Business plan representation of a higher educational institution. Ready-made business plan: how to open a private school

The reform of the education system and modern socio-economic conditions in our country have led to the fact that the opening of educational institutions has become a very profitable business due to the quick payback and high profitability, which in turn attracts a huge number of entrepreneurs.

This is not surprising, since the demand for education is currently very high, whether it be a higher educational institution, educational courses, individual educational services or child development center. Those wishing to receive this or that education and the document corresponding to it will always be found. Thus, opening one's own educational institution is a fairly lucrative business.

But in order for your business not to suffer losses, you need to draw up a business plan. educational institution, which can reflect all the risks of the enterprise.

Initially, I would like to note that the calculations presented here are focused on a provincial industrial city with a population of approximately 350,000 and an average per capita income of 23,000 rubles per month. This business plan reflects the main organizational and content conditions for opening a non-state educational institution that provides training services foreign languages(English, French, German).

In order to write a good business plan, remember that its structure should include the following sections:

  1. Summary.
  2. Description of the services of educational institution.
  3. Innovative potential of the enterprise (firm).
  4. Clientele and market of educational services.
  5. Competition.
  6. Resources needed to get started.
  7. Organizational planning.
  8. Financial plan.
  9. Risk analysis.

An example of writing a business plan for an educational institution

In relation to an educational institution that provides services in the field of teaching foreign languages, a summary may look like this.

The idea of ​​opening a non-state educational institution based on such an organizational and legal form of doing business as individual entrepreneur(IP), is based on the provision of general educational services to the population in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​and combines the classical foundations of tutoring and the basic principles of management of highly organized educational institutions.

The list of services, in addition to the traditional teaching of the basics of foreign languages, includes additional services that are informational and organizational in nature.

Within the framework of this educational institution, it is planned to implement an innovative approach to organizing tutoring, as a result of which our company receives a qualitative difference in comparison with similar educational institutions. The implementation of student-centered learning and an individual approach leads to more effective learning, in contrast to teaching foreign languages ​​in state educational institutions.

To start running entrepreneurial activity in such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur, little capital is needed, as a result of which the need for the services of credit institutions is removed. This greatly reduces the risk. Due to the demand for the services offered, the financial costs pay off in a short time (3-5 months).

The company has great potential due to the introduction of the fundamental principles of classical pedagogy into the educational process, combined with innovative pedagogical activities (problem-based learning, project method, reflective approach in teaching) and the use of modern computer programs (HiClass, Language Teacher Partner).

To implement the learning process in this educational institution, experienced, highly qualified, disciplined teachers are selected, who at the same time are PC users. Each teacher is supposed to have a portfolio that reflects the main merits of its owner: a diploma of education, participation in conferences, reviews and characteristics.

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Description of educational institution services

This educational institution provides a large list of services related to teaching foreign languages ​​(English, French, German) to the level of free communication, reading original literature and a complete understanding of addressed speech.

The list of services includes:

  • free consultation and diagnostics of the initial level of a foreign language;
  • reliable information about entrance exams to higher educational institutions in the specialty of foreign languages, as well as about studying abroad;
  • information about travel to countries where English, French, German are predominantly spoken.

The list of training services includes:

  • development of individual educational routes based on the basic level, reflecting the entire technological effectiveness of the learning process (methods, means, techniques, results);
  • implementation of original teaching methods developed by qualified teachers;
  • training in the process of various forms and types of classes (lectures, practical, etc.);
  • providing the necessary methodological literature in both printed and electronic versions;
  • the use of special licensed computer programs that provide effective language learning at all levels;
  • during the training session provided for by the curriculum or program, consultation of the teacher during independent study of the material.

Other services provided include:

  • provision of a language laboratory and a room for doing homework for the duration of the classes;
  • provision of computers to clients.

Thus, the clients of this educational institution receive all the necessary material and access to equipment for effective learning foreign languages.

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Innovative potential of the enterprise

The advantages of this institution are to provide a free information service to students in conjunction with a student-centered approach, modern software and high quality teaching.

Clientele and market

At the moment, the educational services market is clearly segmented mainly into government agencies, private institutions and private tutors. At the same time, it is worth remembering that changes in the field of education, the democratization of the economy have significantly expanded the scope of consumers, and, accordingly, sellers of educational services.

The developed business plan takes this feature into account. As a result, schoolchildren, applicants, students, people employed are seen as the main consumers of the services provided. international business or frequent travelers.

