What do you need to get an electronic signature? (EDS) electronic signature for government services, creation and receipt

Legal entity

  • A document confirming the appointment of a manager to a position, if the signature key certificate is issued to the head of the organization.
  • Organization card: addresses (legal, actual, postal, electronic, including the email address and telephone number of the owner of the digital signature), bank details, taxation system (OSNO or SRNO), statistics codes (OKATO, OKPO, OKVED or a copy of statistics codes) .
  • A power of attorney confirming the authority of a person (potential certificate owner) who is not the head of the organization.

Individual entrepreneur

  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • A copy of the document certifying the identity of the certificate owner, as well as the identity of the certificate owner’s representative (in the case of receipt of the signature key certificate by the owner’s representative) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - double-page passports with a photograph and place of registration at the place of residence.
  • Bank details, tax system (OSNO or SRNO), statistics codes (OKATO, OKPO, OKVED or a copy of statistics codes), email address and telephone number of the owner of the digital signature).
  • A power of attorney issued to a representative of the certificate owner (if the signing key certificate is received by a representative of the certificate owner).
  • SNILS - insurance number of the individual personal account of the owner of the electronic signature certificate.

Obtaining an electronic digital signature

Today, the main document flow - registration activities, signing contracts, submitting reports to funds - is carried out electronically. Therefore, to confirm the legality of electronic documents and guarantee the legality of actions officials You will need an electronic digital signature, otherwise known as an EDS. It carries encrypted information that confirms the responsibility of a specific person for the contents of the document, therefore, it acts as a replacement for the usual signature and seal.

EDS - easy and simple

Our website provides you with detailed information about digital signatures, describes the existing advantages of its use, as well as the opportunities that its presence guarantees. This means that in our certification center you will be able to obtain an electronic digital signature for subsequent use in your commercial activities. The digital signature is valid for a year, and after its expiration, you must go through the procedure of obtaining an electronic signature again.

Obtaining an electronic signature

During digital signature registration, the client is provided with a certificate. An individual - an employee of a company who has submitted an application for an electronic digital signature - has the right to receive it. It is important that this person has the authority to conduct activities on behalf of the enterprise. It is noteworthy that there may be several authorized persons. Therefore, each of them requires a separate digital signature. This is often provided to the director. Although, if an employee has a power of attorney to carry out all types of transactions, the organization will only need to obtain one digital signature.

To work with digital signatures, a special program called a cryptoprovider is installed on a personal computer. Data software It is allowed to equip all machines on which the EDS key will be used in the future.

Electronic signature (ES) is information in electronic form that is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or is otherwise associated with such information and that is used to identify the person signing the information.”

Why do you need an electronic signature?

Its purpose is quite clear. In recent years, companies have been actively switching from paper document flow to electronic, so signatures and seals on paper that are common to us need an analogue. This analogue, in fact, is EP.

EP solves several main problems. The first is non-repudiation. Thanks to electronic signature, it is possible to prove that a specific person is the author of a document, even if he refuses to admit it. The second task is to provide confirmation of the integrity of the document, that is, confirmation that after the document was created and signed, no one made any changes to it (either intentionally or accidentally). Let's say you have a payment order to a bank for 10,000 rubles, signed by electronic signature. An attacker can change the amount from 10,000 rubles. by 1 million to transfer to yourself 100 times more money. To prevent such cases, the electronic document records the final contents of the electronic document and allows you to determine whether changes have been made to it.

Types of electronic signature

In accordance with the current one, there are three types of ES, which are grouped into two blocks: 1) simple ES; 2) enhanced EP, which includes (NEP) and (CEP).

Let's look at each type of signature in more detail.

Simple electronic signature

A simple electronic signature is used to receive government services, for banking transactions, and for authentication on websites. And this is the most unprotected option. A simple electronic signature does not contain cryptographic mechanisms or algorithms and consists of tools such as a login-password pair, an SMS code, a combination of a password and an SMS code. These tools allow you to identify the signer and confirm the action performed by him. However, they are not protected from counterfeiting.


