What should be on the trade union stand? Trade union corner

The goal of any trade union organization is to protect the rights of workers. Accordingly, an organization that exists for the sake of a person and the observance of his rights must inform this person about the main points that make it possible to create conditions for the observance of these rights. Therefore, when creating a trade union corner, registration must be done

  • understandable
  • literate,
  • well readable.

Stand design rules

The trade union corner should

  • provide information about the activities of the organization,
  • make it public and transparent,
  • reflect organizational issues.

Recently, ready-made plastic stands with pre-agreed windows necessary to convey all important issues have been ordered. But you can make a stand yourself on a sheet of Whatman paper or on special tablets.

Such a stand should be placed in places where the maximum number of trade union members regularly visit:

  • near the administration,
  • at the accounting department.

If the trade union committee has been allocated its own premises, then a stand should be made near this premises.

The easiest way to make a stand is to prepare a soft covering of the correct shape and pin information sheets to it.

  • A stand with plexiglass pockets is more convenient. No buttons or pins are needed here, the sheet is simply inserted.

When a trade union corner is created, the design must include the name of this stand. Traditionally, such stands are called

  • "Trade Union News"
  • "Trade Union Corner".
  • "News",
  • "Q&A"
  • "Activists"
  • "Legal Information"
  • "Wishes and suggestions."

The last pocket provides a unique opportunity to focus on the interests of the team and resolve issues that cannot be put to a vote.

Registration procedure

To make a corner and update information, you need to regularly have it on hand.

  • A4 sheets,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • photos of current events,
  • whatman,
  • writing utensils.

It is better to place information in printed form; only the most urgent information can be placed in writing, when outputting it through printed devices takes time and can negatively affect the result.

“The information posted at the stand must be up to date. For example, the telephone number and other contact details of the chairman must be valid. The list of members of the trade union organization must correspond to reality at the moment. The charter of the trade union organization itself must include all updates and additions made. It must clearly state goals and objectives.”

Information must be updated regularly. This also applies to illustrative material. After all, the design of the “Trade Union Corner” stand implies

  • competent from a legal point of view,
  • colorful,
  • attractive.

It is advisable to post information for everyone to see

  • about vouchers that are offered to trade union members in sanatoriums and holiday homes,
  • about New Year gifts that children of members of this organization receive,
  • on vouchers for children of organization members to health camps.

Such information can attract new members to the trade union ranks. Photo reports with reviews from team members about joint cultural and leisure activities (visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions) will also attract the attention of potential members.

But this is not the end of the work. When creating a trade union corner, the design needs to be done not only for one stand. It is recommended to place an exhibition of relevant legal literature nearby and periodicals.

Video: Trade Union Corner

FROM THE HISTORY of the primary trade union organization...

Our primary trade union organization was formed in 1973

and had 12 members in its ranks.

These were our pioneers, the core of the future large Trade Union organization...

By 1980, the primary organization already had 20 members...

Currently, the number of primary trade union organizations is 39 people.

The purpose of the trade union

MDOU "Kindergarten "Bell":

Protection of professional, labor, socio-economic rights and interests of workers, their health, employment and social status.


* To intensify the work of the trade union organization to represent and protect the interests of trade union members, to increase the social security of employees of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" Kindergarten.

* Develop social partnership in solving social problems workers kindergarten.

* Assist in improving the financial situation, strengthening the health of kindergarten workers, creating conditions for improving their skills, and spending leisure time.

* Carry out organizational activities to increase motivation and strengthen trade union feeling.

* Strengthen and develop trade union solidarity.

Each trade union member can:


· to support the trade union in labor disputes with the administration;

· to comply with the law when reducing jobs;

· to appeal to the trade union committee in case of infringement of economic and labor rights.


· necessary legal advice;

· all types social protection provided for by the collective agreement;

· discounted vouchers to sports and recreation camps, holiday homes and sanatoriums for children;

· assistance in obtaining medical services;

· material assistance from trade union committee funds.


Kuzminova Natalya Valentinovna - chairman of the trade union

Trade union committee members:





All members of the trade union committee are serious, conscientious, responsible people who carry out all instructions with all their hearts.

