“Finance and Credit”: what kind of work can you do after completing your studies? Future profession.

“Finance” and “credit” are two of the most popular words in modern economic society. The first is the driving force of the economy, accompanying production and consumption. The second is an important component of business, providing opportunities for expanded use of finances for both commercial and personal purposes.

Specialists in the field of finance and credit are highly valued in the labor market, covering wide areas of application of the acquired knowledge. Those who want to master all the intricacies of this sphere of the economy and professionally operate and “credit” can obtain a specialty at one of the many universities in our country.

Where to go for a finance and credit specialist?

The specialty "Finance and Credit" is one of the most prestigious in economic faculties, and therefore there is quite a lot of competition for it. However, if you have definitely decided that you want to become a professional in this field and work in your specialty in the future, then it’s worth a try. However, successful students, and in the future - competent specialists, will be able to fully recoup the effort and money spent on training (if the study is paid). Having received a diploma and having a little experience behind him in the form of educational and diploma practice, a young specialist can choose one of several paths to build his career.

Banks and investment companies

Most popular destination, which offers the Finance and Credit major, is Banking. Many former students successfully pass interviews and begin their professional journey in one of the many banks in the country. Starting at the very first step of your career, in a few years you can grow to become a group leader, head of a department, or become a sought-after highly specialized professional.

Financial management in commercial organizations

Another direction that can be studied by choosing the specialty “Finance and Credit” is also quite attractive. Competent specialists are especially in demand in medium and large-level commercial organizations. They have extensive knowledge in the field securities, investments, understand the theory of politics and Such specialists are usually highly paid and highly valued in the organization.

Valuation of various types of property

There is another interesting area within the specialty “Finance and Credit”. This is "Property Valuation". With the development of the real estate market and its annual growth, there is an acute shortage of specialists who would regulate in this area. However, it is necessary to evaluate not only real estate, but also cars and securities. All this is studied by students receiving the specialty "Finance and Credit" and specializing in "Evaluation".

Good specialists are needed not only by business, but also by the state

Successful students are in demand not only in commercial, investment and credit organizations and various private firms. Government agencies are also interested in young, promising specialists in the field of finance and credit. These are the Central Bank, the Ministry of Commerce, and others. As a rule, in order to get into the civil service in these departments, you need to prove yourself well during your studies or gain practically useful experience in other organizations.

To summarize, the specialty “Finance and Credit” is not only difficult (if you really get high-quality knowledge) and prestigious, but also very in demand in the modern labor market. Good specialist will be able not only to find a job and feed himself, but also to build a successful career, ensuring himself high earnings and respect.

Managing financial flows and planning expenses are the main areas of activity of a financier. To obtain this profession, you need to have a strategic mindset, keen attention, endurance, diligence and a mathematical mindset. Knowing how to manage money, keeping abreast of all financial news and, if possible, insuring against inflation are also important skills for professionals of this level.

"Finance and Credit" specialty - which exams to take

  • Mathematics (general level);
  • Social studies (subject of choice of the institute);
  • Russian language;
  • Foreign language.

The minimum passing score is from 235. “Finance and Credit” specialty code is “OKSO 080105”. The form of training is provided both full-time and part-time. Duration of training – 5 years. After graduation, the student will have the qualification of an economist with a specialty in “Finance and Credit.”

"Finance and Credit" specialty - universities

  1. Institute of International Economic Relations;
  2. Russian Economic Academy;
  3. Higher School of Economics;
  4. Government Finance University;
  5. Economics, Humanities and Information Technology University of the capital;
  6. MNEPU Academy.

Specialty "Finance and Credit" - disciplines

  • Taxation and taxes;
  • Finance – municipal and private;
  • Securities market;
  • Corporate Finance;
  • Investment portfolio and investment management;
  • Strategic financial management;
  • Planning and control of financial organizations;
  • Risk management;
  • Labor Economics;
  • Econometrics;
  • Statistics;
  • Marketing;
  • Accounting analysis and accounting;
  • Marketing;
  • Insurance business.

Characteristics of the specialty “Finance and Credit”

The work of an economist involves calculations on financial, labor costs when carrying out certain work or providing services. The specialist also carries out economic analysis activities of enterprises, develops, if necessary, a strategy and savings regime. He organizes the collection and processing of information to carry out the necessary planned work. Guiding technicians and engineers in joint research is also the responsibility of the economist.

Practice specialty "Finance and Credit"

Future bank employees and economists undergo internships in various municipal or private companies, institutions and banks. Students study the structure of an organization from the inside, become familiar with the necessary reporting documentation, and acquire professional skills. Under the strict guidance of the curator, they have the opportunity to perform various assigned tasks.

