Contractual plan with service providers. Documents for tour design

Security questions
1. What organizations and enterprises are involved in serving tourists on tour?

2. What is the extent of the tour operator’s responsibility for serving tourists along the tour route?
3. What points should you pay attention to when choosing a service provider?
4. What is the comprehensive suitability of the services offered to a specific client?
Practical tasks
Receptive tour rating
1. Identify service providers for organizing ski and congress tours. Motivate your developments with the requirements for servicing these categories of tourists.
2. Imagine that your company organizes tours around Moscow.
Name the service providers for your company from the following tours:
A. Russian porcelain.
B. Business tour to Moscow.
B. Folk crafts of Russia.
G. Getting to know Russian cuisine in Moscow.
Sample tour programs:
Programs A and B are presented in the text of the previous section (“Service Program”).
B - accommodation in middle-class hotels, meals in restaurants at the hotel and in restaurants along the route on country excursions; excursions: sightseeing tour of Moscow, to the Moscow Kremlin with visits to cathedrals,
Moscow metro, walk along the evening Arbat, Museum of Folk Art, visiting an art exhibition; out-of-town excursions: Center of Russian Ceramics in the village. Gzhel,
Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Toy Museum, sightseeing tour of Rostov the Great with a visit to the Enamel Museum.
In Moscow, as a leisure activity, visit a concert. One night in Rostov the Great.
G - accommodation in first class hotels, meals in Moscow restaurants that give an idea of ​​Russian cuisine; excursions: sightseeing tour of Moscow, Moskovsky

Word version especially for the library
the Kremlin with a visit to cathedrals, to the Novodevichy Convent; a walk along the evening Arbat; boat tour
Moscow River (summer), walk along Moscow boulevards; visiting the Moscow vernissage; excursion to Sergiev
Posad with a visit to the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. In their free time from excursions, tourists are offered classes in Russian cooking, shopping, dinner with tasting at the Slavic Bazaar restaurant and a farewell dinner at a Russian restaurant.
45 3. About the responsibility of an initiative tour operator.
Clients approached the proactive tour operator that sent tourists to Egypt with a complaint. While in Egypt they bought from an official partner
(Egyptian receptive tour operator) an additional excursion to the coral reefs. The trip was organized in violation of basic safety standards. The boat, designed for 10 passengers, took 30 on board. As a result, there were not enough seats for everyone. To admire coral reefs, in the open sea, tourists were offered to swim with a mask. At the same time, no one even gave instructions or asked if everyone knew how to swim. No one made sure that the swimmers did not get hit by the boats maneuvering nearby. As a result, they forgot one tourist and returned for him only an hour later, one client was bitten by a moray eel, and there was no first aid kit on board. Is the proactive tour operator who sent a group of tourists to Egypt responsible to the tourists for this additional excursion?
1.8. Tour planning. Contract plan
Before deciding to organize tours to a new destination, the travel agency conducts marketing research It is necessary to identify the needs, priorities of consumers, demand trends. This will help to formulate a tour package in such a way as to more fully satisfy all the needs of the buyer (tourist). These

Especially for the library, the Word version of the research also helps to properly direct the course of planning tours and conducting a contractual campaign with service providers.
Preparatory work begins two years or more before the first departure of tourists along the new route, according to new program or to a new country.
In table 1.4 shows a typical timeline for a new summer tour rating program of an initiative tour operator
The usual scale of the current tour operator rating program can be presented using the example of a receptive tour operator (Table 1.5).
Relationships with partner service providers are formalized in contractual form (by concluding agreements). Each year of work (or other working period) is preceded by a contract campaign, during which contracts are concluded. Before the contract campaign, a contract plan is usually drawn up, which includes the following sections:

partner's name;

main subject of the contract;

duration of the contract;

terms of contracts;

special information.

