What to sell on VK. How to open an online store on VKontakte and organize sales

Since last year, the social network VK has provided its users with the opportunity to trade on their pages. There are two ways to start trading. The first involves trading through your personal page, and the second means trading on the pages of a group or community. The second method can be called almost. Let's consider both options.

How to start selling VKontakte through your page

This feature was introduced in September 2016. It is ideal, for example, for selling clothes, for those who manufacture any home products, for example, as well as people providing any services and the like. The advantage here is that you don’t need to open any groups or online stores on VKontakte and spend extra time on them.

  1. In the left menu of your VK page, go to the item "Goods".

  1. In the page that opens, click on the button "Add your product" or similar text below. There is no difference, it's the same thing.

  1. And we fill out the so-called product card. Select a category, upload a photo, set a price and set up a city for sale. If there is a metro in your city, then the settings for stations will also open for you and click "Create a product".

That's it, the card has been created, after which it appeared on your VKontakte page and was sent as a notification to your friends. It will also become available to other VK users and they will be able to find your items through search.

How to create a VKontakte store in groups

It’s difficult to call it a full-fledged online store; rather, it’s a showcase for sales. Its advantage is that it is community/group based. The previous method has one drawback - a personal page can have no more than 10,000 friends. VKontakte communities have an unlimited number of participants.

Let us now consider the instructions on how to open an online store in VK:

  1. Creating a community (if you already have one, then start from point 4). On your personal page in the menu, select the item "Groups".

  1. Click the button "Create a community" or a similar VKontakte inscription below.

  1. In the window that appears, provide basic information about the future group and click the button. You can correct all the data later.

  1. Go to the community page and on the right under the photo, click on the link in the form of three dots and select the item.

  1. From the menu on the right, select "Sections" and then enable the section "Goods".

  1. Perform the basic setup of the section. In the contact section, indicate the person to whom notifications will be sent about the desire to purchase products by the buyer of your online store.

  1. Go to the community page and in the new section click on the link "Add product".

  1. Fill out the card. Look at competitors and large online stores in your niche for example descriptions. There is no need to write “Blah blah blah” text. This should be clear information about the product.

After this, an online store position will appear on your VKontakte community page.

If you click on it, a window will open with the information you filled out.

To order, the buyer contacts you by clicking on the button "Write to the seller", after which a notification is sent to the person you indicated in the contacts of your online store for communication in the 6th point.

How to pay for goods to the buyer

Unfortunately, the product card does not have a button to buy and then pay online, which is why we called the online store a storefront above. Accepting payments on VKontakte can be done in three roundabout ways:

  1. Internal transfer to VK. To do this, in the dialogue about purchasing a product, you need to select the item in the attachments menu "Money" and enter the amount, after which payment is made via card and the money is sent to the seller. If this is a community-based online store, then the money is sent to the manager.
  2. Accept payment on site. That is, after delivery.
  3. Issuing invoices through payment acceptance services. You create an invoice, after which you receive a payment link, which you need to send to your buyer, and he pays in any way that is convenient for him from those offered by the payment system. Method for individuals : go to the page https://money.yandex.ru/bill/ and simply fill out the form. Method for legal: this is done either through Yandex.Checkout, or, for example, through Robokassa.

An example of how to issue an invoice through Robokassa:

In our opinion, the first method is absolutely stupid, since you will have to explain to the buyer of the online store how to do what.

Each of us uses social networks for different purposes. Most users communicate there, meet new people, view news from their friends, and read interesting materials. However, there is another application for social networks - commercial. They can be a great tool for business.

For example, if you know how to create a VKontakte group for sales, you can do this and simply attract interested users. This solution allows you to run own business online with virtually no investment! Want to know how to do this? Read our article.

VKontakte groups

If you have used the designated social network, you should know that it provides the ability to create groups and pages for them. They come in two forms: in the form of a community, to which any user can be invited as a member, and also in the form of a single page that makes publications on your own behalf. How to create a VKontakte group (for sales, communicating with friends or organizing an event - it doesn’t matter) is described in the service rules. True, it is not at all necessary to read all this - the whole procedure is extremely simple. You can create a community, as you can see from the photo below, on absolutely any topic.

You need to go to the “My Groups” tab, after which in the upper right corner you need to click the “Create Group” link. Next, you will be sent to a page with empty fields in which information about your group will be entered. Here, of course, you need to fill in information about your product, as well as your contact information.

