Corporate identity of JSC Kazanorgsintez companies. General characteristics of the enterprise OJSC Kazanorgsintez

Kazan Open Joint Stock Company "Organic Synthesis" was created in 1993 in accordance with the privatization plan of the Kazan rental production association "Organic Synthesis".

The main activities of OJSC Kazanorgsintez are:

1) production, sale of products and goods, provision of services;

2) production and implementation of research and development work;

3) manufacturing of equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and explosive and fire hazardous and toxic substances and mixtures;

4) financial and investment activities.

Currently, the enterprise produces polyethylene, polyethylene pipes, phenol, acetone, ethylene glycols, ethanolamines, bisphenol, polycarbonate and other organic synthesis products. The entire range includes more than 170 items with a production volume of more than 1.3 million tons. The structure of the company is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Company structure of OJSC Kazanorgsintez

The organizational structure at OJSC Kazanorgsintez is linear-functional, stepped, hierarchical, and pyramidal.

The organizational structure diagram has two levels of management:

1 - director, deputies, plant management employees;

2 - heads of workshops, management staff of workshops.

In production, the scheme has a detailed continuation: the second level is subordinate to the heads of sections and foremen; Each level has its own line managers: at the first level - the director of the enterprise and his deputies; at the second stage - shop managers.

The connections in this scheme are quite complex. The director is the line manager for the chief engineer, who is the line manager for his deputies and heads of functional departments. Deputy chief engineers have functional connections with various workshops and linear connections with employees of their functional departments and workshops, who are performers for the first stage.

Line managers of the first level have direct linear ties with managers of the second level, and line managers also have cooperative ties among themselves.

Let's consider information connections at this enterprise.

Information flows associated with the supply and sales department move within the framework of vertical and horizontal communications. In this way, department employees are informed about current tasks, changes in priorities, specific tasks, recommended procedures, etc. For example, chief technologist informs the supply and sales department about upcoming changes in the production of the product, therefore, the main task of the supplier in this case is to find the most effective ways purchasing raw materials for the production of new products. Thus, it is clear that the incoming information received from senior management is the need to search for new suppliers or to review work with old ones. Outgoing information will consist of a response to the proposed management request. We can consider how information flows flow at the OJSC Kazanorgsintez enterprise using the example of the supply and sales department. Flows move within vertical and horizontal communications.

In this way, department employees are informed about current tasks, changes in priorities, specific tasks, recommended procedures, etc. For example, the chief technologist informs the supply and sales department about upcoming changes in the production of a product; therefore, the main task of the supplier in this case is to find the most effective ways to acquire raw materials for the production of new products. Thus, it is clear that the incoming information received from senior management is the need to search for new suppliers or to review work with old ones. Outgoing information will consist of a response to the proposed management request.

This department interacts not only with higher management bodies, but also with the external environment of the enterprise. Here you can identify buyers of products, both actual and potential, suppliers of raw materials for their manufacture.

In addition to downward exchange, the organization needs upward communication, i.e. from bottom to top. The transfer of information from lower to higher levels can have a significant impact on productivity. The department informs management about changes in interaction with the external environment, i.e. with the same suppliers and consumers.

During work, formal communications are involved, but there are also informal connections between employees and managers at different levels. Informal communications come to the fore during holidays and annual corporate events on organizing outdoor recreation.

Horizontal communications at OJSC Kazanorgsintez mainly flow through communication between employees. If a given department (supply and sales) needs any information from another department, for example, from the economic planning department, then this request and the information received in response passes through the head of the company.

You can consider the organizational structure of the enterprise OJSC Kazanorgsintez.

Based on the organizational structure, we can conclude that communications between the general director and the board of directors at the OJSC Kazanorgsintez enterprise usually take place in the form of meetings and reports, which he provides almost monthly.

In turn, the general director interacts directly with the HR department, since he directly learns from the HR department any changes that occur in the enterprise. And the HR department receives orders verbally, the frequency of interaction with the HR department is 2 times a month.

