The rich give money for nothing. Rich millionaire who gives away money

Unfortunately, there are situations of acute need for financial resources. This could be the illness of a loved one, an accident, a credit hole, lack of housing, etc. Also, money may be needed to support an existing business. But, there are cases when there is not even a job to get. All people can get help, you just need to know where to go and correctly formulate your needs.

About the rich

Rich people can be called those who have much more money than they need to live. These could be successful entrepreneurs, famous scientists, employees in highly paid positions, world-famous and recognized athletes, and even lucky ones who won money in a casino, for example.

There are enough such people in every country. Each of them has their own character traits and a more or less developed sense of compassion. Some of them would be happy to help someone once or are even ready to help regularly, but they don’t know such people. This is understandable, because their social circle, in most cases, consists of wealthy people.

Since now is the time of development of the Internet, almost all serious people of high income use the network for their own purposes. For them, the Internet is a platform for sales, cooperation, etc. They also tend to have their own accounts in social networks. Knowing this, you can try to describe your situation and ask the person for financial help.

But, some wealthy people cooperate with charitable foundations. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to contact such funds, because they can help with food, housing, clothing, which is not so bad.

About scammers

Nowadays there are many cases when a person can pretend that he needs money. These could just be lazy people who don’t want to work, or scammers who are used to making money this way. On the Internet, it is especially difficult to distinguish them from those who really need help. But don’t despair, as this article will provide comprehensive information about the ways and opportunities to find money from the rich.

About the poor and truly needy

It’s already difficult for such people. It happens that asking someone is simply inconvenient. But, help is actually nearby. If you are sincere in your request, then there is a very high probability of being heard.

Not everyone who needs money even has equipment with Internet access. Therefore, if you know someone in need, then help them with the information from this article.

Where to look for the rich

At the moment, there are many opportunities to find a wealthy person with extra money. These could be:

  • personal acquaintance with such a person;
  • getting to know someone from his close circle (company employees, relatives, friends who could convey to the person a request for help);
  • social media;
  • website of the company he works for or heads;
  • other sites that bring together the interests of rich people and lead to their communication (business forums, specialized forums, etc.);
  • charity and help sites, where a person who needs money can ask for help from a wealthy person.

Social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

Social networks are for rich people. For some of them, this is generally a necessary tool for work, advertising, sales, and communication. But there is a subtlety. It lies in the fact that some people hire a content manager, for example, who reads messages, responds to them, and fills a page, community or group with information. That is, in some cases you will have to contact another person who acts on behalf of the account owner. But this is better than nothing, because in the message you can ask to convey the request to the account owner.

Who should I contact? This could be one of the entrepreneurs in the region where the person in need lives. You can read the news, the same business forums of the region, to find out the names of rich people. You can not be tied to the region and contact the most famous people, but the chances of getting a response are low.

Recommendation: as a rule, the appeal will be more productive if it is directed to developing businessmen and athletes who are just gaining popularity. In this case, such people run their own pages, and they have money.

Those who want to raise capital for their own or present their investment can also contact such people. But, you must remember to tell them that this offer can be very profitable and bring a stable passive income. . Therefore, if they see common sense in the message provided, they will contact the specified contacts.

Company websites

Since most sites are aimed at selling goods/services or maintaining information business, that is, there is a high probability of asking for help directly from the owner or founder of the company. For example, we type in any name into a search engine. Let’s say “Metal rolling Moscow website”. We choose any site, let it be Go to the “Contacts” tab. Almost always, addresses, names, and telephone numbers will be indicated there. Including managers, owners, board members. In this case it is Povetkin Ruslan Viktorovich. You need to start the message with the words: “Urgently, General Director...”, or “Personally full name”. There is a high probability that the message will be read the right person.

There are company websites where their owners do not hesitate to post their personal contact information for communication. Of course, they are intended for commercial purposes, but this is a chance to get help.

The only thing left to do is select the necessary websites of companies, stores, and enterprises and send messages to them. We must not forget that site owners are people too and can help if everything is explained correctly.

Online business forums, forums for businessmen and entrepreneurs

For example, one of the Ukrainian forums (each country has its own forums where entrepreneurs communicate, share ideas or look for partners). Such platforms are good because you can contact several rich people at once, who can hear a plea for help. But there is also the possibility of personal appeal.

