victims.” However, based on the analysis of data on crime and criminal individuals, it can be argued that crime is a type of human behavior, and criminals are deviants. Offense is one of the forms of antisocial behavior, non-standard behavior that differs from the norms established in society both legally and in the moral and ethical sphere. “There is a so-called deviant subculture, which is a system of values, norms and forms of behavior that is recognized by a certain group of antisocial elements and builds their relationships with each other on it. This subculture behaves relatively alienated within society, which gives rise to the existence of a conflict with society.” The activities of a social worker should be aimed specifically at overcoming and preventing such a conflict and the maximum possible elimination of such a deviant subculture. Some aspects of the theory of penitentiary social work are discussed in various aspects of law, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, however, nevertheless, there is no single theory of penitentiary social work. The theoretical basis for penitentiary social work also comes down to psychologically oriented, sociologically oriented and complex models. The most effective model of penitentiary social work is complex. There is also a certain feature of penitentiary social work, which lies in the fact that it, more than all other areas of social work in society, is isolated from this society. And it is regulated by legal norms in accordance with the criminal and penal legislation of the Russian Federation, while all other areas of social work are based mainly on civil, administrative and social law. This fact, undoubtedly, should be taken into account when preparing a specialist in penitentiary social work, both professional and moral and ethical. It is necessary to develop special training programs for the training of social workers in the penitentiary sector, in which the main emphasis should be placed on the legal education of future social workers

Also, within the framework of the general theory of social work, it is necessary to develop a unified theoretical justification for penitentiary social work; this is required by the practical activities of the penitentiary system, the transformation of which and the restructuring of the very principles of penitentiary policy from repressive to humanistic-oriented, through the efforts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation alone is impossible. Public institutions are needed that could effectively regulate the penitentiary system. One of these institutions is social work. To develop the theoretical foundations of Russian penitentiary social work, it is possible to turn to international experience. In Western European countries and the United States, the institute of social work in the penitentiary sector is quite developed and well-grounded in theory. However, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the situation in the penitentiary system of modern Russia. This, of course, is the stereotypes regarding convicts that have developed in our society, and the economic situation.

A social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation performs the following functions:

1. Together with the convicts and the administration of the correctional facility, draw up a plan for training and work during the period of imprisonment.

2. Helping convicts overcome the psychological crisis due to their being under arrest.

3. Assistance in adapting them to the ITU environment.

4. Organization of free time and cultural leisure for convicts.

5. Protection and monitoring of the rights and freedoms of prisoners.

6. Legal and psychological assistance to the relatives of the prisoner in solving problems related to the deprivation of his freedom.

7. Regulation of wage issues.

8. Preparing the prisoner for release, assisting him in finding housing and work.

9. Regulation of relations between convicts and staff in order to avoid arbitrariness of power.

10. Assistance to the most needy groups and categories of convicts: minors, youth, women, the unemployed, pensioners, disabled people, etc.

Within the framework of the modern penitentiary system, there is a certain specificity in the activities of social workers: a social worker must often take on related functions of workers in educational, cultural, legal and sports work that were abolished due to financial difficulties. So, the functions of a penitentiary social worker are very diverse, ranging from assistance in improving life and living conditions, to psychological counseling of convicts and correctional facility staff.

In theory and practice, it is customary to distinguish two main aspects of social work in the penitentiary sphere: legal and psychological support. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

5.4.1. Legal support. One of the leading functions of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere is legal support and provision for convicts. As already noted, over the years of the existence of the Soviet penitentiary system, the staff and administration of correctional institutions developed stereotypes regarding convicts in accordance with which convicts do not have any rights. The rights of convicts were sometimes violated contrary to existing legislation; very often prisoners were used as free labor, without taking into account the fact that “... the work of prisoners is not an end in itself. He must only prepare him for life after release, and this is only possible when prison enterprises are equipped like ordinary ones. For labor is not a punishment or a means of reducing the costs of maintaining convicts, but an exceptional factor in the resocialization of convicts. Education through labor only presupposes accustoming one to work, but one must remember that labor is always less effective than education; this is evidenced by practical penitentiary experience. …long-term education has been found to reduce relapse. Therefore, it is necessary to use educational means and methods in the re-education of convicts.”