If the student shows diligence and responsibility, he acquires valuable knowledge about the functioning of the organization, the pace of its work and ways to improve work efficiency. The student can choose the place of internship independently, or can use the list provided by the university.

Work in the specialty "Finance and Credit"

A profession related to solving economic issues is quite in demand in the current labor market.

"Finance and Credit" specialty - where to work

  • In research institutes;
  • In municipal and private banks;
  • In restaurants and hotel business;
  • At enterprises, representatives of large and small businesses;
  • In social funds;
  • In an insurance company;
  • In a financial institution;
  • IN educational institutions as a teacher;
  • At the tax office;
  • At industrial or agricultural enterprises;
  • At the customs service.

Specialty "Finance and Credit" - who to work with

  • Heads of departments of enterprises;
  • Managers;
  • Business analysts;
  • Auditors;
  • Finance and accounting specialists;
  • Individual entrepreneurs;
  • Marketers;
  • Brokers;
  • Estimators;
  • Traders on exchanges;
  • Commercial agents;
  • Economists-programmers;
  • Tax inspectors or consultants;
  • Supervisors;
  • Appraisers;
  • Accountants.

There are a lot of employment options for economists. Perhaps the student will want to go to a master's program or get a second higher education. After all, professional economists are a valuable asset for any business or structure. Representatives of this field of activity usually have an income average or above the national average.

You might be interested.

Profiles of the direction "Economics":

Finance and credit

Accounting, analysis and audit

Taxes and taxation

Profile "Finance and Credit"

This profile allows students to gain extensive knowledge about the processes of formation and execution of budgets at different levels, the procedure for planning accounting and reporting, organization and management of cash flows of enterprises, investment activities of business entities, features of the organization of finances of enterprises and organizations; banking and insurance.

Graduates of this area are equally well versed in financial management, insurance, loans, financial management, and pricing.

Knowledge and skills of specialty graduates allow them to apply for prestigious jobs in serious organizations: in economic and financial services of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, in government bodies at the federal, regional and municipal levels, banks, stock exchanges, financial and insurance companies, investment funds. The services of graduates of the specialty are in stable demand in the labor market, and they themselves have good prospects for further professional and career growth.

Employment Opportunities are very extensive: at the enterprise, graduates of the specialty “Finance and Credit” can carry out professional work as economists, financial analysts, specialists in the economic planning department, investment consultants, heads of financial departments, financial directors , as well as in other positions that require knowledge of the tools and methods of financial management, the basics of organizing monetary regulation, money and trade turnover.

Wide job opportunities open up for our graduates in the banking sector. Bank lending departments need competent credit inspectors and lending specialists. Other structural divisions of banks require economists for currency and deposit transactions, interbank settlements, securities, economist-analysts, and specialists in working with plastic cards. Having started his professional activity in one of these positions, a graduate of the specialty “Finance and Credit” has ample opportunities for career growth, development and transition to more responsible and interesting positions as heads of relevant departments of banks.

Specialists who know the insurance business and master risk management methods and financial analysis, can carry out professional activities as insurance agents and brokers, expert consultants in the field of insurance, economists and, finally, presidents of insurance companies.

Another interesting area of ​​activity for graduates of the specialty “Finance and Credit” is the work of financial brokers, whose main field of activity is stock trading. Such specialists can work in investment companies and banks, brokerage and management companies, and structural divisions of the stock market.

Profile "Accounting, analysis and audit"

The demand for specialists in this profile is very high, since not a single enterprise can function without implementing accounting.

A graduate of this profile is a bachelor with knowledge in the field of accounting, analytical, financial, consulting, management, control and auditing activities. A bachelor of this profile has basic theoretical and practical professional skills in the field of financial, management and tax accounting

An accountant is able to comprehensively analyze the results of an organization’s economic activities, identify problems, violations and errors in the implementation of economic activities and suggest ways to eliminate them. Able to audit and analyze financial statements; keep accounting records in an automated way using computer programs. He has the necessary legal knowledge in the field of contractual and claims work, and is able to widely use regulatory documents in his activities.

The task of an accountant is to account for, plan and control funds, income and expenses, property and liabilities of the organization. He takes part in resolving financial issues, works with tax authorities, and is able to suggest directions for minimizing taxation of the organization.

A bachelor's degree in Accounting, Analysis and Audit can work in commercial, non-profit and budget organizations, banks, financial companies and tax authorities.