It should be noted that in the market of educational services related to teaching foreign languages, this institution occupies a certain intermediate (combination) position between the services of tutors and private schools. This is due to the fact that the educational process is based on an individual approach to the client (student), a full range of services and the proposed forms of education, typical for private educational institutions.

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Competition market research

The market of educational services provides a wide choice for the consumer. At the same time, it should be noted that, as a rule, state and non-state institutions compete with each other. This educational institution is a private educational institution. Its advantages in comparison with public educational institutions are as follows:

  1. The reliability of the services provided (for example, licensing of programs, etc.) along with the variability of education (the client has the right to choose a course of study in accordance with his own needs). Orientation to the interests and capabilities of the client is a fundamental principle.
  2. The quality of the services provided is determined by the involvement of exclusively qualified teachers (preferably with a PhD degree), the implementation of author's methods, the technological effectiveness of teaching and the use of multimedia and technical means training and modern licensed computer programs.
  3. Guarantees: variable forms of payment (mainly hourly) exclude material risk for clients.
  4. exclusivity. Distinctive feature this educational institution - the construction of the educational process on the basis of private tutoring.
  5. A price that can compete with state educational institutions (for example, 500 rubles for 2 academic hours, 700 rubles for the same time with a teacher's home visit).
  6. The variability of the services provided and the forms of classes in accordance with the wishes of the client.
  7. Delivery: the possibility of leaving the house.
  8. Counseling: free consultation before the first lesson, diagnostics of the basic level of a foreign language and individual counseling during the lesson.
  9. Information: use exclusively modern literature, fresh periodicals and media mass media in order to ensure the relevance of students' knowledge; providing information on the use of the acquired knowledge in life.

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Resources required to start activities (including financial)

In order to implement a business plan, you must:

Material and technical equipment:

  • premises (reception and 4 rooms) - rent 40,000 rubles per month;
  • office furniture (30 desks, 60 chairs, reception equipment, 3 tables, 4 computer chairs) - 239,000 rubles;
  • equipment for a language laboratory (for 10 people) - 160,000 rubles;
  • 3 magnetic boards - 15,000 rubles;
  • equipment (printer, projector, 12 desktop computers) - 265,000 rubles;
  • consumables (pens, notebooks, A4 paper, etc.) - 10,000 rubles per month.

Staff: experienced highly qualified teachers (one teacher each teaching English, French and German). The offer is quite attractive for clients, when degree personnel (for example, candidates of philological sciences) will provide services in your institution.

You will need an administrator to work with clients. The individual entrepreneur himself is responsible for maintaining documentation and accounting, advertising and organizing the learning process (you can hire a special person, but this requires certain financial costs).

To provide educational process needed:

  • educational programs (existing or copyright), plan of the educational process;
  • special educational licensed computer programs;
  • methodical literature and periodicals(newspapers magazines).

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Organizational planning

The organizational and legal form of doing business is individual entrepreneurship, although you can choose other options (for example, LLC - a company with limited liability). The first option differs in that it is easier to maintain financial and financial statements while the tax rate is slightly lower.

To open your own educational institution, some preparation is required: monitoring other educational institutions that teach foreign languages, choosing a room and renting it, purchasing material and technical equipment, equipping rooms, purchasing literature (methodological, periodical), recruiting, work plan.

After all the formal procedures related to documentation and approval of the selected activity in accordance with the regulatory framework (more on this below), an advertising campaign is carried out. As clients apply, groups are formed according to the entry level of students and the chosen course of study (for example, business English, French for travelers, etc.), a group training schedule is drawn up, and the institution begins its full-fledged activity.

The payment for the work of teachers is 20% for each student, and the salary of the administrator is fixed (at least 15,000 rubles).


by discipline

Business planning

on the topic of:




Section 1. Summary

To develop a business plan, the author considered the creation of an enterprise specializing in additional education of the population. Additional education, in this case, can include the organization of various courses and trainings, conducting master classes and training seminars designed to improve the efficiency of labor and social activities of the population or certain categories of citizens. The activities of the personal development center being created will not be focused on professional and qualification education, but should contribute more to personal development and encourage the population to self-development.

Education within the framework of this course project is considered in the broad sense of its understanding - as a purposeful process of educating and training an individual or group, which is a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence.

The organization presented in the business plan is the center of personal growth "Vector".

This project is characterized by the demand for this type of educational services among consumers.

The target audience of the project is mainly adults from 20 to 50 years old.

