Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the public catering industry in Russia. Review of the public catering market Analysis of the domestic market of catering establishments

3.1 Features of the analysis of the catering services market
The market is a system of relations in which the connections between buyers and sellers are so free that prices for the same goods tend to equalize. A market is a place where goods are bought and sold at freely determined prices.
The market is, first of all, a meeting place between seller and buyer; an exchange is carried out between them at a price that was agreed upon. In this case, there is a voluntary alienation of one’s property and the appropriation of someone else’s. Therefore, the market means the mutual transfer of property rights.
To carry out a transaction, costs associated with searching for information, negotiating, determining the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the purchased product or service, specification and protection of property rights, concluding a contract, etc. are necessary. Therefore, the market can be defined as a set of transactions. During the exchange, a kind of accounting and public assessment of the goods sold occurs. The market acts as a specific form of relationship between producers isolated within the framework of the social division of labor, each of whom operates independently, at their own peril and risk. Social needs are identified through a price system. They convey information that serves as an incentive to apply the most economical methods of production and make the most efficient use of limited resources. Thus, the market contributes to the redistribution of income in favor of better economic entities that use advanced technology and high-quality resources.
In a developed industrial society, the market is not an area where individual buyers and sellers meet by chance, but a social mechanism that provides constant communication between producers and consumers of economic goods. Wholesale buyers and sellers play an important role in equalizing supply and demand and establishing equilibrium prices.
A developed market, as is known, presupposes not only the existence of a market for goods, but also a market for various services. At the same time, the services market is considered as a sphere of exchange of services that are the result of the labor of non-productive enterprises.
The services market exists in unity with the goods market and is one of its varieties, developing within the framework of general laws market economy and subject to these laws. At the same time, it has a number of specific features that determine a special approach to business and marketing activities designed to satisfy demand.
The main features of the services market include:
    High dynamism of market processes. It is associated both with the dynamic nature of demand for services, which is significantly influenced by the temporary factor, and with the dynamics of supply in this market, due to the flexibility of the industry structure of services.
    Territorial segmentation. Forms provision of services, the demand and operating conditions of service enterprises depend on the characteristics of the territory covered by a specific market. Therefore, the territorial (geographical) criterion is decisive in this case.
    Local character. This property of the services market is also due to the influence of territorial specifics. Experiencing the influence of territorial conditions, the services market acquires a clear spatial delineation, within which socio-economic characteristics that are different from others, but similar to each other, are formed. It is localized within territorial entities, although the scale of these entities may be different.
    High rate of capital turnover. It is a consequence of a shorter production cycle and comes as one of the main advantages of a service business.
    High sensitivity to changes in market conditions. It is due to the impossibility of storing, warehousing and transporting services and, as a rule, the temporal and spatial coincidence of their production and consumption. This property of services creates certain difficulties in production and business activities, as it imposes increased requirements for the accuracy of analysis and forecast of demand for services and other factors of the market environment, and increases the degree of risk from their unpredictable changes.
    Specifics of organizing the production of services. Service providers are usually small and medium-sized enterprises of various profiles. With greater mobility, these enterprises have ample opportunities to respond flexibly to changes in market conditions. In addition, they tend to be more effective in local markets.
    Specifics of the service provision process. This specificity is due to personal contact between the manufacturer and the consumer. Such contact, on the one hand, creates conditions for expanding communication ties, but on the other hand, it increases the requirements for professional qualifications, experience, ethics and general culture of the manufacturer.
    High degree of differentiation of services. It relates to the diversification, personification and individualization of demand for services. The complex structure of demand determines the emergence of new, non-standard services, and this process is increasingly developing as market demand becomes saturated. This property of the services market can be considered as the most important incentive for innovation activity in this area, since the search for new services becomes a permanent process.
    Uncertainty of the result of activities to provide a service. The result of service activities, subject in many cases to the influence of the personal qualities of the producer, cannot be determined in advance with sufficient accuracy. Its final assessment is possible only after consuming the service. Initially, only indirect methods for determining it can be used, which, given the high sensitivity of the market to changes in market factors, do not always give sufficiently correct results. To prevent possible mistakes, it is necessary to apply specific marketing techniques: diversify the range of services, improve communication policy, apply modern methods demand forecasting, develop a demand monitoring system, etc.
Service catering as the most important object for making a profit in combination with the interests of the consumer, it represents a special type of business - production and commercial, i.e. commercial activities in organizing the collective use of public catering products (services).
The services of public catering establishments, like any product, must meet certain criteria, the main of which are: the quality of product preparation and the quality of service, i.e. satisfying the physiological and cultural needs of consumers, their tastes, creating an atmosphere of ease and comfort in places where food is sold and consumed, aimed at attracting as many potential consumers as possible.
In the public catering system, market relations have received the greatest development. It is they who form an effective mechanism for meeting the needs of the population, in contrast to the “Soviet era,” when public catering services were aimed at the “mass” of consumers, but did not satisfy the needs of a specific consumer. Currently, the mission of public catering enterprises is to satisfy the individual, personalized needs of the population not only in catering services, but also in organizing leisure time for the population.
In modern socio-economic conditions of transition to the market, the structure, nature and quality of public catering services are changing.
The attitude towards the consumer has changed, since the competitiveness of food enterprises depends on the quality of products and services, their diversity, and the attractiveness of a particular business entity for the consumer.
Services are a historically developing and changing category. At one or another stage of economic development, some services become firmly established and become traditional, while others are just emerging.
The development of services provided by public catering enterprises to consumers is objective in nature and is determined by a number of factors:
– firstly, the development of services has become an objective need of citizens, as well as consumers and manufacturers of means of production, who give preference to those public catering establishments where they can receive most of the known types of services that save time and money, create comfort and provide a guarantee of the quality of consumed products ;
– secondly, scientific and technological progress creates ever new prerequisites for the expansion of services in the field of public catering, creates the need for the development of services and at the same time ensures the development of services.
Taking into account these factors and trends in the growth of supply and consumption of services in our country and abroad, it can be argued that the need for services will outstrip the need for goods. However, it should be noted that commercial prospects are an important, but far from the only reason for the development of the service sector. The development of this sphere is closely related to the solution of many problems of the socially oriented economy, in the direction in which our country is developing.
In the Russian economy of the pre-reform period, catering services were assigned a passive role: enterprises were chosen by the consumer, mainly depending on the quality and range of dishes offered. Currently, the attendance of public catering establishments directly depends on the range and quality of the services provided. The state’s income, the profit of the food service enterprise, comfort, safety, and the welfare of consumers depend on the quality of services. The connection here is direct and obvious: high-quality services attract attention and make people want to use them more often.
Catering services make up an increasingly large share in the production program of enterprises. The selection of public catering services is due to their importance in the modern life of consumers, namely: in addition to catering and sales of products, an increasingly large share in the structure of functions is made up of various services, which are fundamental when the population chooses food establishments.
The services of a public catering enterprise as an economic category with consumer value and cost and as the main function of public catering were practically not considered in the theoretical developments of the pre-reform period in Russia. Most sources provide only the definition established by GOST R 50647–94: the service of a public catering enterprise is the result of the activities of enterprises and citizen-entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the population for nutrition and leisure activities.
This definition does not reflect the versatility and specificity of catering services. The service of a public catering enterprise is not only the result of activity, but also the action itself, which is manifested in the organization of catering, in the quality of products, services, and organization of leisure activities for the population. Consequently, the content of the activities of public catering enterprises to meet the needs of the population changes fundamentally.
The essence of catering services should be understood as a set of actions or the result of the activities of enterprises and citizen entrepreneurs, related or not related to public catering products, aimed at meeting the needs of the population for nutrition and leisure time and which are the object of purchase and sale.
There is a huge variety of service markets with their inherent conditions of formation and factors for the development of economic conditions. Each service market and each stage of development of its environment is characterized by its own combination of factors that determine the features and parameters of long-term trends, medium-term fluctuations and short-term changes, their relative importance, and the ranking of their interaction with each other.
The term conjuncture is of Latin origin, and denotes the economic situation that has developed on the market at the moment or for some limited period of time and reflects the current state of supply and demand. The market environment determines the value and competitiveness of goods and services.
The concept of market situation includes:
– degree of market balance (ratio of supply and demand);
– formed, emerging or changed trends in its development;
– level of stability or fluctuations of its basic parameters;
– the scale of market operations and the degree of business activity;
– level of commercial (market) risk;
– the strength and scope of competition;
– the state and position of the market at a certain point in the economic or seasonal cycle.
The characteristic features of the situation are:
– constant variability, short-term and long-term fluctuations as a result of the influence of various factors;
– exceptional inconsistency, expressed in the fact that different indicators of the situation at the same time indicate the presence of opposite trends;
– unevenness, which is especially clearly visible when changes in various indicators coincide in direction, but not in pace (unevenness exacerbates the imbalances in the development of sectors of the national economy);
– the unity of opposites that develops in the course of production represents the entire process of reproduction, considered directly in market terms.
The situation is characterized primarily by the relationship between supply and demand. This relationship changes depending on one or another factor that has a direct impact on demand or supply, or on demand and supply at the same time, and in turn gives rise to certain trends in commodity circulation. Market development occurs through the constant overcoming of the contradiction between supply and demand, which determines the entire dialectic of a given economic category.