The client logs into the Internet bank (identified in the system) using a login-password and makes a payment for mobile phone, confirming his actions with an SMS code that is sent to his phone (his phone number was linked to his bank account at the time of concluding an agreement with the bank). This chain of actions allows you to make sure that he is the owner of the bank account, and it was he, and not someone else, who made the transaction. At the same time, there is a risk that your mobile phone may be stolen and used to enter an SMS code. In addition, since a simple electronic signature does not have any cryptographic basis, an attacker can replace the contents of a bank payment and, using the entered confirmation, make a payment for a different amount or a different phone number.

Thus, a simple electronic signature cannot guarantee the full legal significance of a document and protect it from forgery, since it is not strong enough for this. This does not mean that a simple electronic signature does not at all give legal significance to an electronic document. This only means that proving such significance is quite laborious and not always possible.

Why do you need a CEP:

  • for accreditation on electronic trading platforms;
  • to participate in all electronic procedures: open tenders, tenders with limited participation, two-stage tenders, requests for proposals and requests for quotations;
  • for EDI between participants contract system.

Participants in the contract system can send an application for a CEP to the SKB Kontur Certification Center. Take advantage or , and a specialist will contact you within one business day.

Areas of application of electronic signature

Depending on the type of signature, we can talk about different areas of application. A simple electronic signature is used in online banks by individuals and sometimes legal entities, on various electronic portals, for example, on the Government Services Portal. To use this portal, you need to receive a password via SNILS, with which you can enter the portal and order a service - for example, issuing a foreign passport. This action will be legally significant.

There are five main areas of application of ES:

    Various electronic trading - for enhanced electronic trading.

  1. State information systems. There is a System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEI), which unites various government bodies at different levels and allows them to communicate with each other electronically; it also interacts with the Government Services Portal. This huge infrastructure is based on the use of CEP. Separately existing information systems, for example, the Rosreestr system, also use EPC. The range of services that such information systems provide is extensive: each system solves the tasks of its department to a different extent. In some places this is a fairly complete list of services - as in Rosreestr, in others - targeted services that can be provided through these portals. But CEP is applied everywhere.
  2. EDI between business entities and document flow within the company. There are several scenarios for using electronic signatures, it all depends on the desires of the business itself, on the requirements for ensuring the legal significance of the electronic documents used, therefore the range of electronic signatures used varies - from the most unprotected simple electronic signature to the electronic digital signature.

For example, if document flow is carried out within the company and there is an information system in which documents are approved, then in this case an employee account in the form of a login-password combination is sufficient. If EDI is carried out with invoices between counterparties, then you need to use EPC. This mechanic is implemented in .

  1. Reporting to regulatory authorities. Today, more and more regulatory authorities are partially or completely transferring their reporting to electronic view. The main drivers of the process are the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, and the Social Insurance Fund. In processes that involve interaction with government agencies, CEP is mainly used.

How and where to get an electronic signature?

In fact, the user always receives not the electronic signature itself, but a certain tool for creating it. This tool differs depending on the type of electronic signature.

In the case of a simple electronic signature, this could be a login and password, registration of a phone number, etc. The procedure for obtaining such tools depends entirely on the information system. If you need access to the Internet bank, then the login-password combination for use as a simple electronic signature is issued by the bank itself.

In the case of enhanced electronic signature, the instrument is an electronic signature certificate. This is exactly what you can get at the CA. However, depending on the type of ES, there are differences in the obtaining procedure. If a CEP is needed, then the CA must be accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, if the NEP - the CA issuing it must be somehow connected with the information system in which it is planned to use the signature. At the same time, the CA does not have to be accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

To obtain a qualified electronic signature certificate, legal entities will need:

  • constituent documents;
  • a document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority of the applicant;
  • a statement signed by the future owner of the certificate.

The certificate and ES keys will be recorded on a certified electronic medium - an electronic card or flash drive. The price for obtaining a certificate and digital signature keys is determined by the regulations of the CA.

