Position and profession. Future career: how a specialty differs from a profession Position and profession, what is the difference

Professional affiliation is one of the significant characteristics of a person. Work takes up a significant part of our lives. That is why finding yourself in the world of professions means the opportunity to receive satisfaction from work, demonstrate your abilities to the maximum, and feel to the right people. This is a surefire way to stay fit while maintaining physical and mental health.
In order not to make a mistake in the upcoming choice and subsequently do something that will really be interesting, you need to learn to understand the specifics of professions, as well as the basic concepts associated with professional and work activities.

What is a profession?

Profession- this is a genus labor activity, which presupposes the presence of certain theoretical knowledge, which is supported by a number of practical skills acquired through targeted training and work experience.
From the point of view of society, a profession is a system of professional tasks, forms and types professional activity people who can ensure that the needs of society are met in achieving a significant result, product. From the point of view of a particular person, a profession is an activity that is the source of his existence and a means of personal self-realization.
If we consider the origins of the word “profession”, then it is necessary to turn to the history of this word. The term "profession" comes from a Latin root that means "to speak publicly, to announce, to declare." The inhabitants of Ancient Rome used the word “profession” to describe the type of occupation to which a person devoted his entire life and which he publicly declared. Profession determines in which field a person works and indicates the content of his work.
In ancient times, primitive people did not have a specific division of labor, and at that time there was not such a wide variety of professions. Everyone needed to do various activities on their own. The first division of labor was carried out according to gender: male and female. The male part of the population was engaged in labor-intensive, dangerous activities, such as hunting, fishing, construction, and the creation of tools and means of transportation. In turn, the female half took care of the home, family and maintaining the family hearth.
The development of the social system highlighted trade and craft. During the slave period, people were divided into peasants, artisans and merchants. The division of labor into professions arose with the development of manufacturing, when the type of occupation expanded significantly. People begin to distribute their activities according to interests. This is how potters (production of pottery), coopers (production of barrels and other wooden utensils), distillers (production of alcoholic beverages) and others appeared. People delved into separate species activities, formed and accumulated knowledge, passed it on to inheritance. Entire professional dynasties existed.
Currently, there are so many professions that it is impossible to count them. Life changes - professions change. Some become unclaimed and disappear, others appear. For example, widespread computerization has replaced such a profession as a secretary-typist, but has given rise to the profession of “programmer”; modern taxi drivers have replaced cab drivers. The reason for such changes is the rapid development of science, technology and electronics.
However, not all work performed by a person can be considered professional. If we consider looking after your child at home, then this activity cannot be called professional work. But care in child care institutions, which is carried out by a specifically trained person, is considered professional.
Any human work can be considered professional if certain conditions are met. The first is the presence of a certain level of qualification, which is confirmed by the person’s skill. The second condition is that a person’s professional work must generate a certain income.
A person acquires a profession in institutions of higher, secondary specialized and vocational education.
Having a profession requires targeted and systematic training, gaining experience, and passing a number of exams. Everything is confirmed by a diploma of graduation from an educational institution with the assignment of qualifications.
The name of the profession is determined by the nature and content of the work, job functions, and the tools or objects of labor used. Many professions are divided into specialties.

How does a profession differ from a specialty?

Speciality(from Latin species - genus, type) - a type of occupation within one profession, based on a related type of discipline. For example, profession - turner, specialties within this profession - rotary turner, boring machine turner, semi-automatic turner, etc. Profession – teacher, specialties within this profession – physics teacher, teacher foreign language, teacher of Russian language and literature, etc.
A specialty is a set of skills, abilities and knowledge acquired during the training process and confirmed in the appropriate manner. They are necessary to perform a specific job and relate to one or more professions. Thus, a law student can become a lawyer, prosecutor, or legal consultant.
A specialty is most often understood as a specialization or type of activity within one profession. For example, a surgeon, a design engineer, a consultant psychologist. However, in education documents, a specialty refers to a separate branch of science, technology or art, in which training is carried out in institutions of higher or secondary specialized education, while in institutions of vocational education, in accordance with these documents, they receive not a specialty, but a profession. Thus, after graduating from vocational lyceums and some colleges, as a rule, the names of professions are written in diplomas, and after graduating from universities - the names of specialties or areas of professional training.
The main difference is in the scope of the concept. Specialty is a general term that unites a group of professions. They may require some additional skills or be completely within the scope that was acquired during training. At the same time, the specialty requires special preparation.