Do not forget that people gather there for their own benefits. Therefore, you should not litter the forum with your messages. One or two in the most active discussion threads is enough. This will allow the message not to be deleted by the administration for spam. It's better to think about the quality of the message. Such people like to check information, so it must be given accurate and reliable. If correspondence has begun, provide your phone number, email, address of a page on a social network so that a person can be convinced of the seriousness of the request.

If you need money for treatment, then having supporting documents will be a significant advantage. If you need money for a startup, then you need to present information about the project, its benefits, payback, existing competitors, risks and guarantees as accurately and concisely as possible. If you need money to eat, then that’s what you should write. The main thing is not to make things up or try to cheat.

Charity websites

An example is the site Directly on the website you can see the categories of people who receive assistance. Of course, they won’t give you money here, but it is quite possible to extract payment for expensive treatment for a child. Some categories of people in need who receive assistance:

  • orphans;
  • families raising disabled children;
  • large families;
  • families with children, but without one parent (single-parent families);
  • families in difficult circumstances, etc.

Of course, there is no direct communication with rich people, but they take part by donating money to such funds. With their help you can get clothes, treatment, food, baby clothes, strollers and toys. Naturally, here you need to provide all possible documents. Such funds helped to survive and overcome difficult life situations to thousands of people in need.

Websites where you can write about your difficult financial situation

For example, the site The site provides the opportunity to write your request with the hope of help. The disadvantage of such sites is that anyone and anything can write. Any links to photo or video sources that can confirm a serious situation will help you stand out from a large number of similar messages. financial condition. By teaching the information correctly, you are more likely to receive help from caring people.


We can summarize what is written with the words: “Whoever seeks finds, and whoever knocks, the door is opened to him.” If you don’t lose hope and reach out, the chance of getting help is many times higher than if you do nothing at all.


If you are facing difficulties, need money for treatment, or have been planning to realize your dream for a long time, websites of rich people providing financial assistance- the best opportunity to achieve the goal. It is enough to correctly place an ad in a special section and receive support from those who have enough funds to provide such support.

Little money - site for online money assistance from rich people

To solve financial problems, use one of the ways:

  • Ask for government support.
  • Find a suitable charity.
  • Find a higher paying job.
  • Leave a post on social networks or forums.
  • Take advantage of the “Little Money” resource.

The advantage of our resource is providing financial assistance online from rich people. Financial well-being depends on each of us. As of today, dozens of people have already received the required amount. In most cases, it is pointless to wait for financial investments from the state or charitable foundations. Their disadvantage is the targeted allocation of funds, strict verification of applicants and a long queue for receiving financial support.

How to achieve the required amount?

We have a gathering of rich people who are ready to provide financial assistance. Today, billions of dollars go to charity and these amounts are only growing. The advantage of “Little Money” is that the site’s guests can be millionaires not only from Russia and the CIS countries, but also from the USA, France, Germany and other countries whose residents have great opportunities.

To receive money for free, just take a few steps:

  • Follow the link “Ask for money”.
  • Tell your story and provide as much clarifying information as possible. Explain to potential investors what the funds are for, how much money will be required, what you want to achieve, and why you cannot achieve it.
  • Place your contact information and details for depositing funds.

Practice shows that a money assistance site from rich people gives results within a few weeks. To increase the effectiveness of your ad, you should share it on social networks. Good luck.

Websites of rich people providing financial assistance: 4,960 comments

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    I worked honestly for half a century... I bought a small apartment, but it was my own! For repairs you need the same amount as the apartment costs (as it turned out), no one takes jobs due to their age...) dead end..) I ask for a million rubles. card number 2202200808479347) I can offer the services of a nanny, nurse, house worker, to an honest person for good salary. In the past message I wrote the card number incorrectly... (. rassamaha) I hope for help..

    I worked honestly for half a century... I bought a small apartment, but it was my own! For repairs you need the same amount as the apartment costs (as it turned out), no one takes jobs due to their age...) dead end..) I ask for a million rubles. card number 22022008479347) I can offer the services of a nanny, a nurse, a house worker, to an honest person for a good salary.

    Can you tell me, maybe I should ask the Universe? MONEY! Does anyone have a special connection with this wonderful friend!

