Photo report “Territory of Good Deeds. Summary of the extracurricular event "Territory of Good Deeds" Territory of Good Deeds

Involving the younger generation in volunteering through comprehensive training (theoretical knowledge, practical skills and mentoring).

Project Description

"RDSh - Territory of Good Deeds." All components of the program are aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities in the participants in the field of volunteering. The educational block is presented by the program additional education“School of Personal Growth”, which is aimed at developing flexible interaction skills among participants, and also involves open dialogues with representatives of Volunteer teams and charitable foundations. (Victory Volunteers, Medical Volunteers, Joy of Old Age, organizers charity festival DobroTy Center, etc.) The sports block is represented by morning physical exercises and variable sports activities of your choice (athletics, gym classes, dancing, zumba, stretching, running, fun starts, pioneer ball, football, basketball, city by city, ultimate frisbee, cyber sports and intellectual board games), which are aimed primarily at the formation healthy image life. Research block presented project activities and is called “Theories and Practices”. All program participants are divided into 7 teams according to the types of volunteering: social, environmental, event, cultural, sports, patriotic and media volunteering. The game block is represented by daily games in teams for acquaintance, cohesion, team building, and stress relief. In addition, general camp games: to get acquainted with the territory and the specifics of the program, a game for team building and work with team leaders, and an intellectual game organized as part of evening events. Each block takes place at a certain time every day, which allows you to alternate types of activities, eliminate emotional overload with a fairly intense schedule and create situations of success for each program participant throughout the day

Project results

All program participants, in their teams in areas of volunteer activity, together with mentors, develop projects for implementation in Moscow. Thus, a new volunteer detachment is formed. Based on the results of the assessment of individual educational routes, program participants can be invited to join the squads of the Moscow regional branch of the Russian schoolchildren movement

“Our “silver” volunteers from the “Kind Hearts” squad know and love to work unselfishly and with dedication for the benefit of other people who vitally need help. They really have kind, open hearts, and the older people are immensely grateful to them. They know that all difficulties can be overcome when such assistants are nearby,” says the director of the regional budgetary institution social services"Lezhnevsky Center for Social Services" (CSC) Galina Makarova.

Volunteer School

The Lezhnevsky Center for Social Services will celebrate its 25th anniversary next year. Residents began turning to the institution for help from the first days of its operation. Today, the center operates a department of social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens, a department of urgent social services, a Health School, a Safety School and a School of Computer Literacy have been created, an interdepartmental mobile team, a mobile emergency service and a telephone helpline are operating. hotline. 17 social workers serve more than a hundred clients.

The foundations and traditions of selfless help were laid in the center with the appearance in 1998 of the “Assistant” detachment at the Novogorkinsky secondary school. And since 2018, a detachment of “silver” volunteers “Kind Hearts” has been working at the Lezhnevsky Social Service Center. At the moment, 8 volunteers have completed the Volunteer School opened at the institution and are providing volunteer assistance.

In the summer, the volunteer detachment took part in the 1st regional review of the Schools of “silver” volunteers. It was conducted by Navoloksky comprehensive center social services for the population with the support of the Department social protection population Ivanovo region. The event was held as part of the regional project “Older Generation” of the national project “Demography” in order to involve older citizens in volunteer activities.

Helping hand

The help of the “silver” volunteer group “Kind Hearts” to the wards of the Lezhnevsky Center is always timely and invaluable. In winter, this means clearing snow from the local area; in spring, general cleaning of the house. In May, these are a variety of events dedicated to Victory Day - in particular, the beautification of burial places of participants of the Great Patriotic War and, of course, congratulations to veterans, widows and home front workers. And in September, the “Harvest” and “Home Cellar” campaigns were held - a pleasant mission to help the center’s wards collect vegetables grown with their own hands and preserve them for the winter.

“In 2019, we developed the Home Helper project. Not all services can be performed by a female social worker. Often, masculine strength is needed to mow the grass around the house, straighten the fence, and assemble furniture. An elderly person just needs to make an application,” says the head of the institution.

Family contract

Since 2016, to improve the quality of social services provided at home, the Lezhnevsky Social Service Center has been successfully operating innovative technology"Family Contract" This is a reliable, responsible team of social workers - members of the same family. Each one multiplies the efforts of the other. Members of the family contract provide services in full and more than short term taking into account the individual needs of the elderly and disabled.