Analysis of the public catering market in Russia
Currently, a strict classification of establishments has not been developed in the Russian catering market. In world practice, there are many principles for classifying restaurants: by assortment, by staff qualifications, by target audience, by price level.
In the traditional classification established by GOST R 50762-95, restaurants are divided into three classes: luxury, highest and first, each of which meets a specific set of requirements. However, in modern conditions, a slightly different gradation is more often used: elite, middle-class (democratic) restaurants and fast food.
In addition, in addition to ordinary bars and cafes, in recent years a special type of catering establishments has appeared - coffee shops.

In the structure of the chain segment, the largest share in terms of the number of establishments is occupied by establishments in the low-price segment Street Food and Fast Food - 39% and 30%, respectively; the affordable price segment accounts for 31% of the market. In 2008, 393 Russian and international chains of catering establishments (uniting 3 or more points under one brand) operated in the largest cities of Russia, and the 10 largest chains accounted for about 30% of the total number of chain catering establishments operating in Russia
In recent years, the restaurant business has attracted more and more investors from the most different areas business. Given the economic growth of the country and the welfare of the population, the market was quite attractive. Japanese sushi bars occupy a significant share of the opening of restaurants lately. For public catering establishments, the presence of a so-called “anchor” is of great importance, ensuring a constant flow of customers. That is why most of the restaurants are located in central areas, which is explained by the attractiveness of the city center for spending time among residents and guests of the city.
However, in restaurant business there are also negative sides. Thus, in Russia there is no serious market experience in the restaurant industry and long-standing traditions. In addition, there is no established methodological base to help run a business.

Experts note that the average per capita cost of restaurant services in Russia is significantly lower than similar indicators in other countries. For example, in 2007 in Russia, the average per capita cost of eating out was just under 4 thousand rubles. per person per year. This is significantly less than in the USA (38 thousand rubles for 2005), France (25 thousand rubles for 2005) and Germany (12 thousand rubles for 2005). Such a lag in Russia’s indicators indicates the high potential of the restaurant market and its insufficient saturation.
Table 1. Average per capita costs of eating out in different countries, thousand rubles per person per year

The structure of the market changed at different stages of its development. During the first half of the 1990s, the undisputed market leaders were kiosks and tents, as well as expensive restaurants. And this exactly corresponded to the structure of society, which was divided into the very rich and the very poor.
The continued economic growth that followed increased the prosperity and living standards of the middle class, which began to actively catch up. As a result, in recent years and until the start of the global financial crisis, the main contribution to the development of the market was made by enterprises of the democratic segment: coffee shops, casual dinning restaurants, fast casual restaurants.
At the same time, the fast food segment was developing most dynamically, and its annual growth, according to DISCOVERY Research Group estimates, was 20-27%. In turn, the luxury restaurant segment slowed down its growth rate.
There was also a trend of active market growth in the regions, since setting up a business in Moscow is now quite difficult due to growing competition, high rental rates and a lack of qualified personnel. Thus, Moscow is several years ahead of other regions in development, and has already gone through a phase of intensive growth. In this regard, the growth rate of the Moscow market in 2007 was already lower than the same indicator for Russia.
. Currently, the market is highly fragmented, with single catering establishments occupying a significant share of it. According to RosBusinessConsulting estimates, at the end of the first half of 2008, the 10 largest chains accounted for about 30% of the total number of chain catering establishments operating in Russia. However, it is network concepts that have the greatest potential, and will continue to strengthen their positions in the future.
The network segment of the Russian public catering market is also significantly fragmented. The first mergers and acquisitions in the Russian public catering market were recorded back in 2005. Chains such as Rostix and KFC, Five Stars and Prime and others have combined their efforts, resources and reputation to operate more efficiently in market. The trend of market consolidation will intensify over the coming years.

The ensuing crisis also had an impact on the redistribution of shares between players in different price segments of the market. Thus, the income of restaurants in the upper price segment from November 2008 to March 2009 decreased by 20-30%, and in the low price segment they increased by the same order. The middle price segment is relatively stable, and will continue to grow after the consequences of the crisis disappear.
In the first quarter of 2009, the market grew slightly compared to the same period in the previous year. The growth rate was only 8.4%; over the past 9 years, this figure has remained at 30%.

The reason was a decrease in interest in eating out from the middle class, affected by the economic crisis. The majority of restaurants are aimed at representatives of the middle class. As a result, the growth rate of the foodservice industry is slowing down. According to the research company Comcon, in the first quarter of 2009, 14.7% of Muscovites regularly visited restaurants, and in the same period a year earlier - 21.3% (Figure 3). Meanwhile, visitors to even the best restaurants began to save on food. The gourmet strategy is to switch to cheaper analogues of European wines from Chile or Australia. And instead of aged cognac, you can drink vodka - already on alcohol the bill is halved. The trend that it is fashionable to be expensive has passed. Now visitors will pay more attention to the quality of the cuisine.
Even people who can afford to lead their previous lifestyle are starting to save, although the crisis has not affected them. As a result, in the premium restaurant class, turnover fell by a quarter.