The range of educational services offered at the initial stage is five types of courses:

· Computer literacy course

· Legal Literacy Course

· Financial Literacy Course

· Personal Growth Course

· Communication course

In the future, it is planned to expand the range by introducing new programs and courses:

· One-time master classes

· Thematic trainings

· Periodic trainings

· Training seminars

· Professional training courses

· business game

According to the calculations made in the business plan, the total amount of the initial investment will be 870,320 rubles. At the same time, the break-even point of the project for the implementation of this business plan comes after the third month after the start of the activity of the Vector center, and a full return of all start-up investments occurs on the eleventh month from the start.

Thus, we conclude that, according to all financial and other indicators, the draft business plan can be recognized as successful and recommended for implementation.

Section 2. Description of the business, product or service

Even before the creation of a center for personal growth as an educational institution, it is necessary to decide whether documents will be issued to students and students who have completed training, which must confirm the completion of training in our center. And if they are issued, what sample will these documents be. To date, for the issuance of state diplomas and certificates to graduates of courses or training programs, accreditation of training programs and licensing of the teaching activity is required. In the case of individual teaching activities and the issuance of documents of an unapproved sample (without legal force), licensing and accreditation are not required. This option is more preferable for the personal growth center "Vector", because in this case the registration of the enterprise will be easier.

The target audience of the personal growth center "Vector" will include:

1) Heads of departments and enterprises who send the personnel of their organization for training at the Vector Center with the following goals:

a.Rally your team of subordinates

b.Get subordinates to work more efficiently

c.Enhance personal management skills

d.Establish communication within and with the team

2) Adults who choose individual or group classes for the purpose of:

a.Raising self-esteem

b.Gaining new knowledge

c.Determining the direction of self-development

d.Destruction of own complexes that interfere with communication in society

e.Acquisition of communication skills

f.Diversified personality development

g.Acquisition of teamwork skills

h.Establishing contacts and communications in a professional or social environment

Thus, the main target audience is adults from 20 to 50 years old, working in a team or looking for a job. Also, the target group can include student groups or work teams that have communication problems and need help in establishing effective relationships. The main goal of these people is self-development and the acquisition of new knowledge when attending trainings for personal growth and personal effectiveness. For our target audience, it is more important not to receive a "crust" confirming the acquisition of another qualification, but the real level of knowledge, skills and abilities that they can receive at the Vector Personal Growth Center.

The main activities of the Vector center will be (with an indication of the average duration of training):

1) One-time master classes, which will be held by people who have achieved success in their field of activity (successful managers of "top" companies, popular bloggers, famous politicians, public figures, managers of popular projects). Duration - from one and a half to three hours.

2) One-time thematic trainings. It is advisable to attend such trainings with the aim of one-time obtaining any missing skills. Duration - from one and a half hours to 8 hours of training (with a lunch break).

3) Periodic training. When concluding a long-term contract (purchasing a subscription), these will be monthly thematic trainings for a group, or seasonal trainings (organization of regular corporate trainings, team building trainings for work teams or student groups). Duration - once a month from one and a half to two hours, or once a season from one and a half to three hours.

4) Educational seminars. During such seminars, there is an exchange of knowledge and an exchange of experience based on obtaining basic information on the topics of the seminar. The duration of one seminar is up to three hours.

5) Courses of personal growth and development of various thematic areas. The courses involve systematic attendance at classes held in various forms (lectures, seminars, practical exercises and game forms). Duration - from a strictly defined course (for example, 10 lessons of 2 hours) to a free visiting schedule (for example, on Mondays and Thursdays for two hours).

6) Professional training courses (duration of training depends on the degree of initial training of students - from a weekly course of two hours a day, to regular two-hour classes during the academic year):

A)Computer literacy courses

b)Financial Literacy Courses

V)Legal literacy courses

G)Various other courses...

7) Business game. The direction has been successfully used in training for a long time, since the necessary knowledge and skills are acquired by example in a playful way. The duration of one game is from two hours to 8 (with a break for lunch).

The above areas of activity will be the main ones in the Vector center and require the direct participation and presence of students (listeners) in the classroom. But, besides this, work on personal development and remotely is possible on an individual basis. In this case, an individual training plan will be drawn up for the student, taking into account his personal wishes and preferences and in a form convenient for him. Such remote classes are possible, for example, in training in the preparation of business plans for an enterprise or in training in working with computer programs (1C, Photoshop, 3- D Mach and others).

Group lessons can be in complete groups, or by free attendance (when the student knows, for example, that self-esteem classes are held every Monday and Thursday and he chooses the regularity of attending these classes). Permanent groups will also be formed in the Vector center:

· evening;

· morning;

· day;

· weekend groups;

· thematic groups.