Word version especially for the library

Word version especially for the library

Word version especially for the library
This plan allows you to draw a real picture - a diagram of the actions of the employees of the travel company to provide services on the tour. The composition of the contractual plan depends on the type of tour and the expected services. For several types of tours, separate subplans are initially drawn up for each type of tour, and then a consolidated plan is drawn up, where partners are grouped according to the terms of the conclusion of contracts or on a geographical basis. Before drawing up a contractual plan, it is necessary to clearly understand the intended partners, and also be prepared to conclude contracts at the negotiation stage.
When developing a contractual campaign in the long term, tourism firms widely use various reference and information collections related to tourism and hotels. Directories of travel agencies, hotel and restaurant businesses, published by international tourism organizations, include information on the possibilities of organizing holidays and travel, accommodation and hotel services indicating the main types of services provided to tourists. National, local and corporate directories are also published regularly. Guidebooks, directories of routes, attractions, calendars of local events, i.e. everything that is used in organizing tours and service programs is

Especially for the library, a Word version of literature that tour operators use when developing new routes and drawing up a contract plan.
Security questions
1. How are relationships with partners - service providers - formalized?
2. What sections does the contract plan include? What determines the composition of a tour operator’s contract plan?
3. Provide a typical timeline for a summer tour operating program
Practical tasks
1. Your travel company is developing a new hobby tour
“Russian porcelain” for 6 days. The service program for this tour is given in the assignment of the previous chapter of the textbook. The tour is valid all year round.
Your task is to draw up a contractual plan for the company to organize this tour according to the following scheme:
2. You have been instructed to develop a new hobby tour “Folk Crafts of Russia” for the next year to receive foreign tourists. Tour route: Moscow - Rostov
Great for 6 days. The tour program is given in the practical task of the previous chapter. Tour duration: May - October. Meals - full board in the hotel restaurant, on the 4th, 5th and 6th days - meals along the route.
3. Your travel company, located in Moscow, has an agreement with a foreign company to receive tourists on the “Bus” tour
- across Russia" along the route: St. Petersburg - Novgorod -

Word version especially for the library
Tver - Moscow (12 days). The program agreed with the foreign partner is as follows.
1st day:
Arrival of the group in St. Petersburg. Hotel accommodation Free time
Day 2:
Sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg with a visit
St. Isaac's Cathedral. Excursion to the Peter and Paul Fortress.
3rd day:
Country excursion to Petrodvorets. Visiting a theater or classical music concert.
4th day:
Excursion to the Hermitage. Free time.
Day 5:
Road to Novgorod. Sightseeing tour of Novgorod.
Day 6:
Excursion to the Novgorod Kremlin with a visit
Faceted Chamber.
Day 7:
Road to Tver.
Day 8:
Sightseeing tour of Tver. Excursion to the Museum of Tver Life.
Day 9:
Road to Moscow. Sightseeing tour of Moscow.
10th day:
Excursion to the Moscow Kremlin with visits to cathedrals.
Motor boat trip along the Moscow River.
Day 11:
Excursion to Tretyakov Gallery. Excursion to
Novodevichy Convent.
12th day:
Visit to the Moscow vernissage. Departure of tourists late in the evening.
Accommodation: in double rooms of tourist class hotels.

Word version especially for the library
The duration of the tour is May - September.
Meals - full board.
Note: double program - route: Moscow - Tver -
Novgorod - St. Petersburg
Using the table form given in task 1, draw up a contractual plan with the service providers of this tour.

Word version especially for the library
1.9. Negotiations with service providers
The signing of contracts with service providers is preceded by negotiations. It is important to conduct them in such a way as to obtain the desired result - the necessary tourist product (goods or services) of good quality, the right quantity and at the price you want.
You need to carefully prepare for negotiations with partners. It is necessary to analyze:
1. Circumstances of the negotiations
- what exactly do you need from a partner? To what extent? During what period? What additional things do you want from your partner? What is the price level for goods or services in the market? Are the requirements differentiated? Etc.
For example, in accordance with the existing schedule, upon prior reservation or confirmation, it is necessary to accommodate a group of tourists (30 people) with regular arrivals for 4 days, every week and all year round. Need accommodation services (hotel, hotel); transport (car rental, ordering railway and air tickets, etc.); sports and entertainment services (disco bar, golf, tennis, swimming pool, sauna, etc.). The price must correspond to the average market level minus a 10% discount for wholesale purchases (i.e. guaranteed occupancy), but not higher
Nth amount. The level of accommodation and service for the tourist (middle) class is not differentiated.
The composition of tourist groups is assumed to be homogeneous - middle class.
2. Ways to implement possible solutions
- you need to know who is doing what exactly and by when? How will one stage of the solution lead to the next? To what extent are the means of concluding a contract ready? Who prepares the draft agreement and group arrival schedule? How will issues regarding additional services be discussed?
Include them in the contract