The difference between a profession and a specialty

Scope of the concept. A profession is a private category that denotes a specific area of ​​activity, while a specialty is a general one.
Preparation. To obtain a specialty, you must undergo vocational training and pass exams. The specialty must be confirmed. This could be the defense of a thesis project, state exams, testing. A profession may correspond to a person’s type of activity, and some professions can be mastered in practice (artist, writer, builder, athlete), if they require certain abilities or physical skills.

To summarize, we can say that the terminology described above is distinguished by the volume of its interpretations. Profession is a multi-component and broad term; within it one can find a certain set of specialties.
Based on the acquired specialty, the employee is assigned one or another qualification.
Qualification (from the Latin qualis - which, of what quality; facere - to do) is the degree of professional readiness of an employee to perform labor functions within a certain profession or specialty. It assumes that a specialist has certain professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a specific job. Qualification is a level of professional skill expressed in officially recorded ranks, classes, titles, categories.

How does a profession differ from a position?

Profession and position are concepts, although different, but closely related to each other. As a rule, the range of positions for which a person can apply depends on the profession. Within the boundaries of one profession you can occupy completely different positions.
A position is a set of job duties that an employee performs at a specific workplace. Job titles often coincide with the names of professions. For example, an engineer by profession may hold a full-time position as an engineer in the structure of an organization. However, in some cases we may refer the title solely to the position. The position is indicated by such adjectives and prefixes in the title as chief, leading, senior, junior, responsible, executive, general, vice. For example, we can talk about the positions of chief engineer, chief physician, chief accountant, leading specialist, senior teacher, junior researcher, etc. The leading positions are director, manager, chief, manager, deputy, administrator, organizer. In higher education institutions there are positions of dean, professor, associate professor, teacher, and assistant. In scientific institutions there are positions of research assistant, including junior, senior, and leading. In various organizations there are positions of specialists of the second and first categories, leading and chief.
A position is a structural unit of a specific organization (public, private, international). With its help, a clear delineation of responsibilities in the enterprise is carried out, and a hierarchy is formed. The position determines the rights and responsibilities of the employee, his powers and degree of responsibility within the framework of his work activity, the size wages. All this is documented regulations, both state and internal (corporate).
A position is a job post, an official place associated with the performance of a number of specific official duties. It determines the position of the employee in a specific body of the management apparatus, which reflects duties, rights and responsibilities. The position indicates membership in a particular management chain.
For example: position " chief physician“makes sense only in a chain where, along with her, there is the head of the department, a local doctor, a ward doctor, etc. The presence of subordinates sets additional rights and responsibilities, determines the boundaries of power and competence.
There are positions that can only be held by representatives of specific professions. For example, only a general practitioner can be a local doctor. At the same time, there are positions for which different specialists are suitable. For example, both a psychologist and a lawyer can become a human resources manager.
According to the content of the activities performed, positions are divided into managers (perform the function of managing a team and organizing activities), specialists (skilled workers) and technical performers (perform work under the guidance of specialists).
The position requires certain knowledge and skills. However, they can be purchased not only at a specialized educational institution, but also through an internship at an enterprise, institution or organization.
Some employers require the applicant to specific position requirement such as work experience. So availability vocational education does not guarantee getting a job. In this case, at the interview it is worth demonstrating your ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

The difference between a profession and a position

A profession is a type of activity, and a position is a position held. Often the position a person holds differs significantly from the profession he acquired.
The presence of a profession is confirmed by a document on higher, secondary specialized or vocational education. The position is secured by a corporate document (order of the manager) and is based on state regulations.
The position held is indicated in work book. The profession is not noted.
Acquiring a profession involves obtaining an education and passing a series of exams. And you can get a position just by passing an interview or internship at the enterprise.
The concept of “profession” is broader than the concept of “position”. For example, a teacher is a profession. A teacher of Russian language and literature in a particular school is a position.

Thus, the position determines the social status of a person, his place in society. You can get a position not only on the basis of qualifications, but also due to personal qualities. A profession forms a circle of knowledge, skills and abilities on which a person relies when applying for a job. A correctly chosen profession allows a person to realize his potential and abilities to the maximum, and to feel like a necessary and useful member of society. Therefore, choosing a profession is very important stage in the life of every person.

Now let’s use an example: a young man graduated from a university with a degree in Psychology and, having completed the specialization “Child and Developmental Psychology,” received the qualification “Child Psychologist” and got a job as a “Child Psychologist” by profession “Psychologist”.


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Workers work by profession and do not hold positions. Does the employer have the right to impose job descriptions on workers, and at the same time job duties and job responsibilities provided for officials-managers, specialists and employees?