Such a type of business as the organization of training has a seasonal nature: most often, the flow of students and students in the summer months is noticeably lower, and with the start of the “usual” academic year, the flow resumes.

Opening hours of the personal growth center "Vector": daily from 0800 to 2100 hours. The need for such a mode of operation is dictated by the need for morning, afternoon and evening groups - depending on the type of employment of students. For example, computer literacy courses are likely to be attended by pensioners who want to learn the basics of working with a computer in order to be able to communicate on social networks - it is more convenient for them to study in the morning (in the morning). And, if we take courses with the 1C: Accounting platform as an example, then they will most likely be attended by novice entrepreneurs or people who want to improve their professional knowledge - and it will be more convenient for them to study in the evenings, after their main work.

Section 3Sales and marketing

Centers engaged in educational activities in large cities are distinguished by a recognizable corporate identity, a memorable name, and their own logo. In order to attract the attention of potential consumers in the city of Khabarovsk, the name "Vector" was chosen. The word "vector" itself has a direct meaning - it is a directed segment, that is, a segment that has a length and a certain direction. The concept of this word is consistent with the definition of the direction of our activity and, moreover, is easy to remember.

Also, one of the basic defining components is a good location. Therefore, it is necessary for the office to rent a room in the city center, in one of shopping centers or business centers located in the center in the city of Khabarovsk.

At the beginning of its activity, when a permanent client base has not yet been formed, it is necessary to cooperate with a promotion company. For cooperation, a well-known company in Khabarovsk - "Far Eastern Association for the Quality of Advertising and Marketing", which is located at: st. Gamarnika, 72 of. 301. She offers the following services: branding, organizing an advertising campaign, conducting marketing research, marketing outsourcing.

Also, at the initial stage of activity, in order to attract customers, it will be necessary to hold promotions and introduce various bonuses. For example, these can be shares:

· "Bring a friend - get a 10 percent discount!";

· "Repost us on Instagram - get one lesson for free!"

· … and other similar promotions widely known to marketers and PR people.

Special attention for the promotion of the services of the center "Vector" deserve social media. This is one of the least expensive and, at the same time, highly effective methods of promoting services. It is necessary to create pages of the Vector Center in well-known and replicated social networks (, Instagram, Telegramm, Twitter, VKontakte, as well as other social networks).

Also, it is necessary to give preference to the "ordinary" methods of advertising, such as: posters, leaflets, distribution of business cards, advertising on cars, flyers, and so on.

In addition, one of the least expensive word of mouth methods is that our graduates or those who are already studying will recommend the Vector center to their friends if we create a cozy and favorable atmosphere in our center and hire highly qualified staff.

It is important to apply the full range of measures to promote your services, this will bring a faster and more effective result.

Section 4. Production plan

It is necessary to outline the main steps that should be taken to create a center for personal growth "Vector".

Table 1 continued



The cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Bookcase for books

2 500

5 000


15 000

15 000

Personal computers

21 000

84 000


Of necessity

5 000

5 000


3 000

3 000

Electric kettle

2 000

2 000

Wardrobe for clothes

7 100

7 100


4 000

4 000


305 600

Step 4. Search for administrative staff, teachers and leaders of courses and trainings

Recruitment can be done in several ways:

1. Through specialized sites that post applicants' resumes (usually on well-known recruiting sites, access to applicants' profiles is provided to a recruiter for 15,000 rubles for an unlimited period, or for 200 rubles for one profile);

2. Search for employees through friends and acquaintances;

3. Placement of vacancy announcements on free Internet resources (Avito, and others);

4. Search for teachers in universities, technical schools, schools, and private and public centers for advanced training.

Continuing education is one of essential requirements in all areas of activity. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are trained on an ongoing basis, constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Thanks to this, educational or training centers have become widespread. Open your own training center - promising idea, requiring certain knowledge from the field of entrepreneurial activity and the availability of a competent business plan for the training center.

The training center aims to conduct in order to provide additional education or advanced training of specialists of various levels. In connection with such specifics, the main consumers will be individuals or organizations interested in receiving various educational services.

Most modern companies implement international corporate standards as the basis of their activities. This allows you to increase the level of professionalism of employees, improve the microclimate within the team and increase productivity, while increasing the quality of the company as a whole. Compliance with certain standards promotes employee motivation and retention, preventing employee turnover.

The main reason why new market participants should take up this type of activity can be called a significant increase in demand, as well as a lack of modern training centers that meet the requirements modern society. At the same time, an increasing number of companies, especially international ones, are striving to meet existing standards.