Word version especially for the library
- immediately or not? Conditions are included in the text of the contract, and during the negotiations they are either excluded or supplemented.
3. “Portrait” of your negotiating partner
- How different is your partner’s goal from yours? On what parameters
(terms, level of service, range of services) will the partner’s strategy be based? Etc.
Using these recommendations, it is useful to create a plan for conducting negotiations before starting negotiations. This will help identify weaknesses in your position and find additional solutions. A negotiation plan will give you the opportunity to predict unexpected options for your partner's behavior and help you prepare in advance for alternative proposals and solutions.
In any negotiations, not only a strategic approach is important, but also a psychological attitude. You have already prepared for negotiations, the result of which should be a contract for servicing tourists concluded with the service provider. The strategic plan is ready. Are you psychologically ready? Negotiations often failed only because the tone was taken incorrectly. To avoid this, experts tried to develop psychological rules of communication and negotiation.
Nine rules of a psychological approach to management
1. Attitudes (installations).
Identify the attitudes of your negotiating partner (his interests, values, goals) and use them in your counter-arguments, integrating them into the logic and fabric of his reasoning.
For example, skillfully remind your partner what benefits your cooperation with him will bring (full occupancy of the number of rooms, more complete use of the bus fleet, etc.).
2. You are the approach.
In any clash of opinions and conflicts, first clarify the intentions, expectations and fears of your

Especially for the library version of Word partner. Express to him your interests and doubts, and then together with him look for solutions that best satisfy both parties.
Provide him with your guarantees of the deal, for example, a guarantee that the entire hotel room will be filled when organizing a congress, regardless of the number of participants arriving.
3. Tolerance
(tolerance for evaluating the actions of others). Do not express your assessment of the actions of another, but express only your feelings about these actions (for example, “Your words offend me,” etc.).
4. Open mind.
A different position, a different look is always a new facet, new aspect, hidden from you. It is better not to refute someone else’s position, even if it is erroneous, but to accept it as new approach. Only after identifying all possible alternatives, you need to choose the best
53 of them But this requires, together with the negotiating partner, to agree on general criteria evaluation of alternatives. They can be common interests that can be found under any circumstances.
5 Relevance.
Remember that people behave according to what others expect of them. In psychology this is called
"Pygmalion effect". It is important for you to be significant
(referent) for the partner to have some influence on his decisions. Reference is the commodity we receive in exchange for our respect, demonstration of faith, trust and conformity to the image
"nice person"
6. Internality
(taking responsibility).
When explaining the reasons for any failures, do not blame everything on external circumstances and other people. Take personal responsibility for what happens.
The ability to accept blame and apologize is a characteristic of a mature personality. Moreover, this technique

Especially for the library, the Word version disarms and forces the partner, out of solidarity, to take the blame upon himself, because he is no less noble
7. Friendly position, or the position of an adult.
Remember that you will most likely achieve your goal without leaving the “equal” position. This is manifested in a calm, confident posture, gestures, tone of voice, and facial expression. Negotiators need to be respectful, confident, engaging and moderate - all of these qualities will lead to success in negotiations.
8. Ethics.
Don't humiliate a person's dignity. Play fair, do not cheat. Avoid anything unethical.
Try to see yourself from the outside. This will help correct behavior and evaluate it from the standpoint of aesthetics and ethics.
9 Creative solution.
Avoid cliches and templates, look for non-standard solutions. Be original. You can use pre-developed templates for a non-standard approach in typical situations and questions.
Any contract is a legal fact and document, and therefore always entails legal consequences. Therefore, it is important to prepare for concluding a contract in such a way as to take into account all possible options for the relationship, as well as force majeure circumstances, conditions of material and financial liability, validity periods and the possibility of premature cancellation or extension of the contract. All this must be recorded in the form of a written document (agreement, contract), certified by the signatures of the heads of the contracting companies and the seals of these companies. It is necessary to prepare schedules for the arrival of groups (for hotels), allocation of transport (for a motor transport enterprise), etc., indicating the dates, timing and number of tourists, as well as calculations or tariffs for the cost of services provided by levels and categories.