The crisis hit premium catering and helped inexpensive establishments. Trade turnover of expensive Moscow restaurants decreased by 25-30%. In addition, the cost of the average restaurant bill has decreased and the number of customers has decreased.
Meanwhile, in chain restaurants and cafes of the mid-price category, as well as in small catering outlets with affordable prices, the number of visitors has not decreased, and in some places even increased.

Thus, in the fast food segment there were no fewer visitors, although the average bill decreased by 4%. This is called the "lipstick syndrome": during the American Great Depression, several markets benefited, such as the market for cheap cosmetics. McDonald's plays the role of the main “lipstick” in a crisis: in the United States, back in October 2008, the chain set a record monthly growth of 8%. The net profit of the American fast food restaurant chain at the end of 2008 almost doubled. Thus,
Profits of fast food restaurants reached $4.3 billion instead of $2.4 billion in 2007. Despite the crisis, the McDonald's chain plans to open 240 new restaurants in 2009. Restaurants will be opened mainly in Spain, France, Italy, Russia, and Poland.
It is noteworthy that the development program planned for the year in Europe is the largest in the last 5 years: in recent years, McDonald's has focused on increasing the returns from existing outlets.
In Russia this network also continues to develop, while plans to open new points of the chain do not change, the company is ready to invest $30 million in 30 new Russian restaurants

The main problems that owners of public catering chains have to solve during the crisis are the following: staff shortages, rising food prices and the weak development of franchising in Russia.
But the main problem of the market is finding a premises that meets the necessary parameters and is located in a place with high traffic.
This explains the interest of the owners of this industry in shopping centers– availability of space and high flow of visitors. The opening of establishments in certain buildings is prevented high prices for real estate.

At the same time, there are also positive aspects to the crisis for the public catering market: the crisis gave the market a new impetus for development by shifting the demand for food to a cheaper segment. To adapt to current conditions, players are reviewing existing development strategies: searching for new suppliers, negotiating rental rate reductions, optimizing personnel.

    Ways to develop a restaurant in the catering services market
      Restaurant merchandising techniques
Merchandising is the activity of a food company to increase sales of its own products, purchased goods and services.
The concept of merchandising is sometimes narrowed to the technology of displaying goods. However, this concept is broader and includes comprehensive activities aimed at increasing productivity and improving the profitability of the retail space. Basic rules: sell the right product; in the right place; at the right time; in the right quantity and at the right price.
Product merchandising is as important as developing a product brand, outdoor advertising or carrying out promotions. The fact is that merchandising is a set of measures aimed at promoting a particular product, brand, packaging in trading floor- i.e. in the place where the seller has the last chance:
· show the product to the buyer;
· influence his choice;
· push him to buy more units of the product.
Not using this chance means voluntarily refusing to improve the image of the product in the eyes of buyers, allowing the buyer to give preference to competitive products.
Professional merchandising is able to:
- help visitors feel more relaxed and free in choosing a product;
- manage the attention of buyers and form routes for their movement;
- reduce costs associated with advertising and consulting customers when choosing goods;
- use retail space more efficiently;
- increase retail turnover.
For this purpose, the restaurant uses various merchandising techniques:
- aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails, mixed drinks;
-introduction of new methods of serving dishes;
- organizing a show in the process of preparing and serving dishes and drinks;
-campaigning in the hall;
- persuasive selling;
- offering guests a choice of alternative products and services.
The aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails, and mixed drinks contributes to an effective impact on the consumer in order to increase sales. The impact on the consumer begins immediately upon entering a restaurant or bar: offering collection wines on mobile carts or in special cabinets; use of modern design trends in table setting; organization of salad and dessert bars in the hall; placing fresh fruit and a colorfully decorated cocktail of the day on the bar counter; serving fruit in a pumpkin vase, a cup in a watermelon, a cocktail in a frozen glass.
Merchandising techniques are used when organizing guest service in the hall. For example, a dish prepared for a company in its entirety is brought into the hall, portioned on a folding tray and served to the guests.
The main reasons why it is profitable for a restaurant to prepare dishes in the hall in front of guests are: the desire to whet the appetite, increase interest in the restaurant and increase sales of expensive dishes. To attract the attention of guests to these dishes, it is necessary to provide the correct description and photographs of them on the menu, and to train staff. Experienced chefs and production managers are invited to prepare dishes in front of visitors.
Flambing of second courses and desserts is also carried out in the presence of guests. The dishes are prepared directly in the hall by the chef or head waiter using show elements. Preparing cocktails using flaring techniques is an effective method for influencing restaurant guests; experienced bartenders who are fluent in these techniques are involved in the show.
The main methods of campaigning in the restaurant hall include: photographs of dishes placed on tables; placement of salad and dessert bars in the most visible place; making presentations; including a glass of wine or champagne in the Sunday brunch menu; arrangement of alcoholic drinks in the bar window with the label facing the guests; offering collection wine and decanting it.

Public catering plays an increasingly important role in life modern society. This is ensured, first of all, by changes in food processing technologies, the development of communications, means of delivering products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes.

According to international documents, the term “public catering” is characterized by such various definitions as “methods of preparing large quantities of food, carried out without prior agreement with the consumer,” or as any “types of catering organized outside the home.” Throughout the world, food service establishments are owned by either the public or private sector. The public catering sector includes catering establishments for children, preschoolers, schoolchildren, military personnel, prisoners, elderly people and persons undergoing treatment in hospital, as well as canteens for people employed in the public sector. The private sector may also include many of the businesses listed above, as well as restaurants and other types of retail outlets, generating income. This sector also includes businesses that produce ready-to-eat food sold through any of the above channels.

Due to the rapid development of the public catering network in recent years, some information areas in this service sector have not received due attention and data on the condition of this group of objects are quite heterogeneous, sometimes contradictory. At the same time, public nutrition is one of the most important factors giving integral assessment the socio-economic level of society and an understanding of its condition is necessary for the formation of long-term plans both for representatives of the industry and for organizations supervising the objects of this industry.

The need to comply with relevant sanitary standards in the public catering system is currently generally accepted and can be considered as not requiring proof - at least in relation to public catering establishments and government agencies involved in quality control food products.

The system of organized (public) catering in Russia has long traditions. Supervision of organizations and enterprises that provide such services to the population has no less long traditions.

Until the end of the eighties of the last century, the public catering system in Russia was a very homogeneous mass of enterprises providing, as a rule, socially oriented services.

A certain specificity of the Soviet public catering system was the one-time service of large masses of the population in industry and agriculture. At the same time, food was provided at reduced prices or free of charge. The negative aspect of this system was the forced limitation in the choice of dishes, and from a sanitary and hygienic point of view - the simultaneous processing of significant volumes of homogeneous raw materials, requiring large premises and, most importantly, the need for subsequent storage of significant volumes finished products. At the same time, an undoubted positive aspect of the existing system was the possibility of having specialized preventive and dietary nutrition in the form of separate halls or tables on the basis of canteens.

At that time, public catering enterprises were actively engaged in off-site (export) sales of finished products, which also created certain epidemiological problems.