Also, based on the diagram, we can conclude that incoming information moves from top to bottom, i.e. from director to accounting. Financial Director transmits information to the economic planning department, also to the supply and sales department and the chief accountant, and he, in turn, to the accounting department.

Consequently, the output information is distributed from the bottom up, for example, the accounting department provides information to the chief accountant, and he, in turn, passes it on to the financial director.

Each department has its own frequency of information transfer, for example, the accounting department transmits information to the chief accountant daily, and all other departments considered every week.

Due to the fact that the means of transmitting information are very outdated, it can be noted that the time that a message travels in transit significantly exceeds the time it could take if these means were updated.

The transfer of incoming information occurs through meetings, which takes a lot of time, orally, which contributes to some distortion of information. And the output information is transmitted through reports, in written form on paper.

With another department technical department, he also interacts both verbally and in writing.

As in any other enterprise, OJSC Kazanorgsintez also has various obstacles and various difficulties arise. These difficulties include, for example, untimely delivery of information to employees and management, which can lead to material losses or some kind of inconsistency. Another one of the disadvantages inherent in all others large enterprises is a psychological attitude. This could be a consequence of, for example, bad mood or relationships with employees individually, or fear of communicating with directors and bosses.

Another reason for difficulties in organizational communications is overload of communication channels, which can be caused by a simple lack of technical means communication and information processing, as well as redundancy of information flows. An example of such a difficulty at the OJSC Kazanorgsintez enterprise can be the supply and sales department, because in this department there is a constant overload, since this department receives not only information from senior management and from other departments, but also from the external environment, those. external environment enterprises. This leads to another reason for ineffective communication channels: difficult feedback.

As you know, information is not transmitted independently, but directly through transmission media.

Oral transmission most often occurs when an idea is generated or information is selected. This type of information transfer prevails in the enterprise and is used in most cases.

Meetings are most often held when management has already made a decision and it needs to be communicated to all departments. At OJSC Kazanorgsintez it is mainly used when the general director needs to convey to the board of directors the changes that have occurred at the enterprise.

Telephone conversations and written transmission, when the message itself is directly transmitted. The enterprise also actively uses this type of information transfer. The distortion of messages is less than with oral transmission.

E-mail and computer networks, when the message is directly implemented. These means of information transmission at the OJSC Kazanorgsintez enterprise are very outdated, which leads to slow transmission of information.

As noted above, many enterprises use a variety of means to communicate with the components of their external environment, OJSC Kazanorgsintez is no exception. They communicate with existing potential consumers through advertising and other programs for promoting goods on the market, as well as conducting various sociological surveys. In the field of public relations, primary attention is paid to creating a certain image, the "image" of the enterprise at the local, national or international level. The enterprise OJSC Kazanorgsintez has to obey government regulation and complete lengthy written reports in this regard. In its annual reports, like any company, it reports financial and marketing information, as well as information about its placement, career opportunities, benefits, and the like. By making contributions to various political groups and committees, the company tries to influence the content of future laws and regulations.

There are various problems in an enterprise that hinder the effective communication process. Such processes are quite often psychological differences in perception. People interpret the same information differently depending on their education, life experience, range of interests, needs, and emotional state. The enterprise OJSC Kazanorgsintez is also susceptible to this problem, however, as are individual departments, in this case the supply and sales department.

The nature of the relationship between the manager and the subordinate is also very important. In an atmosphere of trust, information flows expand and the accuracy of information increases: if managers are honest and open when informing their subordinates, the latter will respond in kind. At this enterprise, the relationship between the manager and subordinates is purely formal, so there is no atmosphere of trust between them.

Another part of the problems of interpersonal contacts is related to semantic barriers. They manifest themselves in the fact that the symbol words used to encode information can have different meanings for different people depending on their profession, social status, national and cultural differences, position, etc. The situation is complicated by the fact that many organizations, and sometimes even their structural divisions, develop their own jargon, which can also serve as a source of semantic distortions. This enterprise OJSC Kazanorgsintez is also no exception; it is naturally susceptible to this problem.

