What is luxury all inclusive? The alluring word "luxury"

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Luxury - what is it? For some reason, the first associations are connected with the East. Something magical, exciting, fabulous and luxurious. In fact, luxury is an English word that has no connection with Eastern traditions. Or maybe the first impression is correct? Translated into Russian it is luxury, pleasure, pleasure, wealth, splendor.

Don't believe your eyes

“Luxury and something there” - have you already come across boutiques with this name in large shopping centers, on the Internet, or located in the entrances of shabby Khrushchev buildings? Signs with bright neon advertising, shop windows with conspicuous announcements of super-mega discounts, branded but inexpensive goods? Perhaps they sell good, high-quality things and provide high-quality services - but this is not a luxury store.

Luxury does not tolerate fuss

How can you find a store where you can buy real luxury products? Usually, this is a small boutique in a quiet area, with a discreet sign. Complete absence of pomp, tinsel and advertising.

In such a store you will not find several size ranges of one model of dress or suit, pair of shoes or boots. Only exclusive, single copies, individual tailoring, handmade and a huge cost, unrealistic for an ordinary buyer.

How to verify the status of an item

There are signs that make it easy to distinguish luxury items from ordinary, albeit elite, goods:

  • No advertising or sales.
  • Unknown to the general public, but very expensive brands.
  • Impeccable quality of goods and services.
  • High cost, unaffordable for most buyers.
  • The best modern materials.

Luxury class items look expensive and prestigious. No gold leaf, only gloss, consistency and elegance. One glance should be enough to attribute their owner to the world of people with power and wealth.

Luxury means Louis Vuitton clothes, bags, jewelry; women's and men's watch Rolex; bags, wallets, bracelets, clothing and shoes by Salvatore Ferragamo; leather goods and accessories from the French haute couture house Hermes; Chanel cosmetics and perfumes; jewelry from Tiffany.

Closed club for the elite

Luxury is not only clothes, shoes, cosmetics. This is a special philosophy, a lifestyle of very wealthy and status people. Housing, services, cars, resorts, jewelry, hotels, cosmetics, food, equipment, not just luxury, but premium luxury. It cannot be higher - only the sky is higher.

It would NEVER occur to a person belonging to the elite caste to go and buy food in a regular supermarket simply because it is cheaper. He will not save on the cost of a watch and will NEVER buy a fake, even an expensive one. Clothes from sales will NEVER appear in his wardrobe. Services and things are only luxury class. I began to live differently, more economically, and automatically dropped out of the club membership.

Club members

There are few buyers of premium luxury goods - only a little more than 10% of the total population. Who is Luxury's client?

Primary Users - Members royal families, billionaires, prominent politicians and government officials. Luxury style for such people is due to their status.

The second group is children, parents, brothers, sisters, lovers, i.e. the inner circle of the main members of the club. Their special position in society obliges them to lead a luxurious lifestyle.

The third group is imitators and imitators, people who pretend to be representatives of famous families and high society. Lack of necessary cash and the desire to prove one’s belonging to a “higher” caste is a bad neighbor. The result is huge debts and bankruptcy.

How to become a luxury person

Is there a way, without huge expenses and without debt, to join the number of clients of luxury goods and services? If you do not have sufficient funds, this is almost impossible, well, unless you marry a prince. But don’t despair - by following the following rules you can get closer to luxury people.

  • Instead of 10 cheap jackets, jeans, T-shirts, dresses, buy one expensive item.
  • If you have the opportunity to sew things in a studio, don’t miss it. Just remember - no slanting seams, protruding threads or cheap fabrics.
  • Forget going to markets and discount stores. Spend time searching for exclusive boutiques that sell clothes and shoes that are not subject to markdowns.
  • Make a choice in favor of exclusive designers, not fashion houses.
  • No lurex or unnecessary shine. Rhinestones are a poor substitute for diamonds.
  • Have you been abroad? High-quality and status items in their stores are much cheaper than in domestic boutiques.

And most importantly: do not reveal your secrets. Your friends don't need to know where you bought your stunning earrings or stylish jacket.

A word used to define luxury items or services. Sometimes this word is used to describe the lifestyle or philosophy of rich and successful people.

What is LUXURY in simple words - definition.

In simple words, Luxury is word taken from English language, where it literally means luxury or luxury. In our area, this word has become popular thanks to various marketers who relied on its exotic and more bohemian sound, in comparison with the more familiar words luxury or luxury.

What is luxury (Luxury)?

Since we have dealt with the very definition of the word “Luxury”, let’s look at what luxury actually is.