Clarification from February 3, 2013 - 12:32
The fact is that at enterprises with Hazardous Production Facilities supervised by Rostechnadzor, workers in the main professions (operators of technological installations, operators of pumping and compressor installations, mechanics, repairmen), according to federal legislation, must annually undergo testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements and production (by profession) instructions in field of industrial safety, which for them is not certification, in contrast to officials (managers and specialists), whose knowledge of rules and regulations on labor protection and industrial safety is included, according to the CAS positions of managers, specialists and employees, in their job responsibilities and ignorance, which entails official responsibility - dismissal for non-compliance with clause 3, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At these enterprises, smart management charged workers in basic professions with job descriptions, as for officials, with all the ensuing consequences - job duties and official responsibilities, and illegally arrogated to themselves the right to fire workers for an annual test of knowledge, declaring that since they have job responsibilities , then this is no longer a test of knowledge, certification. No combination working profession and there can be no position in my question.

Clarification from February 3, 2013 - 16:08
Workers do not undergo annual certification, only once for qualification after vocational training and for work for which additional safety requirements are imposed (pressure vessels), and annually they undergo testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements and production (by profession) instructions in the field of industrial security. Article 81p.3 speaks of certification, not testing of knowledge, and here workers are involved. Rostekhnadzor itself, in its response, confirmed that this test of knowledge of workers is not a certification, only for engineers it is such, since knowledge of labor protection and industrial safety is included in their job responsibilities. So they imposed job descriptions on the workers in order to fire them like engineering workers, since the workers do not understand the difference between a profession and a position.

Clarification from February 3, 2013 - 18:15
Look, there are laws, not your thoughts about what a worker becomes after he is given a qualification. He is assigned a profession in accordance with the ETKS of works and professions of workers, and not a specialty in accordance with the ETKS of the positions of managers, specialists and employees. These are, by the way, regulatory legal acts that indicate what is a position and what is a profession. Following your application to the EKS, the positions of managers, specialists and employees must include the specialty of a machinist, operator and mechanic. However, you will not find such specialties in this directory. Vocational training programs are compiled in accordance with the requirements of Rostechnadzor; we undergo qualification certification after training in the qualification commission of a licensed educational institution, however, they assign us a profession and rank, and not a specialty, and we are hired by profession, and not appointed to a position. Think for yourself how an employer can allow workers to be fired for testing their knowledge - this is a great opportunity to manipulate people, violate their rights even in ensuring safe conditions labor. Workers can be fired only for violation of labor discipline or based on the results of certification, the rules for which are prescribed in Resolution No. 470/267 of October 5, 1973. Workers undergo a completely different procedure, which is called knowledge testing and should not be confused with certification - these are two completely different events.


Good afternoon Not really. In addition to the concept of “profession”, which implies mandatory professional training, the concept of “position”, which implies the performance of official duties, there is a third, broader concept - “occupation”, which implies any type of activity, including those that do not require special preparation, but simply bringing in income.

Thus, a situation may arise where the same person performs professional work and at the same time official duties. For example, a delivery driver. On the one hand, he is a worker by profession - a driver (drives a car, refueles a car, eliminates minor faults on the line), at the same time he can perform official duties (signing and issuing the necessary financial and commercial documents). In such cases, the employer has the right to charge the worker with the performance of official duties.

Currently, the Russian Federation is switching to international practice occupational accounting systems based on development requirements market economy. By Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 298, the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) was approved, which was developed in accordance with State program transition. The classification unit of the OKZ is the type of labor activity (occupation). Both the profession of a worker and the position of an employee can be classified as a specific group of occupations.

Clarification from February 3, 2013 - 15:23
In your clarification you raise many questions at once: questions labor law, including the legality of dismissal for failure to pass certification, the issue of labor protection and industrial safety. The professions that you named are indicated not only in issue 1 of the ETKS, but also in All-Russian classifier occupations (OKZ) and belong to the basic group 8290. The explanation of the OKZ to the characteristics of the mentioned professions states that to perform the work, work experience and special knowledge are required, acquired through vocational training on the basis of basic general or secondary (complete) general education. According to you, the production where you work is dangerous production facility, i.e. requires special knowledge. Accordingly, the procedure for training, briefing and certification of personnel on knowledge of the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation is regulated by both Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Rostechnadzor standards. At the same time, engineers are trained for appointment as responsible engineers, and workers are trained for admission to independent work according to training programs approved by Rostechnadzor. These programs must specify your actions and responsibilities to ensure production safety. Another question is that dismissing workers for non-compliance with clause 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code is a very “bold” decision. The lack of qualifications still needs to be proven by following the procedure for agreement with trade unions and the competence of the certification commission.