One of the things that causes difficulties in the communication process is filtering. In an organization, there is a need to select or filter information so that when exchanging information between departments or levels of management, only those messages that concern him are sent to the recipient. To speed up the flow of information and give the message greater clarity, information is “compressed” in a certain way: simplified, processed, summarized. This can lead to the elimination of some information and the emphasis on others, distorting the content of the information.

When analyzing communication system Some shortcomings were identified. These shortcomings adversely affect the enterprise as a whole, so it is necessary to make a number of changes in the communication system.

As noted above, there are certain means of transmitting information, one of the means of transmission is computer networks. At the OJSC Kazanorgsintez enterprise they are very outdated. As recommendations, we can suggest updating the computer database. This event will increase the speed of information transfer, which in turn will affect the quality and speed of adoption management decisions, and their implementation. The number of new computers in the supply and sales department will be 6 pieces for the first time. At the moment the cost of one good computer is 30 thousand rubles, therefore, 180 thousand rubles will be spent on 6 computers. By updating your computer base, the Internet will also work better and faster. You can also create local network at the enterprise in order to transfer electronic views reports, which will save time for both employees and management.

Also, by order of the General Director of OJSC Kazanorgsintez, a group of 3 people will be appointed - researchers who will conduct benchmarking, that is, conduct research at other competing enterprises. They will be given an additional surcharge of 5,000 rubles each per month. With the help of research from competitors, management will be aware of what to do to improve the communication system at the enterprise, what is most profitable to do, and what, on the contrary, should not be considered.

There is another problem - an irrational organizational structure. If the organizational structure of an organization is poorly thought out, then this causes duplication of functions, tasks and powers, this inevitably leads to parallel flows of information, its distortion and slowdown of movement. In addition, the more levels of leadership there are in organizational structure, the greater the likelihood of information distortion, since each level filters and corrects the transmitted information. An irrational structure can also cause conflicts between different departments and individual managers, which naturally creates serious problems in the exchange of information and making management decisions. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the OJSC Kazanorgsintez enterprise should eliminate duplication of functions, this will lead to the disappearance of parallel flows of information. Will increase the quality and speed of information transfer.

This will lead to the fact that the problem of exchanging information and making management decisions will disappear, since everyone will have their own functions, tasks and responsibilities, and conflict situations will disappear.

Also, as an activity, you can propose the introduction of a new position, which will be called a psychologist, who will receive 17,000 rubles per month. Since conflicts negatively affect the transfer of information, they slow down the process of information transfer, distort data and negatively affect the entire work of the enterprise. It will help to avoid critical situations, relieve the stress of enterprise employees during conflict situations, and from this it follows that the position of a psychologist should have a positive impact on the entire activity of the enterprise as a whole.

You should also establish public relations. Establishing relationships between an enterprise and various contact audiences by creating a reputation beneficial to the enterprise, a positive “corporate image”, on the one hand, and eliminating or preventing unwanted rumors, gossip and actions, on the other. These are targeted actions that create an atmosphere of understanding and mutual trust between the company and various audiences.

You can also offer advanced training courses for management personnel as events, where they will teach information Technology And foreign languages. Management personnel will learn to work with new programs, which will improve communication networks. And knowledge of the language will allow you not to lead to distortion of information, and will allow you to correctly both encode information and decode it.

Year founded: 1963

Industry: chemical industry

Manufactured products: polyethylene, polyethylene pipes, phenol, acetone, ethylene glycols, ethanolamines, bisphenol, polycarbonate and other organic synthesis products

Revenue: 79,021,773 thousand rubles. (2018)*

Net profit: 19,913,410 thousand rubles. (2018)*

General manager: Minigulov Farid Gertovich

PJSC "Kazanorgsintez"
- the largest domestic manufacturer of ethylene polymers and copolymers, a leading enterprise chemical industry Russian Federation, which has strategic importance for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and is part of the TAIF PJSC group of companies. Produces more than 38% of all Russian polyethylene and is its largest exporter.