There are many different definitions of what constitutes luxury. Some economists define luxury as any item for which demand is primarily dependent on income or wealth. Others believe that luxury is any item that is not necessary but goes well beyond the standard of necessity.

In simple words, we can say that luxury goods, in their essence, are not vital for normal existence. But, they provide for the emotional whims and needs of people. However, the desire for luxury is not limited to rich people. In a sense, almost all people strive to purchase luxury products or services because they are of higher quality or more attractive than ordinary ones. For example, such things as food, shelter and clothing are vital for a person. But every person strives to eat more tasty and high-quality food, buy more comfortable housing in a prosperous area, and wear high-quality branded items. It follows from this that the desire for luxury is natural for humans.

If we talk about really expensive luxury, which not everyone can afford, then it can be divided into several categories.

Vidi Luxury products and services:

  • Luxury vacation– this includes various expensive exotic tours and resorts, where the cultural program and the vacation itself are incredibly expensive pleasures.
  • Luxury cars– This category includes various executive or sports cars with exclusive trim or design. These include: Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Bugatti, Lamborghini and others.
  • Luxury fashion– this category includes clothing and accessories from the most famous brands and fashion houses. For example: Prado, Gucci, Dior and so on.
  • Luxury accommodation– this includes expensive real estate located both in elite residential areas of your country and abroad. For example: Rublyovka (RF), Koncha-Zaspa (Ukraine).

Since ancient times, social stratification has generated a significant variation in the quality and cost of goods and services. A large amount of money has always provided access to something unusual, expensive and luxurious.

The word “luxury” is borrowed from the English language and denotes a category of goods and services provided in the luxury-premium segment. A business built on the basis of this concept is designed for wealthy people who want to spend money only on the best that can be purchased.

The main principles of luxury are:

  • emphasize the client’s high position in society;
  • maintain an image based on status;
  • show all observers wealth and incredible taste;
  • distinguish a person who can afford luxury from other clients.

For example, Ferrari cars belong to the luxury class. Luxury is present both functionally and aesthetically. These are fast and comfortable cars, but at the same time have an incredibly stylish and impressive design.

Luxury goods on the market

In any market niche there can be a luxury offer. Such a product may stand out due to its rarity, the highest quality of a functional component, or due to the high costs of its production. In the case of services, their execution also requires significant investment from the business.

Luxury food is a dish that uses rare and expensive ingredients during its preparation. In this case, the cooking must be done by a chef who has international recognition for his services and develops unique recipes.

It’s just that environmentally friendly products, fortunately, do not yet belong to luxury. The segment of environmentally friendly products without GMOs is accessible to representatives of the middle class, but in the future the situation may change.

Luxury class clothing is not only coats made of expensive furs and items of clothing decorated with precious stones. Also in this segment there are simply functional clothes made from expensive materials, produced under a special brand. Manufacturing technology can also be a fundamental factor in pricing, because there is no limit to perfection.

Accessories are a particularly common type of luxury goods. Expensive bags made of exotic animal skins and decorated with precious stones, jewelry made of precious metals and stones, a gold phone case.

Luxury-class furniture and housing can be found on sale. In this case, the developer does not skimp on the use of expensive and high-quality materials in construction, and furniture factories are ready to provide customers with furniture made from expensive wood species.

Luxury-class housing is a concept with a wide range. This could be a penthouse in the Federation Tower or a villa on the Black Sea coast. In the first case, the advantage is the location in Moscow City, the view of the city and the general technology of the premises, and in the second case, the location and climate.

By the way, luxury-class housing in Moscow City is ventilated using a unique system, and the air at this altitude is as clean as in the Alps. Technology can also determine the luxury status of a home. For example, the concept of a smart home, when there are many expensive devices and sensors.

Luxury class transport is replete with offers for the rich. Yachts, cars, helicopters, airplanes, own airfield- whatever you want.

This is not a complete list of luxury goods; there are other categories. Let's now consider services.

Luxury services at the market

Wealthy people need not only goods, but also services. And they may be needed completely different areas. Most of the money goes into the entertainment segment, since for the sake of show-off people are ready to spend fabulous amounts of money.

Elite nightclubs and restaurants take advantage of this. Access to such places is prohibited for random people; you need to receive an invitation from the business owner. There are also closed clubs for wealthy people, where some particularly large events can be planned.

Medicine also offers clients services in the luxury segment. A wealthy person can get medical care from international class doctors who can cure a much wider range of diseases.