Word version especially for the library
Security questions
1. How should you prepare for a negotiated campaign?
2. Name nine rules of the psychological approach to negotiations.
3. What is a contract and how is it drawn up?
4. Name the necessary attachments to the tour operator’s agreement with service providers.
Practical tasks
1. Take one of the service providers (hotel, transport company) from the ones you developed during the previous practical tasks tours and make a plan for negotiating with him.
Analyze the circumstances of the negotiations, ways to implement possible solutions, and the “portrait” of your business partner, using the recommendations given in this chapter.
2. Predict the possible arguments of your negotiating partner and, using the rules of the psychological approach, prepare counterarguments that can convince him to accept your proposals.
1.10. Concluding agreements with suppliers
services. Agreement between tour operators.
Once the destinations, the number of people in the groups and the dates of their arrivals have been established, the stage of signing agreements and contracts begins in the process of negotiations with hotels, airlines and other service providers.
A contract (agreement) is necessary to regulate the obligations and responsibilities of the parties, in particular in situations where hotel rooms, airplane seats remain unsold, or in cases where charter flights are canceled, so that

Especially for the library version of Word, provide a system of sanctions and fines for each specific case.
Properly organized contractual work of a tour operator helps him not to become dependent on the activities of various service providers. Large tour operators usually sign long-term contracts with hotels for a certain number of rooms or to ensure the hotel is fully occupied, which gives them low prices, but poses a certain risk for the hotel owner (he may lose money during a period of high inflation). There is also a risk for the tour operator (he will lose money if not all tours are sold).
Small or specialized tour operators selling special, independent, inclusive tours may have open sales agreements with hotels
(or sales report) in which hotels agree to guarantee accommodation for the maximum number of tourists. Such agreements can be quite suitable for small tourism programs, but they have a significant disadvantage in that sometimes hotel owners retain the right to close a certain date.
Contractual relationships in tourism are regulated by the norms of international and national civil law.

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Tour planning. Contract plan

Before deciding to organize tours to a new destination, a travel company conducts marketing research. It is necessary to identify the needs, priorities of consumers, and demand trends. This will help to formulate a tour package in such a way as to more fully satisfy all the needs of the buyer (tourist). These studies also help to properly guide the course of planning tours and conducting a contractual campaign with service providers.

Preparatory work begins two years or more before the first departure of tourists along a new route, according to a new program or to a new country.

Relationships with partners - service providers are formalized in contractual form (by concluding agreements). Each year of work (or other working period) is preceded by a contract campaign, during which contracts are concluded. Before a contractual campaign, a contractual plan is usually drawn up, which includes the following sections:

* name of the partner;

* main subject of the contract;

* duration of the contract;

* terms of concluding contracts;

* special information.

This plan allows you to draw a real picture - a diagram of the actions of the employees of the travel company to provide services on the tour. The composition of the contractual plan depends on the type of tour and the expected services. For several types of tours, separate subplans are initially drawn up for each type of tour, and then a consolidated plan is drawn up, where partners are grouped according to the timing of the conclusion of contracts or on a geographical basis. Before drawing up a contractual plan, it is necessary to clearly understand the intended partners, as well as be ready to conclude agreements at the negotiation stage.

In the long-term development of a contractual campaign, travel companies widely use various reference and information collections of tourism and hotel orientation. Directories of travel agencies, hotel and restaurant business, published by international tourism organizations, include information on the possibilities of organizing recreation and travel, accommodation and hotel services, indicating the main types of services provided to tourists. National, local and corporate directories are also published regularly. Guidebooks, directories of routes, attractions, calendars of local events, i.e. everything that is used in organizing tours and service programs, is the literature that tour operators use when developing new routes and drawing up a contractual plan.

Specifics of concluding contracts with service providers

Once the destinations, the number of people in the groups and the dates of their arrivals have been established, the stage of signing agreements and contracts begins in the process of negotiations with hotels, airlines and other service providers.

A contract (agreement) is necessary to regulate the obligations and responsibilities of the parties, in particular in situations where hotel rooms, airplane seats remain unsold, or in cases where charter flights are canceled, in order to provide for a system of sanctions and fines for each specific case.

Contractual relationships in tourism are regulated by the norms of international and national civil law.

Internationally such relations are regulated by the following basic documents:

* International Convention on the Travel Contract, adopted on October 22, 1970 by the General Assembly of the World Federation of Travel Agents Associations (FTAAA);

* Regulations on tourist contracts and exchanges adopted at the Vienna Meeting of States Parties of the Security Council of the Council of Europe (CSCE) in 1992;

* Agreement on the unification of basic rules for international air transport (Warsaw Convention), adopted on October 12, 1929, as amended and supplemented in 1955 and 1975;

* Geneva Convention concerning the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road, adopted in Brussels in 1967

* Resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States “On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS Member States in the field of tourism” dated October 1996, etc.