Photo: Photos courtesy of the Lezhnevsky Center for Social Services

The Filippov family has been an exemplary family contract for several years: the head of the family Valentina Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter Elena with her husband Vadim and the youngest daughter Olga. They serve 20 people living in rural areas in comfortable and non-equipped housing. Everyone receives timely, comprehensive assistance, as well as attention and care, which older people need no less than help with housework.

In the Gospel of Matthew there are wonderful words with which the Lord addresses His disciples: And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven(Matt. 5:15). At the VII church-wide congress on social service held in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill called social activities a priority for the Church, which must be performed as strictly as the Divine Liturgy. What does this work of the Church represent today, in what directions does it go, what results does it achieve and, most importantly, does it not deviate from its main task: to lead people to faith and salvation? We asked Bishop Pachomius of Pokrovsky and Nikolaevsky to figure this out.

Tell me, Vladyka, how should ordinary lay people treat and accept the openness of the Church, its active participation in the social and political life of the state? For many, this causes irritation and misunderstanding.

The most interesting thing is that some are terribly annoyed by this, others, on the contrary, demand from the Church everything that the state does not give them, but for some reason the Church is obliged to give. In fact, Church and society are not diametrically opposed concepts. The Church is part of society, and society is part of the Church. This is a gathering of people, not only those who are constantly present at divine services, but all baptized people who wear a cross on their chest. And there are most of them in Russia. So the Church is all of us, churched and unchurched, coming and only occasionally entering the church, we are all its members.

Today the Church is growing, strengthening, more and more people are connecting their lives with Her, and in our parishes there are young and old, workers and employees, students, officials and intellectuals. And when some events take place on the territory of the Intercession Diocese, I participate in them. Because our parishioners are present there, and they want to see and hear the priest or their bishop. People are hungry for a living, righteous word, and the Church today, thank God, can speak openly about Christian values. Perhaps this communication will bring to the Church someone who is still very far from it.

Traditionally, the Church has always helped the poor and disadvantaged, but today it practically enters into all the niches where government agencies must work, and takes on a huge amount of work. Is such activity possible, given that the Church is not funded by the state?

When the Church was an independent structure, it owned up to one third of all cultivated lands and dependent peasants. Monasteries and churches had considerable funds for active charity. The Church then had a very important function - to preserve social peace and smooth out social contradictions. The state supported the Church in every possible way, politically, legislatively, and financially. Monasteries were centers for distributing mercy; their inhabitants saved people from hunger and epidemics, and treated the wounded during wars. For example, the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery could feed several thousand hungry people a day.

This was the situation in the Church before the reforms of Peter I. Having lost its independence, the Church continued to engage in charity work, opening orphanages, orphanages, almshouses, but most often it was collaboration with the state. In Soviet times, the Church was outlawed and there was no social activities I could no longer lead.

Today the Church has returned to its traditional path of social service, although without the necessary financial base. And we don’t have trained specialists for this work. We cannot take on all the responsibilities of social workers and create social services at churches. I would like people to understand: the Church today does not possess untold riches that it does not want to share with the people. This is a very common myth. Sometimes you hear from people: “Why are you building a temple, it would be better kindergarten or they built a club for us.” I recently heard such a reproach in one of the villages of our diocese, where an initiative group of believers decided that the village needed a church, and other residents of this village were unhappy. As a bishop, I am trying to improve my spiritual life, but they expect me to resolve other issues. Children's institutions, of course, also need to be built, but this is not our task, we still work “on the spiritual side.” The Church must remain, first of all, the spiritual mentor of its people, and this, by the way, is a difficult task to accomplish. The Church is ready to cooperate with the state, and it takes part in many areas public life, but do not be mistaken: the Church cannot and should not replace the state and take on its functions.

- Nevertheless, the Intercession Diocese does many good deeds and helps those in need. You take care of the sick, lonely, poor, large families, prisoners, help the homeless, etc. What is main goal: to feed, put on shoes, clothe or set on the right path? What comes first - missionary work or financial assistance?

We must understand that it is spiritual life that determines the rest of our lives, so I am convinced: the main task of the Church is to lead people to faith and salvation. But if a person asks for bread, you will not tell him about spiritual life. There are a lot of people today in need of all kinds of help; Christian mercy must be shown to them.

