The wealth of my country's mineral resources. Students of the Institute of Childhood took part in organizing the Competition of projects and creative works “The Wealth of the Subsoil of My Country Competition The Wealth of the Subsoil of My Country

The competition is held with the aim of popularizing Earth sciences among children and youth, developing interest in studying the world around us, natural resources and the state of the natural environment, to the acquisition of fundamental natural science knowledge.

The competition is traditionally held in two categories: creative projects and a photo competition. The winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined according to 3 age categories: 1-4; 5-7; 8-11 grades.

This year, more than 70 applications for participation in the project competition were sent from all districts of Moscow, as well as from North Ossetia, Murmansk and Voronezh regions. The most active were schoolchildren from the Eastern and Southwestern districts of Moscow.

Winners and runners-up in the younger age group (grades 1 - 4):

1st place - P. Gershuni, project “Emerald Mines of the Urals. Beryl. Emerald";

2nd place - R. Gribakin, project “Separate waste collection”;

3rd place - A. Perova, project “Peat - a treasure from the swamps”;

Audience Award - E. Bazhenkova “Riding humanity from garbage. Everything is in our hands!”;

Audience Award - G. Pronsky, project “Geological journey through the Southern Urals”.

Winners and runners-up in the middle age group (grades 5 - 7):

1st place - M. Arzumanyants, project “Technogenic deposits of North Ossetia - environmental hazard or additional resources?”;

2nd place - E. Ilyin, project “My Kamchatka”;

3rd place - A. Chernikov, project “Volga Amber - a unique gift of the Simbirsk land”;

3rd place - S. Konnov, project “Palaeontology of the Moscow Metro”;

Audience Award - V. Dyukarev “Kimberlite and diamond - the deep inhabitants of the planet

Audience Award - K. Suvorov, project “Desalination of Sea Water”.

Winners and runners-up in the older age group (grades 8 - 11):

1st place - Yu. Kopteva, project “My Mineral Collection”;

2nd place - S. Volkova, project “Geological history and unique properties of flint in the service of man (using the example of the Moscow region)”;

3rd place - A. Mikhailova, project “Mineral waters of the Moscow region - a valuable natural healing factor”;

3rd place - A. Anoshkina, T. Efimova, M. Pirozhkina, project “Development of mineral and tourist-recreational resources of the Arctic as a basis sustainable development and diversification of the economy of the northern territories."

Winners and runners-up of the photo competition:

1st place - A. Ovcharenko for the work “The Universe sleeps in a drop of morning dew”;

Prize-winning place - A. Nosov for his work “Like an Elephant’s Skin”;

Prize-winning place - V. Kozlova for the work “Multi-layering”;

Special prize for a non-standard approach - M. Kalinkin, O. Novikova, P. Gladkov for the work “Geology of the Moscow Metro”.

According to tradition, the solemn ceremony begins with the initiation into young geologists of students of the “Club of Young Geologists” of the Interuniversity Academic Center for Navigation in the field of mining and geology on the basis of the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS. The guys read out the “Code of Honor of the Young Geologist” and the director of the museum, Sergei Vladimirovich Cherkasov, presented them with memorable badges of the young geologist. In turn, the guys chose best project in the younger age group and were awarded a special prize from the Young Geologists Club. The guys unanimously decided that the project “Peat - a treasure from the swamps” by A. Petrova deserves the highest rating.

The ceremony was opened by Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov, head of the faction of the A Just Russia party and head of the museum’s board of trustees. On his own behalf, Sergei Mikhailovich presented memorable gifts to P. Gershuni for the project “Emerald Mines of the Urals. Beryl. Emerald" and R. Gribakin for the project "Separate waste collection".

The competition participants were congratulated by Viktor Ivanovich Kalyuzhny, Minister of Fuel and Energy of Russia in 1999-2000; Nikolai Vasilyevich Miletenko, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Geology and Environmental Management of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation; Viktor Nikolaevich Pronkin, director of educational programs of the Oleg Deripaska Foundation “Volnoe Delo”; Artem Sergeevich Korolev, Chairman of the Board of the Non-profit Partnership “Youth Forum of Mining Leaders” and Anatoly Aleksandrovich Ruzavin, environmental methodologist at the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

The award ceremony was attended by Dmitry Borisovich Kucher, Head of the Natural Science Department of the Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism; Korolev Artem Sergeevich, Chairman of the Board of the Non-profit Partnership “Youth Forum of Mining Leaders”; Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Vasilievich Melnik, Head of the Department of Geotechnology for Subsoil Development of NUST MISIS.

The competition is part of the City Environmental Festival “Save the Planet Together” - a socially significant event of the Moscow Department of Education.