As for the form of entrepreneurial activity, for a training center that claims to cooperate with large corporations, the status is more suitable. legal entity. When forming an LLC, its creator actually declares his seriousness and reliability, confirming these qualities with a charter and the contribution of authorized capital. In addition, applying for a loan to a bank in the status of a legal entity, it is easier for the applicant to get a positive answer. The same applies to cooperation with potential clients– more confidence is caused by training centers, formalized as an opening or closed joint-stock companies.

The LLC registration process includes preparation constituent documents according to this list:

  1. - the charter, which will indicate the type of activity of the company;
  2. - the decision to establish an LLC;
  3. - decision on the appointment of the head;
  4. - minutes of the meeting of founders;
  5. - receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. — confirmation of the contribution of the authorized capital;
  7. — copies of personal documents of all founders.

These some other documents that may be requested from the tax service are submitted along with a completed application, which indicates the appropriate one for the selected type of activity OKVED codes. The main code may be 85.41 "Additional education for children and adults." But other basic and additional codes are also possible - it is important that the services offered correspond to the declared information.

Financial aspects of the business plan of the training center

An enterprise providing additional educational services, according to preliminary calculations, needs financing. The most rational way to get the necessary funds is to turn to lending. According to the provisions of the business plan, it will be necessary to obtain a bank loan of a commercial nature in the amount of 1 million 950 thousand rubles. This is the approximate size of the total cost of this project. The duration of the project from the moment of its launch until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency will be 2 years. Taking into account the fact that the interest rate will be 14 percent, and payments on the loan will begin from the first month of the establishment of the center, the total amount of interest payments for this period will be approximately 123 thousand rubles. For the selected period, the overall economic effect will reach 9 million 242 thousand rubles.

Such figures can be obtained, given the fact that large training companies that rely on the long term can focus on an annual turnover of 1.5 billion rubles, subject to the conclusion of a contract of at least 3 million. But such centers must have highly qualified specialists who need an appropriate salary level, as well as a massive marketing campaign. Medium-sized training centers that do not claim to be premium-class trainers should expect that in the first year of operation, big profits should not be expected - during this period, all efforts and funds are invested in the development of the company, attracting qualified trainers and selecting a customer base. The main reason why most centers get a zero balance by the end of the first year is the lack of really big clients. This is logical - in the first 2 years, the company only earns a reputation in the market.

In addition to lending as the main source of new business investment, entrepreneurs resort to other sources of financing. Approximately 30% will fall on the issuance of bonds, 25% - the placement of shares on the stock exchange, 23% - the participation of financial investors and within 14% - own funds.

Similar calculations can be obtained by analyzing the existing proposals in the industry, studying pricing policy and comparing this data with the expenses incurred during the opening and promotion of the company.

When planning the pricing policy of the future center, it is necessary to take into account all existing factors. Thus, the average price of an open curriculum is from 300 to 700 dollars. True, in elite organizations, the cost can significantly exceed this figure. Corporate programs will cost from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Depending on the territorial features, composition and saturation curricula and the qualifications and reputation of coaches, the price indicator can vary significantly upwards.

The profitable part of the business plan is determined by several important features - the level of demand, the state of this market segment and the nature of the proposals specific organization. At the same time, in order to avoid bias in the calculations, the lowest profitability threshold should be taken into account, not forgetting the existing risks.

Taking into account that the period during which the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency and will bring a stable income will be approximately 2 years, you should prepare a plan for the volume of services provided during this billing period:

If the indicated financial results are maintained during the first two years and, in addition, the trend towards profit growth and an increase in the client base continues (in this case, the growth rate will be from 20 to 55 percent per year), the annual growth in sales volumes will reach the level of 18 million rubles or more.

One of the main points of the business plan will be its expenditure side. If we take into account the most significant items of expenditure, we can draw the following conclusion:

Item of expenses 1 month, rub. 12 months, rub. One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Buying or renting premises 93.8 thousand 1 million 125 thousand 187.5 thousand 1 million 313 thousand
Purchase of equipment 37.9 thousand 37.9 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 81 thousand 81 thousand
Creation of a website, hosting, purchase of scripts 92 thousand 92 thousand
Advertising expenses 50 thousand 600 thousand 200 thousand 600 thousand
Wage 738 thousand 8 million 856 thousand 8 million 856 thousand
tax payments 236 thousand 2 million 832 thousand 2 million 832 thousand
Unforeseen expenses 93.6 thousand 93.6 thousand
Total 882 thousand 10 million 880 thousand 1 million 30 thousand 11.5 million

When drawing up a financial plan, be sure to take into account all existing risks. The most significant factors include:

  1. - high competition, which has a constant upward trend;
  2. — uncertainty in market trends;
  3. — high level of investment.