Create your group

Many users who want to try their hand at a business organized on social networks are wondering how to create a VKontakte group for selling clothes. However, this formulation is not entirely correct. The task should be set as follows: how to promote the VKontakte group? After all, in fact, simply starting a community takes a few minutes - this is a free action that an ordinary VK user can handle without much difficulty.

Another thing is filling the group, attracting people and selling goods. All this can be summarized by the question: “How to create a selling group on VKontakte?” Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this, since it all depends on the business niche you choose that you sell). Let's try to look at some of the main factors that influence sales levels.

How to fill a group?

One of the most important elements of your community for selling, say, clothing. If you want to sell a particular product, you must first prepare its high-quality descriptions and photographs. It would not hurt to explain to the buyer the detailed procedure for ordering an item from you: delivery, payment, guarantees. For some reason, those who are looking for information on how to create a VKontakte group for selling goods forget about this, thereby causing additional inconvenience to their clients. Remember: ordering an item from you should be very convenient and fast for the user. Accordingly, it is necessary to create your own group, guided by this principle.

How to promote a group?

Let's say you've established contacts with product suppliers and created quality content for your group. Before you, of course, instead of the question of how to create a VKontakte group for sales, now a completely different one has arisen - how to promote a community. After all, participants are your people who can advertise your business and make it profitable. You can attract participants in different ways. This advertising network“VKontakte” (ads shown in the left panel), advertisements in other, similar groups, organizing competitions for participants with prizes, inviting friends and much more. As practice shows, using one of these methods is ineffective. A combination of different paths is needed here.

How to organize sales?

Having learned how to create a VKontakte group for sales, how to attract people, you just need to organize these same sales. Well, this is no longer such a difficult task. It is necessary to think over ways to deliver products to customers, calculate their cost, decide who will sort orders, arrange packaging for goods and other nuances. Having thought them through, you can safely say that you have organized sales in your group.

The next stage is the promotion of your store. Everything is natural here: the larger the audience you can reach, the more you will earn on sales. This, in turn, will bring you tangible profits in the long run. Perhaps, as you work with your group, you will also be forced to switch to a single category of goods, you will develop corporate identity and so on. In fact, it all depends on your imagination and experience. As shown success stories other stores, it’s possible to start trading on VKontakte. The main thing is to find your niche and properly organize all working business processes. If you succeed, consider that you have created your own business. Further profit in this case is only a matter of time.

2014 brought the VKontakte company to a completely new level by capturing 60 million Internet users per day, and I’ll even say more - 99 percent of users who read this article have their own VKontakte profile. Now I’ll reveal my cards, but most likely you already understand what this article will be about - promoting your product on social networks, namely Vkontakte.

Many of my readers who are interested in selling goods from China or selling goods in general ask questions about how to sell through social networks. This is actually what I want to talk about today in this article and give my recommendations. So, let's start how to open an online store on VKontakte!

Demand for your product among VK users

First, look at your product and think about whether it can attract customers from social networks? Yes, it can, and without much difficulty, unless of course it belongs to the luxury segment.

The ideal product options for selling through social networks are clothing, accessories and other oversized goods that the client can receive by mail and will not need a gazelle for transportation.

How to open a VKontakte store

To start working through social networks, you need a page or community through which you will sell goods. Create a group, come up with a good name, for example “Branded clothing...” or “Clothing by low prices...”, remember that the title should fully reflect your work, the visitor should understand just by the title what you offer him, and he should learn everything else after he looks at the page and begins to be interested. After that, read the article. After reading it, you will be able to create a convenient product catalog.

Materials for a group on a social network

Good quality photos of the entire product range are required attribute groups in social network, but in addition to photos, you need good descriptions, which you shouldn’t skimp on. Describe each product in detail, this will significantly improve the attitude of social network users towards your product, and if you go into detail, the visitor will leave, and you will not see not only a sale, but even a repost of your post.

Next, you need to start attracting regular customers, for which you should start writing articles on the topic of your store, for example about cosmetics, and posting them in the created group at the same time. This approach allows you to attract regular customers who will come at the same time to read the next post or instructions and find something new in your product range, and will also help in promoting the group among VKontakte members.

Payment for purchases on a social network

Everyone likes to choose, and I will say right away that you need to provide a choice of payment for goods, for example, virtual in cash(Webmoney, Qiwi or Yandex money), by transfer of funds to your bank card, postal order or cash upon receipt of the goods at the post office (cash on delivery).

Marketing and PR

To promote your group selling goods faster, you should organize a promotion, or better yet, a drawing of goods, where in order to participate the user should like and also repost the post on the wall, after which you need to select a winner through the generator.