The competition is held by the Interuniversity Academic Center for Navigation in mining and geological specialties on the basis of the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS together with the Moscow City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, the National Research technological university"MISiS", Russian state university oil and gas named after. named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism, Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze and the Moscow Geological Exploration College.

April 20 at the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS held the final of the anniversary V competition of projects and photographs of students of general education institutions “The Wealth of My Country’s Mineral Resources”. 4th year students of the Institute of Childhood at Moscow State Pedagogical University were awarded special diplomas - “For cooperation in organizing the competition”, taking part in it as volunteers and presenting the project “Inclusive Ecology: About the natural resources of Russia - for children with disabilities.” The project presented student materials and works demonstrating the creation of special educational conditions when studying natural history topics with children with disabilities. The curators of the project were: Deputy Director of the Institute of Childhood Ph.D. Ides R.E., Head of the Department of Speech Therapy, Ph.D. Associate Professor Almazova A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor Tumanova T.V.

The competition is held by the Interuniversity Academic Center for Navigation in mining and geological specialties on the basis of the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS together with the Moscow City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, the National Research Technological University "MISiS", the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism, Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze and the Moscow Geological Exploration College. The competition is part of the City Environmental Festival “Save the Planet Together” - a socially significant event of the Moscow Department of Education.

The ceremony was opened by Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov, head of the faction of the A Just Russia party and head of the museum’s board of trustees. The competition participants were congratulated by Viktor Ivanovich Kalyuzhny, Minister of Fuel and Energy of Russia in 1999-2000; Nikolai Vasilyevich Miletenko, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Geology and Environmental Management of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation; Viktor Nikolaevich Pronkin, director of educational programs of the Oleg Deripaska Foundation “Volnoe Delo”; Artem Sergeevich Korolev, Chairman of the Board of the Non-profit Partnership “Youth Forum of Mining Leaders” and Anatoly Aleksandrovich Ruzavin, environmental methodologist at the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

The award ceremony was attended by Dmitry Borisovich Kucher, Head of the Natural Science Department of the Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism; Korolev Artem Sergeevich, Chairman of the Board of the Non-profit Partnership “Youth Forum of Mining Leaders”; Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Vasilievich Melnik, Head of the Department of Geotechnology for Subsoil Development of NUST MISIS.

April 20, 2017 at the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS, the final of the 5th anniversary competition of projects and photographs of students of educational institutions “The Wealth of the Subsoil of My Country” took place.

The competition is held with the aim of popularizing Earth sciences among children and youth, developing interest in studying the surrounding world, natural resources and the state of the environment, and acquiring fundamental natural science knowledge.

This year, employees of the Gemmological and Mineralogical Laboratory took an active part in the competition.

Expert gemologist Tatyana Andreevna Gvozdenko acted as the scientific supervisor of third-grade student Pavel Gershuni Secondary School No. 1293, whose project "Emerald mines of the Urals. Beryl. Emerald" was awarded FIRST honorary prize place among junior group participants (grades 1-4). Pavel also received a special gift from Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov - leader of the faction of the A Just Russia party and head of the board of trustees of our museum.

In the summer of 2016, Pavel and his parents visited the Ural emerald deposits, collected a mineralogical collection, including mica schists with beryls, and it was decided to present it in the project. Pavel has been attending the geological club for children “Demidov Department” at the State Geological Geology University of the Russian Academy of Sciences for more than a year and speaks confidently about his future profession in the field of geology!

The Gemological and Mineralogical Laboratory of the State Geology and Mineralogical Laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences is very pleased to support aspiring geologists and wishes Pavel to achieve success and become a first-class specialist!

Sincerely, employees of the Gemmological and Mineralogical Laboratory of the State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Interuniversity Academic Center for Navigation in Mining and Geological Specialties on the basis of the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS together with the Moscow City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, the National Research Technological University "MISiS", the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkin, Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism, Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze and the Moscow Geological Exploration College are holding a competition of research projects and photographic works by students of educational institutions “The Wealth of My Country’s Subsoil” in the 2017-2018 academic year.

The competition is designed to promote the formation of an ecological worldview in children and youth, a conscious understanding of the degree of influence of the activities and culture of society on the processes occurring in living and inanimate nature, in the information and energy space of the surrounding world, and also promotes the development of interest in mining and geological professions and specialized training in the field of natural resource development.

Since 2016, the competition has been included in the city environmental festival “Save the Planet Together” - a socially significant event of the Moscow Department of Education.


Registration of participants and submission of works to electronic form- until April 6, 2018

Competition final - April 2018

The competition is held in two categories: research projects and a photo competition.