Charity is the main Christian virtue, and here much depends on the initiative of our parishioners. We have a society of Orthodox doctors who help sick people in remote areas where there is a problem with medical care. If, suppose, a teacher offers his help in organizing a Sunday school, we will be happy about that too. And if among our parishioners there are people who are ready to go out into the street once a week and feed the homeless, then thank God! We are ready to provide them with products.

Social work in parishes should be carried out not out of coercion, but out of need. Patriarch Kirill spoke about this at the general church congress held in Moscow. He said directly: “If there is no inner enthusiasm, then all this will be stillborn.”

That is, in the development of social activities, it is not so much the financial side that is important, but the initiative of those people who are inspired by this activity and are ready to engage in it?

Yes, for the sake of God and for the sake of our neighbor. The initiative is worth a lot, and if it exists, we are always ready to support it. Therefore, of course social work we need to engage in, develop this activity, but at the same time, distributing soup should not be ours main task, and the construction of temples, organization Sunday schools, youth education.

With the opening of the diocesan Educational center Many of our townspeople now have the opportunity to acquire not only church professions, but also secular ones. Clubs and courses are opening that can be found in any secular leisure institution. What is the goal of their organizers?

When we come to church, we must clearly understand that the first and second place for believers is prayer and the development of church life. When the Church fulfills its purpose, something more can be afforded. As for the courses that you called secular, their creation also has a certain ecclesiastical task. I see it, first of all, in creating a spiritual environment in which it will be useful for both a churchgoer and a beginning Christian to communicate in order to grow spiritually.

When I arrived in Pokrovsk and headed the diocese, it seemed to me that there wasn’t much of an Orthodox environment here. Therefore, I do everything to expand and develop this environment. All kinds of projects are created in the hope that a person who comes here will gradually change and become a church member. Even those who came to us for cutting and sewing courses may be interested in sewing church vestments.

- Vladyka, you have already said that the Church was strong in those days when it had state support. How is your relationship with the municipal authorities, in what areas is this cooperation established?

The Diocesan Department for Charity and Social Service interacts with dozens of medical institutions, boarding schools, orphanages, homes for the elderly and disabled, social service centers. All churches organized charitable meals and distributed food packages. We have established good relations with the “Family” center, we hold many joint events, help single mothers and low-income families. Sisters of mercy work in the most difficult hospital departments of Pokrovsk, Balakov and Marx. The hospital is a place where spiritual support is especially needed, doctors do their job, and we do ours.

Prison ministry is an area where it is absolutely impossible to live without God. There are churches everywhere in the colonies, services are held regularly, and prisoners have the opportunity to communicate with the priest. The Church cannot turn away from people who have broken the law. This is also our flock, our parishioners, and we are obliged to show mercy to them.

Of course, we will do everything possible and impossible to expand the territory of good, to implement the blessing of the hierarchy. And in this work we will rely on those caring people, our parishioners, who are ready to help the Church. They are our main strength. There are philanthropists, which means that charity will develop and new ones will be created. social projects, temples are built.

There are various grant competitions, and our diocese actively participates in them; an example of this is the creation of the “Mercy” humanitarian aid center. People receive clothes, shoes, food, care items, and financial support here. The center helped many large families get their children ready for school. I adhere to the principle: it is better to have a small task that is done constantly than a large and difficult project that may not be completed.

Interviewed by Olga Strelkova

Photos by Alexey Luzgan

Anna Dyusembayeva

Territory of good deeds

New Year is the time of dreams, the time of the most daring actions and good beginnings. IN New Year people make wishes and give gifts to their loved ones, and they reciprocate. Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and there are small inhabitants in it who are left without parental care, who, for various reasons, will not be able to say this holiday: "Happy New Year!" and give the desired, albeit not expensive, but the very best gift; There are those who are not as lucky in life as most.