Yes, you will have to give a gift to the winner of the competition, but in turn the group on the social network will receive a large number of subscribers and reposts, which will bring more profit later than just sitting and waiting for clients who do not appear on their own. Understand that people should hear or read about you, but how can they do this if no one reposts posts about the group?

Well, if you are categorically against gifts, then other options are possible, for example, a discount for a single visitor of 20 percent on the next purchase, and selection can be made, for example, through a competition of photographs sent by visitors on the topic of your trade. You can come up with a huge number of such competitions, the main thing is that you personally like it.

Community advertising from a social network

Community PR naturally requires funds, but you'll hit the nail on the head. For example, you have accessories for cars and naturally a group of car enthusiasts, then this is the target direction that you need to stick to. So, write to the administration of the group and offer cooperation, in which they post a small post mentioning you and, accordingly, receive a small reward for this, but remember that the cost of the post depends on the number of group members and the more there are, the more expensive such advertising will be.

Or simply buy advertising in thematic public pages with good statistics on traffic and activity. You can also use where you will pay for clicks or impressions. But this is early for beginners and later I will describe the step-by-step process of setting up targeting in VK (subscribe to the blog and don’t miss the article!)

Communication with the client

Once users start paying attention to your group and looking at your photos, questions that you shouldn't be afraid of will begin to arise. Answer, do not delay and start dialogues with visitors. You need to have good conversations with customers and not just answer yes, no, in stock or out of stock; Explain to them, but don’t be zealous, otherwise they will think that they are not competent in some issues and will leave you.

Example: a user is interested in the availability of a blue T-shirt, which is out of stock, you should not answer him briefly: “No”, formulate the offer in such a way that he will come back again. Say that at the moment green T-shirts are in great demand and you have them in stock, and the blue one will be delivered a little later. Try to interest him, write a date for updating the product, force the client to come again or direct him to something similar, offer a product that you think he might like.


Well, now you know how to open an online store on VKontakte. Naturally, a group on a social network is great for small and even medium-sized businesses, but as sales grow, you should also think about creating personal internet store, which allows you to use contextual advertising and expand the borders of trade. There is a whole section on my website about how to create and promote an online store and you call it: . But do not forget about the beginning of your work and do not abandon the previously created group in contact, continue to work and expand the boundaries.

I look forward to your questions, additions and objections! Have you already tried selling on VK? Share your experience!

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

In recent years, online trading has become extremely popular. Many businessmen create their own websites, blogs, and also place advertisements on special trading sites. But most in a simple way in our country is the creation of an online store on the social network VKontakte.

Why this site?

VKontakte is the largest social network on the RuNet, ranking first in the CIS countries and 21st in the world. The site's daily audience is about 60 million people who not only communicate with each other, but also listen to music, view public pages, groups, and also buy and sell.

Advantages of the VKontakte store:

  • popularity of the site;
  • ease of navigation;
  • availability of statistics;
  • convenient means of communication with customers;
  • low costs during creation;
  • no need for a separate room;
  • you don't need to devote a lot of time.

How to open a store based on the VKontakte social network? Technically, it is very simple and accessible to every user, but first of all, you need to understand what is required for this and what pitfalls await you on the path to a thriving business.

Product selection

The first step is to decide what will be sold. And here imagination can lead to a very big mistake - to selling expensive products. It is tempting but very dangerous to sell digital equipment, Swiss watches, etc. The quality, as well as the inexperience of a novice businessman in selling such goods, may fail. To select and order such products, specially trained personnel are needed, and this requires a lot of time and financial investments, which is not very profitable for a novice entrepreneur. You should not work with goods that require certification - food, cosmetics, perfumes. You should start with inexpensive items - clothes, shoes, bags, linen, stationery, jewelry.


Do you want to have big profits? Order goods from China. This is a very profitable option for a novice seller. Their products nowadays are of much better quality, and the cost is acceptable. To be on the safe side, you can use the services of intermediaries from China. You won’t have to pay much for their work - only 5-15% of the cost of the goods and be confident in the quality and delivery time.
If you don’t have time to search for quality among dubious offers, there is another option - buy in your own city or in nearby cities. Of course, this can be much more expensive, but everything is compensated by minimal risks, since you can see the product with your own eyes.
Now you need to decide on the amount of the initial purchase. The purchase price of goods is usually 50% lower than retail. You will have to pay 25% for delivery and mailing to customers. As a result, the businessman receives 25% of the profit. It’s one thing if he has start-up capital or is ready to take out a loan (which he shouldn’t do because of the high interest rates). It’s another matter when there is neither the first nor the opportunity to take the second.
Prepayment from clients will not save you. Having ordered a product, the buyer will not have to wait two weeks; it will be easier for him to go to a regular store. You should start with friends and acquaintances. On the one hand, they will be able to wait, trusting a businessman friend, and the store seller, on the other hand, will try “not to lose face in the dirt.” Friends are the future of advertising.