Participants of the competition present individual projects. The competition does not require the participation of teams.

The winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined according to 3 age categories:

1 - 4 classes: 1 first place (Winner), 2 prizes (Winners);
- 5 - 7 classes: 1 first place (Winner), 2 prizes (Winners);
- 8 - 11 grades: 1 first place (Winner), 2 prizes (Winners).

The main category “Research Projects” includes three sections:

Mineral resources as the basis of life and a condition for the development of society. Story, current state, prospects. The mineral resource complex is the area of ​​my future professional activity.

Minerals: diversity, conditions of formation, deposits. Unique properties at the service of man.

Environmental problems in the development of mineral resources. Extractive industry. Technologies and environmental management. Ways to reduce technogenic load.

The photo competition is held as an additional nomination on three topics:

The mineral resource complex is the area of ​​my future professional activity;

The amazing world of minerals and rocks;

Man and the biosphere.

A participant can submit no more than 3 works for the photo competition.

To participate in the competition, you must register before April 6, 2018 and send your project (photo work) in electronic form to the qualifying round of the competition.



REGULATIONS ABOUT THE COMPETITION: bogatstvo-nedr-moej-strany_2018.pdf

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT OR PHOTOGRAPHY WORK: protokol_bogatstvo-nedr-moej-strany_2018.pdf

Current information about the competition “The Wealth of the Subsoil of My Country 2018” is on the website of the Geological Museum. V.I.Vernadsky RAS


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The already traditional holiday “The Wealth of the Subsoil of My Country” was organized this year by the State Geological Museum. V.I. Vernadsky RAS together with the Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism with the support of the Moscow Department of Education.

The holiday is dedicated to summing up children's competition creative exhibition projects and photographic works “The Wealth of My Country’s Mineral Resources”. The competition is held annually for general educational institutions in Moscow within the framework of the Project implemented by the Museum to create a model of a communication environment for the development of a continuous system of upbringing, education and enlightenment of children and youth in the field of Earth sciences, geology, environmental management and environmental culture.

The annual, traditionally held competition “The Wealth of the Subsoil of My Country” helps to enrich knowledge and ideas about the useful storehouses of Planet Earth, and develops in schoolchildren the skills and abilities of scientific and research work.

This year’s competition became even larger: now it was held within the framework of the Interuniversity Academic Center for mining and geological specialties created on the basis of the Museum. The center was created by the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky together with NUST MISIS, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin and Russian State University for the Humanities named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. The head of the Center is Deputy Director for Innovation and Cultural and Educational Work, Doctor of Technical Sciences A.V. Titova. The created center already has corporate symbols: an emblem and anthem, which premiered at the festival. The authors of the anthem A.V. Titova, M. Ziganshin.

During the celebration, guests were presented with an exhibition of photographs and exhibition competition works of Moscow schoolchildren in the following areas:

"Mineral resources and mining industry Russia", "Mineral raw materials as the basis of life and a condition for the development of society", "Development of mineral raw materials in accordance with the principles of rational environmental management", "Man and the biosphere", "The amazing world of minerals and rocks" and "Mineral raw materials complex is the area of ​​my future professional activity.” The competition participants defended their projects before an expert commission, which included geologists, professional teachers, heads of clubs and children's associations (GBOUDO MDYuTS EKT, MGRI-RGGU, NUST MISIS, GBOU City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, Youth Forum of Leaders mining).

Photographic experts have become professional photographers. Among the awardees are honored guests - Chairman Board of Trustees State Geological Museum named after V.I. Vernadsky, head of the A Just Russia party, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov, Director of the Mining Institute NUST MISiS A.V. Myaskov, General manager JSC "Geologekspertiza", Ph.D. Mr. Sciences S.P. Yakutseni, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation N.V. Miletenko, Director of the Department of JSC Rosgeologia A.F. Karpuzov, Rector of the Russian University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina V.G. Martynov, Deputy Chief Engineer of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC, Doctor of Technical Sciences A.K. Arabsky, head of the natural science department of MDYuTs EKT D.B. Kucher, Head of the Branch of the NP Youth Forum of Mining Leaders at NUST MISIS - A.A. Rose, head of the public movement “Your Nature” T.A. Nazarevskaya.

Musical numbers were presented by students of the Children's Music School of the Academic Music College at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

The decoration of the holiday was the traditional ceremony of initiation into young geologists of the children studying at the Club of Young Geologists of the Center for the Development of Children and Youth “Demidov Department” at the State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS, President of the Academy of Mining Sciences, Academician of the RAS Yu.N. Malyshev presented the children with the insignia of the Young Geologists Club - the Code of Honor of the Young Geologist, a badge and a uniform.