In our center it was carried out promotion: "Gift Under the Tree", which united 21 caring organizations that responded to our request, This:

GBUZ "Khorinskaya Central District Hospital","Khorinsky State Public Institution Central Plant",“MAOU "Khorinskaya Secondary School No. 2""MBOU "Khorinskaya Secondary School No. 1",Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Khorinsky", MKU "Khorin Education Department","Khorinsky district court", "Khorinsky district department of bailiffs","11th Khorinsky detachment of the State Border Service of the Republic of Buryatia", "Prosecutor's Office", "Khorinsky Interdistrict Investigation Department", « Territorial Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Republic of Buryatia in the Khorinsky district,” "Khorinskoye Regional Unit", "MKU" Department of Culture of the Municipal Entity "Khorinsky District", "Khorinsky Post Office of the Federal Service for State Service of the Republic of Belarus", "Khorinskoe UPFR", "Khorinsky OSZN", "Administration of Khorinsky District", "Khorinsky branch of BRIT", "Khorinskoye MFC", Rosselkhozbank, "OJSC "IDGC of Siberia". Against the backdrop of the alarming situation in the world, we suggested remembering that there is a place kindness and light in the hearts of people. By joining forces to help children, bringing them joy during this wonderful holiday, we once again wanted to remind you that there is enough trouble on the planet, that it is necessary to think about our future and the future of our children and grandchildren, to teach them goodness and justice.

Dear friends! We thank you for participating in the event "Gift Under the Tree" for pupils of the Khorinsky rehabilitation center. Words cannot describe the joy and happiness our children received!

Kind cases do not go unnoticed, they shine like beacons for those who are waiting for help. By providing assistance, you gave not only material assets, but also joy, hope and faith in a great miracle, like magic on New Year's Eve.

Let yours kindness and generosity will return to you a hundredfold!

Prepared material teacher:

Dyusembayeva Anna Konstantinovna

Publications on the topic:

Recently in our preparatory group The “Day of Good Deeds” was held, timed to coincide with the Starting event (as part of the Lesson of Russia under one.

It’s not easy to be kind. Kindness doesn’t depend on growth. Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. If kindness, how.

Today in the second group of early age there was a Day of Good Deeds. This day is not marked with a red number, Lilacs do not bloom outside the windows. But.

Photo report "Day of Good Deeds". By tradition, Good Deeds Day is celebrated annually on March 15th. This holiday has appeared since 2007. Residents of Israel who...

Hello dear colleagues, parents, guests of my page. Today I would like to tell you about how the day of good deeds went in the younger one.

Project lesson/lessons for participation in the regional competition “Interactive Technologies in modern education»

Date: April 12, 2018

Venue: Levashinsky gymnasium

Responsible: Nakhbarova M. O.

Goals and objectives:

    using examples accessible to children’s perception, explain what meaning people attach to the concepts of “good” and “evil”;

    Teach objective self-esteem, learn to see one’s shortcomings from the outside.

    to form in students an understanding of the importance of a polite attitude towards people around them, the environment, and animals; the ability to value loved ones and what is around you.

    cultivate the desire to do good deeds.

    promote emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

    To have a positive influence on students when choosing their life values.

    Development volunteer movement at school, the formation of positive attitudes among students towards volunteering.

Design: Presentation of the TV group, badges, envelopes with words, envelopes with signs, clouds, sun, rays, cranes, hearts, Tree of Goodness, computer, interactive whiteboard, video, presentation slide,

Lesson progress

(Video presentation of the creative team (performance) on the slides to the song “Do Good” there are photos of teachers as they prepared for the competition )

(command output)

1. Introduction of the creative team. (1 min.)

Hi all. We are pleased to welcome everyone to our meeting.

We have gathered with you today to talk about kindness, about being kind to your loved ones, about the desire to do good.

The following will work with you today: Nakhbarova Mariat Omarovna, Kadieva Kumsiyat Shamilyevna, Zakaryeva Navisat Bagamaevna, Guseinova Elmira Guseinovna.

2. Organizational moment. (video organizing moment 2) (2 min)

(Wish bank method “From heart to heart”_

Dear guys, we teach wonderful kids just like you, and of course, when they learned that we were coming to you, they prepared a surprise message for you.

Want to see what it is?

Then stand in a circle, I have a tangle of wishes in my hands, let’s unravel it, during this I will ask you to finish the phrase: “Today I wish everyone .....”. And then the teacher cuts off a piece of thread for everyone with the words: “I wish that a piece of your wishes will always be with you.” I ask you to be more careful and not lose it.

(teachers help you stand in a circle, holding a thread)

And now a message from the children.