All of these factors, common to most organizations providing continuing education services, can be overcome by providing the highest quality of services and developing an effective marketing strategy.

The tax part of the costs will depend on two main factors - the chosen taxation system and the income that the organization receives. But in general, the list of tax deductions for the training center will be standard:

The conclusion that can be drawn as a result of studying the market for additional educational and training services is very optimistic: this sector is very promising and is constantly open to new participants. By properly organizing the activities of the company, it is possible to make it a highly profitable business with a tendency to constant development and expansion. Having calculated financial investments and expected income, you can pre-plan all the steps of creating and developing an organization in advance.

The purpose of the business plan: implementation of the target “Development Program of the MOU Gymnasium No. 24” for the provision of educational services to the population for 2006-2011.

The program is a long-term normative and managerial document that characterizes the existing achievements and problems, the main goals, objectives and directions of the educational process, the features of the resource support of the pedagogical process and its innovative transformations, the main planned goals, terms and technologies for their implementation.

Business plan objectives:

  1. Determination of specific areas of activity of the gymnasium (educational and educational services, additional education services, including sports, artistic and aesthetic, musical orientation, etc.).
  2. Evaluation of the competitiveness of the services provided by the gymnasium.
  3. Assessment of the compliance of human and material resources with the goals set.
  4. Assessment of the possibilities of modernizing the methods of material incentives for teachers.
  5. Development of a system of social partnership and attraction of potential benefactors.
  6. Improving the system of spending budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

Potential efficiency of the project.

  • obtaining objective results of activities for a certain period;
  • increasing the degree of innovation and quality of education;
  • improving the professional skills of the teaching staff;
  • increase in funding sources;
  • strengthening the material and technical base of the gymnasium.

Services offered and their purpose.

The gymnasium offers the population of the city a wide range of educational services:

  • educational services, including teaching schoolchildren according to standard and adapted programs of basic curriculum, training in programs of in-depth study of the subject, training in programs using the gymnasium component (expansion of curricula in subjects), the introduction of new subjects, special courses, electives not provided for by the basic curriculum (“school component”);
  • additional education services (circles, sections and courses) in accordance with the social order of the population (programs “Gamma”, “Accord”, “Ecomir”);
  • educational services for the preparation and adaptation of preschoolers to the conditions of school life (program "School of a preschooler");
  • services for preparing graduate students for entering universities, for passing exams in the form of the Unified State Exam and in a new form in the 9th grade (“Chance” program);
  • health care services, promotion healthy lifestyle life, sports sections (Health League program);
  • services to ensure the cultural leisure of students of the gymnasium;
  • services to ensure the safety of students of the gymnasium.

Potential consumers of services:

Predominantly the population of the Krasnaya Gorka microdistrict, as well as other residents of the northern part of the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow Region

The structure of competitors' services.

The educational space of the northern part of the city of Lyubertsy has 6 educational institutions, more than 10 institutions of preschool education, a branch of MIKHS, 2 institutions of additional education, 1 institution of culture. In this regard, the set of educational services offered by the gymnasium turned out to be partially identical to those offered by other educational institutions. There was a need to expand the range of services and develop additional education programs in accordance with the social order of the population, to revise the working hours of the gymnasium due to the variety of forms of extracurricular and out-of-school work.

Benefits received by consumers of gymnasium services.

  • high quality of education at the expense of budgetary financing, contributing to admission to universities on a budgetary basis;
  • multidirectionality and differentiation of education in the gymnasium;
  • communication with universities in Moscow;
  • high level of professional training of teaching staff;
  • variety of additional services offered;
  • high level and wide range of cultural and leisure activities;
  • developed and implemented system of extracurricular educational activities with the involvement of museums in Moscow;
  • modern material and technical equipment of classrooms;
  • the uniqueness of the organization of the educational process;
  • introduction of a 10-point system for assessing students' knowledge, which creates a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom;
  • the functioning of the system of educational work, creating an alternative to self-destructive behavior (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction);
  • flexibility and democratic style of management of the gymnasium;
  • a high degree of innovativeness of the educational process.

Financing of educational institutions is carried out at the expense of local and regional budgets and today cannot meet all the needs of the gymnasium and fully contribute to its continuous development, therefore, it became necessary to search for other forms of financial economic activity, in additional sources of budgetary and extrabudgetary funding.