Sometimes convicts cannot protect their rights in the field of material support, and this is where the help of a social worker is needed, who must monitor the implementation of basic standards of material, living and legal support and ensure the legality of the execution of a sentence of imprisonment; if these standards are not observed, the social worker must report this to the appropriate authorities. A social worker can communicate between the prisoner’s relatives and the prisoner, monitor the unimpeded sending of correspondence to the convicted person and himself, and help the convicted person in regulating financial issues and issues related to the religious belief of the convicted person. Moreover, it should be noted that the practice of religious worship is very important for many convicts, since every third of the total number of convicts considers themselves a believer.

According to data from mid-1995, among those convicted, Orthodox Christians accounted for 18,300 people, Baptists - 3,900, Muslims - 2,250 people. Thus, there are approximately 34 thousand believers in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation (excluding convicts in prisons and colony settlements). The work of religious organizations, introduction to faith, helps to improve relationships, strengthen discipline and order, expands contacts with the outside world, determines the possibility of repentance for what they have done, provides assistance in moral education, organization of everyday life and leisure. That is why the efforts of the social worker should be aimed at effective cooperation with religious organizations.

The responsibilities of social workers also include preparing a prisoner for release from prison, providing housing and work, (if possible) or registering with an employment center. The social worker must monitor the fulfillment of the working conditions of convicts and the receipt of primary vocational education or vocational training by convicts who do not have any specialty. The work of convicts is mainly regulated by Russian labor legislation. First of all, this is a code of labor laws, according to which convicts, without any restrictions or exceptions, are subject to labor legislation regulating working hours and rest periods, labor standards, wages, guarantees and compensation, labor discipline and labor protection. In accordance with these standards, those sentenced to restriction of freedom have the right to paid leave, temporary disability benefits, benefits provided to women and youth, including those related to training, etc. etc. Those sentenced to restriction of freedom are covered by state social insurance. The social worker is obliged to monitor the fulfillment of all these conditions in relation to the convicted person, as well as to monitor the implementation of the convicted person’s right to a pension for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and other cases specified by law. Without any flaws or discrimination in relation to convicts.

The functions of a social worker include monitoring the medical care of prisoners. In accordance with the current legislation, “Convicts serving restrictions on freedom are guaranteed the right to health care, including receiving medical care (Part 6, Article 12 of the Penal Code). Medical and preventive care for convicts is provided in accordance with the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1993 “On the protection of the health of citizens.” Social workers are required to coordinate the activities of medical services, guide them, facilitate and organize various preventive activities. Thus, this aspect of the work of social workers involves them performing the functions of observers, “advocates”, administrators, controllers and social intermediaries.

5.4.2. Psychological support. Once in an ITU, any person experiences psychological stress. The convicted person is overwhelmed with a feeling of allegedly committed injustice and his own inferiority. He is tormented by the fear of the unknown. The convicted person understands that for a long time no one will be interested in his fate and condition. Severe psychological discomfort requires relief. According to statistics, a third of violent crimes in correctional institutions are committed without apparent motives, as a result of mental stress. That is why it is necessary to create a psychological service in the penitentiary system with a qualified staff of psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.

The need to create a psychological service at the ITU arose a long time ago, but only in September 1992 did it acquire a legislative basis. Psychological laboratories began to be created in places of deprivation of liberty. The psychological function of a social worker is to diagnose the personality of the convicted person and develop, together with the administration of the correctional institution, a program of re-education, correction and methods of communication with the convicted person.

The most important component of psychological support for convicts is the social worker’s organization of meaningful leisure time in the correctional facility. “The tasks of educational influence during leisure time,” notes German criminologist G.J. Schneider, boils down to creating a prosperous social atmosphere in penitentiary institutions and creating a craving for meaningful leisure time after release. In his activities, a social worker must focus on ensuring that the isolation system not only does not destroy the socially useful connections of convicts, but also contributes to the strengthening of their family and related relationships.

So, the main areas of psychological support for penitentiary social work are:

1) Study of the personality of the convicted person and the formation of his “criminal career”.

2) Development of individual programs of influence and assistance to convicts.

3) Social and psychological assistance in adaptation to the environment of correctional labor institutions.

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