At the national level, contractual relations in the field of tourism are regulated by the following regulations:

* Civil Code Russian Federation(parts 1 and 2 dated October 1, 1994 and December 22, 1995, respectively);

* Federal law dated November 24, 1996 “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation”;

* Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 1992 No. 3543-1, with additions and amendments as of March 17, 1997;

* Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 1993 No. 135 “On approval of Recommendations for the conclusion employment contract(contract) in writing and Approximate form employment agreement (contract).”

In trading practice tourist services tour operators are divided into directing (or proactive, organizing foreign tours) and receiving (or receptive). An proactive tour operator does not always contact service providers directly. He enters into an agreement with the host tour operator, who provides him with a full range of services at the reception.

Let's consider the features of concluding agreements between a receptive tour operator and service providers and an agreement between receptive and proactive tour operators.

Agreements with receptive care service providerstour operator

Agreements with service providers are drawn up on the basis standard contract with the inclusion of issues related to the service of tourists and the relationship of partners (supplier and tour operator).

All relationships with partners - service providers for tourist services along the tour route are formalized by concluding written agreements (contracts). They can have a standard form of a purchase and sale agreement, or a commission agreement, or an exchange agreement (for non-currency exchange by tourist groups).

The main provisions of contracts with service providers are similar to the provisions of a standard contract: subject of the contract, basic conditions, rights and obligations of the service provider, rights and obligations of the tour operator, responsibility of the parties, force majeure, legal addresses and details of partners.

An agreement is considered concluded when an agreement is reached between the parties in the appropriate form on all its essential terms. Essential are the conditions regarding the subject of the contract that are recognized as essential by law or are necessary for contracts of this type, as well as those conditions regarding which, at the request of one of the parties, an agreement must be reached. Thus, the parties have the right to establish the terms of the contract at their own discretion, since each case has its own specifics, depending on the characteristics of the provision of services to tourists and the relationship of the contracting parties. The only exceptions are those cases when the content of the relevant condition is prescribed (or prohibited) by law.

1.Agreement with a hotel company

In international practice, agreements and documents regulating the relationship of hotel enterprises with travel agents and tour operators are known and widely used. One of them is the Hotel Convention of 1970, developed under the auspices of the International Hotel Association and the World Federation of Travel Agency Associations. The Convention defines the obligations of the contracting parties, the scope of its application, the types of hotel contracts, general and special rules for their preparation, the amount of commissions and the procedure for payments, as well as the conditions for the cancellation of contracts. In 1979, a number of amendments were made to the Hotel Convention and it was called the “International Hotel Convention”, which since 1993 has become the code of relations between hotels and travel agencies (tour operators) and is used when including hotel contracts.

The Code obliges the hotel enterprise to provide accurate information on the category and location of the hotel, as well as on the quality of the services provided. It determines that a travel agent does not have the right to set prices for its clients higher than those established under the commission agreement. This also applies to the tour operator working with the hotel on the same terms. In this case, neither the travel agent, nor the tour operator, nor the hotel should disclose the price specified in the contract.

The documents regulating the relationship between the tourism business and hotel enterprises are: International Hotel Rules, approved by the Council of the International Hotel Association (02.11.81), and Interregional harmonization of hotel classification criteria based on classification standards, approved by the regional commissions of the WTO in 1989.

Although these documents are advisory in nature and not mandatory, they contain many provisions that are firmly included in international practice relationships between the hotel business and the agency and operator business in tourism.

When organizing tours on the territory of Russia and in relationships with Russian hotel enterprises, you should also be guided by the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490.

Relations with hotel enterprises are determined mainly by the following agreements:

*An agreement on a quota of places with a guarantee of occupancy of 10-80%. Under such an agreement, the travel company receives from the hotel a certain number of places, which it is obliged to fill with tourists during the period specified in the contract. At the same time, it guarantees payment of 30-80% of the allocated quota of places, even if they are not used. The company has the right to cancel the rest of the quota within the established time frame. Under this agreement, the company receives prices for hotel rooms lower than regular rates.

*An agreement on a quota of places without a guarantee of filling. Under this agreement, the company does not undertake any guarantee of filling the quota of places allocated to it. Therefore, the usual rule of cancellation of places not used within the established time limits comes into force. The company pays the hotel at regular rates.