(video from children)

3. Introductory conversation. (Navisat) (4 min)

What can you say about a person who sincerely empathizes for others and is always ready to lend a helping hand?

This man has a big and kind heart. There is a place for everyone.

- Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. By caring for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize feels happy.

(Quiet melody plays)

Touch me with kindness

And the diseases will be washed away by the wave,

And sadness will pass by...

The soul will be illuminated by beauty...

I want us today and always to say only kind words to each other, remember all kinds of words in which the common root is hidden - GOOD-

(Benevolent, good-hearted, respectable, neighborly, voluntary, good-natured)

Now I suggest you work in pairs and create a “Tag Cloud”, on your tables a cloud of clean slate paper and an envelope with words, choose the words that best reflect your inner world and mood.

(Students create tag clouds on their desks while listening to music)

Look at the screen and tell me what you see in one area?

(Fertile and infertile land.)

Which part of the territory would you choose?



(You can plant, grow, benefit people and the homeland)

Are these good deeds?


Is the other part of the territory completely unsuitable?

Is it possible to make her fertile?

Who can do this and how?

(Children's answers)

Is there a forbidden area for doing good?

If a person has pure thoughts, an open, sincere heart, then nothing will stop him from doing good deeds, it doesn’t matter where you are or how old you are.

Based on our conversation, what can we call our meeting?

Territory of good deeds.

In your opinion, what should a person show kindness and respect towards?

Kindness must be shown towards nature, people, animals, and memorable events of your country and homeland.

Kumsiyat (4 min)

Now you have heard many terms, some are familiar to you, but perhaps there are some among them whose meaning is not entirely clear to you. Let's try to find out what is meant by these terms.

(Slide terms, work in rows)

You need to match the words in rows with their lexical meaning.

- Philanthropist - someone who does charity work

- Volunteer-

- Volunteer -

(Video about a sick child)

What did you see in the video?

(Children's answers)

- In order to help care for a sick child, buy groceries for the elderly, or clean up trash in your yard, you don’t need specific knowledge and skills, you don’t need organizers, prizes or bonuses. All you need is attention to those around you, empathy and a desire to help. Agree, this is what we all do anyway, without demanding reward or recognition, without asking for anything in return. Nowadays, the Russian Charitable Foundation operates. You don’t need to try hard just to type the word GOOD

This short number 5541 and SMS are sent from all over the world. And every message is a chance for life for hundreds of seriously ill children.

You know that every year in Russia is dedicated to something, and this year, year..... VOLUNTEERING

4. Solving a learning problem (4 min)

(Sounds of nature)


Do you know what words can offend?

(rude evil)

There is a very good proverb: “A good word heals, but a bad word cripples”(Slide)

How do you understand it?

(children's answers)

Guys, I have an apple in my hands. Let's imagine that this is not an apple, but our planet Earth. Look how beautiful, smooth, light she is, but does she always look like this?

(Children's answers: probably not).

And when does she look different?

(Children's answers: when we do bad things)

Which ones exactly?

What words contradict the word kindness, name antonyms?

(Children name words: anger, hatred, ignorance, rudeness, boorishness, greed, deception, cruelty, hostility, laziness, etc.

( The teacher sticks toothpicks into the apple with each word named).

Look, guys, what happened to our planet?

(children's answers: it hurts her, people, animals, nature do not benefit from this).

What needs to be done?

(name good words and forget bad ones)

Call out the words from your clouds, and I will heal our planet:

(children name words from tag clouds: kindness, politeness, attention, courage, friendship, help, hard work, care, respect, accuracy and others.

Take out one toothpick for each word and break it.)

Look, has our planet become what it was?

(Children's answers: no, there are still wounds.)

Only this can happen to the planet.

(Of course not, any rude word or deed leaves its mark everywhere.)

What needs to be done to make these wounds heal faster?

(Children's answers: say more kind words, do more kind deeds)

- Let's stick these words on our stand

Before helping others, a person himself must lead a healthy lifestyle, let's take a rest.

5. Dynamic physical exercise. (1 min)

(children's presentation to the song I, You, He, She)

6. Primary consolidation. (4 min)

A conversation about human responsibility for an animal, a discussion of G. Melnikova’s poem “The Forgotten Kitten”

(Background music)


Or maybe there is one among you who knows the poemGalina Melnikova “Forgotten Kitten”, listen and think, what is it about?