    Hello, out of stupidity and naivety I got into debt, I was framed, so to speak, the amount is not particularly large, but I don’t have the opportunity to collect it on my own, anyone can help me in any way I can, I’m afraid to be left without property, I believe that there is good people who will not judge, because everyone could be fooled, like me, promised mountains of gold and ultimately left with debts...
    Card number: 4817760022809150 Marina Sergeevna P.
    If necessary, I will send a document with the debt

    Hello. I was left without work and housing. I need funds to go to the shift and survive there until the advance payment is made. I would be grateful for any amount. Thank you.
    [email protected]

    Please help me with money without compensation

  • Good afternoon everyone, we urgently need financial assistance. We wanted to build a house, took out a big loan, but we ended up with a scammer contractor and now we have debts to the bank and don’t have a house. We now live with relatives in the town in a house of 15 square meters. m. We have three children. I can provide all the information if anyone wants to help. Sber 639002709001893972. Have pity on the children, please help

    Good afternoon, I would like to try my luck and ask for help with my studies, after college I moved on and entered higher education, my mother is a cleaner, my father is bankrupt, I work as an operator, now I need to pay 20,000 rubles for the semester, I really want to get higher education, I will be glad if I pay for the semester, although there are still two years of study ahead... 4182 6000 6750 6740

    Hello. Please help. Not when I didn’t ask anyone for anything. The fact is that I was left without work. Housing was purchased with a mortgage. The nss has a problem with work in the city. Therefore, the second month of searching and still without results. The mortgage is in arrears. The bank gave me until the 14th to pay the debt, otherwise the case will be sent to court. I have nowhere to go, in a word, I stayed on the street. I beg you, anyone who can help me. 4276181529242726 is the card number. Thank you all in advance and I really hope for your help. Because you are my last hope.

    I ask kind people for help with money. Help who can, this is not the first time I’ve written. When you describe your problem realistically, they don’t believe you, but when a person cheats, then for some reason they believe him. We really need a simulator for a child, I can provide documents .Please help, at least as much as anyone can, she really needs it now. Someone respond, I beg.sber.4817760158656607

    Good evening, I live in Lugansk, I am asking for help for a friend, she is HIV-infected, stage 3, uterine cancer, a tumor in the breast. I will provide documents and certificates.

    Hello! I'm on the edge. My husband left me with four children (12 years old, 9 years old, 4 years old and 2 years old). We've run out of food at home, there's nothing to eat, the youngest is sick, and he needs medicine. I can’t reach my husband by phone - he doesn’t pick up the phone, he doesn’t read SMS! The gas ran out last week. We live in the village, there is no kindergarten here, we can’t go to work, we need money to move.
    I am completely alone, there are no relatives, there is no one to help.
    I beg you to help. +79114159796 card linked.

    Hello, please help anyone as much as they can, I live with my child in a rented apartment, I am raising money for my own housing, at the moment it is very difficult, since the salary is not very big

    Hello, I have a lot of business ideas, unfortunately I don’t have the finances for this day, I ask you to help with finances, even if you transfer 100 rubles or a thousand, it will be pleasant for me, my dream in this life is worthy of living with the envy of a family and living to provide for a family, blogging you in advance if you have any desires, help me I wish you all well. My details. RNKB (P A O), Simferopol INN 7701105460. Checkpoint 9100201001 BIC 043510607. Correspondent Account 301 01 810 3 35100000607. Abdurakhmanov Ruslan Enverovich Recipient's account 408 17 810 3 7842. Card top-ups 2200 0202 1334 3777

    hello, I need help.. I have a small child and my husband left me after taking out 3 loans for me.. I need 20,000 hryvnia, for me this is a big amount... I can’t go to work, since the child is small 1.8.. I have no one to leave with ,parents don't help... I will be very grateful to you..
    4149 4991 3845 5587

    Good afternoon
    Probably the most standard situation, from head to toe in loans, fired from work, wife for 7 months. pregnancy.
    I have already taken an apartment from a private investor as collateral; if my wife finds out, there will be trouble. I understand that in our life no one will give anything to anyone just like that, but suddenly.
    Sberbank map. 5469 5500 5697 2612 Stanislav Olegovich
    If you suddenly think of helping, then thank you. In the coming days, the fate of three people will be decided. I’m sure if I don’t find the money, flattery will be a noose.