* Agreement on firm purchase of seats with full payment. Under such an agreement, the company guarantees the hotel full payment for the allocated quota of places, regardless of their filling. Under such conditions, the company negotiates lower prices for hotel accommodation than usual* Current booking agreement. This is the most typical agreement for travel companies, especially those that organize individual tourism. According to the agreement, the company does not receive any quota of places from the hotel. When a client contacts her, she sends a reservation request to the hotel and only upon receiving confirmation from her does she sell hotel services. With such an agreement, the usual rates for hotel beds apply. In addition, it is important to pay attention to guarantees, which partner - service provider is your partner (for example, does the hotel guarantee the promised accommodation). In relationships with service providers, it is necessary to provide (fix in the contract) the condition about the impossibility of a reverse price increase(prices can be increased only for unsold services) and work out a mechanism for fulfilling this condition. 2.Agreement withcatering establishment

Such an agreement is concluded with separate enterprise meals, if meals are organized outside the tourist accommodation facility and are not included in the contract with the hotel company. This may take place on route, thematic tours (meals along the way), etc. 3. Agreement with a motor transport company

4. Agreement with the airline (three types - agreement for a quota of seats on regular flights (hard and soft); - agency agreement with the airline; - charter (aircraft rental, reservations for small companies according to the scheme - hard, soft and combined blocks places). 5. Doctors with museums, excursion company, railway, etc.

After identifying suppliers based on:

■ the purposes of the planned tour;

■ the needs of focus group members;

■ level of competition in the market;

■ experience and market opportunities of the tour operator;

■ contractual base and personal connections of tour operator employees;

■ financial capabilities of the operator;

The tour operator makes a decision on possible schemes of mutual cooperation in organizing the tour with the suppliers identified by it. Examples of such schemes could be:

Travel service provider Possible schemes for mutual work between a tour service provider and a tour operator
Airline 1.Sale of tickets for regular flights. 2. Organization of a charter flight. 3. Organization of charter programs. 4. Sole or equity participation in charter programs
Hotels 1. Hotel rental. 2. Purchase of a block of seats on a commitment basis. 3. Purchase of a block of seats on elotment terms. 4. Irrevocable reservation. 5. Priority booking. 6. Work on conditions of increased commission. 7. Work on the terms of a standard commission for one-time applications.
Railways 1. Trading of railway tickets. 2. Formation of tourist trains. 3. Formation of trailer cars
Shipowners Water vessel charter (sole or shared)
Automotive companies 1. Bus rental (sole or shared)
Excursion bureaus 1. Organization of individual (group) excursions. 2. Organization of excursions using your own transport or the transport of a tour bureau

Any schemes of cooperation with service providers chosen by the tour operator as the most suitable for organizing the planned tour must be documented long before the start of the season, since the joint work of the operator and the tour service provider is a special legal event that leads to the emergence of new rights and obligations of both parties .

Documentation is most often carried out in the signing of agreements (contracts) on the joint work of a tour operator and a specific supplier of tour services.

The essential details of these agreements are:

■ full name, form of ownership, legal and actual addresses, bank details and contact numbers of the parties;

■ place and time of concluding a cooperation agreement (the place of conclusion can be both the home cities of the operator and supplier of tour services, and a neutral territory, for example, the location of a tourism exhibition);

■ the subject of the agreement (which briefly describes the purposes for which the agreement was concluded, for example, “Based on a mutual desire for cooperation, the parties agreed on the following: the OPERATOR recruits and sends groups and individual tourists to Italy, the FIRM ensures the organization of their stay in Italy ");

■ terms of the contract - detailed description schemes for further cooperation (forms of work - fax, electronic; document flow - application form, confirmation of applications and vouchers; payment forms; deadlines for submitting applications and their confirmation, forms for reconciling completed work);

■ rights and obligations of the parties;

■ the total cost of the contract, the procedure and timing of final payment (for example, when purchasing blocks of seats, ordering a charter or chartering a vessel);

■ liability of the parties (usually expressed as a percentage of the contract value);

■ identification of contact and responsible persons;

■ force majeure;

■ duration of the contract and conditions for its extension;

■ seals and signatures of the parties.

Agreements between the tour operator and tour service providers are signed in two (or more) copies that have equal legal force. With a foreign supplier tourism services the contract is concluded in two languages ​​(parallel translation in the text of the contract may be used).