The history of the enterprise began in 1958, when the decision was made to build a plant. In 1963, the first tons of phenol and acetone were produced and the plant became one of the operating chemical enterprises.

Open Joint Stock Company "Kazanorgsintez" was created in 1993 in accordance with the privatization plan of the Kazan leased production association "Organic Synthesis". Since its transformation, the company has undergone a number of large-scale programs to modernize its production facilities. Today the plant has many years of experience in the market chemical goods, is the largest manufacturer of polyethylene and polyethylene pipes in Russia.

Currently, polyethylene, polyethylene pipes, phenol, acetone, bisphenol A, and polycarbonates are produced. A total of 170 types of products. Annual production volume is 1.6 million tons.


  • Plant for the production and processing of low-density polyethylene
  • High pressure polyethylene plant
  • Bisphenol A plant
  • Polycarbonate plant
  • Ethylene plant
  • Plant of organic products and technical gases
  • Plant for the preparation and implementation of major repairs


as of September 30, 2019

56,32% - LLC "Telecom-Management"
21,18% - JSC "Svyazinvestneftekhim"
17,18% - PJSC Joint Stock Company commercial bank"AK BARS"

The Marketing Department plays a huge role in the process of achieving set goals. Marketing department is structural unit joint stock company not having the right of a legal entity.

The Marketing Department is headed by the head of the department, Khalilov R.R., this division is directly subordinate to Commercial Director OJSC Kazanorgsintez is responsible for the timely and high-quality implementation of the tasks assigned to the department. A person who has a higher professional (economics or engineering-economics) education and has undergone special training in the field of marketing, with at least five years of experience in engineering, technical and managerial positions, is appointed to the position of head of the department. The head of the department is appointed and dismissed by order General Director society.

The Marketing Department is guided in its activities by:

current legislation of the Russian Federation, RT;

Charter of the joint stock company "Kazanorgsintez";

internal rules labor regulations;

orders and instructions for the enterprise;

this provision;

decisions of the Board of Directors, the Executive Directorate of OJSC Kazanorgsintez, orders and instructions of the General Director, orders of the Deputy General Directors, on issues within their competence;

quality policy;

quality management;

STP Quality Management Systems.

Tasks and functions. The main task of the department is policy formation effective sales products, their planned and guaranteed deliveries, obtaining established profit indicators from product sales by:

Development and development of sales markets for OJSC Kazanorgsintez products;

Development and implementation of new product sales schemes.

Advertising - the formation of a positive attitude on the part of consumers and partners towards OJSC Kazanorgsintez and its products. Helping to reduce costs for manufactured and developed products through rational use of the enterprise's potential. To implement the assigned task, the marketing department performs the following functions:

Collection and processing of information about sales markets, specifics and dynamics of demand for OJSC Kazanorgsintez products, determination of buyer requirements for the consumer properties of products produced by OJSC Kazanorgsintez, their competitiveness in the markets. Comprehensive study of domestic and foreign markets for products, analysis of the activities of competitors and consumers (range, quality, prices, sales markets);

Based on analytical processing of information, development of current, medium-term and long-term plans for promoting products in markets, forecasting sales volumes for each type of product. Searching for new consumers for the company's products;

Participation in the development of comprehensive programs, research and development work aimed at improving product quality, increasing its technical level and competitiveness;

Participation in the formation of contract prices for the company’s products;

Study of modern sales methods, analysis of the most economical methods of sales (own sales networks, dealers, intermediaries, etc.). Definition of the most effective ways payment for goods, taking into account the individual characteristics of each buyer. Development of recommendations for preferential sales promotion;

Organization of advertising, exhibitions, consumer conferences. Conducting and analyzing consumer surveys. Informing consumers about the features of manufactured products. Justification and analysis of advertising costs. Monitoring and timely informing management about the possibility of obtaining prestigious and internationally recognized assessments of the enterprise’s activities. Carrying out intensive advertising activities in order to stimulate sales and create a stable positive opinion of consumers and partners about the quality of our products, reliability and profitability of their use.