Professions: accountant, economist, financier, auditor.

Profile “Taxes and taxation”

Taxes and taxation are an important link economic relations in society. Taxes are the main source of revenue for budgets of all levels and effective tool state regulation of socio-economic relations. Without knowledge of specific tax proceedings, it is difficult to imagine the manager and leading specialists (accountant, economist) of a modern company.

The “Taxes and Taxation” profile is unique because... includes training in economics and jurisprudence. Graduates of this profile are prepared to work in various fields of activity. Highly qualified training in accounting, analysis and auditing; Civil, Criminal, Administrative processes; tax consulting in various industries. Knowledge in the field of law allows you to correctly apply the norms of tax, civil and other types of legislation in your activities, since they regulate the construction of financial relationships between the state, legal entities and individuals.

Having an education in the field of taxation, the ability to navigate the economic processes taking place in the country, as well as knowledge of the legal aspects of life are and will be in demand.

An economist with a profile in “Taxes and Taxation” has the necessary skills of practical work in the fiscal sphere, in legal and economic services of enterprises, organizations, institutions; have knowledge of the patterns and features of the development of the tax system of the Russian Federation, as well as domestic and international experience in the management and functioning of fiscal systems; knows how to use knowledge of taxation theory in his practical activities; knows the basics of organizing tax regulation; sees prospects for the development of the tax system and his professional growth.

Tax specialists are in stable demand in the labor market, having good prospects for further professional and career growth and the widest opportunities for work not only in the tax system, but in enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

A graduate’s professional activity in the “Taxes and Taxation” profile can be carried out at all levels of the tax system at the federal, regional and local levels. It is perhaps worth noting that tax service employees are state civil servants, whose legal and social security is guaranteed by the state.

However, the scope of activity of tax professionals is not limited to inspection alone. Knowledge of norms and laws in this area makes our graduates almost indispensable advisors for any organization.

A promising area of ​​activity for a tax specialist is the practice of tax consulting. The profession of a tax consultant opens up amazing prospects for those who own it. A relatively recently emerging area related to accounting support for a large company or private entrepreneur and aimed at optimizing the taxation process is extremely in demand. An additional opportunity for self-realization is provided by consulting on filling out tax returns. Today, more and more professionals are needed in this field of activity, but there is clearly not enough relevant personnel.

By choosing the “Taxes and Taxation” profile, you can get the most prestigious job and contribute to the development of the national economy and the economy of the region!

Corporate finance is not “enterprise finance”, not just calculations, calculations and estimates. Corporate finance is a separate area of ​​knowledge; here we are talking about the study of the movement of money, as well as other types of capital, both into a business (raising) and out of it (investing). For effective organization This work requires a methodology, a system of principles and concepts necessary for understanding and numerically assessing the motives of behavior of investors (and owners, and creditors, and managers) along the entire chain of movement of capital and money.

Irina Ivashkovskaya about financial education (PDF, 355 Kb)

Career trajectories in leading Russian and foreign large and medium-sized companies in Russia and abroad

Let us note several areas that have already been implemented:

1. Trajectory financial manager(Chief finance officer, CFO): a wide range of functional roles from preparing a budget system to financial modeling, development of capital raising schemes, performance assessment investment projects, treasury work on current flow management cash; performance management. Building a strategic finance system for analytical and instrumental management support aimed at increasing business value.

2. Trajectory investment manager in private equity funds, investment banks: key competencies are related to the development of financial models of strategic transactions for the sale and purchase of shares in a business, including to venture investors, bringing a company to an IPO, developing new issues of securities, mediation in mergers and acquisitions to increase the value of the participants’ business transactions.

3. Trajectory financial consultant: career in consulting, primarily in financial analytical services for clients (financial advisory) from the industrial, commercial and financial sectors of the economy in assessing value, structuring business purchase transactions, separating part of a business, assessing the effectiveness of investment programs, creating a budgeting system; V strategic consulting when justifying the prospects for the company’s growth and increase in its value, and the personnel remuneration policy.

4. Trajectory entrepreneur: some of the graduates started own business in the field of hi-tech, industrial production and management and financial consulting.

Potential future directions:

5. Trajectory member of the board of directors: work as an independent director on committees of the board of directors to analyze company development programs, evaluate its results, and develop remuneration packages for top management.

6. Trajectory "compliance officer"(chief compliance officer): development of programs for following the best practices of integrated reporting on the financial and non-financial resources and results of the company, their compliance with the principles sustainable development and the best examples corporate governance through the mechanism of the board of directors.