It should be noted that the tour operator is required to have contracts with suppliers of absolutely all services involved in the tour package. Otherwise, certification of the quality of this tour by the relevant state authorities may be refused.

Verbal model

1. Tour name:

2. Type of tourism:

3. Type of tourism by purpose:

4. Source of funding:

5. Route and type of route construction:

6. Form of organization:

7. Seasonality:

8. Duration:

9. Service class:

10. Accommodation facilities:

11. Type of transport:_____; intra-route transportation:______

12. Food:

13. Excursions according to the program:

14. Target audience of tourists:

15. Age of participants:

16. Number of people in the group:

17. Approximate cost:

Appendix 5 (continued)

Service Providers

Designed in any form (text or table). Indicated:

Name of suppliers (accommodation and catering facilities are separately highlighted; transport enterprises, travel agencies providing excursion services, cultural and entertainment institutions (museums, theaters, etc.), insurance companies, etc.);

Address, telephone, e-mail, website;

Opening hours, day off.

Contractual plan for organizing (type) of a tour project

Tour project program "Original title"

Date Event Time
1 day
Day 2
Day 3
4 day
5 day

The program begins with the departure of tourists from the territory permanent place residence and ends with return back.

Appendix 5 (continued)

Loading schedule of a tourist enterprise

Groups of tourists for 2015

Group number Service date
March x x x x x x x
May x x x x x
June x x
August x x x x x x x x
November x x x x x x x

Appendix 5 (continued)


No. Cost items Calculation Total per group
Hotel 1
Hotel 2
Reservation – on the hotel website
Breakfast at the restaurant “…..” - at the hotel
Lunch at the cafe "..."
Lunch at the cafe “….”
Dinner at the cafe “….”
Transport service
Railway transportation (there) see on the website of JSC Russian Railways
Railway transportation (back) see on the website of JSC Russian Railways
Intra-route transportation ( remember about one extra hour for the bus service)
Transfer (if there is)
Excursion service
Museum 1
Museum 2
Museum 3
Tour guide's work
RTG accompanying/receiving
Animation services
Equipment rental
Insurance Mandatory for schoolchildren and students
Outcome 1
Overheads 10 %
Advertising expenses 5 %
Outcome 2
Profit 15%
Outcome 3
Total per group

*the company is on the simplified tax system, not subject to VAT

Ticket price per person:(Outcome 3) : (number of people in the group)

Technological map tourist travel

Technological map of the tourist route

(name of tourist organization)

Route name _____________________________________________________

Main points of the route St. Petersburg…..St. Petersburg_________________________________________________

I. Main route indicators

Type of route ______________________________________________________________

Kilometers of routes ________________________________________

Duration of the route in days (calendar) 6 days / 5 nights__________________

Number of tourist flights (groups) _____4__________________________________________

Number of tourists in the flight (group) ____25__________________________________________

Total tourists along the route ____100___________________________________________

Total man-days (according to overnight stays) of service on the route ____________________

Expenses for intra-route transport _____________________________________

Expenses for excursion services _____________________________________

Duration of work of the leader of the tourist group ______________________

Cost of a voucher (trip) for a tourist group ______________________________

Cost of a voucher (trip) per person _________________________________

II. Departure and arrival dates of flights (groups)

And the number of flights (groups) by month

No. Route and service points, distance between them (km). Time of arrival at and departure from the point Service program (indicating partner companies serving along the route) Complement services
nutrition overnight stay Name of tourist and excursion activities
St. Petersburg 22:00 (1 day)
Vladimir 900km 10:00 (2nd day) 19:00 (5th day) Breakfast - 3 (in the living room) Lunch - 2 (cafe "Ogonyok", cafe "Vstrecha"), Dinner - 2 (cafe "Ogonyok", dining room "Tarelka") In Suzdal - Lunch - 1 (cafe "Refectory") ; In Gorokhovets - Lunch – 1: café “Romashka” 3 nights Hotel “Vladimir”, standard double rooms Sightseeing tour of Vladimir, Golden Gate Museum, St. Demetrius Cathedral. Excursion to Suzdal (local history museum, monastery,...) Excursion to Gorokhovets (we list the objects to visit)
Kovrov 150km 13:00 (5th day) 22:30 (5th day) Lunch – 1 (where...), dinner – 1 (where) City tour (objects…)
St. Petersburg 750km 8:00 (day 6)

Total 1800km

IV. Route description

Give a description of the tourist route, conditions for receiving and serving tourists.