How to choose an electronic signature certificate?

Today there are many types of certificates. Legislation changes, information systems put forward different requirements, and the question of choice often arises before the client, since the client cannot figure out which certificate he needs for a particular task. What should he focus on?

First of all, you need to start from the information system in which you plan to use the certificate. Usually the client has an idea of ​​why he needs an ES. For example, he wants to take part in auctions or work with the Rosreestr portal. The requirements of an information system for a certificate are usually indicated on the website of the information system, in regulatory documents that define the regulations for the operation of this information system. They can also be obtained directly from representatives of the information system. Having found out necessary information, you should contact a CA specialist who, based on data on information system will understand what type of certificate is needed.

On the SKB Kontur website there is a convenient one that allows the client to answer several questions regarding the scope of application of the required certificate, and as a result receive one or more types of certificates that completely cover their needs. The special tariff "" includes two electronic signature certificates - qualified and unqualified - and is suitable for solving most problems.

How to obtain an electronic signature certificate from SKB Kontur?

The SKB Kontur company has a well-developed branch network, so the client can always choose the collection point closest to himself (). The process of obtaining an electronic signature certificate at SKB Kontur is quite simple. Several stages can be distinguished:

Stage one

You must apply for a certificate in one of the following ways:

  • through the company website ();
  • choose a convenient one and call there by phone;
  • come to the service center in person;
  • Write an email to the service center.

Stage two

After the application is submitted, a representative of SKB Kontur contacts the applicant within 24 hours and tells him what is required to obtain a certificate - qualified or unqualified.

Stage three

The applicant pays the bill, collects the required package of documents and comes to the service center to receive a certificate.

IN service center he submits a set of documents, which the center employee endorses and checks for correctness. Next, he signs the contract, carries out other formalities and, depending on which method is more convenient for him, receives a ready-made protected medium (outwardly similar to a flash drive) on which the secret key and certificate are stored, or independently at his workplace (in the case of a qualified with an ES certificate) receives a certificate through a special website CA Personal Account.

Most important stage in the process of obtaining an electronic signature certificate - this is preparation required kit documents. If the kit is assembled correctly, the process goes quickly.

There are a number that can be ordered at the service center, for example, expedited receipt of a certificate within an hour after submitting documents. This service may be needed if there is an emergency need to participate in tenders.

Intensive pace of development electronic services made it possible to simplify the business model for legal entities and gradually came into use by individuals. Now an electronic signature is used to resolve everyday paper issues.

An electronic signature is electronic information that is attached to a document and gives it legal significance. Federal law No. 63-FZ recognizes an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten signature on paper.

An electronic signature is a unique set of characters created using a special encryption program. It cannot be forged or hacked, which cannot be said about a signature made with one’s own hand on paper. When receiving an electronic signature, citizens undergo a mandatory identification procedure using their passport.

An electronic signature certifies the authenticity of a document, identifies its owner and guarantees the invariability of the document after it is signed.

EDS capabilities for individuals

The owner of an electronic signature receives online access to most services provided by government agencies. With an electronic signature, you can interact with them remotely. Almost any application on the state portal, for example, can be submitted by signing with an electronic signature. Electronic signature for individuals:

  • provides access to all functions of the State Services portal;
  • confirms the authorship of materials and images posted on the network;
  • makes it easier to apply to a university (especially important for non-resident applicants);
  • allows us to conclude employment contract with a remote employer;
  • simplifies the registration of real estate transactions;
  • gives opportunity - many electronic platforms allow individuals to trade;

In connection with the active development of electronic services in the state, the scope of application of electronic signatures will expand.

In many Western European countries, an electronic signature is mandatory attribute identity confirmation. For example, state elections in Estonia are conducted electronically.

Where to get a qualified electronic signature for individuals

Enhanced qualified electronic signature certificates can be issued only by certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. A list of such centers can be found on the official website of the department. State accreditation indicates the reliability of the organization issuing certificates and electronic signature keys. Thus, obtaining a qualified electronic signature for individuals at an accredited certification center ensures maximum data protection and the legal significance of the documents being signed.