Legal side

Often, when opening a store, people do not think about the legal aspects of this matter. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to a number of points, without which the business will be illegal:

  • opening an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company);
  • selection of tax form;
  • trademark registration;
  • drawing up an agreement on the return and warranty service of goods;
  • drawing up an agreement with the supplier;
  • review the clauses of the Law “On Advertising” for further legal advertising of goods.

How to open a store

To begin with, we create a business plan and decide on the product. Having decided on the product and suppliers, you can begin to create the online store itself. Previously, it was possible to stop at creating a VKontakte group, but since 2011, Pavel Durov (the creator of VKontakte) has prohibited inviting users to the group who are not friends of the administrator. As a result, entrepreneurs found another way out - creating a personal account for a store.

To do this, you will need to enter a phone number, since each new page must be linked to a number. Then come up with a name for the page. For example, “Clothing Store”, “Women’s Clothing”, “Inexpensive Shoes”. This needs to be taken very seriously, because by choosing the right name, you can get more clients who will find the page through the VKontakte search engine or search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.).

The next step is to create a beautiful and attractive store avatar. This can be a regular product photo, a business card, or an image designed by a designer. Be sure to fill out all profile fields. You need to indicate the city in which you work as a businessman, contact information, as well as brief terms and conditions sales

And now the most important thing - photo albums. When working with suppliers, you can have a lot of photos of the future product. These will also need to be added to the page as images with captions. Here you need to be very careful so as not to get confused later in this amount of information. There must be a clear structure and an “invisible connection” with suppliers’ websites, so that you can easily order this or that item.

Advice. Do not write prices under product images. This will save you unnecessary work in the future, as they will definitely change. All details in private messages or by phone.

On the wall of the page you can inform customers about new arrivals and other store news. In a separate album, allocate space for reviews under some image or store avatar.

The page is ready, but something is missing. More precisely, someone. That's right, let's start adding people. This is the hardest part of the work, because many users can blacklist you or report you on the page. Therefore, as stated above, start with your own friends by adding a short message about your services to the invitation.

First orders

Here it is, the long-awaited first order! Here everything depends on the starting capital. The first option is to order a whole batch. The second is to collect several orders from customers, and then order from suppliers. Having established a sales system, you can determine the number of units of goods for the next order in batches. This will make delivery time to the buyer minimal and accordingly increase profits.

Important. Create a positive image for your store. Be very polite and attentive to each client.


To be successful in sales, you need to periodically advertise your store. Most effective way advertising – advertising on public VKontakte pages. The cost of the post is 300–3000 rubles. A public page must have a suitable audience. If you are selling women's clothing, you shouldn’t advertise on men’s public pages.


How to promote your store? The first way is to invite friends. But the site has certain restrictions on the number of invitations per day - about 20 people. The second way is to sell goods in other cities. One person from another city can advertise and add buyers. The third way is to add friends through special programs, but here you cannot do without the services of so-called “freelancers”.

This method is not very safe, but it is effective.

The fourth method is to create a VKontakte group. Now you can add friends there from the store page. The group will additionally advertise the product to regular customers. You can also use the “Group Statistics” tool to regulate the number of users and their age.

Opening an online store on VKontakte is not the highest level of online trading. This is just the first step towards a thriving business. Having crossed it, you can create a website where there will be many more opportunities and, accordingly, clients. Happy sales!

In this material we will tell you how to sell VKontakte and use this social network to get maximum profit. Developing an online store on a separate website is expensive and not always effective. You can create a store in a VK group or on a personal page for free, and a competent approach will help attract customers from a 70 million user audience.

How to sell VKontakte on your page

To sell goods through VKontakte, it is not at all necessary to create a group and invite participants to it. You can effectively promote your products even through your own page. It is enough to simply publish a photo of the product, its description, price, and also accompany the post with tags.

But still, it is better to sell through a personal page not for business purposes, but for the purpose of a one-time sale of some property: mobile phone, laptop, fur coat or even a car. By posting such a post, you will show your friends that you want to sell something, they will share the post and you are highly likely to find a reliable buyer.

How to create a store in groups

How to sell goods on VKontakte on a business scale? If you are planning to organize a full-fledged store, it is better to create a group. Its capabilities are much wider than those of a personal page. The group has an unlimited number of participants (you can add a maximum of 10 thousand people as friends on your personal page) and it is more convenient to promote it in advertising.