With the beginning of economic reforms in the USSR, public catering was one of the platforms where both new economic mechanisms were developed and new relationships between private entrepreneurs and government agencies were formed. Co-operative cafes in the late eighties were beacons of the development of private enterprise.

However, by 1990, most of this market still belonged to the state.

Currently, the structure of public catering enterprises is represented by the following segments:

· Gastronomic restaurants

· Corporate catering

· Fast service

· Social nutrition

At the same time, there is another classification, which is determined by the functional affiliation of enterprises. Thus, meals on planes, trains, sea and road transport. At the same time, hotel catering is an activity that covers various market segments. Field service and culinary production have certain specifics. In the fast food system, there are stationary establishments and street kiosks (tonars). The social sector is heterogeneous in terms of its primary activities - schools, universities, hospitals, food in the army, food in correctional institutions.

All this requires individualization of methodological approaches both in organizing business and in supervising such a heterogeneous environment.

For example, in Russia up to 80% of students use catering services, which would seem to make it natural to choose canteens in educational institutions places to eat for students. However, according to various materials, a significant portion of students, especially in large cities, use fast food that is not related to their place of study.

The predominant number of public catering establishments is concentrated in the Central Federal District, and from the territories Russian Federation– in Moscow

In the Russian Federation, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for enterprises and organizations providing this type of service are presented both in an independent document - “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them” SP, and and in a significant number of specialized documents.

In general, public catering at the beginning of the 21st century continues to be a socially significant service with a significant epidemiological component.

A new aspect for public nutrition is the desire of part of the population to obtain “healthy nutrition” and formulate a diet taking into account the state of their own health. This aspect, as well as the development of the science of human nutrition in general, requires the staff of public catering establishments to introduce new technologies and previously unused raw materials, which entails certain difficulties in complying with the sanitary and epidemiological regime, because These technologies are often advanced in relation to regulatory factors.

Another new direction is the development of a “corporate catering” system. When placing an order, in this case, the place of food preparation and the place of its reception are separated by time and distance, which requires adjustment of existing ideas about the organized food system within the existing regulatory framework.

In general, the presented materials indicate the importance of preventive measures in the public catering system. Their organization should be based on a system of consistent actions of both the owner of the facility and the supervisory authorities. The main points are:

· compliance of project documentation with SanPiNov requirements

· compliance of technological documentation with SanPiNov requirements

· staff training

current sanitary condition of the facility

· organization of production control at all stages production process- from the supply of raw materials to the consumer.


At the beginning of winter 2007, there were slightly more than a thousand public catering establishments operating in Krasnodar. In total, the city today has 38 restaurants (with a total of 2,700 seats), 43 bars (with 1,600 seats), 367 cafes and more than 500 canteens and snack bars.

Recently, cafes and restaurants serving national cuisine have become increasingly popular in Krasnodar. The most popular in this segment, in our opinion, are the Magyar restaurant, offering dishes of the peoples of the Danube, and the Lyubo-Dorogo chain of restaurants and cafes, specializing in Russian cuisine and local, Kuban flavor in the interior. The restaurant "Carmelo", the cafe "Fratelli", presenting Italian cuisine, the restaurant "Beijing" and its Chinese cuisine, the restaurant "Urartu", offering dishes of the cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus, the restaurant "Chor-Minor", specializing in preparing dishes of Tajik cuisine, deserve high praise .

Today, according to operators of the Krasnodar restaurant market, the most popular formats are coffee shops and sushi bars. Moreover, classic restaurant concepts are undergoing all sorts of changes. So in Krasnodar, for example, in every coffee shop you can certainly smoke (some even have very respectable humidors with an impressive selection of cigars), in addition, coffee shops offer salads, soups, hot dishes, alcohol and even sushi. Sushi is generally offered in restaurants of a wide variety of gastronomic specialties.

There are also specialized sushi bars in the city. The average bill in such a restaurant is a thousand rubles per person. One sushi with salmon costs on average about 75 rubles, with shrimp - 85 rubles, Philadelphia roll - 320 rubles, seaweed salad - 350 rubles. It should be noted that almost all operators of the Japanese restaurant market purchase products from the same two or three companies that bring chilled and frozen fish and seafood to Krasnodar.

In our opinion, the most popular multifunctional entertainment centers in Krasnodar are “Seven Stars”, “Kvartal”, “Fondango”, “Aquatoria”, “Europe”, “Strike” and “Magistral”.

Entertainment center"Strike" is the largest leisure center in the city, it has 16 cafes and 1 restaurant (restaurant "Rustika", 7 fast food cafes "Maxi-Burger", 2 sports bars, 3 cinema cafes, cafe "Lubo-Burger", expensive", "Star Chicken", "Minami" sushi bar and "Baskin Robbins" ice cream parlor).

If three years ago a bill of 500 rubles per person was considered something indecent, today Krasnodar residents are ready to leave much larger sums in restaurants.

The largest operators of the public catering market in Krasnodar

"Any dear"

The Lyubo-Dorogo chain of enterprises unites eight catering enterprises and is the largest restaurant chain in the city. The network has two coffee shops “Lyubo-cafe”, six fast-food cafes “Lyubo-drogo” and its own preparation shop “Lyubo-sweet”. The first point of the network was opened three years ago. For network owners this is main business. More than 200 people work in the network. The main guest of all points is a poor city dweller. “Lyubo-sladki” is a pre-production confectionery shop that prepares confectionery products not only for the chain’s outlets, but also for Krasnodar supermarkets.

In addition to desserts, the Lyubo coffee shop also serves classic European cuisine, offers business lunches, and has a sushi page.

The prices on the Lubo-cafe menu are very reasonable. There is a puff omelette with ham, tomatoes and green onions for 89 rubles, pancakes with almond filling with orange sauce for 90 rubles, or fried suluguni cheese with vegetables and herbs for 55 rubles.


The Fratelli restaurant, whose name translates from Italian as “brothers,” belongs to two Krasnodar businessmen brothers. The restaurant is part of a holding company whose main activity is the sale of elite alcohol both in the HoReCa segment and at retail. The holding also owns a winery.

The price category in which the restaurant operates is super-premium. According to customers, this is the most expensive restaurant in Krasnodar. The average bill for two people in a restaurant is 6.5 thousand rubles. The cuisine is classic European, with a slight nod towards Italian cooking, but taking into account the Krasnodar flavor. Due to unstable supplies of products from Moscow, today some items, for example, oysters, are purchased by the restaurant directly in Europe. “On Fridays, a batch of 200 oysters is delivered to us, and by Saturday evening we are already running out of them,” says Sergei.

The Magyar restaurant has been operating since 2001 and specializes in the cuisine of the Danube peoples. The average cost of a bill is 800 rubles, but if you want, you can eat well for 300 or 1 thousand rubles - the price range on the menu is very significant.

The Strike holding includes cafes, bars, restaurants, entertainment complexes, bowling alleys, a network of casinos and halls gaming restaurants, the holding’s specialists also provide field service. Restaurants and cafes of Japanese cuisine of the holding are developing under the Minami brand. Today there are four outlets of the Minami cafe.

Today in Krasnodar the Strike holding is the most large company in the field of entertainment and catering.

The priority areas of the holding today are the chain of Japanese restaurants "Minami".