How to obtain an electronic signature for individuals at the Infotex Internet Trust certification center

At the accredited certification center "Infotex Internet Trust", an electronic signature is issued on a special USB drive that protects the key from unauthorized access by third parties. Only its owner can use the signature.

To receive a certificate and electronic signature keys, you must fill out an application on the website, after which a manager will contact you, clarify the details of your order and answer all your questions.

To the address you specified email a bill will come, it must be paid. You will also receive login information personal account, through which you can track the status of your application. The issuance of an electronic signature will take several business days. To receive an electronic signature within an hour, you can use the expedited release service. You will be notified that your certificate is ready, after which you will need to confirm your identity at the company office.

The price of an electronic signature for individuals is 950 rubles.

Our specialist will advise you on setting up your workplace and the possibilities of using an electronic signature. In case of difficulties, contact the technical support service of the Infotex Internet Trust company.

The current rhythm of life and the huge number of daily tasks contribute to the fact that all document flow goes electronic and an increasing number of services can be obtained via the Internet. And more and more people are learning about the existence of a government services portal, which presents the largest catalog of services provided online. This resource was originally conceived as a platform for interaction executive bodies with individuals. But in order to use any service on this site, you need to obtain an electronic signature, and in this article we will look at how this can be done.

What is an electronic signature

Let's first look at why this electronic signature is needed at all? Its presence is implied by the Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63 “On Electronic Signatures”, according to which an electronic document can have legal force only if there is an electronic signature that identifies the person, and in our case, the recipient of the service.

So that you don’t have questions about terms as you read the article, let’s list the main abbreviations and their explanation:

  • EDS or EP– electronic digital signature
  • CA- certification center
  • NEP– unqualified electronic signature
  • CEP– qualified electronic signature

Types of electronic signature

An electronic signature can be of three types:

  1. simple
  2. unskilled
  3. qualified

A simple electronic signature implies that an individual has a login and password to access the services. We often encounter such signatures on the Internet, and in some cases it is also necessary to enter a one-time password, which is sent to your phone number.

An unqualified electronic signature allows not only to identify its owner, but also to record changes in documents using it. You can obtain such an electronic signature only at a certification center. It is worth noting that the scope of application of such an electronic signature has limitations. For example, you cannot use it to sign documents that contain secrets.

A qualified electronic signature is recognized by everyone without exception. social institutions and gives absolute legal force to an electronic document, which is similar to a paper document that contains the owner’s signature and seal.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

You can create an electronic signature for working with the government services portal as follows: individuals, and legal. The choice of electronic signature type depends on the tasks that you plan to solve using the site. But we would like to immediately warn you that working with bodies such as the Social Insurance Fund, Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund or Rosstat is only possible if you have a qualified electronic signature. You can receive an electronic signature both before and after registering on the portal. We recommend that you first, and only then proceed to obtaining a signature.

Creating a simple electronic signature for government services

Let's look at how you can get a simple electronic signature to work with the government services portal. To do this, open the website gosuslugi.ru and pay attention to the right column of the page that opens. This is where the links to enter the site and register are located. We are interested in the latter, so click on it.

You will need to enter your last name, first name, patronymic, your phone number and email address. You will receive a message with a confirmation code to your phone or email address. We recommend that you come up with a more complex password, since this is what you will enter every time you enter the site.

Next, you need to enter the maximum possible amount of information about yourself, so that it is then automatically entered into the necessary forms at the stage of receiving a particular service. At a minimum, you need to enter your passport details, SNILS number and Taxpayer Identification Number. You can confirm your account at the nearest Russian Post office or MFC. Only after going through all these stages can you consider that you have successfully created a simple electronic signature for working with government services.

Creation of a qualified electronic signature for government services

As we mentioned above, a qualified electronic signature can only be created at a certification center. A list of such centers in your region is available on the website https://e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA.