There is also a place for luxury in the tourism sector. Do you want an exclusive, tailor-made African safari? Or an unforgettable climb to Mount Everest with a guarantee of safety? Your needs will be satisfied by the luxury offer.

This principle applies to other categories of services.

A business that specializes in working in the luxury segment places a special emphasis on the wealth of each client and pays great attention to an individual approach in marketing. But at the same time, enormous costs are often required to satisfy the demanding taste of the client.

Recently, more and more foreign concepts have entered our speech. And one of them is luxury. It is often used both in humorous jokes and when communicating. But what does luxury mean? In short, translated from English it is luxury. And this word is written in the original like this: luxury. It looks like “luxury”, but it’s correct to say “luxury”.

How did luxury appear in Russia?

Everyone knows that in our country not all yoghurts are equally healthy, and not all products are of the same quality. Therefore, for rich people there is always a group of goods that have a special quality and a special price, respectively.

And to indicate that such goods are located here, many retail outlets started using luxury in their names. For example, "Boutique women's clothing Luxury style."

Then, various beauty salons and hairdressers started doing the same. Moreover, this is done not only for informational purposes. The luxury prefix significantly increases profits.

After all, in a simple store you can’t just raise prices. But in a luxury boutique this is quite possible. At the same time, glamorous ladies may also ask the seller for the fact that everything is too cheap...

What does luxury mean in conversation?

In colloquial speech, such a prefix means something elite and expensive. It's very comfortable.

After all, it is much easier to say: I bought a luxury handbag than: I bought an expensive handbag in an expensive store, which is fashionable and high-quality.

Moreover, in some circles it is believed that such a word elevates a person. Therefore, many girls who want to find a rich oligarch can say luxury every word. More precisely, even “lakshshshshri”. Like, it sounds more glamorous...

Luxury and luxury

This concept has a comic antipode. This is the word Luxheri. It seems to mean that a person bought something quite ordinary, but very expensive. However, he believes that he benefited from this.

Luxheri gained fame thanks to videos of girls who paraded glamorous beauties. Their heroines went to simple shopping mall and at the same time they said that “now everything will be luxury.”

In general, many people are quite fed up with this word. Therefore, they corrupt him as best they can. This means that on the Internet you can find a large number of variations on its theme.

Luxury (luxury, luxury segment) is a segment of the market for luxury goods and luxury-premium services. Luxury - from the English word luxury, which translates as luxury, a luxury item. However, the translation of “luxury” does not fully reflect this concept. The luxury segment is a segment of providing great pleasure not just from using a product and service, but from everything connected with them, starting from the process of purchase itself, to the status of owning it, delight, admiration, pleasure from the creativity of genius developers - to embodied in product of the manufacturer's skill.

Traditional division into segments The market in terms of prices, quality of goods sold and level of services provided looks like: mass market, middle market, premium market. Further, exceptional and special – segment luxury, segment luxury.

Luxury segment can be described as something even “above premium”. We can say that the luxury segment is strictly only “for our own people”. The basic rule of the luxury segment: belonging to the luxury segment must support the image of its owner in a certain circle of society. At the same time, the authority of the owner of the product should serve as an advertisement for the luxury product.

Luxury consumer. The availability of luxury goods and services and their possession contribute to great pleasure and comfort, which are difficult to obtain. In addition to functional utility, luxury goods and services bring respect to their owner and determine status. The luxury consumer is a person of status, most likely influential, often demanding and capricious in his treatment.

Luxury goods– goods of great pleasure, pleasure, goods that emphasize the high status of their owner. Luxury goods are something very expensive, often perhaps discreet, but very respectable. Products in this segment are sold exclusively on a personalized basis, with mandatory consultation with a specialist. Often luxury goods only become more expensive over time. Luxury products are very distinguished high price and low availability.

Luxury store- this is a closed club with its own hierarchy of buyers, revenue is not the most important thing, profitability per unit of production and the identity of the buyer are more important. There are never sales in luxury stores.

Luxury marketing. The most effective advertising in this segment – ​​targeted mailing. You can send the client a catalog or a letter with information about the company's new products, information about special offer, congratulations on an important date for him. Club for the elite – good place for buyer-seller contact. Closed events: concert, informal meeting, test drive, presentation, respectable evening, organized by the company- a good reason and reason to get acquainted with the company’s marketing offer.

Luxury Marketing Summit– a forum that brings together leaders of the world's leading companies, auction houses and the largest advertising and PR agencies in the field of luxury and fashion. The forum is held in Monte-Carlo at the Bay Hotel & Resort.

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