Southern Academy of Hospitality

In Krasnodar, the Southern Academy of Hospitality began operating in 2004, uniting operators of the entertainment and catering market of the city and region. The Academy's partners are hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, casinos, clubs, bowling alleys, travel companies, as well as food and equipment suppliers.

The goal of the Southern Academy of Hospitality is to increase the profitability of Academy members through the implementation of club, information, educational, consulting and other functions, civilized, beautiful and dynamic development of business in the field of hospitality for the benefit of guests and residents of the south of Russia, as well as increasing the level of service in the field of hospitality.

The main tasks of the Southern Academy of Hospitality:

Promoting the achievements of hospitality - meeting the needs of Academy members for improvement professional qualifications and in professional communication - assistance to Academy members in establishing mutually beneficial business connections among themselves and with foreign partners - coordination of efforts with government authorities to create conditions for civilized business in the field of hospitality - holding conferences, training seminars, competitions, exhibitions and professional festivals skills of specialists in the hotel and restaurant business, tourism, recreation and entertainment - providing the opportunity for club communication between hospitality industry professionals both among themselves and with specialists from other areas of business.

To date, the Academy has implemented several projects, including the publication “Map – “Hospitable Krasnodar” - business card of the best restaurants in the city, informing guests and residents of the south of Russia about the location and conditions of service at the enterprises of restaurant, entertainment and hotel complexes. The South Russian Forum "Profitable Hospitality" was held in 2004-2006.



Annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of the scientific work - Mayurnikova Larisa Aleksandrovna, Krapiva Tatyana Valerievna, Davydenko Natalia Ivanovna, Samoilenko K.V.

Growth rates of the Russian market catering(OP) in 2012 amounted to 12.8% and is ahead of the world average in monetary terms. However Russian market catering remains far from saturation, especially in regions remote from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The article presents the main trends in market development catering in regional conditions. At various stages of the work, the objects of research were: statistical reporting data (2007-2013), the enterprise market catering Kemerovo (2013). When analyzing theoretical positions, methods of systematization, classification, modeling, comparison, and generalization were used. It is shown that in the city of Kemerovo there are no objective prerequisites for the rapid development of the industry: the population and purchasing power have not changed significantly over the years. At the same time, the turnover of enterprises catering increased by 35%. Providing the population with places at enterprises catering during this period increased by 55% and by 2013 amounted to 90.5% of the provision rate according to the average standard (40 places per 1000 inhabitants). The value of this indicator indicates that the market catering The city of Kemerovo is experiencing high competition, in which enterprises need to fight for literally every guest, bring the management system to a modern level, and implement strategic management. As a result, the goal of market development was determined catering region, meeting the needs of city residents and guests for quality food and service services based on modern forms of service, territorial and price accessibility for all categories of citizens.

Related topics scientific works on economics and business, the author of the scientific work is Larisa Aleksandrovna Mayurnikova, Tatyana Valerievna Krapiva, Natalia Ivanovna Davydenko, K. V. Samoilenko.

  • Identification and analysis of factors in the development of the food sector in the Kemerovo region

    2015 / Mayurnikova Larisa Aleksandrovna, Shcherbakova Tatyana Andreevna, Krapiva Tatyana Valerievna, Davydenko Natalia Ivanovna, Novoselov Sergey Vladimirovich
  • An integrated approach to determining the potential capacity of the public catering market

    2017 / Kokryatskaya Natalya Semenovna, Nettle Tatyana V.
  • Current directions for the development of the regional catering industry (using the example of the Belgorod region)

    2018 / Vishnevskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Klimova Tatyana Bronislavovna, Semchenko Irina Vladimirovna, Boltenko Yuri Alekseevich
  • A study of the preferences of the population of the city of Kemerovo regarding the consumer properties of public catering products

    2017 / Ozhereleva Anastasia Viktorovna, Kurakin Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Trends in the development of competitiveness of food industry enterprises in the market of the city of Kemerovo

    2019 / G. A. Podzorova, A. A. Sukhanov, T. Yu. Bolshanina
  • About trends in the development of public catering

    2015 / Breze Olga Ernstovna, Rumyantseva Elena Evgenievna
  • Trends in the development of public catering in the Republic of Mordovia for 2008-2013

    2014 / Kolchina Natalya Olegovna
  • Marketing analysis of the development of the public catering market in Russia: district, regional, segment aspects

    2015 / Frolov Daniil Petrovich, Kim Igor Dmitrievich
  • Assessment of trends and prospects of the public catering market in the Ivanovo region

    2018 / Vasilchuk Evgeniy Stepanovich, Rukhmanova Nadezhda Anatolyevna
  • Analysis and trends in the development of public catering in the Ivanovo region

    2016 / Kapustin Nikolay Alekseevich, Ershov Boris Leonidovich, Vasilchuk Evgeny Stepanovich


The growth of the Russian market of public catering in 2012 was 12.8% and was ahead of the world averages in terms of monetary value. However, the development of Russian catering market is still not sufficient, especially in regions located far from Moscow and St. Petersburg. In this article, the main trends in the market of catering in regions are presented. At various stages of the research the objects of study were the data of statistical reports (2007-2013), the catering market in Kemerovo (2013). In the analysis of theoretical positions, the methods of organization, classification, modeling, comparison and generalization have been applied. It has been established that there are no objective prerequisites for the rapid development of the industry in Kemerovo: the population and its consumer ability over the years have not changed significantly. However, the turnover of public catering has increased by 35%. Workplace provision in catering for the given period has increased by 55%, and by 2013 it was 90.5% of the average norm of 40 seats per 1,000 inhabitants. This fact indicates that in Kemerovo the competition in the catering market is high, which encourages companies to implement strategic management and modern management systems and to literally fight for every client. As a result, it has been determined that the purpose of catering market in the region is to meet the needs of the population and visitors in quality food services on the basis of modern standards of attendance, availability of price and location for all categories of citizens.

State of the art and prospects for development of the catering services market

Status and prospects of development of the market of services of public catering

Izabakarov Abdul Ibragimovich

specialty economics and national economic management: economics,

organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes (service sector)

applicant for the Department of Accounting

FSBEI HPE "Dagestan State Technical University"

Multi-format restaurant houses;

Catering companies;

Companies providing catering corporate services, as well as managing non-core assets;

Independent catering companies, including those formed as family businesses;

- “Fast Foods” or quick service points;

Companies providing services for democratic persons;

Chain companies in the public catering sector of the VIP segment;

Companies providing services in the social segment;

Points providing catering services within companies related to food retail;

Street food points;

Food points in transport;

Companies providing public services in non-core commercial organizations;

Points providing food in hotels and resort areas;

Companies responsible for the production of finished products.

The structure of public catering in Moscow in 2007 looked like this:

Figure 1 – Structure of the public catering market in Russia in 2007,%

By the end of 2009, the market began to change its appearance. The main market players have changed, both in quantity and quality. It was expected that the turnover of personnel would stop, companies that were “false” professionals left the market, giving way to more professional and successful companies. The second quarter of 2009, as well as the beginning of 2010, was marked by a decline in turnover in the catering industry by 26 percent. The turnover of leading companies began to go down, falling by 25% or more, more than a thousand establishments went bankrupt.