Regulatory documents of the trade union:

Collective agreement.

REGULATIONS on the primary trade union organization .

Trade union corner

Our primary organization was created in May 2010. During this period, it served as a source of sought-after, up-to-date information, and witnessed holidays, events and awards.

In our preschool educational institution there is a TRADE UNION CIRCLE



A little about myself. ..

What can a trade union do today?

Currently, the motivation for membership in a trade union organization is not a way to obtain material benefits, but a means of protecting labor rights and interests. The trade union committee of the preschool educational institution is part of organizational structure The RC of the trade union, therefore it does not act on its own, but is a representative of the collective and expresses its interests.

The trade union committee has developed a partnership with the administration of the preschool educational institution: the trade union committee takes part in regulation labor relations, coordination of normative and local documents, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience. The preschool educational institution creates conditions for the professional growth of teaching staff.

This is especially important at the present stage, since the labor market dictates increased professional requirements for teachers. The system of relationships between teachers in the team is changing, it is reaching the level of social partnership.

Participation in various conferences, seminars, competitions, and projects becomes a lifestyle for many teachers. PRESENTATION.

An important direction in the activities of the trade union committee is cultural and mass work, since good rest contributes to efficiency and increased vitality.

Traveling employees with their families to nature...

Joint trip to the Khvalynsky ski resort

Every year the Trade Union provides our teachers with the opportunity to relax and undergo treatment in various sanatoriums.

Kolesova T.V. undergoes preventive treatment at Svetlana.

It has become a good tradition to congratulate celebrants on their 50th and 55th anniversaries and present memorable gifts.

The trade union committee is preparing programs and “Sparks” for various holidays. PRESENTATION.

Our union not only has a good rest, but also works together... Trade union on subbotniks



Encouraging people to join a union is only half the battle.

It is necessary to do this so that the trade union organization lives

active, full life, and everyone felt it

Who has a union card!

How to join a trade union?

You must fill out application forms to join a trade union and to withhold union dues. After which they are transferred to the chairman of the primary trade union organization. The trade union committee will accept you into the trade union. The date of admission to the trade union is calculated from the date of submission of the application to the primary trade union organization.


The results of the municipal competition "Best Preschool Educational Institution in the District" have been summed up. "MDOU "Kindergarten "Bell" r.p. Dukhovnitskoye Saratov region" became The winner and was awarded the Challenge Pennant of the Dukhovnitsky Municipal District! Colleagues, with VICTORY to you!

5.04.2013. The results have been summed up Municipal stage Regional competition "Leaders of preschool education - 2013". In the nomination "The best municipal kindergarten" - 1st place - MDOU "Kindergarten "Bell" r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region. .. Hooray!!! Congratulations!!!

27.03.2013. A municipal competition was held in our area "Teacher of the Year - 2013". The winner competition became a teacher MDOU "Kindergarten "Bell", Dukhovnitskoye BELYAEVA G.F. Our sincere congratulations!

21.03.2013. Congratulations with Victory ANUFRIEVA I.V. , senior teacher, in the prestigious III All-Russian competition"My pedagogical initiative - 2012." We wish you, Irina Viktorovna, further victories and creative success!

1.02.2013. Municipal review-competition of amateur performances among teachers of the district "Vivat, teacher!" Our kindergarten team took prizes in various categories. Congratulations! Keep it up!

2012 A regional competition was held for monetary incentives for the best preschool teachers in the Saratov region. Our teacher Belyaeva G.F. took part and won Victory! Galina Fedorovna received a diploma from the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region and a monetary incentive. We wish you, dear teachers, further victories and creative success!

05/12/2012 A new information stand “Trade Union Corner” was purchased

I would like to wish our trade union committee a rich, interesting and effective activities, allowing you to realize your plans. And it is better for each member of the PC to realize that a single, united, constantly developing trade union is capable of making the profession of a teacher, a preschool educational institution employee, prestigious.

Like a beacon the Trade Union Committee shines on us

Leading forward...