    Hello! My name is Tatyana. 02/11/1983 I live in the Altai Territory. Our region was recognized as the poorest, there is no work. We really need a computer and a printer to make presentations on a flash drive and projects. I want to implement a children's place. I am a widow and raising six children. I want to buy cell phones for the older girls, they are already 15, 16 years old, but they don’t have phones, I don’t have the opportunity to buy phones. At school they are already called beggars. I don’t have my own phone, my brother gave me his old phone. I'll get over it. The most important thing for me is that children are not insulted or humiliated. I wanted to give my son a quadcopter. I would like to give my two penultimate daughters babybon dolls with strollers. They have been dreaming about this for a year now. Just a small tractor. I can’t give them all this because we only have enough money to buy food, pay for electricity and water for the children to go to school. Children always tell me why we are so poor that we can’t really buy anything. They always say you can’t buy us more fruit so we can eat. We need 100,000 rubles for everything. Please help me, I beg you, please. With no one else to turn to, I had to write here. My mail

Financial assistance to people is provided by the state, charitable foundations, volunteer and other organizations. Its disadvantage is the limited resources and purpose. As a rule, money is given to low-income families, parents with three or more children. In addition, support is provided to disabled people, the elderly and other people in need who belong to a special category.

The situation is more complicated when ordinary people need financial assistance. There is a high probability of running into refusal from the mentioned organizations. We have to look for alternatives. The solution is to find a private investor on the “I’ll give money” website.

Real financial help from people

Difficulties with money require a prompt solution - attracting an investor to eliminate debt, obtain money for treatment, study or other purposes. The “Give Money” website has a special section “Bulletin Board”, where private lenders leave offers for loans. Another option is also possible - free financial assistance from people who are ready to help in a difficult situation without charging interest.

If you are an investor and plan to lend money at interest or simply give funds to people in need, take these steps:

  • Go to the “Bulletin Board” section on the “I’ll Give Money” resource.
  • Please indicate what service you are willing to provide. Here it is important to indicate in detail exactly how you are willing to help, what the amount will be, and under what conditions it is provided. It is worth providing contact information. However, it is prohibited to insert links to other resources - such an ad is not moderated.
  • Wait for someone who needs support to contact you.

Assistance to people who find themselves in a financial situation associated with a shortage of funds is provided on a reimbursable or gratuitous basis. Here the decision is made by the investor. Before concluding a transaction, the details are agreed upon, after which the parties draw up an agreement or fill out a receipt. In case of free transfer of funds, transfer to a card, account or cash withdrawal is available.

Where else do people in difficult financial situations get help?

When a shortage of money and related problems arise, a person should not withdraw into himself and give up. Low mood and depression often lead to serious consequences, including suicide. To avoid this, you need to take the following steps:

  • Get help from people- financially or morally. It is important to remember about loved ones who are nearby and ready to support. If a friend, brother or acquaintance does not have money to lend or help for free, he can support with advice, give a useful recommendation, or simply listen.
  • Take out a loan at 0%. Few people know, but many microfinance organizations issue loans to first clients without interest. This is real help to people in difficult financial situations, because they receive the required amount at 0%. Such services are provided by the following companies - Payday (up to 30 thousand rubles), Metrocredit (up to 10 thousand rubles), Viva money (up to 10 thousand rubles) and others. The borrower is required to submit an application and have a passport, and the money is credited within 15 minutes.
  • State and charities . Despite the intended purpose of such support, this method of resolving the situation cannot be ruled out. It is worth contacting the Charitable Foundation and clarifying the conditions of existing programs. There is financial assistance for people who have fallen into debt. As a rule, it has a consultative basis, but even this is enough to solve problems.
  • Request for free support. Today there are many resources where you can ask rich people for money. With the right approach, investors respond and transfer the required amount. The main thing is to honestly tell the story of why material support is required. As an example, the resource, where you should go to the “Ask for money” section, tell a story and make a request to people.

Financial assistance to ordinary people who find themselves in difficult financial situations is a reality. She proves once again that you can’t give up. It is worth taking action, and any obstacles will be successfully overcome.

Hello, you have come to a page where you can ask people for money for free. This section was created separately from the others. Here anyone can ask for any amount of money for their needs.