As a result of the mentioned trends, the structure of the entire market has also changed.

Below we present a simplified structure of the public catering market in Russia, which had developed by the beginning of 2012.

Figure 2 - General structure of the public catering market in Russia in 2010,%

It is worth noting that in 2010, the decline in revenue of democratic catering companies was recorded at 35 percent, but the profits of companies such as Mu-mu, Rake, and Shokoladnitsa increased by 15 percent. This fact was due to the installation of programs that allow controlling resources, reducing costs and variable costs of companies. These companies “caught” the moment in the commercial rental market and began opening new divisions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ukraine.

Monoformat public catering chains such as Teremok, Rubli and Kroshka-Kartoshka were in a more advantageous position during the crisis than their street food competitors located in rented outlets.

In 2010, non-core strategic investors appeared and began their work in the field of public catering: a decision was made to create promising projects aimed at developing school catering institutions (in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Tomsk, Lipetsk, Stavropol). One by one, projects to open factories are being implemented:

Kitchens in Nizhny Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Samara, Ufa, Ryazan. About 30 institutions with the amount of processed products up to 1000 tons per year are likely to increase the turnover of public catering by 6-7 percent at the end of 2011. In 2010, corporate and social catering is a profitable investment.

Russia's trade turnover in 2010 amounted to 743.0 billion rubles, according to RBC, which in turn refers to research conducted by RBC.research. According to data provided by Rosstat, the public catering market in 2009 showed a negative growth of 12.8%, although before the crisis it increased by 12-15%. The increase in profit in 2009 is considered to have failed compared to last year; its fall was 25-28%. Forecasts for 2011 were quite optimistic; the catering market was expected to exceed the level of 2008, and by 2012 it could exceed 860 billion rubles.

Since 2000, market turnover has increased by 9.2, thus creating new leader in the segment of the country's economy that is focused on the internal structure. Do not forget that in 2000 the volume of this segment did not exceed 83.3 billion rubles.

Almost 18% of the total turnover is occupied by the Moscow market, although the population of Moscow, according to official data, is only 10% of the all-Russian one.

The crisis left negative consequences that affected Russian buyers for a long time; the revival of the economy made it possible to increase spending, including on street food. This allowed network companies to develop in the promising Russian market.

Throughout 2010, the Finnish chain Hesburger, the American Burger King and Wendy’s, Dunkin’ Donuts and many others entered the Russian market. Consumer confidence became an indicator of the habits that had become part of Russian food culture before the crisis, but the growth rate was still gaining momentum.

The largest share of the public catering market belongs to the fast food segment – ​​in 2010 it amounted to 60% in value terms (Table 1). .

Table 1

Structure and dynamics of the public catering market

Establishments that specialize in home delivery of finished products and takeaway food sales have increased their turnover due to rising incomes and the acceleration of the pace of life. In 2010, sales reached $134 million, i.e. increased by 8 percent. In Russia, this area is not developing as quickly as we would like, but the potential is very great. In large cities, the population gets used to comfort, which is very favorable for enterprises that offer ready food at home and to take away.

The negative economic development in 2010 had a serious impact on the catering market, and forced the owners of catering enterprises to resort to new ways of finding consumers to increase their profits. A policy of menu diversification was chosen to increase the cost of the average check, as well as their quantitative increase.

Special menus have been developed in cafeterias and bars for breakfasts and business lunches. The sale of takeaway drinks and dishes was opened so that this or that segment could adequately compete with companies offering fast food services to the population.

Full service catering companies have suffered the most from the crisis; they need at least three years to restore full-fledged operations. With sales declining by 10 percent compared to 2009, the segment practically stagnated, increasing sales by only three percent.

The catering market in the Russian Federation has become even more consolidated. In recent years, the share of network operators has grown at the expense of non-network enterprises. People increasingly chose network companies, since the already well-known brand and reputation played a role. In addition, such network companies have always had good choice dishes at affordable prices. Chains were able to save money on purchases, which made it possible to set “correct” prices. In 2009, the inflation rate in the Russian Federation was about 7 percent. Non-chain companies had to raise the cost of food. Network operators used competitive advantages, which made it possible to restrain the growth of costs and lure most of the customers from non-chain catering establishments. In 2010, sales at food service chain companies began to grow, reaching 17 percent. The data is shown in the table below.

Table 2

Dynamics of “networking” of public catering establishments

Company type




Network companies

Not network companies

Foreign companies assessed the market conditions after the crisis and decided that it was ideal for entering the Russian market. New companies entered the market in the form of franchises, as well as joint ventures, which included Russian shares.

Let's consider the dynamics of the structure of the Russian market of network catering companies for the period from the beginning of 2008 to the beginning of 2012 as a percentage of the number.

Figure 3 - Dynamics of the structure of the Russian market of chain catering establishments (I half of 2008 - I quarter of 2012), % of the number of chain establishments

Despite the fact that the population in the Russian Federation is the highest among the countries of Eastern Europe, the number of catering companies, for example, in Poland is twice as large as ours. In countries Western Europe, for example, in Spain or Italy, this figure is six times higher than in the Russian Federation.

A distinctive feature of the catering market is its lack of fullness. In America, one food outlet serves 150 citizens, and in Europe twice as many. In Russia, this figure is completely sky-high - almost two thousand people per catering outlet. Thus, the catering market in the Russian Federation is still very unsaturated.

According to forecasts, the market should continue to grow; in the future, new companies, both Russian and international, will come to it. They will actively progress in development, use franchises, and create united companies. Presumably, by the beginning of 2016, the capacity of the public catering market in the Russian Federation will be about $14.5 billion, not taking into account inflation.

In 2009, the desire of Russians to save money on eating out led to a reduction in the volume of the catering market by 12.8% compared to previous years

Many network and individual companies were unable to survive the crisis and came to the point of ending their activities. The weakest were chain companies with several establishments. This unexpected situation to some extent had a positive impact on this area of ​​activity. Those companies that decided to play in the market no matter what, did not miss even the smallest opportunity to attract customers, used various loyalty programs and marketing moves.

Expert opinions agree that the main signs of recovery in the public catering market appeared by May 2010.
Thus, according to the Komkon company, at the end of 2010, almost 39% of Russian citizens became regular visitors to catering structures, although a year earlier this number was almost two times lower.

Over the past few years, the catering market has been developing at a rapid pace. This was due to the opportunity to earn good money. Investors were attracted to the business, both from Russia and foreign ones from different business sectors.

However, there are also negative aspects in the development of public catering. In the Russian Federation, for example, there is no significant market experience in the field of catering and long-standing traditions. There is no methodological base developed over the years that could help in running a business.
The mistake of investors who come to the catering market from other areas is to focus on the type of cuisine that they themselves (as it seems to them) know and love better. This is not a sufficient factor. First of all, we need an effective marketing activities which will attract and retain customers.

Experts believe that the costs of catering services for Russian citizens are much lower than the same indicators in other countries.

In recent years, consolidation has been considered one of the main trends in the development of the Russian catering market. The market is highly fragmented, with a significant share of it being occupied by single catering establishments.