What can you sell this way? In fact, you can sell anything through VKontakte: from homemade goods to industrial products. In demand:

  • cloth;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • cosmetics;
  • mobile technology;
  • household chemicals and household goods;
  • pet products;
  • food, sports nutrition, nutritional supplements;
  • consultations with specialists and online training courses;
  • books and stationery;
  • furniture, decorations.

VKontakte is constantly being improved, including for online trading. Selling on VK through a group is now much easier than a few years ago. The “Products” function allows you to display products on the community page noticeably, beautifully and as conveniently as possible for potential buyers. At the same time, setting it up is quite simple.

Go to the "Management" section of your group and find the "Sections" tab. Scroll down the page a little and check “Included” next to the “Products” item. Now you need to configure the display. Set up the delivery country (by default it is Russia, but you can specify any of the neighboring countries and Israel). You can also select the cities where delivery is carried out. If you plan to deliver throughout Russia, you do not need to specify the city.

Select your currency - usually the Russian ruble. For contacts, indicate one of the community administrators. Finally, choose which part of the page you want to display product information on. When the settings are completed, you can add lots.

Effective advertising

Sorry, add beautiful photos and the description in the “Products” section in your store group is not enough to earn a lot. The community needs to be promoted and the number of participants increased. For this purpose, two methods are used: quality content and advertising.

Quality content includes professional photos and videos, as well as informative posts and articles that group members will share on their pages. The more high-quality posts are reposted, the more participants will be attracted to the community for free. “Free” in this case is largely conditional, because you will have to invest in creating high-quality content. In fact, there is only one recommendation - post something that will please, please, or be useful to your subscribers.

A showcase with goods will help users quickly navigate the community’s assortment and place an order.

It is best to advertise a VK group within the social network itself using targeting. This is an advertising method where an ad is shown to those users who are potentially interested in it. The social network knows a lot about its users: gender, age, city of residence, marital status, interests and preferences. All this helps to set up internal targeting advertising very accurately.

To enable targeting, go to personal account on the market platform at the link vk.com/adscreate. Here you can select the ad type:

  • carousel (several products in one ad);
  • regular post;
  • post with a “join” button;
  • post with a collection of applications (the interested user will leave his contact information in it).

You can create a special post for the announcement, or you can use an already published one. Then you need to top up your account with at least 500 rubles. The amount of funds must be constantly monitored and replenished if necessary, otherwise the impressions will stop.

Advertising should create a positive impression on the user, arouse interest and not provoke a negative reaction. Most likely, you won’t be able to attract many people this way the first time, but regular work with targeted ads will lead the community to success.

Features of communication with the client

To find out something about a product or order it through VK, the client will write to you. Depending on the settings, his message will go directly to your dialogues or community messages. By the way, if you have messages enabled in the group, do not forget to check regularly, at least once a day.

Sales and the reputation of the community depend on the success of the dialogue. It is important to answer:

  • fast;
  • politely;
  • to the point, informative;
  • no claims to the buyer;
  • without being intrusive;
  • one message (do not break up the response to several messages following each other with an interval of several seconds);
  • competently.

A seller who makes spelling mistakes in his response, puts several exclamation marks, sends 2-3 messages instead of one, does not inspire trust, and does not win over him. Selling VKontakte will be more successful if you properly build communication with the client. Do not use ready-made “sales schemes”; be sincerely interested in what is important to the buyer, which method of payment and delivery is more convenient for him.

If a client for some reason refuses to purchase, you should not impose yourself, much less be rude to him - this is guaranteed to ruin the store’s reputation and scare off other customers.

Pay for goods faster and more reliably through the “Send money” function

The procedure for paying for goods by the buyer

When selling goods through the VKontakte group You can use several payment methods:

  • transfer to a bank card;
  • Webmoney and Yandex Money services;
  • VK money transfers.

The last option is perhaps the most convenient for users. Money can be sent from a bank card through messages within the social network. This feature is available to communities; just enable messages.

To send payment for an item, the user must open a dialogue with the group, select the “More” tab and the “Money” item. Next, he indicates the amount and confirms the transfer. The group administrator can withdraw money to his bank card in a couple of minutes.


Selling goods through VKontakte is a promising and easy-to-organize trade direction. Functionality This social network allows you to create a full-fledged online store with a catalog of goods and payment acceptance. To increase the size of the group, that is, attract more buyers, you need to create high-quality content and use targeting.