Clarification from February 3, 2013 - 17:33
We can agree with you that there is a lot of speculation under dismissal under clause 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code in our difficult market times. However, in your case we are not just talking about workers. A worker who has passed a knowledge test within the framework of a program approved by Rostechnadzor is not just a worker. The result of the knowledge test is a qualification certificate. From this moment on, he becomes a person with special knowledge and skills, i.e. a specialist (by definition). Qualified and certified are synonymous words.

In Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, certification means periodic verification of an employee’s qualifications.

By Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 “On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised Federal service.." two Regulations have been approved. The first concerns the certification of engineers, and the second Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of workers, according to which you are allowed to work by Order of the employer.

Clarification from February 3, 2013 - 19:52
You wrote “Workers do not undergo annual certification, only once for qualification after vocational training and for work that has additional safety requirements (pressure vessels).”

You also wrote: “A worker is not required to confirm his qualifications (profession and rank) every year.”

And this is stated in the Rules PB 03-576-03, according to which the program was compiled, for the knowledge of which you pass the knowledge test:

"Clause 7.2.1. Persons who are trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to service vessels may be allowed to service vessels.

clause 7.2.3. Persons who have passed the exams are issued certificates indicating the name and parameters of the working environment of the vessels to which these persons are authorized to service.

The certificates are signed by the chairman of the commission.

7.2.4. Periodic testing of the knowledge of personnel servicing vessels should be carried out at least once every 12 months.

7.2.5. Permission of personnel to independently maintain vessels is formalized by an order for the organization or an order for the workshop.

7.2.6. The organization must develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure instructions on the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels. The instructions must be located at the workplace and issued against signature to the service personnel."

What is the difference between a profession and a position? And what to write in labor.dog. Are we hiring by profession or position? and got the best answer

Answer from Vovan[guru]
The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language says the following:
PROFESSION, -and; and. [lat. professio]
A type of work or occupation that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood.
POSITION, -and; pl. genus. -to her; and.
Official position, place and related official duties
Both concepts appear in labor legislation and in relation to an employment contract they differ as follows:
Profession in relation to labor relations means the type of activity defined specialized education, and a position is an official position that depends on the profession and is determined by it.
Example: D. A. Medvedev - position - President of Russia, profession - lawyer.
Source: Labor Law

Reply from Kiki ///[guru]
by position, profession, what you are graduating from by study

Reply from Tucya[guru]
in a TD one is hired for a position... and the profession is stated in the diploma (it is not necessary that the person works by profession)

Reply from Olga Nilova[guru]
The employment contract specifies exactly the position. A profession is the result of training.
If the employment contract is drawn up on executive body, then it is possible that the employee is not appointed to the position, but elected.

Reply from Anastasia Mokrenkova[newbie]
Position is an official position associated with the performance of certain official duties and certain responsibilities.
Profession is a type of work activity (occupation) of a person who has a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, experience and work experience.

Reply from Starsol Starsol[guru]
The positions are occupied by executives - engineers, foremen, and managers at various levels. And if, for example, they hire a bricklayer or a janitor, then the word “position” here sounds ridiculous. You should write simply - “hired as a janitor.”

Reply from INF[guru]
As follows from paragraph. 3 hours 2 tbsp. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; specific type of work entrusted to the employee). If in accordance with the Labor Code, other federal laws Since the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties is associated with the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the name of these positions, professions or specialties and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements specified in qualification reference books, approved in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation(ETKS and EKS). Everything else is songs.
Hence the conclusion, write the same way as it is written in ETKS or EKS, also explain the difference between the reference books?

Reply from Catherine[guru]
profession is what is stated in the document on education (diploma), and position is a unit in staffing table organizations.
Example: an engineer with a diploma can be hired (if he has work experience) for the position of chief engineer. In the employment contract, write accepted for the position...in the unit.... There is a standard form employment contract in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

IN modern world a huge variety of professions. And with the development of science and technology, more and more new opportunities appear. Some become unclaimed, others become popular. The concepts of “profession” and “position” are closely interconnected. But they should not be confused. Let's try to understand the intricacies.

So, a profession is a type of human activity, a type of occupation. To perform it, a person must have a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities. To purchase them, you must undergo special education and training in relevant educational institutions.

Upon completion of studies, a person receives a diploma or certificate. In Latin, the word "profession" means "public speaking". The ancient Romans called a profession a type of activity of a person, which he publicly, openly declared, and to which he is ready to devote his life.