Forgotten kitten.

The kitten kept meowing

In the yard under a bush

How the kitten wanted

For someone to call you into the house.

Suddenly, from the bush, lonely

A yellow leaf rustled.

It seemed to the kitten

What they called: “Kiss-kiss!”

Freezing with happiness

He rushed to the call...

Only the door turned out to be


What is this poem about? What happened to the kitten? How did the kitten feel? What feelings did you have towards the kitten? In relation to the kitten's former owners?

Many cats and dogs end up on the street only because their owners are bored with their previous toy. Humane and kind treatment of animals is not known to such owners. As a result, often animals that find themselves on the street either die because they are not adapted to life in such conditions if they grew up in an apartment.

And how often do people throw cats and dogs out into the street when they get tired of them, when they are tired of looking after them.

It's very painful to see this! What happens to animals that people abandon?

(animals become angry, hungry, dirty, they are cold in winter, they do not allow people to approach them, they do not trust people, they do not believe in the kindness of humans, since they have already been offended once, etc.)

Finding a solution

How can you still help such animals?(Feed them, put up a warm booth, try to find them an owner, contact a homeless animal shelter, talk about them in the newspaper, maybe someone can adopt them, etc.)

I agree with you, but the main thing is not to join the army of stray animals, be responsible, do not throw them out into the street, explain to your friends and acquaintances that you should not get an animal if you are too lazy or don’t have time to take care of it.

How do we bring more value by working one at a time?

(By creating your own volunteer squad under the guidance of a teacher)

(Increasing melody, animal sounds)

Animals at war.

What feelings do you get when listening to this music?

What sounds do you hear?

Do you guys know what animals took part in the war?

(listen to the answers of second graders: dogs, horses, cow, cat, etc.)
- You will hear about many interesting cases when animals helped people in war.

(Slide of a demolition dog, signalman dog, radio operator dog, orderly dog, reconnaissance dog.)

Elmira: (1 min)

The most faithful helpers of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War were, of course, dogs.

During the Great Patriotic War, about 70 thousand dogs served in the Soviet Army, which saved the lives of many soldiers.
The dogs served as scouts, sentries, signalmen, carried important letters across the front line, laid telephone cables, determined the location of mines, helped deliver ammunition to soldiers who were surrounded, and worked as orderlies.
The paramedic dogs crawled up to the wounded on their bellies and offered their side with a medical bag, waiting for the fighter to bandage the wound. The dogs could unmistakably distinguish a living person from a dead person; many of the wounded were unconscious, then the dogs licked them to bring them to consciousness.
During the war years, more than 6,000 mine-detecting dogs were trained, with more than 4 million mines found.
The dogs were also explosives: carrying explosives, they threw themselves under tanks. In the Battle of Stalingrad, dogs burned 63 enemy tanks - an entire tank battalion. In total, about 300 enemy tanks were destroyed in this way during the war.
2.Kumsiyat . (1 min) (Slide)

Horses with riders, loaded horses.
Student: There were a lot of horses in the war: about three million. Indeed, in the army of that time, horses were not only participants in military battles; guns, shells, medicines, people and much more were transported on horses. Even a rifle regiment was supposed to have three hundred and fifty horses.
Horses also brought Victory closer, although their contribution at first glance was not so noticeable. And although most of them did not attack, horses died and were injured in the war.
3. Navisat (Slide) (3 min)

Cats at war.
And I’ll tell you a story about how cats saved a pilot.

During the Great Patriotic War, a fighter pilot was shot down in an air battle. The plane caught fire and the pilot was injured. The pilot managed to jump with a parachute, but he landed in territory captured by the Nazis.

With the last of his strength he reached the old mill and, completely exhausted, lost consciousness. And when I woke up, I saw some green moving dots in the darkness. At first, the pilot thought that it was something he was imagining out of weakness, but after looking closer, he realized that they were cats.

The wounded man spent two days in the mill among the cats, losing consciousness. And suddenly I heard voices and was delighted: I thought they were villagers. However, when the voices got closer, I realized: the Germans were coming. Hiding in the gap between the boards, the pilot watched the Germans. The German soldier stepped onto the creaky steps, hit the door with his fist... and suddenly a wild cat scream pierced his ears and forced him to back away. But that was not all. The leader of the cats - a huge cat - fell on the German’s head and began to tear his face with his claws...