Please note that your request will be published in a public section and anyone can read it.

You can not only ask money from the rich, but also from another category of people. All you need to do is fill out a short form where you need to indicate:

  • What are you asking for money for?
  • How much money are you asking for?
  • How can I transfer money and details to you?

Write your request

The more you write about your needs, the more likely you are to be helped.

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You can ask for money for anything. Someone wants to ask for money for a new car, someone to buy a cell phone, and someone even for some small things. Many people ask where to write an SMS to help with money. Write here. We send your applications to those who really help for free.
It’s very easy to ask people for money via the Internet; all you have to do is post a request for help and maybe someone will respond.

Usually, sites where you can ask for money require a long registration, long verification and other nonsense. With us, you just need to ask for money online in this section and your message will be seen by many people.

Many people ask how to ask for money on the Internet? There are many special services called crowdfunding, but they are designed mainly for creative people. And in this section of our website absolutely anyone can apply for financial assistance.

Of course, you can ask for any amount of money, but it is not a fact that you will collect it. However, if your request is quite interesting, then it will receive more attention and your chances will increase.

Good luck in raising funds for your needs!

Financial assistance from rich people- monetary support, which is provided directly or through special funds to solve various problems of the party in need. Funds are raised to pay for treatment, contribute funds for an operation, repay debt, build or save a business, realize a long-time dream or other goals.

Despite the high probability of success, it is not always possible to receive financial assistance free of charge and urgently from wealthy (wealthy) people. The reason is ignorance of the basic rules and subtleties of attracting financing. Below are tips that increase your chances of success.

How to get financial help from rich people?

They say that “brevity is the sister of talent.” Perhaps this rule works in many sectors of our lives, but not in the matter of material assistance. To receive money from rich people, and even for free, it is important to describe the situation in detail. When describing the problem, it is important to focus on the purpose of fundraising:

  • Treatment. Collecting money for an operation or payment for other services medical institution, it is important to accurately disclose the diagnosis, attach documents confirming the problem, and attach a photograph. It is necessary to describe what has been done to solve the problem, what are the chances of success, and for what purpose will the material assistance received free of charge from rich people be used. According to statistics, it is for these purposes that it is easiest to raise money.
  • Business. An equally popular sector is raising money for the implementation of your business project. Many investors are interested in such startups and donate the required amount. In this case, funds can be issued either free of charge or subject to the return of part of the money in the form of a percentage of the profit received. The nuances of cooperation largely depend on the agreements of the parties. To place an ad, you can use crowdfunding services or other platforms.
  • Dream. The possibilities of the Internet allow you to ask for financial assistance for various purposes, for example, buying a car or real estate. Rich people have enough resources to help solve the problem. The main thing is to prove the importance of this event and provide evidence. But you should not expect that the required amount will be collected in one day. Most often, fundraising takes 1-2 months or more.

When does asking for financial help work best for rich people?

To ensure that an appeal to wealthy individuals does not go unanswered, it is important to approach the formation of the request correctly. So, when writing a letter about financial assistance, you need to find a “key” to a rich person and follow these tips:

  • We contact you personally and write the word “Dear.” This requirement applies to cases where the letter is issued in relation to a specific person.
  • We reveal the features of the current situation and write what was done to solve the difficulties that arose. This point is important. A potential benefactor must see that the recipient of the funds has taken all possible measures and really needs financial support.
  • We indicate contacts. It is important that a potential investor can contact the recipient of funds and clarify the purpose of fundraising, as well as the circumstances of the incident (if required).
  • Here are the details. It will not be possible to receive immediate financial assistance from rich people if you do not register information for receiving funds. The request must contain the card number, EPS wallet details, details for crediting money to the cryptocurrency wallet, and so on.
  • Thank you for your support. A request for financial support and receiving the amount of interest should end with gratitude to the people who responded to the request and did not stay away from the problem.

Where can I get targeted financial assistance from a foreign rich person?

To attract money for the implementation of any of the projects mentioned above, it is better to use proven and universal platforms. Unlike competitors, this site is free, has wide functionality and gives results in the form of attracting the amount of interest. The resource is visited by rich people who are ready to provide money. Your only request is to expand on the topic “Provide financial assistance” and provide a detailed description of the situation.