In other words, a profession is a person’s purposeful training and activity in a certain field. A profession helps a person to perform a certain job and realize himself in society.

If we talk about a position, then this concept relates to human condition in a certain institution and its social status. While in office, he has certain rights and responsibilities in accordance with the job description, which he must adhere to.

Each position requires a specific education and profession, and sometimes work experience. It is a person’s position that is entered in his work record book, not his profession. That is, this structural unit institution through which responsibilities are divided between employees.

Moreover, within the same profession, a person can receive different positions and make his own career growth. In addition, there are positions only for people of a certain profession, and those that are suitable for different professions.

So what? general these two concepts? First of all, the need to have knowledge and skills to perform a specific job. They have a specific focus and are a means of realizing human potential. Both in the profession and in your position, you should engage in self-development and improve your existing skills.

Thus, the concept of “profession” is much broader than “position”. After all, a position is easy to obtain not only due to professionalism, but also personal qualities - communication skills, responsibility, discipline, diligence.

The position allows a person to realize himself in a specific professional direction to the maximum. That is why it is necessary to take a responsible and careful approach to its choice. That is, a position is a person’s status, and a profession is his range of interests. Ideally, these two concepts coincide.

Profession is a gender social and labor activities a person requiring certain training, skills and knowledge. Currently, college and higher education graduates educational institutions Along with a diploma of completion of studies, they acquire a profession. To do this, you need to study diligently and regularly over several years.

Today there are a lot of professions, a list of which can be found in the state document called “Classifier of Professions”. With the passage of time and the development of scientific and technological progress, as well as automation and robotization production processes, many professions have become not in demand or simply disappeared.

For example, a secretary-typist or a weaver. In the first case, computers have long replaced typewriters, and in the second, automated looms have appeared, which have much higher productivity compared to manual labor.

A position is an official position occupied by a person in an enterprise or firm, which is associated with the performance of certain official duties by the employee.

As a rule, in enterprises each type of position has its own job description, which every employee must comply with during his or her work activity. This is all documented by state and corporate regulations.

The position requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. You can get them not only in colleges and universities, but also through training in special courses and internships at enterprises.

To summarize, we get the following conclusions:

  1. A profession is a type of activity, and a position is a person’s official position. Very often the position a person holds does not correspond to his profession. For example, he studied to become a psychologist, but works as a waiter in a restaurant.
  2. The profession is confirmed by the presence of an education diploma, and the position is recorded in the person’s work book. You can get a position by passing an interview at the company or continuing education courses.
  3. The term “profession” is broader than the concept of “position”. Example: a psychologist is a profession, and a psychologist is kindergarten this is the position he holds.

Consequently, a person’s social status and his place in society are determined by his position.

Profession (from the Latin professio - officially specified occupation) is a type of work activity of a person who has a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience. The name of the profession is determined by the content and nature of the work or official functions, the tools or means of labor used. Many professions are divided into specialties. A profession as a group of related specialties (profession - doctor, specialty - general practitioner, surgeon, ophthalmologist; profession - teacher, specialty - teacher of geography, history, mathematics) can be represented in six main aspects of social relations, its six main components: 1) area of ​​application of human forces as a subject of labor, limited type of labor activity; 2) a community of people performing certain labor functions that are of a socially useful nature; 3) preparedness (knowledge, abilities, skills, qualifications) of a person, thanks to which he is able to perform relevant labor functions; 4) the activity of a professional as a process of implementing labor functions performed professionally; 5) activities performed for a certain remuneration; 6) activities that give a person a certain social and public status.

Specialty (from the Latin species - genus, kind) - a type of occupation within one profession, based on a related type of discipline (for example, profession - doctor, specialty - therapist, pediatrician; profession - teacher, specialty - mathematics, physics); an area of ​​application of human strength that is necessary for society and limited due to the division of labor, allowing him, on the one hand, to realize his professional potential, and on the other, to receive the necessary means of subsistence and development opportunities.

Qualification is the level of development of special abilities of a subject (employee), allowing him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a certain professional work. Qualification is determined by the amount of theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, skills and abilities that an employee possesses and which are his most important socio-economic characteristics. Qualification is a reflection of the subject’s level of professional skill. There are formal qualifications, expressed in officially fixed ranks, classes, titles, categories, etc., and real qualifications - the level of skill that a person can actually demonstrate.

Position is the least objectively and documented manifestation of the profession. The position can be identified with a qualification (“junior researcher”), with temporary duties (acting manager, project manager), with the profession as a whole (psychologist in an organization).

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