And it will warm you and greet you,

And he will help and understand.

Well, the holiday is coming -

He has a lot of worries:

Buys gifts for everyone,

And the “Program” will select...

Everyone in the union is waiting for you

Here they will help, here they will understand.

If you have a dispute,

We will resolve it at the same time.

We will always protect you

We will never offend you.

Everyone join the union

You are welcome here, they are waiting for you here!!!

Our address:

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Bell"

r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region,

st. Chernyshevsky, house 6.

Trade unions are organizations created by workers from related fields that work for the common interests of their members. They help workers with issues such as pay equity, good work environment, hours of work and benefits. They represent a group of workers and provide communication between management and workers.

The purpose of these unions is to examine betting grievances and present a collective voice to management. Hence, it acts as a means of communication between workers and management.

Regulating relations, resolving grievances, raising new demands on behalf of workers, conducting collective bargaining and bargaining are others key principles that these trade unions perform.

Registration information stands. Examples of finished products. Making a design as a gift! Delivery finished products in Ukraine.

What is a trade union? Trade union - voluntary non-profit public organization, which unites citizens connected by common interests based on the nature of their professional (work) activities (studies).

Stand "Trade Union Corner" (click to enlarge the image) for the regional Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine, on which the plans and results of the work of the trade union organization, its achievements are displayed. Title of information blocks of the stand: About us; Advice; Presidium; Regulations on the district trade union organization; History of the development of the trade union organization; Organizing Committee; Commission for the Protection of Social and Economic Interests; Occupational Safety and Health Commission; Mass Cultural Commission, Information Commission.

The base of the stand is PVC plastic 3 - 4 mm thick with further application of film with full color printing. To increase their service life, we additionally laminate all our stands. The content, size, background colors and inscriptions can be changed at the request of the customer. Additionally, we will produce a pocket for a collective agreement up to two centimeters thick.

An example of the complex design of the hall of the Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (please click on the picture to enlarge). The set occupies a wall area of ​​5.10 m x 1.44 m. At the top is the general name of the stands with the Trade Union logo - a strip measuring 5.10 m x 0.20 m.

On the left is the stand “Structure of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine”, which reveals the responsibilities of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the Regional Trade Union Organization, City, District, District in cities, Universities, as well as the Primary trade union organization. Stand size 1.20 m x 1.20 m.

The next stand is “History of the Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine”, illustrated with photographs. Size 1 m x 1.20 m. Stand "Presidium of the Regional Trade Union Committee" with a large acrylic pocket (which for convenience can be replaced with a sheet of balsa wood) - size 1.20 m x 1.20 m.

The composition is completed by the Stand "Main Directions of Work". Contains seven vertical A3 pockets: " Organizational work", "Protection of the socio-economic rights of trade union members", "Legal protection", "Working with young industry employees and student members of the trade union", "Labor safety", "Health and recreation", "Mass cultural and sports work"; a 1.5 cm deep pocket for Trade Union periodicals and three small pockets for booklets.

Stand for the Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine "How trade union student organizations live." Size 1.60 m x 1.05 m. Consists of six A4 pockets of vertical orientation: "History of the organization", "Composition of the Council of DASPO ("Association of Student Human Rights Organizations")", "Composition of the Presidium", "Regulations", "Plan work", "Our address"; six horizontal pockets in A4 format; a vertical A3 pocket 1.5 cm thick for the student newspaper "Perekrestok" and two pockets 1.5 cm thick for booklets.

The stand also features the logos of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine and the Association of Student Human Rights Organizers.

Stands "Schedule of reception of workers in the Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine" (office number, full name, position official, date and hours of reception) and “Executive Office of the Regional Trade Union Committee” (office number, last name, first name, patronymic and position of committee employees). The size of the stands is 55 cm x 75 cm.

A set of stands for the trade union corner (click on the image to enlarge). Stands “In our trade union organization” and “Our information” measuring 1 m x 0.55 m. They consist of vertical pockets of A4 format, horizontal pockets of A5 format, metal clips (clothespins), an aphorism about information and a diagram “What is information”. The composition is complemented by a stand measuring 1 m x 0.17 m with the general name and logo of the Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine.