Marketing plan.

  1. improve the quality of education;
  2. improve the system of incentives (including material incentives) to attract highly qualified personnel, including university professors and employees of scientific institutions;
  3. to intensify participation in various creative competitions and projects, including Russian and international ones;
  4. enhance advertising campaign in the media;
  5. constantly improve the material and technical base of the gymnasium;
  6. expand the network of social partners of the gymnasium;
  7. constantly look for other types of economic activity.

Manufacturing program.

MOU Gymnasium No. 24 is located in the center of a residential microdistrict, not far from the railway station "Lyubertsy", has a bus connection with the entire northern part of the city, so it is easy to get to the gymnasium from anywhere in Lyubertsy.

Additional education institutions and cultural institutions located on the North side are relatively far away (15-20 minutes on foot from the microdistrict of the gymnasium), so there is a need to develop the system of additional education in the gymnasium more widely, as well as to involve specialists from additional education institutions and recreation centers to work in the gymnasium - through the opening of circles on the basis of the gymnasium by concluding cooperation agreements with these institutions.

There is no library in the northern part of Lyubertsy, so students have a real need to use the possibilities of the school library more widely.

Programs implemented in the gymnasium at the expense of budget funding.

1. General education.

No. p / p Stages of education Programs
1. Primary general education. Training according to standard state programs.

2. Early English Programs

3. Programs of in-depth study of the English language (from grade 2).

4. Education according to innovative programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: “School 2100”, INOS programs, etc.

5. Implementation of the variable part of the curriculum. The introduction of subjects that expand the gymnasium component, as well as an increase in hours to deepen and expand the main subjects of the curriculum.

2. Basic general education. 1. Implementation of the invariant part of the curriculum.

3. Introduction of a second foreign language.

5. The introduction of electives and special courses to increase the motivation of students and deepen (expand) individual topics of academic subjects.

3. Secondary (complete) general education. 1. Implementation of the invariant part of the curriculum.

2. Programs of in-depth study of the English language.

3. Learning a second foreign language.

4. Implementation of the variable part of the curriculum. The introduction of subjects that expand the gymnasium component, as well as an increase in hours to deepen and expand the main subjects of the curriculum.

5. Introduction of electives and special courses to deepen (expand) individual topics And educational subjects.

2. Additional education.

Main goals:

  • providing the necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion and early professional self-determination of children;
  • providing educational motivations and the formation of the need for continuous education, the creation of meaningful communication environments;
  • adaptation of children to life in a team and in society;
  • formation of a common culture of the individual on the basis of national and world cultures;
  • assistance in vocational guidance for children and adolescents in accordance with the situation on the labor market;
  • formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle;

To implement these tasks, curricula of additional education have been developed in the following areas:

  1. Program "Gamma": artistic and applied direction.
  2. Program "Accord": musical and aesthetic direction.
  3. Program "Ecomir": ecological direction.
  4. Health League program: sports direction.
  5. Chance Program: Preparation for Continuing Education

Expected results:

  • mastering the basics of artistic culture and achieving by children, regardless of their giftedness, a sufficiently high level of artistic training.
  • development of performing and creative skills and abilities of each student:
  • development of the sphere of aesthetic feelings and thoughts of each child;
  • development of communicative abilities of children, reduction of the level of anxiety and development of adequate self-esteem;
  • formation of active personal behavior in society;
  • formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening of mental, physical, moral health;
  • formation of team play skills and personal responsibility;
  • high-quality preparation of students for continuing education;
  • mastering the skills of early scientific and research creativity;
  • training in programs of extended and in-depth study of the subject (mathematics, Russian language, chemistry, physics, English language and etc.)

3. Programs implemented in the gymnasium at the expense of extrabudgetary funding.

Ways to implement the program:

1) The work of teachers primary school, English teachers, school psychologist;

2) Material support (printed handouts, visual aids).

3) Conducting joint round tables, meetings, teachers' councils with MDOU employees;

4) Professional development of ShBP teachers.

5) Consultations of a speech therapist.

Expected results:

  • communication skills and elementary social skills;
  • the ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts;
  • readiness of the child to study in the 1st grade, sustainable motivation to study at school;
  • mastering the primary skills and abilities necessary for successful schooling; memory development.