The Russian public catering market sector is currently significantly fragmented. The first mergers and acquisitions in the Russian public catering market were recorded back in 2005. Chains such as Rostix and KFC, Five Stars and Prime and others have combined their efforts, resources and reputation to operate more efficiently in market.

By the beginning of 2013, the structure of the public catering market had the following form:

Figure 4 – General structure of the public catering market in Russia in 2012,%

The ensuing crisis also had an impact on the redistribution of shares between players in different price segments of the market. Thus, the income of public catering enterprises in the upper price segment from November 2008 to March 2009 decreased by 20-30%, and in the low price segment they increased by the same order. The middle price segment is relatively stable, and will continue to grow after the consequences of the crisis disappear.

The crisis primarily affected premium companies and contributed to the development of inexpensive catering establishments. The market turnover of the capital's catering companies decreased by 25-30%, the price of the average person in restaurants decreased and the number of guests decreased. In the fast food sector, there were no fewer guests, but the average check decreased by 4%.

Experts call the public catering market in Russia one of the least affected by the crisis.

Including because of the mentality of Russian consumers: for a European it is absolutely normal to save on food for the sake of a new car or house, but for a Russian who has tasted a good life, it is psychologically difficult for him to change his acquired social and gastronomic habits.

Those establishments that continue to operate actively use anti-crisis programs. Among the main anti-crisis measures, the following should be highlighted:

1. Cost reduction. About 45 percent of premium establishments have already switched to domestic raw materials and removed some toppings. Almost two-thirds of affordable cafes and restaurants have reduced their stock of meat and fish ingredients.

2. Reduction of trade margins. To attract visitors, catering establishments in Moscow are reducing trade margin, offer the so-called anti-crisis menu.

3. Revision of the staffing table.

4. Reducing the budget for promotion.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions about the development trends of the public catering market:

Market saturation remains weak;

The investment attractiveness of the industry remains;

There is further consolidation of the catering market;

The share of network enterprises continues to increase;

Entry of new international operators into the market;

Active development of the regional catering services market;

Market growth due to the fast food segment.


  2. Classification of public catering enterprises // based on materials from
  3. Review of the Russian public catering market // based on materials from
  4. Public catering in Russia. Current state. INFORMATION COLLECTION
  5. Russian public catering market // based on materials www .foodmarket. spb .ru
  6. THE PUBLIC FOOD MARKET HAD LESS FROM THE CRISIS THAN OTHERS // Business Press, No. 4(276) - 5 (277) dated 03/18/2010
  7. Russian public catering market // based on materials from
  8. Catering market. Marketing research and market analysis (updated 2011) // based on materials
  9. Networks of public catering establishments in Russia 2012 // based on materials from
  10. Statistical and analytical materials // based on materials


Course work “Analysis of the activities of public catering markets in Kazan and prospects for their development”, completed by Olga Baeva.

The course work is completed on 38 pages, includes 8 tables, 16 literary sources and one appendix.

Object of study course work is the public catering market of the city of Kazan.

To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks were set and solved:

Consider the main directions for increasing the efficiency of the Tinkoff catering enterprise. The course work used methods of statistical, financial, economic analysis. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the organization’s turnover is practically limited to a certain segment, which is characterized by a narrow circle of clients; the productivity indicator has a negative downward trend (in comparable prices), since staff are not interested in full dedication and labor results; the level of production and distribution costs as a percentage of turnover is high. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to implement a whole range of interrelated measures to increase trade turnover, search for new markets for products, improve the use of personnel and fixed assets, and reduce costs. The results of this study can be used by entrepreneurs in this field.


Course work “Analysis of the markets of public catering of Kazan and the prospects of their development”, performed by Olga Baeva. Course work performed on 38 pages, includes 8 tables, 16 references and a single application. The object of study of the course work is the market of public catering of Kazan. The aim of the course is to study the characteristics of the markets of public catering of Kazan and the prospects of their development.

To achieve the objectives of the study set and solved the following tasks:

To perform market and foodservice industry and its development prospects;

To study the characteristics of enterprises in the food sector;

To consider methods of analysis and evaluation of public catering enterprises;

To give a General characteristic of the restaurant.

to analyze the indicators that characterize the activities of the restaurant;

To consider the basic directions of increase of efficiency of activity of public catering companies “Tinkoff”. In the course of this work we used methods of statistical, financial, and economic analysis. In the result of the study it was revealed that the turnover of the organization is practically restricted to a certain segment, which is characterized by a narrow range of customers; the performance there has been a negative downward trend (in comparable prices), as staff are not interested in the full impact and results of work; the level of costs of production and circulation as a percentage of turnover is high. To eliminate these disadvantages it is necessary to implement the whole complex of interrelated measures to increase trade, find new markets, improve the utilization of personnel and fixed assets, to reduce costs. The results of this study can be used by entrepreneurs in this area.

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………..5 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACTIVITIES OF PUBLIC CATERING ENTERPRISES……………………… …………………………….7 1.1 Analysis of the trade and public catering market and prospects for its development……………………………………………………………………………………… …………..7 1.2 Features of food service enterprises…………………………………......12 2. ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE RESTAURANT “TINKOFF” LLC “TINKOFF” KAZAN……… …………………………………………………………………….15 2.1 General characteristics of the restaurant……………………………………………………………… ..15 2.2 Analysis of indicators characterizing the activities of the restaurant…………….17 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………….35 REFERENCES USED …………………………….37


Relevance of the study. Organizations providing food services, like any other companies, operate in constantly changing conditions - changes in legislation, taxation, political situation; constant increase in prices and tariffs; fluctuations in supply and demand; new trends in tastes, etc.

To maintain positive trends in the development of the trade and public catering industry, the Governments of Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan and local administrations are developing programs in the field of the consumer market.

Further development enterprises in this area involves assessing the results achieved, and on this basis developing effective ways their subsequent development.

The most important basis for decision-making by enterprise owners is the analysis of the organization’s activities, which should be aimed at identifying reserves for improving performance and eliminating shortcomings. The subject of the analysis is organizational and economic relations, connections and dependencies of economic phenomena and processes that shape the results of activities of subjects in the food service sector. The main goals of business management are: increasing profits, increasing operational efficiency, achieving sustainability, improving financial condition, gaining competitive positions, cost optimization, etc.

The purpose of the course work is to study the features of the activities of public catering markets in Kazan and the prospects for their development.

Analyze the trade and public catering market and prospects for its development;

Study the features of food service enterprises;

Consider the methodology for analyzing and evaluating the activities of public catering enterprises;

Give general characteristics restaurant;

Analyze indicators characterizing the restaurant’s activities;

Consider the main directions for increasing the efficiency of the Tinkoff catering enterprise.

The object of the course work is the public catering market of the city of Kazan.

The subject of the course work is an analysis of the activities of public catering markets in the city of Kazan and the prospects for their development.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.


Analysis of the public catering market and prospects for its development

In general, the Trade and catering industry has developed dynamically in recent years, practically ensuring the highest level of performance compared to other sectors of the economy.