The Germans left. And the next morning the Soviet partisans came. They made a stretcher and laid the wounded man on it. And when they got ready to leave, at the pilot’s request, they left small pieces of lard for the cats. After all, they, like partisans, were his saviors.

Of course, we did not talk about all the animals that helped win the war. Our people won the Great Patriotic War. The veterans who survived deserve a deep bow. We also remember those who died, giving us the opportunity to see clear skies above our heads. But we also need to remember a person’s good friends who helped him on the difficult path to Victory.

(Sad melody sounds)

Mariyat.Events in Kemerovo (4 min)

What time do you and I live in?

Despite this, can we say that our lives are safe and we are not in danger?

The message “We are on fire” appears. Perhaps goodbye"

Guys, do these words tell you anything?

Who do they belong to?

What event can they be associated with?

Where did you see or hear about this, did you discuss this tragic incident at home or with friends?

What would you do if you were at the scene of a fire or saw one?

First you need to call the fire department 01, tell adults, if you find yourself in a smoky room, lie down on the floor and breathe through a wet rag.

What other events can claim a huge number of children's lives?


Can a fire or military event cause harm to nature, the environment, or people?

(Of course, because there is a release of chemicals and this harms the entire nature and the health of mankind.)


7. Independent work. (6 min)

(Song about nature)


(Game “Young ecologists”)

Now let us act as volunteer environmentalists ourselves.Every day you and I open our eyes and see the sky, breathe air, drink water. Animals and plants live in almost every home. We ourselves do not notice that we are causing harm to the world around us: we pollute the water, spoil the air, cut down forests and kill animals. On our board you see the sun, what does it lack to warm the earth? (Rays) which represent: forest,(water, air)animals, plants, birds. All together is NATURE, and all this is around us.. Now we must think and write down what harm a person brings to every ray of our sun - nature and how all this can be avoided and select signs in the envelope that relate specifically to your topic.

To do this you need to break into6 volunteer groups. The tasks are hidden in parts of the caterpillar's body.

When working in a group, do not forget about the rules of interaction!

Okay, you've chosen a topic. Now go for it! You are given 4 minutes to work

(Children make notes to music)

Great, messages are ready.

(don’t break tree branches, don’t catch insects, don’t step on frogs, don’t destroy birds’ nests, don’t pick flowers, don’t take animals home)

Now, guys, take turns going to the board and tell them what you wrote down.

(groups take turns going to the board and telling and gluing parts of the caterpillar)

Well done, will you follow all these rules?

Mariyat. (5 min video)

Bottom line

Each of us has freedom of choice, it is everyone’s choice to be sensitive or thick-skinned, indifferent or responsive, a loner or an active member of society. In life we ​​always make choices. And here the question arises: how and on what should we spend ourselves in this life?

At the end, we will conduct a “Brainstorm,” I propose, to answer the question “What can I do as a volunteer today?”

(Making a film for reflection)



Tell me the warmest and most sincere words you heard today?

Take a heart, write the name of the person you liked best in the lesson, who was the most active, to whom you would like to say thank you and give it.

The lesson today was about kindness, politeness, we said a lot of pleasant words that can melt even the coldest, callous heart, words that are always in fashion.

And of course, we don’t want to leave you without a message to our children, they are really looking forward to it.

Take a crane and write us wishes and decorate our “Tree of Friendship”

(Children and the jury write down wishes to music)

(Watching a movie) presents


Dream, good people, dream,

About the sweetest, brightest and dearest,

And in life never forget

Forgive and repay goodness with kindness!


Do you like to wake up early in the morning?

Appreciate everything that life has given you,

And don’t be lazy to smile at people,

Learn to give away your warmth!


Don't be deceitful, petty, grumpy,

Don't leave your friends in the bustle,

Believe me, everything will return with greater force,

All that you gave for people!


There are truths that cannot be rejected.

They are loyal, immortal and strong.

Oh man, when will you believe

That you are the only one who creates your own world!

Thank you, we received a sea of ​​wonderful emotions and feelings, you are the coolest guys. I'm sure you have the spark of volunteering if yes.

let's clap for each other.