To display only the centers of your city in the list, select its name in the “city” field and click on the “apply” button. In the list that appears, click on each of the existing centers one by one and look at their addresses. It is advisable for you to choose the one closest to you (to view, click on the magnifying glass icon in front of the center name)

It is best to call the specified contact phone number and ask all questions before visiting the center. There you can find out what documents you need to take with you. A trip to the center is inevitable, since only there you can receive a secret key with an electronic signature on a USB flash drive.

The cost of the service includes:

  • issuance of a certificate
  • issuing a license to use the software
  • USB signature media
  • disk to automatically configure your computer
  • consultations on emerging issues by company specialists

To obtain a qualified electronic signature legal entity, you will need the following:

  1. issue a power of attorney for the employee who will receive the signature
  2. TIN of the organization
  3. extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Checking the functionality of an electronic signature for government services

When you have received the entire set that comes along with the signature, you will need to check the functionality of the received digital signature. To do this, open the website https://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/eds, download the file and enter the code from the image.

If after this you see the message “The authenticity of the document has been confirmed,” then everything is in order and you can start working with the portal. We would like to immediately note the fact that this electronic signature will only work with the government services portal and will not be valid on other resources. For example, you will not be able to use it on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

We hope that this article has given you answers to most of your questions. If you have any difficulties, please let us know about them in the comments to this article. We also recommend that you watch a video about working with an electronic signature.

What you need to know to apply for digital signature

Basic normative act regulating the use of electronic signatures in the Russian Federation is the Law “On Electronic Signatures” dated 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Electronic Signatures”). According to this law, an electronic signature is nothing more than information in electronic form, which is attached to other information in a similar form to identify the person who certified the information.

In order to apply for an electronic signature, you need to decide what type of signature is required:

  1. A simple digital signature is, as a rule, necessary for document management in an organization, but it does not confirm the immutability of the document (required, for example, for a government services portal).
  2. Non-qualified digital signature - necessary when exchanging documents between several participants who have entered into an agreement on the possibility of using such an identification tool. At the same time, the signature ensures the immutability of the information contained in it.
  3. Qualified digital signature - used for submitting reports to fiscal authorities and participating in electronic auctions.

According to Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Electronic Signatures”, only a certification center can create and issue key certificates for electronic signature verification. The place for submitting documents is determined depending on what type of signature is chosen. For example, a qualified signature can only be obtained from an accredited certification center, while there are no such requirements for the first two types.

A list of all accredited certification centers can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, on the page http://minsvyaz.ru/ru/activity/govservices/2 (information is constantly updated). Additional information information about such centers is available on the portal of the authorized body - http://e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA.

List of documents required to obtain digital signature

The legislator in Part 2 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law “On Electronic Signature” specifies that in order to obtain a qualified digital signature certificate, the applicant must submit the following documents:

For legal entities:

Don't know your rights?

  • OGRN,
  • passport and document certifying the authority of the applicant (power of attorney);
  • order on the appointment of the head of the organization;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • details of the organization (an optional condition, but required by many certification centers for subsequent invoicing for services);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (not older than 1 month).
  • certificate of state registration;
  • IP passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • organization details.

As for the cost of services for issuing digital signatures, certification centers, in accordance with Part 7 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Electronic Signature”, you have the right to install it yourself. The production time for an EDS key is also set by the certification center and depends on the type of signature. So, if you need an unqualified one, it can be produced in a few days.

The stages of obtaining an electronic signature are as follows:

  1. Determination of the type of digital signature.
  2. Contact the certification center and fill out an application (possibly in electronic form).
  3. Preparation of necessary documents.
  4. Payment for center services.
  5. Obtaining an electronic signature.

Many centers offer services technical support user for the duration of the signature. If the organization does not have a programmer on staff, then such services are necessary, since many questions arise in the process of working with digital signatures.

So, the package of documents for obtaining an electronic signature is established by law. Currently, the practice of obtaining such a signature has been established, so no problems should arise.