In the gymnasium, since 2000, the parent Local Public Organization for Assistance to School No. 24 has been successfully functioning (certificate of state registration No. ... dated ... 2000). The objectives of the activities of the International Organization for Assistance ..., reflected in the Charter, are:

1) promoting the harmonious development of the personality of the students of the gymnasium,

2) assistance to the teaching staff in creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the educational process in the gymnasium,

3) involvement of employees and parents in improving the educational process, increasing its efficiency”. (Article 2 “Goals of the organization”).

Members of the organization can be individuals and legal entities “interested in the joint achievement of the specified goals” (clause 3.1 of the Charter), i.e. predominantly parents of students. All voluntary contributions are spent, according to the estimate of the Organization, for its statutory purposes, including the provision of additional educational services. The opportunity to provide additional educational services at the expense of non-budgetary funding makes it possible to expand the network of additional education, provide services directly at the gymnasium and, thus, is a weighty argument in favor of the gymnasium over competitors.

International Public Organization Assistance to School No. 24 is a non-profit, legally independent organization. All decisions on the expenditure of membership and earmarked contributions are made by the Council of the IPO.

Forms of remuneration, including additional material and social benefits.

The salary of employees of institutions includes rates wages(official salaries), tariff rates, compensation and incentive payments.

The stimulating part of the salary is assigned for high-quality and creative performance official duties, increasing labor efficiency, exceeding volume indicators, high labor productivity.

Incentive payments to employees of the MOU gymnasium No. 24 are made in order to: improve the quality of educational and upbringing processes; strengthening the material interest of employees of the MOU gymnasium No. 24; development of creative activity and initiative.

The source of financing of the incentive part of wages is the funds allocated for incentive payments, which make up 10% of the base part of the wage fund for the current financial year.

Employees of the Municipal Educational Institution of Gymnasium No. 24 may be paid material assistance. Employees are paid a holiday bonus, and a lump-sum bonus can also be paid.

The incentive part of the salary for employees of the MOU gymnasium No. 24 is established on the basis of the decision of the Governing Council by order of the director in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for distributing the differentiated incentive part of wages to the employees of the MOU gymnasium No. 24 / (Adopted by the Governing Council September 14, 2007, put into effect by order No. ...)

Risk assessment.

  • availability of alternative services from competitors;
  • low solvency of residents of the microdistrict;
  • insufficient budget financing of economic activities of the gymnasium;
  • the possibility of an outflow of highly qualified teaching staff to Moscow; higher wages in the capital;
  • reduction in the number of students due to the difficult demographic situation;
  • moral and physical deterioration of equipment and communications;
  • reduction charitable assistance from the social partners of the gymnasium;
  • objective difficulties in the transition to a new wage system.

Financial plan.

Budget appropriations.

Expenditure 2006 2007 Estimated for 2008
Catering for schoolchildren (regional subventions)
Acquisition library fund (regional subventions)
Acquisition of educational equipment
Purchase of medicines (local budget)
Current repair of buildings, structures and premises (local budget)
Subscription to periodical literature (newspapers, magazines) (local budget)
Private security (local budget)
Acquisition Supplies to accompany the educational process (regional subventions and local budget)

Extrabudgetary appropriations.

Voluntary targeted and membership fees to the International Public Organization of Assistance to School No. 24 are received unevenly during the calendar year, so these funds are spent “after the fact”.

Spending extrabudgetary funds.

Estimated amount of financial support for the implementation of the Development Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the gymnasium No. 24 (annually raised funds)

Amount of required financial support Planned channels of receipt of funds What will the funds be spent on?
1,000 thousand rubles Funds from the local budget Repair of sewerage and water supply systems
900 thousand rubles Funds from the local budget Installation of APS and fire alarm systems
600 thousand rubles Regional subventions Installing licensed software on a PC
300 thousand rubles Extrabudgetary funds of the International Educational Institution of Assistance to School No. 24 Purchase of furniture for classrooms.
400 thousand rubles Funds of philanthropists Cosmetic repairs of school premises

The implementation of this plan in full is possible only with the full financing of the Gymnasium Development Program, i.e. the business plan reflects the ideal model for financing an educational institution from all attracted sources of income.

Draft cost estimate of the MOU gymnasium No. 24 (in case of receiving a grant)

Directions for spending funds The amount of funds spent from the federal budget
1. Purchase of equipment for information technologies(multimedia equipment, interactive whiteboards) 650 thousand rubles
2. Acquisition of the necessary equipment to create a gym 190 thousand rubles
3. Replenishment of the school media library. 20 thousand rubles
4. Acquisition of encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries for the school library. 10 thousand rubles
5. Installation of air conditioners in computer science rooms (according to the requirements of SanPiN) 130 thousand rubles

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