The head of the department has the following responsibilities:

Ensure timely and high-quality execution of management work in accordance with the work plan and requirements;

Develop measures to improve management performance;

Know modern methods of studying markets. Ensure the collection and analytical processing of information, drawing up sales plans in accordance with modern methods marketing;

Take into account the individual requests of consumers making bulk purchases of OJSC products;

Analyze consumer requests, factors influencing the sales of the company's products, advise the Executive Directorate on these issues.

Conduct analysis and ensure the development of product sales forecasts based on data from surveys of consumers, buyers and the commercial service of the enterprise;

Provide management and executives of the company with the necessary marketing information, provide plans for promoting products in the markets;

Liaise with divisions of the joint-stock company on marketing issues. Determine the range of issues included in the responsibilities of his subordinates, based on the tasks and functions of management. Carry out the selection and placement of personnel in the department, strengthen labor discipline, ensure compliance with the internal labor regulations by all employees of the department. Ensure the confidentiality of the work performed in accordance with the Regulations on Trade Secrets.

Organize advanced training for management employees.

Manage management employees.

Ensure the content and maintenance of all documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Management System.

Ensure management work is carried out in accordance with the standards of the Quality Management System and the Quality Policy.

Contribute to the work of quality commissioners.

Participate in internal and external audits of the Quality Management System.

Participate in the development and revision of Quality Management System standards.

current, medium-term, long-term marketing plans and sales volume forecasts for each type of product;

activities necessary for the effective interaction of all research, design, production and commercial services of the enterprise;

analytical information on the state of sales markets for OJSC Kazanorgsintez products;

proposals for improving the organization of the product distribution system, for service and preferential sales promotion.

The head of the marketing department has the opportunity to:

Submit for review and approval:

schemes for delegation of authority and responsibility on marketing issues, if necessary;

proposals for moral and material incentives for personnel for personal contribution to the achieved economic results;

proposals for improving the organization of enterprise management;

proposals and documents on issues financial activities marketing services and other structural units.

Receive all the information he is interested in about the work of the joint-stock company from a manager at any level.

Represent on behalf of the company in other organizations on issues within the competence of management.

Employees of this division (marketing specialists) report to the head of the marketing department. They are appointed and dismissed from their positions by order of the General Director of the company on the recommendation of the head of the marketing department. The organizational structure and relationships with other divisions of this department are presented in the appendix.

Persons with higher education qualifications are appointed to the position of marketing specialist vocational education without any work experience requirements.

A marketing specialist must know:

legislative, regulatory and legal acts regulating financial, economic and commercial activities enterprises;

fundamentals of a market economy;

methods of conducting marketing research;

sources of information;

modern means of collecting and processing information (computer technology, telecommunications, etc.);

the procedure for developing agreements and contracts for the supply of products;

fundamentals of production technology, enterprise management structure;

basics of office management;

ethics of business communication;

basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

labor protection rules and regulations;

enterprise standards.

Certification of a marketing specialist is carried out once every three years.

People are the key to the successful development of an enterprise and business prosperity, therefore Kazanorgsintez strives to create a corporate environment in which each employee could realize their professional capabilities with maximum benefit for themselves and the company. They provide their employees with decent working conditions and financial rewards.

All-Russian production volumes (Competitors):

There are still actually 5 manufacturers on the Russian polyethylene market. The sixth manufacturer, Sevilen LLC, is actually a small enterprise, with a small share of PE production and sales.

Of these, for the production of LDPE:

OJSC "Tomsk Petrochemical Plant". The raw material for the production of polyethylene is ethylene, produced from straight-run gasoline. At this point in time, management is carried out by OAO Gazprom. The main operators for the sale of polyethylene produced by OJSC TNHK are companies owned by OJSC Gazprom and AK Sibur.