Stand "Trade Union Corner" for the school. Size 0.80 m x 0.70 m. Five A5 pockets in horizontal orientation: “Information”, “Events”, “Trade Union Committee”, “Announcements”, “Congratulations” and two A4 pockets: “List of trade union members”, “ Work plan."

An example of the design of a trade union corner in a preschool educational institution. A set of small stands consists of a general name with the logo of the Trade Union and the expression “A person who has information is ready to fight for his rights” measuring 100 cm x 12 cm, two stands with an A4 pocket measuring 27 cm x 35 cm and a stand measuring 100 cm x 40 cm with four A4 pockets and three clips.

How to arrange a trade union corner

At a meeting of members of the trade union committee (workshop committee), a plan for the design of the stand, an estimate of the costs of its production are reviewed and approved, and responsible persons are appointed for periodically updating the sections with relevant information.

The following headings are used to design the Trade Union Corner:

“Collective agreement” – the agreement itself or information about where and when you can get acquainted with it. Taking into account the volume of the pages of the contract, the pocket on the stand is made of the appropriate thickness. For example, for a contract of 100 pages, a pocket with a thickness of 15 mm is required).

2. “Regulations on the primary organization.”

3. “Composition of the trade union committee” - with information posted:

  • - number, composition and last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the trade union committee;
  • - location of the trade union committee indicating the office number, telephone number, reception time;
  • - procedure for submitting applications;
  • - regulations on the rights of the trade union committee;
  • - instructions on holding elections of trade union bodies.

"Internal labor regulations."

5. “Work plan” indicating the date of approval and the protocol number for the year, month.

8. Quarterly report on the work done by the trade union committee, the amount of material assistance provided and for what purposes it was provided.

9. “Congratulations!” - congratulations on your birthday and other memorable events.

Or come up with your own names of information sections for the stand that best reflect the scope of activity of your trade union committee, trade union group, shop committee.

What types of trade unions are there?

The legislation provides for the following types of trade union status, which depends, inter alia, on the territorial characteristics of the trade union: primary, local, regional, regional, republican, all-Ukrainian. Trade unions or trade union organizations that operate in an enterprise, institution, organization, have primary status. educational institution or unite trade union members who provide themselves with work independently or work at different enterprises, institutions, organizations or individuals. Trade unions that unite at least two primary trade union organizations that operate at different enterprises, institutions, organizations of one administrative-territorial unit (city, district within a city, district, village, town) have local status. Trade unions have regional status if they have organizations in most administrative-territorial units of one region, the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol; or in the majority of administrative-territorial units of one region, the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, where enterprises, institutions or organizations of a certain industry are located. Trade unions have regional status; they have organizations in most administrative-territorial units of two or more regions. The status of all-Ukrainian trade unions is determined by one of the following criteria: 1) the presence of trade union organizations in the majority of administrative-territorial units of Ukraine 2) the presence of trade union organizations in most of those administrative-territorial units of Ukraine where enterprises, institutions or organizations of a certain industry are located.

Industry trade unions of Ukraine:

1. Trade Union of Education and Science Workers.

2. Trade union of healthcare workers.

3. Trade union of agricultural workers.

4. Trade Union of Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers.

5. Trade union of workers of housing and communal services, local industry, consumer services.

6. Trade union of government employees.

7. Trade Union of Coal Industry Workers.

8. Trade Union of Energy and Electrical Industry Workers.

9. Trade Union of Cultural Workers.

10. Trade Union of Communication Workers.

11. Trade Union of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Workers.

12. Trade union of workers in the construction and building materials industry.

13. Trade union of workers in the chemical and petrochemical industries.

14. All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Workers and Entrepreneurs of Trade and Public Catering.

15. Trade Union of Oil and Gas Industry Workers.

16. Trade Union of Automotive and Agricultural Engineering Workers.

17. Workers' union road transport and road facilities.

18. Trade Union of Consumer Cooperation Workers.

19. Trade Union of Gas Workers.

20. Trade Union of Forestry Workers.

21. Trade union of workers nuclear energy and industry.

22. Trade Union of Textile and Light Industry Workers.

23. Aircraft Manufacturers Trade Union.

24. Trade Union of Social Workers.

25. Trade Union of Maritime Transport Workers.

26. Trade union of workers of defense enterprises.

27. Trade union of shipbuilding workers.

28. Trade Union of Space and General Engineering Workers.

29. Trade Union of Radio Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Workers.

30. Professional Union of Mechanical Engineers and Instrument Makers.

31. Trade Union of Aviation Workers.

32. Professional union of taxi drivers.

33. All-Ukrainian Independent Trade Union of Transport Workers.

34. Trade Union of Forestry Workers.

35. Trade union of fishery workers.

36. Trade union of workers of geology, geodesy and cartography.

37. Trade union of Prominvestbank employees.

38. Ukrainian Trade Union of River Transport Workers.

39. All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Workers of Innovative and Small Enterprises.

40. Trade Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs.

41. Trade union of workers of youth housing complexes and local government committees.

42. All-Ukrainian Professional Union “Football of Ukraine”.

Territorial associations of trade unions:

1. Donetsk regional council.

2. Dnieper regional association of trade unions.

3. Kyiv City Council of Trade Unions.

4. Association of trade unions of the Kharkov region.

5. Federation of Trade Unions of Vinnytsia Region.

6. Zaporozhye Regional Council of Trade Unions.

7. Federation of Trade Unions of the Odessa Region.

8. Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Crimea.

9. Federation of Trade Unions of the Volyn Region.

10. Federation of Trade Unions of the Zhytomyr Region.

11. Transcarpathian Regional Council of Trade Unions.

12. Council of Trade Unions of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

13. Kyiv Regional Council of Trade Unions.

14. Federation of Trade Unions of the Kirovograd Region.

15. Federation of Trade Unions of the Lugansk Region.

16. Association of trade unions of the Lviv region.

17. Nikolaev Regional Council of Trade Unions.

18. Poltava Regional Council of Trade Unions.

19. Federation of Trade Unions of the Rivne Region.

20. Sumy Regional Council of Trade Unions.

21. Ternopil Regional Council of Trade Unions.

22. Kherson Regional Intersectoral Council of Trade Unions.

23. Federation of Trade Unions of the Khmelnitsky Region.

24. Federation of Trade Unions of Cherkasy Region.

25. Chernivtsi Regional Council of Trade Unions.

26. Federation of trade union organizations of the Chernigov region.

27. Sevastopol City Council of Trade Unions.

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With explanations and pictures, we tried to outline as much as possible the procedure for placing an order and making a purchase of all products presented on the site. Making a purchase or placing an order is quite simple - the following steps are required.

Step 1. Select a product category and heading (on the left side of the site). Having selected the required product, click "Details". You can also use the search (at the top of the site) - you just need to type a keyword and the system will show all products with that word.

Selecting all product parameters

Step 2. Selecting product parameters: size and material:

When choosing the size, consider the area of ​​the area and the distance from the potential observer to the sign. So, for example, a sign measuring 10 cm x 10 cm is suitable for you if the potential observer is no further than 3 m from it, a sign measuring 15 cm x 15 cm is for a distance of 5-6 m.

By default, the system shows the minimum product size and its price. Click on a product size - the system will display the sizes available for that product. Select the size you need - prices for products of this size for all materials will be automatically adjusted.

When choosing a material, consider the following features: The cheapest option is a sticker. It must be glued onto a clean (grease-free) flat surface at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. Large stickers (for example, stands) can only be applied correctly by professionals. An incorrectly applied sticker looks unsightly and you will not be able to re-glue it - it will lag behind the surface. Plastic signs and stands last much longer. For internal placement, PVC plastic with a thickness of 2 mm or 3 mm is suitable, for external placement - PVC with a thickness of 4 mm. All signs are attached to the surface (wall, gate, door) with self-tapping screws or double tape (not included in the kit!). It is better to fasten the stands with self-tapping screws. For portable signs (for example, electrical safety posters “Do not turn on! People are working” or “Grounded”) only PVC plastic 4 mm thick is suitable.