Turnover volume retail in Russia in 2015 amounted to 5597.7 billion rubles. against 4529.3 billion rubles. in 2014, and public catering turnover was 237.0 and 187.3 billion rubles. respectively . According to data provided to the Realnoe Vremya newspaper by the executive committee of Kazan, in 2016, despite the hysteria of the owners of establishments in 2015 and pessimistic forecasts, the number of establishments did not decrease, but even increased. In 2014, there were 1,383 catering establishments in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan; in 2015, the market showed 8.75% growth, and their number increased to 1,504 units. In 2016, according to the Kazan City Hall, it reached 1,570 establishments. On the one hand, in a crisis, demonstrating even small positive growth rates is already a feat. On the other hand, there is an almost 2-fold drop in the rate: 2016 showed only a rate of 4.4%. This can be explained, however, not only and not so much by crisis trends (a drop in the solvency of consumers, if only as a result of the fall of the ruble), but by the almost full capacity of the market: even in 2015, with its 1,504 establishments, market participants already had opinions about the oversaturation of the market . It is still unclear whether the demand of Kazan residents will be able to digest today’s supply.

Table 1.1 - Number of public catering facilities in Kazan for 2014-2016

By 2016, after fears of the end of the past, restaurateurs again took risks with investments, winning back the market decline of 2015.

It is interesting that the growth in the market as a whole occurred not least thanks to high-quality, inexpensive establishments. In particular, the number of restaurants, of which there were 173 in Kazan in 2014, and in 2015 (apparently as a result of the owners’ fears about the impending sharp drop in the solvency of the population), their number even fell to 166, or 4%. Despite publications at the end of last year, only 7 restaurants closed in 2015. However, in 2016, their number increased again, recouping the decline of 2015, to 182 units. This is almost a 10% increase compared to last year and a 5% increase compared to 2014. The share of the highest quality and most expensive catering establishments out of their total number in Kazan today is 11.6% at the end of 2016 - the fourth largest market share among all establishments. This, however, is higher than the share of 2015 (11%), but lower than the level of 2014, when the share of restaurants in the market was 12.5%. It is not known what rates the market will demonstrate by the end of 2016, but the current ones rather indicate a reorientation of this market towards a less solvent client. The fluctuations in the share in 2015-2016 are quite understandable: the owners cannot know exactly how the market and, first of all, Kazan residents will react to rising prices and the actual drop in their salaries. Hence the hysterical attempts to sell their establishments, recorded by the media at the end of last year, and cautious attempts to win back losses in 2016. The greatest growth occurred in cafes, whose share grew to a quarter of the market. Meanwhile, the number of cafes in Kazan increased from 2015 to 2016 (even according to the results of the first half of 2016) by as much as 24%, from 516 to 639. And this despite the fact that at the end of 2015, when the market was in panic, their number barely increased by 3 units. Most likely, a dozen cafes have closed and a few more have opened, or most of the new owners who bought the establishments offered for sale risked their investments and left their purchases on the market (especially since it is not entirely clear what else to do with, say, a purchased bar, whose activities are, in principle, difficult to change). As a result, if in 2014 the share of cafes was 37%, in 2015 it fell slightly to 34.3%, then in 2016 it recovered the previous year’s fall in the same way and increased to 40.7%. Which is quite understandable: the owners of catering establishments, who panicked at first in 2015 in 2016, placed their bets on establishments for the generally middle class, fearing that the number of clients in respectable and expensive restaurants could fall, and this would first be reflected in the average check size , then on revenue, and then on profit at the end of the year. It was cafes that grabbed most of the market share that went to canteens. In second place in terms of the share of the public catering market in Kazan - 26% - are canteens, despite the fact that by 2016 their number had decreased from 478 to 408. Perhaps this is the largest closure on the market, and it can be assumed that the crisis hit first for establishments for consumers with low income. By 2015, more than 100 additional canteens opened (plus 28.8%), by 2016 most of them - 70 establishments (minus 15%) - closed. In 2014, the share of canteens in Kazan was 26.8%, by 2015 - 31.8%. Thus, the crisis year of 2015 led to a narrowing of the share of canteens on the market by 5.7%. Judging by the growth in the number of cafes from 2015 to 2016 - 6.4% - most of the share was immediately “captured” by cafes.

In third place in terms of the share of the catering market in Kazan, ahead of the same restaurants (remember, they have 11.6%), were bars, including snack bars, wine bars, bistros, and buffets. Their share in the first half of 2016 was almost 20% (19.93%). The trend here is no less interesting than in the case of restaurants, and the opposite of the trends in the canteen segment. In 2015, in the wake of concerns about the crisis in Kazan, 18 drinking establishments closed (there were 277, now 259 - minus 6.5%). Accordingly, the share of bars immediately fell by almost 3%. However, having recovered a little from the fright, the owners opened 54 new ones in 2016! Currently, their number is 313. However, despite the number of open bars, their market share has remained almost unchanged. Perhaps the bars were prevented from doing this by the same cafes, of which 123 opened from 2015 to 2016.

In addition to the above establishments (their share in 2014-2016 was 96.4%, 94.3% and 98.2%, respectively), in Kazan there are also fast food establishments, food court outlets (in shopping centers) and snack bars. However, their number is negligibly small in comparison with the others (49, 85 and 28 units, respectively, in 2014-2016), and we do not have data on each species. Let us only note that in the wake of the closure of some high-quality original establishments and canteens in 2015, the number of eateries eventually increased in 2015 (by 73%), but in 2016 it collapsed to the level that existed even before 2014. In total, fast food establishments, food court outlets and other eateries account for 9%. However, if you believe market participants, as the Realnoe Vremya newspaper has already written, the parties (shopping centers and owners of catering establishments) are meeting each other halfway, and the expansion of food court areas in the shopping center, as well as “luring” restaurants and fast food establishments to it, is becoming a trend . So the share of the latter may increase in the near future. Despite the faith of restaurateurs in the solvency of Kazan residents and that demand will at least not fall, judging by the city’s catering turnover data, it, alas, has fallen. Thus, in 2014 the turnover was 16.5 billion rubles; in 2015, despite the beginning of the crisis, it even grew by 6.5% and amounted to 17.5 billion. But at the end of the first half of 2016 it amounted to 8.71 billion rubles. If we very carefully and formally calculate for previous years, then in 2014 half of the “turnover” was 8.2 billion rubles, in 2015 - 8.77 billion rubles. If trends continue, by the end of the year the turnover is unlikely to be 17.425 billion. And taking into account the constant fall in the ruble exchange rate and rising costs, the annual profits of restaurateurs are unlikely to be at least at the same level as last year. In general, compared to Western countries, the Russian retail and public catering market is not yet sufficiently developed (in terms of the number of retail space per person, Russia is significantly inferior to the West) and has enormous potential.

To maintain positive trends in the development of this industry, to ensure interaction between trade and public catering organizations and government authorities, state programs in the consumer market are being developed and implemented. Improving the quality of life of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan through the creation of a unified system for providing the population with quality goods and services at affordable prices is the goal of the Program for the Development of the Consumer Market and Services in the Territory of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2021, developed by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. According to the Program, in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan there are more than 50 thousand retail trade facilities, 2.9 thousand public catering facilities, 6.9 thousand service organizations. However, the security of the population of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan retail space much less than in Europe and clearly insufficient. The current distribution of commercial and consumer service facilities does not fully meet the needs of the population; the uneven distribution of the network on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan has an acute effect.