JSC "Ufaorgsintez" The raw material for the production of polyethylene is its own ethylene. Management is carried out by OJSC Bashneftekhim. Sales of polyethylenes through the operators of OJSC AK Sibur.

JSC "Angarsk Polymer Plant". The raw material for the production of polyethylene is ethylene, produced from straight-run gasoline. Management is carried out by the structures of NK "YUKOS". Polyethylene is sold through the YUKOS trading house.

JSC "Salavatnefteorgsintez" The main raw material for production is ethylene. It is in trust management of OJSC Gazprom.

LLC "Sevilen" The main raw material for the production of polyethylene is ethylene, obtained through an ethane pipeline from OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

For the release of HDPE:

LLC "Stavrolen" The raw material for the production of polyethylenes is ethylene, produced from straight-run gasoline at own productions. Management is carried out by Lukoil-neftekhim LLC. Sales of polyethylene are carried out through LLC Lukoil-neftekhim.

Let's consider the environment of the petrochemical industry in the Russian Federation. In Russia there was an increase in the number of manufacturers of products from polymer materials, in particular polyethylenes. The market for polymer materials is developing at a rapid pace, in particular, the volume of consumption in the field of polymer containers and packaging is increasing. The production and consumption of household plastic products is increasing. Recently, the packaging market has been rapidly developing in Russia. food products. In this regard, the production of containers and packaging for food products is growing. The main raw materials for the manufacture of food packaging are polyolefins, in particular polyethylenes, used for the manufacture of various films. During periods of demand, there is a significant shortage of these grades of polyethylene. Polyethylenes are in increasing demand for the production of thin and durable films, and their consumption remains stable even during periods of so-called low demand for polyethylenes.

On Russian market polyethylene production, the prerequisites have emerged for introducing new polyethylene production capacities, as well as updating the brand range. In the segment of new types of polyethylene brands Russian manufacturers significantly inferior to global producers. In the last decade, the polyethylene consumption market has been significantly hampered in its development precisely by the lack of domestically produced polyethylenes.

Based on the above, manufacturing plants cannot have a significant influence on pricing. One of the manufacturing enterprises that influences the sales policy is OJSC Kazanorgsintez, which independently sells the largest part of its products compared to other manufacturers.

The pricing of the polyethylene market is influenced by the seasonal nature of the product.

The most favorable periods for the sale of polyethylene are the summer months of the year, the end of spring and the beginning of autumn. This is due to the increased activity of manufacturers of films, containers and packaging, which is associated with increased consumption of their products in the warm season. Planned overhauls of manufacturing plants, which occur in the summer, also have a significant impact on the sales market. The shutdown of one of the producers leads to a sharp increase in demand due to a shortage of polyethylenes.

Taking into account the cost structure of polyethylene production, where the share of raw materials and energy resources ranges from 55% to 75%, pricing policy and pricing will be a predominant factor for those companies that own and/or have a direct connection primarily to primary raw materials - straight-run naphtha, butane gas mixtures, and ethane. Moreover, the latest types of raw materials are the most cost-effective for the production of ethylene and polyethylene, and provide significant flexibility in the pricing of commercial products.

In 2006, Kazanorgsintez sold products and services worth 15.5 million rubles. Polyethylene, polyethylene pipes, phenol, acetone, and glycols remain the main types of products, bringing in more than 80% of all sales revenue. The main share - 73% in the sales structure - is the sale of products to the domestic market. The increase in sales to the domestic market was due to more favorable conditions in the domestic markets of the main products, as well as a decrease in services for processing customer-supplied raw materials (processing).

The choice of supplies to the domestic or foreign market is carried out in such a way as to maximize the profitability of sales and maintain a sufficient volume of exports to increase it under favorable conditions. In the reporting year, exports amounted to 20% of products sold.

Services for processing raw materials supplied by customers accounted for 7% of total sales. The decrease compared to 2004 (11%) is due to an increase in supplies of purchased raw materials.