“What we can’t do alone, we can do together!” - this slogan became fundamental in the work of the trade union organization.

In the primary trade union organization government agency Education "Mikheevskaya Secondary School" consists of 33 trade union members. The primary trade union organization of a school is a collective of people of different ages, but young at heart. With different beliefs, but able to come to agreement, united to ensure their labor rights and social guarantees, the opportunity to improve their skills and satisfy professional needs. It is more interesting and effective to do this all together, under the leadership of the trade union.

Main areas of work:

Interaction of the primary trade union organization with the head of the educational institution on the development of collective bargaining relations;

Improving the organizational and statutory activities of the trade union;

Creation of healthy and safe conditions labor;

Work on strict compliance current legislation on the labor of the Republic of Belarus when transferring to a contract form of employment with employees who are members of the trade union;

Opposing the deterioration of essential working conditions, unjustified reductions in the number and staff of workers;

Using the right of public control over compliance with labor and labor protection legislation;

Providing the necessary free legal assistance to all applied trade union members;

Allocation of funds from the trade union budget for the organization of physical education, health, sports and cultural work;

Providing financial assistance to trade union members.

The main task of the trade union:

Further increase in the social status of teaching staff;

Development of social partnership in the industry;

Creation of a system of effective legal protection of the rights and professional interests of its trade union members.



"Get together-this is the beginning

Stay together-this is progress

Work together-this is success! (Henry Ford)


Achieving common goals through combining efforts and coordinating the actions of all members of the trade union organization.


Know how to listen, understand, empathize, decide, and work constructively. IN unity is strength!


that the work of a teacher will be highly paid and respected in society, that the public education system has the potential for its own transformation!


teachers are happy people who love children, creative personalities who are organized, disciplined, responsible for the fate of the child, ensuring his full development.

We are young and active, and therefore we take part in all initiatives of the district committee of the trade union of workers and education: in the sectoral regional sports competition among employees of organizations of the education and science system of the Dribino region, in the district tourist rally, in amateur competitions.

“Be with us and you won’t be alone!” - another motto of our organization, which is put into practice by all the diverse activities of the primary trade union organization. We know how to not only work well and have a great rest. The person responsible for cultural work is in constant creative search: how to diversify trade union work, how to make trade union membership attractive to different segments of the teaching community. For this purpose, festive lights, trips to the theater and concerts, celebration of anniversaries and memorable dates, and excursion trips are carried out. Such events promote team unity.

Chairman of the trade union committee Svetlana Anatolyevna Ismailova

Svetlana Fedoseeva

Stand: "Trade union corner!" with your own hands.

For making I needed a stand:

1. fiberboard sheet (1 meter by 1.2);

2. self-adhesive tape in rolls (to create a background stand, blue, red, white and black;

3. folders with a lock (to create pockets for information sheets);

4. printout created according to my sketch for the logo of our MB preschool educational institution;

5. double-sided tape (for gluing pockets for information);

6. letter stencils (for title inscription stand) .

She pasted the fiberboard sheet in three xcolor palette:

Made pockets from folders with locks:

For aesthetics and beauty, I covered the cut pockets with self-adhesive marbled film:

I printed the logo and cut it out along the outline.:

Based on a stencil of letters I made for the name stand,cut from self-adhesive paper:

On standplaced pockets and logo:

At the final stage of creation stand,posted the name:

Placed information sheets in pockets:

I'm waiting for your assessments, the work took two hours)

Publications on the topic:

A DIY 3-D postcard is a wonderful gift for any occasion. It's a real pleasure for children to make cards with their own hands.

A child learning about the world around him strives to touch and try everything. To give them the opportunity to play with all sorts of things to their heart's content.

The child enjoys exploring the world around him. He is interested not only in toys, but also in all objects around that may pose a danger:

DIY photo frame. Description of work: this material is designed for older children preschool age, teachers and parents.

Hello, this time I want to tell you about a visual aid I made with my own hands. Naturally, the idea is not new and is possible somewhere.