Compared to the previous year, the amount of products sold increased by 1,632.8 million. rubles or 13.8%. The main reason for the increase in sales is the increase in prices for the company's products.

The pricing policy of Kazanorgsintez is to set prices for products that would allow reaching the planned profit level and capturing the maximum possible market share. When determining the price level, we take into account: market conditions, competitors' prices, production costs.

Let's consider the stages of the product life cycle. Product life cycles are very diverse, but it is almost always possible to identify the main phases. In classic life cycle The product can be divided into five stages or phases:

Introduction or entry into the market. This is the phase when a new product appears on the market. Sometimes in the form of trial sales. It begins from the moment the product is distributed and goes on sale. At this stage, the product is still new.

At this stage the enterprise contains bisphenol, polycarbonate, etc.

Growth phase. If the product is required in the market, then sales will begin to grow significantly. At this stage, the product is usually recognized by customers and the demand for it quickly increases. Market coverage is increasing. Information about the new product is transmitted to new customers. The number of product modifications is increasing.

At this stage there are polyethylene grades PE2NT05-5, PE2NT11-9, PE2NT22-12, PE2NT21-13, PE2NT26-16, film grades PE2NT15-10, PE2NT17-5, PE2NT17-11.

Maturity phase. Characterized by the fact that the majority of buyers have already purchased the product. The product becomes traditional. The quality of goods and smooth production are increasing. Service is being improved. Maximum sales volume is achieved. Price competition.

At this stage there are ethylene, high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene, ethylene oxide, phenol, etc.

Saturation phase. Sales growth stops. The price is greatly reduced. But, despite the price reduction and the use of other measures to influence buyers, sales growth stops. Market coverage is very high. Companies are looking to increase their sector in the market. The sales network is also no longer expanding. The technology is the same. At this stage, there is a high probability of repeated technological improvement of the product and technology. This stage is often combined with the maturity stage for the reason that there is no clear difference between them.

5. Recession. A recession is a period of sharp decline in sales and profits. Sales may drop to zero or remain at very low levels. The main reason: the emergence of a new, more advanced product or a change in consumer preferences. The bulk of consumers are conservatives with low solvency.

The company's sales are based on the following principles:

Providing preferential conditions to regular consumers who purchase significant volumes of products over a long period of time;

Expanding highly efficient sales markets and searching for new consumers;

Establishing prices for products that would allow reaching the planned profit level and capturing the maximum possible market share. When determining the price level, the demand for the products of OJSC Kazanorgsintez, market conditions, competitors' prices, production costs are taken into account;

The choice of supplies to the domestic or foreign market is carried out in such a way as to maximize the profitability of sales and maintain a sufficient volume of exports to increase it under favorable conditions.

In 2006, OJSC Kazanorgsintez exported products worth 2.8 billion. rub. to 27 countries in Europe and Asia. The main share in the export structure is occupied by HDPE and LDPE (75%).

In 2006, export revenue increased by 181 million rubles. (+6.9%). The main influence on revenue growth was the increase in polyethylene export volumes (+44% compared to 2005).

The main external markets are neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan (61% of total exports). The markets of these countries are characterized by an increase in the consumption of chemical products and a higher level of prices in comparison with world prices, and therefore OJSC Kazanorgsintez considers this export direction as a priority.

Fig 2.1.1 Export structure of OJSC Kazanorgsintez by country in 2006.

To summarize, we will highlight the competitive advantages of OJSC Kazanorgsintez:

) Kazanorgsintez is the only enterprise in Russia that, since Soviet times, has been given the opportunity to produce the base monomer - ethylene, from low-cost ethane. It gives him competitive advantage compared to other polymer producers - ethane is three times cheaper than raw material sources such as propane butane or straight-run gasoline.

) OJSC Kazanorgsintez occupies a leading position in the Russian market for polyethylene and polyethylene pipes;

) Established relationships with suppliers and buyers.